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digitalization / informatization of foreign language education / teaching foreign languages / information and communication technologies / educational online platforms / computer programs.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ziuarkhan Satniyazovna Toreniyazova, Gulbakhar Kobeysinovna Otegenova

This article is devoted to the problem of informatization of foreign language education, which is considered as a prerequisite for the preparation of future teachers of a foreign language for professional activities. The article emphasizes the role of modern information and communication technologies in organizing the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as in increasing its efficiency. The advantages of using information and communication technologies in foreign language education are disclosed in detail.

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Ziuarkhan Satniyazovna Toreniyazova Gulbakhar Kobeysinovna Otegenova

Teachers Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University


This article is devoted to the problem of informatization of foreign language education, which is considered as a prerequisite for the preparation of future teachers of a foreign language for professional activities. The article emphasizes the role of modern information and communication technologies in organizing the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as in increasing its efficiency. The advantages of using information and communication technologies in foreign language education are disclosed in detail.

Keywords: digitalization, informatization of foreign language education, teaching foreign languages, information and communication technologies, educational online platforms, computer programs.


Throughout the existence of mankind, information has been the most important, integral part of human life, but until the middle of the last century, this category was practically not considered from the point of view of its influence on the individual and the state. The attitude of people to information changed significantly when information began to be understood as a strategic resource for the development of society and the state, since "the task of reforming or corresponding restructuring of the state information policy in order to dramatically increase its effectiveness has acquired particular importance in the context of the fifth information revolution, which has been growing since the end of the XX century. with the creation of global cross-border information computer networks" Modern information and communication and digital technologies have made a kind of revolution, they allow to combine text, graphic and video images, speech and music in digital form. On the basis of digital technologies, powerful innovative tools for accumulating, presenting and transferring knowledge, as well as teaching tools, are being created. The distribution of new information and communication technologies has significantly expanded the area of the educational sphere, necessitating the digitalization and informatization of education. It should be noted that the computer is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of the learning process, as it has many advantages. An essential point in the use of information and communication technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages is the implementation of an individual approach to teaching, since "the principles of modern

state policy in the field of education, such as the recognition of its priority and humanistic nature, the freedom to choose education and its continuity throughout life determine the need for a transition from the traditional paradigm of education to a personality-oriented one". Thanks to the use of a computer, it becomes possible to select the speed of information delivery for each of the students, including the number of repetitions or clarifications of points that cause special difficulties. Information and communication technologies in the educational process make it possible to more fully use the psychological capabilities of students, since they influence all stages of the process of assimilating knowledge. In addition, training using information and communication technologies has the strongest motivational potential, since students in foreign language classes "carry out speech activities that contribute to the development of the motivational sphere of the individual." Information and communication technologies can guarantee confidentiality.


The possibilities of the Internet in the process of teaching foreign languages are practically endless. Today, students spend a significant part of their time on social networks, work with great interest with Internet resources. Many people prefer to communicate with a teacher or an interlocutor who is a representative of a foreign language culture in Skype, use not only e-mail to exchange information, but also social networks such as V Kontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. In addition, communication by e-mail with representatives of foreign language cultures not only successfully complements the educational process, allowing students to train in practice the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, but also contributes to the formation of intercultural and communicative competence. It should be noted that in order to form intercultural and communicative competence and prepare a person for intercultural interaction, "in designing the process of teaching a foreign language, one should rely on a communicative approach, which is aimed primarily at the practice of communication." languages more open and free, both for the teacher and for the students, since most of the texts on the Internet are of an authentic nature, can be carefully studied by the teacher and individually selected for each student. While in traditional textbooks the material is static, in the computer it is often presented with the help of audio, video and animation. Educational projects carried out by students with the help of a computer and connected with e-mail allow applying the acquired language knowledge in a real communication situation and, moreover, in writing. All the work done is subsequently discussed orally in a foreign language in the lesson. Moreover, students can themselves participate in the selection of material for the lesson and feel more independent, acting as active subjects of their teaching, which meets the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards, since "independent work of students is an essential element of

the system of professional training of a future teacher who is able to organize the learning process. of a foreign language in educational structures of various types." Online platforms play an important role in the process of teaching a foreign language, allowing to diversify lessons, make them brighter, more interesting, memorable, at the same time greatly facilitating the work of the teacher.

