Научная статья на тему 'Информационно-логическая модель трассировки технологических трубопроводов'

Информационно-логическая модель трассировки технологических трубопроводов Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Егоров Сергей Яковлевич, Шаронин Кирилл Анатольевич, Фурсов Игорь Сергеевич, Немтинов Кирилл Владимирович

Рассмотрена постановка задачи выбора оптимального пространственного расположения трасс технологических трубопроводов в пределах производственного помещения с учетом существующих норм и правил проектирования.Es ist die Aufgabestellung der Auswahl der optimalen Raumanordnung der Trassen der technologischen Rohrleitungen im Betriebsraum mit Rücksicht auf die existierenden Normen und Projektierunsregeln betrachtet.Est examinée la mise du problème du choix de larrangement spacial optimal des lignes des pipe-lines technologiques dans les limites du local industriel compte tenu des normes existantes et des règles de la conception.In the article the statement of the problem of choosing the optimal spatial arrangement of trails of the technological pipelines within the plant premises, taking into account existing standards and design rules is considered.

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Похожие темы научных работ по математике , автор научной работы — Егоров Сергей Яковлевич, Шаронин Кирилл Анатольевич, Фурсов Игорь Сергеевич, Немтинов Кирилл Владимирович

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Текст научной работы на тему «Информационно-логическая модель трассировки технологических трубопроводов»

УДК 681.3.068:004.9


S.Ya. Egorov1, K.A. Sharonin2, I.S. Fursov1, K.V. Nemtinov2

Departments: «AutomatedDesigning of Production Equipment» (1);

«CAD Systems» (2), TSTU; [email protected]

Represented by a Member of the Editorial Board Professor V.I. Konovalov

Key words and phrases: computer-aided design; informational and logical model; mathematical model; pipeline routing.

Abstract: In the article the statement of the problem of choosing the optimal spatial arrangement of trails of the technological pipelines within the plant premises, taking into account existing standards and design rules is considered.

For problem formalization we will make following assumptions: trace is made up of the rectilinear fragments located to in parallel coordinate axes; initial and final points of lines are combined with the centers of devices; points of transition from a floor on a floor are combined with the centers of devices-sources of lines.

As a result of the decision of problems of a process equipments choice [1] and placing [2] the initial information for tracing of technological communications is received: N - quantity of devices; (xi,yi, z{), i = 1, 2, ..., N - coordinates of the centers of devices; (ai,bi,ci), i =1, 2, ..., N - overall dimensions of devices; (xc,Yc,Zc) -overall dimensions of an industrial premises.

Let's designate floor number through p . Then for a lining of pipelines parallel to

an axis OY level

U p*,U p

U У ,иУ*

and for the pipelines parallel to an axis OX level

is allocated. At each level of pipelines laid at no more than two rows.

Let's enter into consideration matrix F (3*L) for the characteristic of set of lines. Here L - quantity of communications; f1 j and f2j - numbers of the devices

connected by j -th line; f3j e {1,2,...,r} - number of a connecting network to which

possesses j -th line. We will characterize each line by a vector

Tj = [xj 0, yj 0, zj 0, Xj 1, yj 1, Zj 1,..., Xjkj , y]k], z]k] ),

where j = 1,2,...,L - line number; (xj0,yj0,zj0) - coordinates of the beginning of a

line (i.e. coordinates of the center of the device f1 j); (xjkj,yjkj,zjkj) - coordinates of the end of a line (i.e. coordinates of the center of the device f2j ); (xjn,yjn,zjn),

n 6

{1,2,...,kj -1}

- coordinates of points of an inflection of a line; kj - quantity of

rectilinear fragments. Let's consider conditions which should be executed at tracing of pipelines. We will designate through m-number of a condition and we will unite all lines for which the condition m in set M is satisfied.

Condition 1. Lines from set M1 are laid within an industrial premise. Let dj -diameter of the pipeline of j-th technological communications; lj - a thickness of isolation of j-th pipeline.

