Научная статья на тему 'Innovative approaches to educational activity in a context of the developing process integration of the Russian market and commerce in a world economic system'

Innovative approaches to educational activity in a context of the developing process integration of the Russian market and commerce in a world economic system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ovchinnikov S. A.

The article considers a particular activity, carried out by the SSSEU in the light of solution of complex economic-social managerial problems, and forthcoming entry of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization, that demands for the appropriate personnel provision, capable to increase efficiency of managerial activity in business-structures due to prospective decisions on the basis of capacities of modern information technologies.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative approaches to educational activity in a context of the developing process integration of the Russian market and commerce in a world economic system»


удк 37:338 S.A. Ovchinnikov


The article considers a particular activity, carried out by the SSSEU in the light of solution of complex economic-social managerial problems, and forthcoming entry of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization, that demands for the appropriate personnel provision, capable to increase efficiency of managerial activity in business-structures due to prospective decisions on the basis of capacities of modern information technologies.

Key words: World Trade Organization, integration, global economic system, documentary maintenance of management, international researcher of the World Trade Organization.

C.A. Овчинников


В статье рассмотрена конкретная деятельность, осуществляемая в СГСЭУ с учетом решения сложных экономико-социальных и управленческих задач, особенно предстоящего вхождения Российской Федерации во Всемирную торговую организацию, что требует соответствующего кадрового обеспечения специалистами, способными повысить эффективность управленческой деятельности в бизнес-структурах за счет перспективных решений в сфере менеджмента и маркетинга и на основе применения возможностей современных информационных технологий.

Ключевые слова: Всемирная торговая организация, интеграция, мировая экономическая система, документационное обеспечение управления, международный исследователь по линии ВТО.

One of the largest economic - humanitarian universities of the Volga region - Saratov State Social Economic University, which is going to celebrate its 80th anniversary in the fall of 2011, introduced a quality management system in the sphere of education according to the international quality standard ISO 9000. In order to adjust this system to modern requirements a certain innovative activity is fulfilled here.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that the decisions of complex economic and social and managerial problems demand the appropriate personnel, capable to increase efficiency of managerial activity in business-structures based on prospective decisions in management and marketing spheres with the help of application of modern information technologies' capacities.

The Document processing department of the SSSEU in frames of the major 03200.65 “Documentation business and document processing of management” was first in the country to start training specialists “document processor”. The idea was to prepare the graduates of our university to meet the competence requirements of the European standards that is especially important in the light of forthcoming entry of Russian federation to the World Trade Organization. It is rather perspective direction of great practical importance.

Our offer concerning the training of specialists was approved at the All-Russian regional scientific conference on electronic management (May 2008, Kaliningrad), where Saratov state social economic university was recognized as a head university for the further development of the given direction of training of specialists.

Any expertise by its nature implies the implementation of special professional knowledge, which has undergone approbation. Therefore the specificity of knowledge formation of a specialists in the sphere of document's expertise is determined by peculiarities of their professional training and must involve study of a number of unique subjects, developed by the scientists of our university, such as “Bases of documentary expertise”, “Functions of expert of documents”, “Expertise of electronic document circulation”, “Methodology and methods of the content analysis of the documents” and others.

The practical abilities of the documentary experts in a business sphere are extremely wide. Thus, in a work of different organizations there is a constant need to establish validity of the documents, issued many years ago. These tasks may be solved only due conducting of a specific research of a document. For the arbitration procedures it has a particular significance. There are a lot of issues, connected with the expert examination of Customs' documents, necessary to avoid violations in this field, caused by defects of recording of the foreign economic activity processes.

The demand in experts of documentation is considerably increasing in the light of the entry of Russian to WTO. Under these conditions business-structures must be ready to work in accordance with new requirements and standards of recording of managerial activity established abroad. Organization and protection of confidential information, observance the demands in respect the citizens' personal data protection, connected with organization and running of documents' circulation become a rather significant sphere of business-structures.

In 2011 we concluded an agreement on foundation of a joint research group of Saratov State Social Economic University with independent European non-commercial association Concordia EU-Russia. Sharing the aims and tasks of Concordia EU-Russia, connected with all-round development of effective cooperation of Russia and European Union aimed at creation of free economic and trade area, researchers from our university together with the experts of Concordia EU-Russia examine documents, regulating international circulation of documents and standards in this sphere, considering their changes and evolution in the context of the integration process of the Russian market and commerce into a world economic system.

In the light of necessity to implement such complex and responsible tasks, the scientists of our university began to elaborate several courses of study, adapted to these aims.

Particularly for the senior students majoring in “Recording and documents processing of management” syllabus of study and methodological materials for a new subject “International standards of document processing of management in business-structures” have been developed. The similar program will be fulfilled on the base of the Institute of vocational retraining” for representatives of business-structures. Besides, the site of the Chamber of Commerce of Saratov region will be involved in realization of this program. The branch of Document processing department was opened there.

