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Khodjaeva G.D. , Abdukodirov U.N. , Kuchkarova M.Yi. Email:
1Khodjaeva Guzal Djakhonobodovna - Teacher;
2Abdukodirov Umidjohn Nazirovich - Teacher;
Abstract: the article under discussion depicts the innovative assessment of students' experience in higher educational institutions. The authors of the article consider that the stage of knowledge assessment, skills of students is a necessary link in the chain of the learning process and allows you to "track" the results of this process. The introduction of non-traditional forms along with traditional methods and techniques for controlling knowledge, abilities, and skills significantly increases the level of knowledge possession, as it gives the student a motivation for learning and instills interest in the subject. As a result of this work, students are happy to go to the lesson, work actively, uphold their point of view, love creative tasks, know how to work with crosswords and they are happy to perform various types of work.
Keywords: actively, innovative, methods, assessment, knowledge, students, perform, learning process, traditional, non-traditional, abilities, skills, techniques, results.
1Ходжаева Гузал Джахонободовна - преподаватель;
2Абдукодиров Умиджон Назирович - преподаватель;
3Кучкарова Мухаббат Йигиталиевна - преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья раскрывает инновационный метод оценивания знания студентов в учреждениях высшего образования. Авторы статьи считают, что этап учёта знаний, умений, навыков студентов является необходимым звеном в цепи процесса обучения и позволяет «отслеживать» результаты этого процесса. Внедрение нетрадиционных форм наряду с традиционными методами и приёмами контроля знаний, умений, навыков значительно повышает уровень владения этими знаниями, поскольку даёт студентам мотивацию обучения, прививает интерес к предмету. В результате такой работы учащиеся с удовольствием идут на урок, активно работают, отстаивают свою точку зрения, любят творческие задания, умеют работать с кроссвордами, а также с удовольствием выполняют разнообразные виды работ.
Ключевые слова: активно, инновационный, методика, оценка, знания, студенты, успеваемость, процесс обучения, традиционные, нетрадиционные, умения, навыки, приемы, результаты.
UDC 372.881.1
Assessment of students' knowledge is one of the most important elements of the lesson. With its help, feedback is established that allows you to monitor the level of assimilation by students of curriculum material. Systematic accounting of the students' knowledge helps to timely detect gaps in perception and awareness, understanding and remembering, generalizing and systematizing knowledge and actions, applying them in practice, as well as adjusting students' activities and ways to manage these activities accordingly. At the same time, the teacher receives feedback on the progress of the process of learning [1].
The selection of appropriate assessment methods in a course is influenced by many factors: the intended learning outcomes, the discipline and related professional standards, the context of the course and its relationship to other courses, the level of study, the characteristics of the students, the available resources, the delivery mode of the course, and so on. The integration of technologies into assessment can provide opportunities to enhance student experiences and diversify the range of options available for students to learn and demonstrate their learning. Equally, technologies enable staff to reconsider learning and teaching approaches, introduce innovative assessment methods and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of assessment.
Students are likely to enjoy and most engage in learning when assignments are exciting, interesting and relevant and where feedback is of high quality and is timely. They are also more likely to engage if they are not overworked by the extent of summative assessment. This also has implications for the lecturer's assessment workload. Thus, assessment of knowledge, skills, not only makes it possible to establish what students have learned, what skills they have mastered in order to rely on the acquired knowledge in the course of further cognitive activity, but also to fix gaps in knowledge and outline rational ways to address them, taking into account individual approach to students.
Non-traditional forms, along with traditional methods and techniques for assessing knowledge, abilities, skills, significantly increase the level of knowledge possession, as they give the student a motivation for learning, instill interest.
Applying game varieties of the lesson, new construction of training sessions, fundamentally different from the so-called standard lessons of the classical model, increases the students' performance, improves the effectiveness of the lesson. Game activity helps to reduce the overload of students, relieve fatigue and psychological discomfort, raise the emotional mood for further perception of the material. Educational games attract the interest of learners of any age, there are various types of lessons: dictations-crosswords, games "fourth extra", distance learning, lesson-creative report, a quiz, an attraction of knowledge, discussion, a meeting of the academic council, role-playing game, presentation [2].
Lesson discussion. The basis of such lessons is the consideration and study of supporting issues, problems, and various approaches to solving tasks. There are discussions - dialogs, when a lesson is compiled around a dialogue between two participants, group discussions, when disputed issues are resolved in the process of group work. It is necessary to teach students the rules of the discussion: entering into a discussion, presenting the subject of a dispute; in a dispute not allowing a tone of superiority; clearly posing questions; trying to draw conclusions. Concluding the discussion, it is necessary to summarize its results: evaluate the correct wording and use of concepts, the ability to use examples, and the culture of discussion. At this point, students receive grades for participating in the discussion. At the final stage of the lesson, new questions should be posed that provide an opportunity for new students to think.
Lesson - role-playing game. Such lessons are limited by a set of structural components; they can be distinguished into groups as their complexity grows: imitation, which are aimed at imitating a certain professional action; situational, which are associated with the solution of any narrow specific problem, that is, apply the basketball method - a training method based on imitation of situations.
A case is a package of tasks, individual or group. Cases outline a real problem that does not have a single and obvious solution. To search for an original way out, the student must
analyze the problem situation using knowledge of the subject being studied, propose solutions and justify the choice of these options. The technology of working with a case in the educational process includes the following stages: individual independent work of students with case materials (identification of a problem, formulation of key alternatives, suggesting a solution or recommended action); work in small groups to coordinate the vision of a key problem and its solutions; presentation and examination of the results of small groups in a general discussion (within the training group). The use of the case method allows you to develop skills in working with a variety of sources of information. The process of solving the problem described in the case is a creative process of cognition, implying the collective nature of cognitive activity [3].
References / Список литературы
1. Alekseyeva L.N. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii kak resurs eksperimenta / L.N. Alekseyeva // Uchitel', 2004. № 3. Р. 78.
2. Madrakhimova M. Fostering vocabulary acquisition in learning a foreign language [Elektronnyy resurs]. // Voprosy nauki i obrazovaniya. № 7 (53), 2019. Р. 153-155. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 22.10.2019).
3. Yusupov I.I., Usmonov D.I., Akramova N.M. The role of tests in students' knowledge assessment. [Электронный ресурс]. // Voprosy nauki i obrazovaniya. № 3 (47). 2019. Р. 143-146. [Electronic Resource]. URL: / (date of access: 22.10.2019).