Then for any j 6M1 and any n = 0,1,2,...,kj there is

dj dj — + lj + ld < Xjn < Xc - lj - ld - —;

j + lj + ld < yjn < Yc - lj - ld - — ■





-j + ll + ld < zjn < Zc - lj - ld --j.

Condition 2. For any point of a inflection (xjn, y jn, zjn ), n = 1,2,..., kj -1 of j-th

line j 6 M , there is such number p that

zjn 6


V p*,U p



i.e. any point of an inflection of a line is in one of the levels allocated for a lining of lines.

Condition 3. We take some horizontal fragment (xjn, yjn, zjn ; xjn+1, yjn+1, zjn+1 ) of a line Tj 6 M. Then

or xjn+1 ^ xjn (the fragment is parallel to an axis), or y jn+1 * y jn (the fragment is parallel to an axis)

' jn , z jn + 1

U px*,U px

A zjn,z jn+1

uy Uy*

U p*U p


This condition allows defining level of a fragment of a line depending on its direction.

Condition 4. In lines possibility of occurrence of stagnant zones is excluded from

4 44

set M . We will divide set M into two subsets: Mc - pipelines on which liquids flow; M4g - pipelines for gases. If j 6 M4 then the pipeline line shouldn't have local minima; if j 6 Mg4 then the pipeline line shouldn't have local maxima. Hence, for any j 6 MC and any n1, n2, n3 6{o,l,2, . ., kj } such that n1 > n2 > n3 that inequalities

zn - zjn2 > zj

This condition we will write down in the form of an inequality:

j *jn3 - zjn > 0 can't be carried out simultaneously.

zjn1 - z .n2 > 0 A z n3 - z n2 > °, 6 M ,

V n1, n 2, n 3 6 {°,1,2,..., kj }: «1 > n2 >

*3 .




Condition 5. A of condition not crossings of lines. Let j\ j"e M5. We take any

j',c (xc"

points c'(,yc',zc<)e Tjc"(xc",yc«,zc«)e Tj«. We will define distance as

P( c") - Xc»f + - yc")2 + ( - Zc"ï

- zc« ) , then the condition 5 can be written

down in a kind

p( c")> dj'+ dj + lf+ ¡j„+ ld ,Vj', j"e M 5. (5)

The condition 6 consists that lines from set M aren't crossed with columns of a building construction. Let j e M6 . We take any point c'(xcyc., zc ) e Tj. The condition 6 can be written down in a kind


a,- + d j

>——- + I, + ¡d 2 J


v x - yc


b. + d >——- + i, + ¡d 2 j


Condition 7. A condition of not crossings of lines with the placed devices. Let j eM7. We take any point c'(xc.,yc',zc<)e Tj . Let further i e {1,2,...,N} - any of numbers of the placed devices, excepting devices f1 j and f2 j , and Si - width of a zone of service of this device. Then

\xi xc' \ >

ai + d j l^i -J- + Si + lj + ¡d v


bi + dj

y - yc\+Si + ¡j + ¡d


Condition 8. On conditions of production zones, forbidden for a lining of pipelines should be provided. Let's designate through (xm,ym,zm),m = 1,2,...,km - coordinates

of the centers of such zones; ((,bm,zm ) - their overall dimensions. Then for all

j e H8 and any point c'(, yc', xc ) e Tj it is had

\xm xc' \ >

am + d j ^

+ ¡j + ¡d


bm + dj

|ym - yc'l > \ j + ¡j + ¡d


z z Cm + dj + +1 \zm - zc'| >-2-+ ¡j + ¡d


Condition 9. This condition is shown by safety precautions to pipelines with explosive, combustible, inflammable and aggressive substances. Let M9ds (ds -dungarees substances)- set of pipelines on which explosive, combustible, inflammable substances are transported; M^ (aa - aqua's aggressive)- set of pipelines on which acids and other aggressive substances are transported. Let's chooseM9 = M9s UM9a.