However, this direction doesn't solve the problem of provision of a developing integration process of the Russian market and commerce into a world economic system. It is also necessary to consider a significant peculiarity as introduction of modern IT in business processes, which create a potential to improve service and productivity via the Internet that fully corresponds to a complex of new managerial decisions.

However, electronic business initiatives with the obvious benefits are not yet connected with lots of costs and risks in the sphere of application of any information technologies for making and implementation of managerial decisions. But speed and massive improvements of operational characteristics, offered by Internet, efficient actions and improved service of clients' requests by business-structures - are all feasible things today

On the other hand, possible business risks (fraud, steeling of information and assets) along with legal problems like liability for loss of reputation, are considerably increased due to the access to the Internet. The other important question is connected with appropriate technical planning of the infrastructure, stability of quantity and quality of studding of new technologies by the staff. The increasing role and involvement of business structures managers in this process make business challenges more complicated.

Nevertheless, many business structures use the advantages of the Internet. Electronic commerce has important advantages: simplification of realization of business aims due to reduction of quantity of paper documents and delays, increase of benefit of the operational actions, extension of a clients' base and improving of service quality Besides, e-commerce leads to creation of new digital products and new markets for these products, emerging of new buyers and sellers, who use these advantages.

Until recent time e-commerce was identified with electronic exchange of information, but for the last time capacities of e-commerce have been considerably expanded, including marketing, continuity of deals with consumers, dialogue auctions. It happens with the help of various technologies, including e-mails, electronic payments on the basis of net technologies. Under these conditions management and recording of complete process of electronic purchases - sales, payment, business relations are more and more depend on capacities of the Internet-technologies.

Information about products and services, dialogue regime of communication for purchase and consuming of commodities through the Internet technologies make business think thoroughly over methods of business communication and interaction with a buyer

Necessity of solutions of such issues induced us to start training of specialists majoring in “Electronic document circulation and office work”, the syllabus of which


implies the study of the following disciplines: “Electronic document circulation and increasing of managerial functions efficiency”, “ Modern systems of automated office work and electronic documents circulation”, “ Methods of documents provision of electronic digital signature management”, “Technologies of provision of business, authorities and citizens interaction through the internet-portals”, “Methods of information risks management under introduction of electronic document circulation” and others. Model Requirements for management of electronic records -MoReq2 are introduced to the process of study, used and adopted in European Union and across its borders and considering functional requirements for the management of electronic records.

Clearly realizing, that electronic documents management - is a high level task, demanding wide functional options and meeting the requirements of business, we consider that examination of issues of business structures' work organization taking into account the demands of this international document by the students of our university and business representatives is quite reasonable. Thus, under pressure of needs of integration of Russian market and commerce into the world economic system, we base on the most modern and fundamental problems of great practical value and a long-run character. The right choice of this direction was proved by the fact that the group of ex-perts-researchers of our university was awarded the status of the international experts of WTO (Geneva).


yw 004:002 S.A. Ovchinnikov,

S.E. Grishin


The article considers the key aspects of creation of the new global information society problem, connected with modes of mass supervision in information-communication networks.

Key words: information society, a mode of mass supervision, information-communication networks.

C.A. Овчинников, C.E. Гришин


В статье рассмотрены ключевые аспекты проблемы создания нового глобального информационного общества, связанные с режимами массового надзора в информационно-коммуникационных сетях.

Ключевые слова: информационное общество, режим массового надзора, информационно-коммуникационные сети.

Unlike the situation at the beginning of 1990s, when the world was under euphoria of “unlimited” possibilities of coming information - oriented society from the point of new opportunities to use modern information technologies opened for citizens and society [6, p. 12] , publications of foreign scientists devoted to this problem have become more pessimistic for the late years. The evaluation of novelties of informatization, capacities of which were not studied thoroughly now has been reviewed. Moreover, there is an opinion that “information society” as a tool of rhetoric failed, and hope to create a new world with sophisticated communication technologies, promoting prosperity and development of knowledge and ability to take part collectively in governmental and societal issues became even more Utopian[1, c. 10].

Even the official document of Eurocommission «Explanatory Report to the Convention on Cyber crime, ETS № 185, Strasbourg» claimed that this dream is doomed, as far as it is impossible to get rid of old administrative structures and methods in a short period. The authors consider that, applying the old methods and new technologies, state agencies managed to create to transform new infrastruc-

ture in this way , that as a result the basis of so-called new global information society turned into a chaos and excessively regulated environment, badly managed by the government. The managing structures include both government and industry as well. Methods of activity contains censorship of “indecent” and “harmful” material and content, protected by the copyright law, and also accusations in a libel, defamation, instigation to terrorism and extremist actions, etc. [8].

Note, that at the early stages of development of global information-communicative processes, it became obvious that it is impossible to control such structure as Internet, which due its jurisdiction may be only transnational. Besides, transnational information activity in some cases causes conflicts between national legislature of countries and international practice. Such facts are considered in the article of David R. Johnson and David G. Post, who marked “Rapid growth of the global computer net destroys links between geographic disposition and abilities of local authorities to establish control over on-line communication environment, influence of on-line environment on people and objects, legitimate efforts of the local

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