The most important assistants for students and teachers both in mastering foreign language vocabulary and in its application in speech practice are presentations that allow you to visually and easily compose and present material on a particular conversational topic. Today it is not only the traditional Microsoft Office Power Point program, which, however, has not lost its position in the educational process, but has become much more convenient and accessible to use, but also many others, such as Prezi, Google Slides, Slide Dog, Flow board. Presentations increase the cognitive interest of students in the topics studied, make it possible to significantly diversify the process of transferring information, and enhance the impact of the presentation of the material. The use of presentations in the classroom allows you to compose material from various sources, draw on photographic and graphic images, and include sound elements and videos in the lesson. ... Presentations can be used as a support for listening, retelling texts, drawing up dialogues. Such a wide range of applications for multimedia presentations is explained by the fact that presentations "bring variety, enliven the learning process, increase the emotional impact on students, create a comfortable learning environment, and help form a model of real communication." It is also important that the development of presentations increases the information culture of students, their motivation and self-esteem. Experience shows that the so-called thematic presentations (presentations on the proposed topics) are an effective technique for improving monologue speech, presenting extensive material for communication in a foreign language. With the help of the presentation, the student has the opportunity to build his speech logically and coherently, to express his thoughts quite fully and correctly in terms of language.


When organizing a lesson using a presentation, the teaching material is presented clearly and accessible, then if it was in the usual oral form. In the course of his presentation, the student has the opportunity to use the keywords, diagrams, tables, pictures that he has prepared. This allows you to speak consistently, in detail, confidently and expressively. The use of thematic presentations is considered quite justified in the learning process, both a general and a professionally oriented foreign language. So, for example, the topics "Famous English and American lawyers", "The judicial system in the English-speaking countries", "Legal professions in the UK and USA", "The US Supreme Court", "British Parliament: its past and present".

These topics include voluminous material, moreover, when studying them, it is impossible to do without illustrative material. For these reasons, thematic presentations are the most successful teaching tool. The use of multimedia performances in teaching a foreign language is a two-way process that contributes to the development of students' communicative competence. On the one hand, the student speaker improves his speaking skills (monologue speech). On the other hand, the audience learns to perceive a foreign language by ear (listening skills), as well as to conduct a dialogue with the speaker on the topic of the presentation, thereby improving the skills of dialogical speech. Presentations allow accumulating all the necessary means of presenting the material in a single information flow, which results in the concentration of students on the presented material, which allows them to better assimilate it. In this work, computer technologies are understood as electronic libraries, training and test programs, electronic dictionaries and thesauri, telecommunication technologies that provide an opportunity to participate in the dialogue of cultures through audio and video conferencing. Separately, it should be said about educational platforms. These platforms allow teachers to combine and place educational material in the form of electronic textbooks, audio, video, graphic files, use hyperlink systems, control the knowledge and skills of students using a variety of tests, and keep track of the academic achievements of schoolchildren on the network.

In recent decades, the computer has become an active participant in the educational process. He helps in practicing some practical skills, organizing and conducting a survey and monitoring the knowledge of students when performing creative tasks. Generators of crosswords play a significant role in the work on the formation of lexical skills among students, allowing students to systematize vocabulary on the topic under study in independently created crosswords.


The possibility of forming universal educational actions in foreign language lessons using computer technologies is more relevant than ever. It should be noted that in the age of digital technologies, the study of a foreign language and its practical application are becoming the most accessible. Computer technologies allow for the development of communication skills, contribute to the creative rethinking of the problem. Computer technologies make it possible to organize work to improve speech, auditory and pronunciation skills, for example, by listening to authentic texts, watching videos, etc. Computer programs open access to rich linguistic and cultural material, which contributes to the development of the ability to conduct full-fledged intercultural communication. The cognitive activity of students is also actively developing through computer technology through work with sources of information. Students have the opportunity to choose a source from a variety of proposed ones, to analyze and

synthesize the information received. The above universal educational actions and their formation and development in foreign language lessons involves the use of various forms of work: frontal, pair, individual. All of the above forms of educational activity should be designed and configured in such a way that the computer becomes a logical and very effective addition to the educational process, and not an end in itself and a determining factor.

Thus, the computer serves as a means of communication, creating problem situations, a dialogue partner, a source of information, controls the student's actions and provides him with new cognitive opportunities, since "an essential advantage of using information and communication technologies in organizing the learning process is the variability of tasks that can be implemented by students, which allows you to diversify the educational process".


The experience of using information and communication technologies in teaching a foreign language indicates that the use of a computer can significantly improve the results of the educational process, revealing the reserves of the educational process and the student's personality, expanding the didactic possibilities of the lesson and greatly facilitating the teacher's work. And the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process depends precisely on how well future teachers will master information and communication technologies even during their professional training at the university.


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