DOI : 10.25588/CSPU.2018.88..6..005
UDC 378.146 BBK 81.2
S. K. Voynatovskaya1, S. V. Antonova2, S. Sevin?3
1ORCID No. 0000-0001-6257-7559 Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Chair, Ulyanovsk, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
2ORCID No. 0000-0003-4868-1274 Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Chair, Ulyanovsk, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
3ORCID No. 0000-0003-4868-1274 Prof. Dr. Suleyman Sevin9, Department of Computer Engineering Dokuz Eylul
University Izmir, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected]
Introduction. In recent years, the use of technological aids, especially those related to digital tools and apps, has increasingly become a common feature of the classroom in universities. Teaching in a digital world is a difficult task. The digital world is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up with new trends.
Materials and methods. The main research methods include
J analysis of scientific literature on the problem of LSP teaching and ^ innovative learning platforms in the foreign languages classes, as § well as diagnostic methods, including observation, description, and ^ methods of statistical data processing.
^ Results. The introduction of Moodle learning platform into the
J| educational process in our University proves that it can be brought
1 in any learning process to make it more interactive and integrative. £ Discussion. The study shows that a lot of apps, tools and re-
^ sources can be used in teaching process.
Conclusion. Applying such digital technologies in classes allow us to experiment more in foreign languages teaching and get instant feedback. Digital educational tools and apps can modify the LSP teaching as well.
Keywords: digital tools and apps, teaching process, language for Specific Purposes (LSP), learning technologies, Moodle learning platform
- the paper described the role of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) in the higher education institutions;
- the study defined digital education as the most effective in LSP teaching to non- linguist students;
- the paper overviewed digital tools and apps in LSP teaching.
1. Introduction (Введение). its apps in classroom teaching.
Digital language learning becomes very crucial in the LSP teaching. Computer technology has the capacity to facilitate people to access to other people as well as to information and data (Kern & Warchauher, 2000). It can be a model of LSP teaching and may serve as a guide for designing learning platforms in the educational process. This vast variety of digital tools and apps provides a lot of opportunities to penetrate into our life including education. In educational field, especially in LSP teaching and learning, the learning platforms provide a strong demand to bring
Digital tools and apps open new prospects for students. The success of such teaching process is possible because of the introduction the learning platforms into universities classrooms. The main targets using digital tools and apps are to encourage students to work individually and in an autonomous way on their language.
2 .Materials and methods (Материалы и методы)
Language for Specific Purposes (LSP)
In the higher education institutions Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) plays an important role
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because globalization in the world requires professionals and specialists in various areas to communicate successfully in foreign languages. The success is conditional on their ability to manage language barriers with respect to their professional areas. English for Specific Purposes is meant that type of language learning which has its focus on all aspects of language pertaining to a particular field of human activity (Wright, 1992: 3). In other words, it is a way of teaching/learning English for specialized subjects with some specific vocational and educational purposes in mind. In LSP syllabus, the teaching content is geared to the special language 'repertoire' pertaining to the specialized aims that are required of the learners. Teaching LSP to non- linguist students is a difficult task because there are a lot of different teaching methods which differ in their conceptualisation and operationalisation of LSP, and as a result in their learning outcomes for students.
The origin of LSP is closely con-
nected with the needs of individuals. In general, LSP puts great emphasis on the practical results of language learning and deals with language of business, science and technology, economics, management, veterinary medicine, agriculture and etc., which makes it complicated to choose the teaching methods those would apply to all disciplines and professional activities the learners are involved in. As a result, the LSP teaching methods always integrates the language learning and subject learning approaches. Defined to meet the specific needs of the learners, LSP makes use of teaching methods and the activities of the discipline it serves by focusing on the language appropriate to these activities. As a specific approach to language teaching methods, LSP requires that "all decisions as to content and method be based on the learner's reason for learning" (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 19)
3. Results (Результаты)
In modern world, it is difficult to find an area of life that hasn't
been affected by the process of digitalization. Modern digital technologies have deeply penetrated into every branch of our society, including education, as well. However, there is a still lot of potential in that field that hasn't been taken advantage of, and that situation should be corrected in the near future, because there are plenty of benefits digital education is here to give.
Digital education is the most effective when delivered by teachers experienced in their subjects. The best way to maintain the connection between digital education and the values of traditional education is through ensuring that digital learning is taught by fully qualified and interested teachers using digital educational tools and different apps. During the classes they involve such tools as: live chat; audio and video conferencing; data and application sharing; joint viewing of multimedia presentations; online slide shows.
E-mails, discussions, newsgroups and file attachments as the time-delayed capabilities of the Internet are also used.
