Innovation as a driver of modernization of economy of Uzbekistan under
globalization Abdullaev A. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Инновации как драйвер модернизации экономики Узбекистана в условиях глобализации Абдуллаев А. М. (Республика Узбекистан)
Абдуллаев Алишер Махмудович /Abdullaev Alisher - Ph.D, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра экономики дорожно-транспортных систем, Ташкентский институт по проектированию, строительству и эксплуатации автомобильных дорог,
г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Abstract: in the article the category of innovation. It analyzes the innovation policy in Uzbekistan in the context of globalization. On this basis, it found that innovation is a driver of economic growth in Uzbekistan.
Аннотация: в статье рассмотрена категория инноваций. Проанализирована инновационная политика в Узбекистане в условиях глобализации. На основе этого выявлено, что инновации представляют собой драйвер экономического роста в Узбекистане.
Keywords: globalization, the driver, the innovation, the crisis, the economy of Uzbekistan. Ключевые слова: глобализация, драйвер, инновация, кризис, экономика Узбекистана.
In the wave of global financial-economic crisis, the countries with transaction economy have been considering the possible consequences of financial crisis for their economies [9]. The economic policy of the country is directed, first of all, to the searching own way of modernization of economies, considering historical course of world crisis facts, they make conclusions about possibility of achievement of any positive results only by drawing up bilateral and multipartite agreements, entering regional communities, using own approaches for transformation of national economies, liberalization of foreign economic activity, stimulate transparency of economies; by every possible ways to enhance competitiveness of production, more fully use potential capacity of the country, and on this base acceleration of creating market relations in the country, that lead to further integration to the world economic community [10, 12].
Undoubtedly, the results of realization of anti-crisis programs of development, forecast of the features of post-crisis period need new reconsideration of economic measures of the countries, especially, the countries with transitive economy. Being the member of any regional community, the Central Asia countries have the possibility to correct foreign economic policy, trade and economic relations, to deepen and widen branch-wise specialization of its economies directed to the rational using of natural resources, to create common regional infrastructure - industrial, informational and communicational, transport and others, to resolve jointly the issues of security, ecologic and other regional problems [6, 13]. As a result, in the region comprehensively production partnership is developed; national economies of the countries and its successful integration in the world community are strengthened.
Significant role in the resolution of the tasks for overcoming crisis and providing dynamically stable development of the economy are innovations and innovative activity, which can provide steady renewal of technical and technological production, adoption and production of new competitive products, effective entering of products and services to the world markets. This requires the reformation of all spheres of social life and, first of all, its innovative modernization [1, 4].
This implies that the satiety of innovative activity is the key condition of forming effective innovative economy. Efficiency of innovative activity is rather determined by innovative infrastructure which is the basic component of innovative economy and innovative potential of society.
Formation of innovative economy is substantially depends on creation of effective mechanisms of management of practical realization of complex innovative projects. And this process is impossible without government support. Necessity of financial and legal support of science and innovations, activation of innovative activity, transition into the new forms of resolving economic, ecological and social problems of the regions, typical for innovative economy, strongly requires to develop
responsible policy for management and development of innovative activity in the region by local authorities, to activate interaction between corporative business and local authorities on given issue [2, 7]. The main form of such interaction, on our opinion, should be through scientific and technical programs such as state programs of financing from budget, when important national economic issues are resolved on the basis of scientific innovative potential of regions with shared sponsorship of regional and state authorities.
Integrative processes and the experience of innovative way of development of developing countries can be rather applied to the countries of Central Asia region. Close cooperation of Central Asian countries in the framework of SCO, CIS and other foundations helps realization of over-mentioned tasks and directions. As an example, at present SCO serves common specified interests more widely than Central Asia region and opens new prospects of integrative relations with participation of leading countries that completely satisfy requirements of globalization and regionalism in the economic relations of Central Asia countries [14]. The cooperation of the countries of the region is predetermined by the history and dictates the necessity of deepening the integrative relations.
The objective of innovative policy perfection during transaction to market relations and economic and financial stability of each country of Central Asian region is the important condition for development of integrative relations and for enhancement of national economies.
Analyzing consequences of the crisis, the place of Uzbekistan in the world community, the ways of modernization and innovative development of the economy in the conditions of ongoing global financial and economic crisis the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan accentuates the following: «...today Uzbekistan is an integral part of the world community and global financial and economic market. The striking evidence for this fact is as follows: our ever increasing ties with outside world; implementation of the programs on development, modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of economic sectors with an assistance of the leading developed countries; integration of Uzbekistan into international trade; growth of imports and exports of goods and commodities1».
Participation of the country in realization of own model of economic development allows Uzbekistan for the short period of time to achieve essential successes in all key spheres and branches. For last two years the volume of implemented foreign investments increased more than 2,5 times [11]. During the independence unit weight of industry in GDP increased more than 2,0 times, that testifies the forthcoming to the structure characterized for industrial countries [14]. At the same time distinctive feature of structural changes in the industry of Uzbekistan is outrunning growth in the branches with highly technological level of industry, creating big added cost and increasing competitiveness of the country in comparison with development of traditional raw branches. Such branches as chemical, petrochemical industry and etc. continue to make major contribution to the development of industry.
Positive results significantly are achieved due to stimulation of production of finished and localized products, intensive technological modernization of enterprises in such branches as information and communication technology, gas-and-oil industry, nonferrous- and ferrous metals, chemical, pharmaceutical, light, ginning, fat-and-oil and construction material production industries. This process is related to transformation from production of raw industry to finished products with high share of added cost [7, 8].