The pipelines entering into set M9 settle down as follows: if the distance between points d e Tj e M^, c" e Tj e M9a doesn't surpass the set size lds, then zc > zc". Thus

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for any points c' e Tj e Md9s, c" e Tj e M^ it is had


((p(c',c")< /ds)a(zc, > zc„ ))v(p(c',c")> lds) . (9)

Condition 10. The length of the pipelines united in set M10 shouldn't exceed in advance set sizes ct j. Thus for any j e M10

X(x/«+1 - xjn | + \y/n+1 - y/n\ + | zln+1 z jn |)<CTj . (10)


As criterion of economic efficiency of the design decision we will consider cost of capital expenses for a lining of pipelines

1 = 1 (9 j + S 2/K/ ), (11)


K] -1

\xjn+1 xjn\ +

where S1 j - cost of unit of length of j-th pipeline; 9j = ^


+ |y jn+1 - yjn\ + |zjn+1 - zjn\) - length of j-th pipeline; S2 j - expenses for technical realization of one turn of the pipeline of j-th line; Kj - quantity of turns in j-th line.

Thus the problem of trace of technological communications can be formulated as follows: to find Tj = (xj0, yj0, zj0; j yj1, zj1;--; xjkj, yjkj, zjkj),j = I,2,--,L


that conditions (1) - (10) have been satisfied and the criterion (11) reached a minimum.

The developed model is used by working out of information system of support of design decisions on configuration multiassortment manufactures [3].

The work was carried out under a state contract № 02.740.11.0624 Federal Target Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovation Russia in 2009-2013".


1. Егоров, С.Я. Автоматизация компоновки оборудования в цехах ангарного типа. Часть 1. Размещение технологического оборудования / С.Я. Егоров, В. А. Немтинов, М.С. Громов // Хим. пром-сть. - 2003. - № 8. - С. 21-28.

2. Егоров, С.Я. Автоматизация компоновки оборудования в цехах ангарного типа. Часть 3. Информационно-графическая система трехмерной компоновки оборудования / С.Я. Егоров, В.А. Немтинов, М.С. Громов // Хим. пром-сть. -2003. - № 8. - С. 35-39.

3. Автоматизированная информационная система поддержки принятия проектных решений по компоновке промышленных объектов. Часть 1. Аналитические и процедурные модели / С.Я. Егоров [и др.] // Инфор. технологии в проектировании и пр-ве. - 2009. - № 4. - С. 3-11.

Информационно-логическая модель трассировки технологических трубопроводов

1 2 1 2 С.Я. Егоров , К.А. Шаронин , И.С. Фурсов , К.В. Немтинов

Кафедры: «Автоматизированное проектирование технологического оборудования» (1); «Системы автоматизированного проектирования» (2), ГОУВПО «ТГТУ»; [email protected]

Ключевые слова и фразы: автоматизированное проектирование; информационно-логическая модель; математическая модель; трассировка трубопроводов.

Аннотация: Рассмотрена постановка задачи выбора оптимального пространственного расположения трасс технологических трубопроводов в пределах производственного помещения с учетом существующих норм и правил проектирования.

Informationslogisches Modell der Trassierung der technologischen Rohrleitungen

Zusammenfassung: Es ist die Aufgabestellung der Auswahl der optimalen Raumanordnung der Trassen der technologischen Rohrleitungen im Betriebsraum mit Rücksicht auf die existierenden Normen und Projektierunsregeln betrachtet.

Modèle logique informatique du tracé des pipe-lines technologiques

Résumé: Est examinée la mise du problème du choix de l'arrangement spacial optimal des lignes des pipe-lines technologiques dans les limites du local industriel compte tenu des normes existantes et des règles de la conception.

Авторы: Егоров Сергей Яковлевич - доктор технических наук, профессор, доцент кафедры «Автоматизированное проектирование технологического оборудования»; Шаронин Кирилл Анатольевич - студент; Фурсов Игорь Сергеевич -магистрант; Немтинов Кирилл Владимирович - студент, ГОУ ВПО «ТГТУ».

Рецензент: Малыгин Евгений Николаевич - доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры «Автоматизированное проектирование технологического оборудования», ГОУ ВПО «ТГТУ».

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