4. Discussion (Обсуждение)
Nowadays learning technologies play a fundamental role in the processes of LSP teaching. A lot of digital education tools have been created with the purpose of giving autonomy to the students improving their language skills in the LSP learning. They encourage collaboration, and facilitate communication between teachers and learners employing modern technologies and communications in order to provide students with specific information. These modern technologies enable to introduce elements of the future profession facts into the education process, which should im- ^ prove student motivation and in- |
formation retention, as well as 1'
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their ability to do their own re- i
search and work in teams. It also ^
allows for individual learning and encourages students to seek П out the content that they like. 1
Digital tools and apps in LSP i
teaching 1
There are a lot of digital tools №
that can help you in LSP teaching. |
Learning technologies applying 1
in the Ulyanovsk State Agrarian ——
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University named after P. Stoly-pin (Ulyanovsk, Russia) in LSP teaching are:
Moodle. Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide teachers, administrators and students with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create their own custom learning environments. It is also an open source, and it can be expanded through integration of different features, plugins, and modules.
Socrative. Socrative is the effective app. Socrative allows teachers to connect with students and they no longer need to guess which students have understood the learning material. Students share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of formats: quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and others. The teachers assess students with prepared activities to get immediate insight into student understanding. The teachers use auto-populated results to determine the best ins t r u cti o n al a p p r oa ch to mo st e f-fectively drive learning, the students share their inquiry using
the app, and provide the feedback, making the teacher's job much easier.
Engrade. Engrade is that teachers can create interactive lessons using the materials they have collected online, and even make online quizzes that will prepare their students for future tests.
Kahoot! Kahoot! Is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in learning institutions. It allows teachers to introduce gaming elements in their classroom in order to engage students and grab their attention. The app enables them to create presentation, quizzes, and collaborate on each new lesson. Students can take part in checking out the presentations. It is best suitable for team work.
Moodle learning platform
All of these apps are used by the teachers in our University. But in this work we will focus on the Moodle learning platform.
Moodle has a number of advantages. In connection with the tendency to increase the number of international educational programs
(training courses and seminars, as well as in connection with the need to export educational services), there is a need for multilingual support of educational resources. Moodle supports more than 70 languages of the world, which allows using it in more than 197 countries of the world.
In the Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin an English language course for the first and second year students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology is introduced in the educational process. This course is based on the Moodle learning platform. It consists of a note for working, an English-Russian dictionary, theoretical grammar, questions for self-control and exercises for consolidation of knowledge in grammar, conversational topics, texts for additional reading in specialty. There is an english - russian glossary that greatly helps students to translate professionally - oriented texts. This course is divided into 4 terms. The Moodle learning platform provides the addition active
elements for the organization of students' individual work to the course. It is the work with the elements of the course evaluated by the system or the teacher and, ultimately, allows the teachers to give the summative assessment for learning the material.
The most common elements of the course:
Task. The teacher sets a task for students, which requires preparing a response in electronic form (in any format) and uploading it to a dedicated element of the course. Then this respond is checked and the teacher can give the mark for it. Students independently study the grammatical material, do exercises and send |
them to the teacher for checking. 1'
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They also work on conversational i
topics and answer questions to ^
them, read and translate the text °
for additional reading in spe- S
cialty, simultaneously compile a 1
dictionary of unknown words. i
After studying the material of 1 each semester, grammar topics are 1
evaluated using tests. f
Test. This element of the 1
course allows the teacher to make ——
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test questions. Questions can be: multiple choice answers, with a choice of true/false assuming a short text answer, as well as other types. All questions are stored in the database and can be subsequently reused. Tests can show correct answers or just a mark.
Chat. It allows a teacher to hold discussions in online environments. Chatting involves the simultaneous presence of teachers and students in the course. This is a convenient way to get information about how the material is learned. The teacher talks with the student on the learned topics, and students translate any passage of the professionally oriented texts for additional reading, answer questions and learned words.
Surveys. They are a simple element of the course, allowing a teacher to ask the question by choosing one of some answers. They are useful as a quick recitation and to find general opinions in the process of researching problems.
Glossary. This is a dictionary of terms and concepts used in the course. When reading the text in
specialty, students compile a dictionary of unknown words and terms.
To use the individual elements in the course the teacher inserts them in the right section of the course. The teacher adds the elements in the edit mode.
5. Conclusion (Заключение)
The introduction of Moodle learning platform in the educational process makes it much easier and improves, as it provides a wide range of opportunities for both teachers and students. It allows students to become more active participants in the learning process. Contributing input requires that students comprehend what is being discussed, organize their thinking coherently, and express that thinking with LSP.
In our opinion, the work in the Moodle learning platform will help students to improve their skills o f independent activity, expand their knowledge, learn self -control and plan their personal time, as well as bring them closer to understanding the importance of digital educational tools and apps.
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3. Bartee R. 12 Aid Tools For Digital Classrooms. 2016. Available at: www.> (Accessed: 18.11.2018).