Through the implementation of an active investment policy volume of investments in 2015 amounted to more than 40 bln. 737.3 billion soums. An increase of 9.6% in 2014. The share of investments in GDP was 23.8%. The largest volume in the structure of investments accounted for non-centralized investments (78.2% of the total), of which 30.9% - own funds of economic entities, which resulted active implementation of sectoral programs to diversify and improve the competitiveness of enterprises, as well as regional programs for socio-economic development of regions [11].
Own funds of enterprises. In 2015, the investment from its own funds of economic entities amounted to 12 trillion. 607.6 billion. soums, and in comparison with the year 2014, increased by 8.5%.
Funds for Reconstruction and Development Fund, aimed for 2015 to co-finance 13 investment projects in key sectors of the economy, amounted to $ 495,770,000. The volume of investments from the Fund, taking into account the previously allocated funds amounted to $ 728.6 million, an increase of 33.6% compared to 2014 year [11].
Foreign investment and loans. As a result of implemented measures to stimulate the attraction of foreign investors amounts disbursed foreign direct investment increased by 9.1% (amounting to 3 185.5 million. USD., or 20.1% of the total amount disbursed in 2015 capital investments). At the same time, foreign direct investments and loans amounted to $ 2 442.1 million. Which is 5.7% higher than in 2014.
1 Karimov I. A. The global financial-economic crisis, ways and measures to overcome it in the conditions of Uzbekistan. T.: Uzbekistan, 2009. P. 10.
Loans to commercial banks, aimed at investment purposes, rose by 10.8% and amounted to 4 760.0 bln. soums. In the overall structure of capital investments, the share of domestic loans amounted to 11.7% against 11.0 in 2014.
Funds targeted public funds increased by 8.2% compared with the previous year and amounted to 2 483.1 billion. soums, and their share was 6.1% in total volume of investments.
Today's changes in the international financial sphere and the last global financial-economic crisis itself dictate the necessity of constant renewal and modernization of production, and require concentration of all forces and resources of the country. Development of the Program for implementation of the most important priority projects aimed at modernization, technical and technological renewal and radical enhancement of competitiveness and rise of export potential of economy including about 690 investment projects in fuel and energy, chemical, oil and gas processing, metallurgy sectors, light and textile industry, industry of construction materials and mechanical engineering, and other sectors of economy [5].
As calculations demonstrate, the implementation of projects hereinabove will allow, thanks to implementation innovative and energy-saving technologies, developing the production of new types of goods, which are in demand in the world market, ensure manufacturing of additional products worth 10.2 billion US dollars annually, increase exports to 6.6 billion dollars, as well as significantly increase the volumes of GDP [13.]
For successful realization of territorial innovative policy on forming innovative economy the complex of scientific and organizational measures should be implemented, the key from which are the following:
- development of conception of developing innovative activity and innovative infrastructure at the territory with determination of long-term strategic aims and facilities for its achievement within the framework of forming innovative economy;
- the program of innovative development of the region, which should be addressed indicating resources, executors, the period, and totality of measures directed to the achievement of aims of innovative development of the territory;
- organization of practical activity of the local authorities on realization and enactment of appropriate regulations on territorial level as well as organizational and informational provision of given program.
Researching the issues on innovative development of countries and on modernization of national economy we can make the following conclusions:
1. Industrial innovative development of national economies of countries is implemented through applying the system of innovative reforms in the country and through government support [3].
2. Applying of effective applied scientific-technical, engineering and technological development into the real sector of the economy, including modernization of the branches, technical and technological renewal, leads to the further development of national economies.
3. Wide development of banking system, active participation of international banks and other international financial institutes in economic reforms of Central Asian countries stimulates the development of industrial forces of the region, enhancement of foreign economic relations and strengthening of national economies of countries.
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Problem of transmission utilities payments during a protracted period of delivery of the construction facility into operation Biryuleva D.1, Romanenko O.2 (Russian Federation) Проблема передачи коммунальных платежей при затяжном сроке сдачи строительного объекта в эксплуатацию Бирюлева Д. К.1, Романенко О. О.2 (Российская Федерация)
'Бирюлева Диляра Камиловна /Biryuleva Dilyara - кандидат технических наук, доцент; 2Романенко Ольга Олеговна / Romanenko Olga — студент, кафедра экономики и предпринимательства в строительстве, Казанский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, г. Казань
Аннотация: в данной статье рассмотрены проблемы передачи коммунальных платежей при затяжном сроке сдачи объекта в эксплуатацию. Проанализированы основные положения Жилищного и Гражданского кодексов РФ по этому вопросу, изучены требования к застройщику, дольщику, ТСЖ. Выявлена и обоснована необходимость решения проблемы передачи коммунальных платежей в случае затяжных сроков передачи объекта в эксплуатацию.
Abstract: this article describes the issue of transfer of utility bills during a protracted period of delivery of building the facility. Analyzed the main provisions of the Housing and Civil Code on the subject, studied the requirements for the developer, interest holders, HOA. And revealed the necessity of solving the problem of the transfer of utility payments in the event of prolonged periods of transmission of building the facility.
Ключевые слова: право собственности, долевое строительство, недвижимое имущество, регистрация права собственности, порядок сдачи дома, коммунальные услуги, ТСЖ, компенсация затрат, Жилищный кодекс, ввод в эксплуатацию, строительная компания, акт приема-передачи, Градостроительный кодекс, срок сдачи дома.
Keywords: ownership, shared construction, real estate, registration of property rights, the procedure for putting the house, utilities, homeowners associations, compensation costs, housing code, commissioning, construction company, the act of reception and transmission, Town Planning Code, the period of home delivery.
Между моментом сдачи дома в эксплуатацию и заселением в него жильцов, как правило, проходит немалое количество времени. Но новостройке требуется обслуживание, кому-то необходимо осуществлять оплату коммунальных услуг и т. д. По настоящему законодательству весь этот набор проблем возлагается на новоселов.