4. Hutchinson, & Waters. English for specific purposes. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1987. 230.p.
5. Kern R., Ware P., Warschauer M. Network based language teaching Encyclopedia ^ of language and education. Springer. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. 2008. P. 1374-
s §
1385. |
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New York. 2009. 150 p. J
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8. Sevin^ S., Bal G., Bulgun E. Visual design using genetic programming. Vestnik of S
6. Kic-Drgas J. Innovative approach in LSP teaching at the University level. Western Anatolia Journal of Educational Science. INOVED Ozel Sayi, 2016, pp. 186-198.
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9. Wri guage Cons 22.09.2018).
9. Wright C. Advantages of the English language for special purposes. Cambridge Lan- a guage Consultants. 2004. Available at: (Accessed: |
С. К. Войнатовская1, С. В. Антонова2, С. Севинч3
1ORCID №. 0000-0001-6257-7559
университет им. П. А. Столыпина, г. Ульяновск, Российская Федерация. E-mail: [email protected]
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Доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки», Ульяновский государственный аграрный °
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2ORCID № 0000-0003-4868-1274 §
Доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки», Ульяновский государственный аграрный университет им. П. А. Столыпина, г. Ульяновск, Российская Федерация. E-mail: svicantonova@yandex. ru
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3ORCID № 0000-0003-4868-1274, R
Профессор факультета компьютерных технологий, к
Университет Докуз Эйлюль, Измир, Турция. ^
E-mail: [email protected]
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Педагогические науки
Введение. В последние годы использование цифровых инструментов и приложений на занятиях со студентами становится неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса в высшей школе. Цифровой мир постоянно меняется и преподавание в этих условиях - сложная задача. Существует много приложений, инструментов и ресурсов, которые могут быть использованы в учебном процессе, в частности, в преподавании языка для специальных целей
Материалы и методы. Основными методами исследования являются анализ научной литературы по проблеме преподавания LSP и инновационных платформ обучения на занятиях иностранного языка, а также диагностические методы, включающие наблюдение, описание и методы статистической обработки данных.
Резулътаты. Включение образовательной платформы Moodle в учебный процесс в университете доказывает, что ее использование на занятиях иностранного языка делает их более интерактивными и интегративными.
Обсуждение. Исследование показывает, что в учебном процессе можно использовать множество образовательных платформ, приложений, инструментов и ресурсов.
Заключение. Применение цифровых технологий, образовательных платформ, в частности, платформы Moodle, на занятиях иностранного языка позволяет больше экспериментировать в преподавании учебного | предмета и получать мгновенную обратную связь. Цифровые образовательные инструменты и приложения могут изменять процесс преподавания
« языка для специальных целей.
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Ключевые слова: цифровые инструменты и приложения, учебный процесс, язык для специальных целей (LSP), технологии обучения, образовательная платформа Moodle.
Основные положения:
- в статье описана роль языка для специальных целей (LSP) в преподавании иностранного языка в высших учебных заведениях;
- исследование определило цифровое образование как одно из наиболее
Вестник Челябинского государственного педагогического университета, 2018, № 6
эффективных в обучении языку для специальных целей студентов неязыко-
вых вузов;
- статья делает обзор основных цифровых инструментов и приложений в обу-чении языку для специальных целей.
Библиографический список
1. Арнольд Дж. Как привлечь внимание к изучению языков // Международный журнал изучения английского языка. 2011. - № 22/1. - С. 11-12. (На английском языке).
2. Битнер Н., Битнер Дж. Интеграция цифровых технологий в учебный процесс: восемь ключей к успеху // Журнал технологий в образовании. 2012. - № 10. - С. 95-100. С (На английском языке).
3. Барти Р. 12 вспомогательных цифровых инструментов в образовательном процессе [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.>12-tools.. .digital-classrooms (дата обращения: 22.08.18) (На английском языке).
4. Хатчинсон Уотерс. Английский язык для специальных целей : учеб. посо- | бие. Нью-Йорк : Издательство Университета Кембриджа. 1987. - 230 с. (На английском | языке). к
5. Керн Р., Уоре П., Варшауер М. Обучение языкам, основанное на сетевой об- | разовательной среде : сб. соч. в 8 т. Т. 5. - Спрингер : Энциклопедия языка и образования. 2008. - С. 1374-1385 (На английском языке).
6. Кик-Драгз Дж. Инновационный подход в преподавании языка для специальных целей (LSP) в высшей школе // Журнал образование Западной Анатолии, ИНОВЕД Специальный выпуск. 2016. - № 3. - С. 188-198 (На английском языке).
7. Райх и Даккорд. Лучшие идеи для обучения с использованием цифровых технологий : учебн. пособие. М. Е. Шарп Инк. Нью-Йорк, 2009. - 150 с. (На английском g языке).
8. Севинч С., Бал Дж., Булгун Е. Визуальное проектирование с использованием ^ программирования // Вестник Ульяновской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии. 2013. - № 1 (21). - С. 3-12 (На английском языке).
9. Райт С. Преимущества английского языка для специальных целей [Электронный ресурс]. Издательство Кембридж. 2004. URL: http: (дата обращения: 22.09.18) (На английском языке).
Педагогические 1ауки
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