Section 3. Medical science
Section 3. Medical science
Gulyamov Surat Saidvaliyevich, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, PHD Professor, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Pediatric Dentistry
E-mail: [email protected] Pulatov Oybek Abdumutalovich, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, reseacher, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Pediatric Dentistry
E-mail: [email protected] Karimov Dilshod Madjitovich, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, researcher the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Pediatric Dentistry
E-mail: [email protected]
Informational content of biochemical structure of the saliva at children after treatment by fixed orthodontic appliances
Abstract: In this study we compared research the saliva of patients with Radio activation neutron method (determination of the mineral composition of saliva). 20 candidates 14-16 years old with bracket system between January 2012 and 2014, 10 on which in control (bracket system used light cure) group and 10 used adhesives group. We consider thus, the mineral structure of a saliva is one of the major factors defining processes of a mineralization of firm tissues of teeth and their resistance to cariesogen influences.
Keywords: Mineralizing function of a saliva, Radio activation neutron method, anomalies of dentition, structural changes of the tooth.
Mineralizing function of a saliva is reduced to maintenance of chemical composition of firm tissues of tooth, especially enamels. The saliva contains all necessary mineral components which are a part of tooth, organic substances, vitamins, and also hormones and biologically active connections controlling process of a mineralization. The saliva is saturated with ions of calcium, magnesium, phosphate and the chlorine which high concentration promote moving of ions to enamel that is important in the course of a tertiary mineralization of enamel, i.e. after a tooth left, and does it resistant to caries development. Quite often damages of teeth arise because of violation of sekretoral function of glands and a chemical composition of a saliva. The powerful proof of a role of mineralizing function of a saliva is development of multiple caries at a giposalivation of various genesis.
Low level of salivation is the most important risk factor of development of caries of teeth.
The quantity and structure of a saliva of the person are varied in wide by the predeklakh and depends on the time of day, eaten food, age, a condition of the central and vegetative nervous system, and also existence of diseases. In norm sub-
mandibular glands allocate 69%, auricular- 26%, hypoglossal - 5% of a saliva of the total amount of a daily secret of glands.
In days it is produced from 0,5 to 2,2 l of a saliva, pH of a saliva fluctuates from 5,5 to 8,0. The important factor influencing structure of a saliva is the speed of its secretion making in a quiet condition of 0,24 ml/min. However the speed of secretion of a saliva can fluctuate even at rest from 0,01 to 18,0 ml/ min. and increase when chewing food to 200 ml/min.
The saliva carries out a number of important functions, namely: mineralizing, protective, regulatory, excretory.
Thanks to existence as a part of a saliva and - amylases, maltose in a mouth there is an initial stage of digestion of carbohydrates. A part in digestion of proteins is played trypsin by similar enzymes, a pepsinogen, in digestion of lipids - lipases, and also the nucleases promoting splitting of nuclein acids.
The protective effect of a saliva isn’t limited to oral cavity fabrics. Believe that the part of the gel covering a mucous membrane of a stomach, occurs from saliva components (Ko-daira H. et al., 1999).
O. I. Sukmansky (1991) notes that salivary glands influence a calcium exchange, a mineralization of teeth and a skeleton, regulation of growth and development of fabrics, a metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, a tone and
Informational content of biochemical structure of the saliva at children after treatment by fixed orthodontic appliances
permeability of vessels, and also participate in adaptive reactions of an organism.
The saliva contains the components of buffer systems possessing ability to neutralize acids and alkalis. Secretion of a saliva happens reflex. Salivation begins or under the influence of the unconditioned reflexes caused by receipt of food in a mouth, or it is conditionally reflex at a look or a flavor of food.
Thus, salivary glands synthesize a rich set of biologically
active agents making humoral and local impact on bodies of an oral cavity and a number of physiological systems of an organism.
Mineral components of a saliva
Among mineral components of a saliva sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium prevail. The mineral structure of a saliva is presented in the tab.
Table 1. - The maintenance of mineral elements in the mixed saliva of the person
Indicator Norma The literature
Potassium, mmol/l 5,29 Petrun N.M., Varchenkko LI. 1961
Potassium, 11,76-27,61 18,0-19,0 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
without stimulation, mmol/l 1 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
with stimulation, mmol/l 1,28 + 0,08 Sayapina L.M. 1997
Calcium the general, mmol/l 0,5 Petrun N.M., Varchenkko LI. 1961
Calcium the general, mmol/l 0.08-0,53 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
Calcium ionized. mmol/l 8,8 Petrun N.M., Varchenkko LI. 1961
Magnesium, mmol/l 6,5-21.7 43,0-46,0 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
Phosphorus inorganic, mmol/l 10 Petrun N.M., Varchenko LI. 1961
Phosphorus inorganic, mmol/l 3,23-5,07 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
Chlorine, mmol/l 21,6 Petrun N.M., Varchenko LI. 1961
Cobalt, mmol/l 118,8 Snyder Chairman W.S. et al. 1975
Copper, mmol/l 4,09 Snyder Chairman W.S. et al. 1975
Iron, mmol/l 0,9 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
Iodine, mmol/l 275,8- 1891,2 Snyder Chairman W.S. et al. 1975
Fluorides, mmol/l 5,26-10,53 Pedanov Yu.F. 1992
Bromine, mmol/l 1.25 Snyder Chairman W.S. et al. 1975
The saliva belongs to mineralizing liquids. It is a source in an enamel of ions of calcium and phosphorus. Shift of reaction of a saliva in the sour party (рН <6,4) promotes demineralization of an enamel and caries development as conditions for receipt of ions of calcium and phosphorus from the mineralized fabrics in a saliva are created. Especially the importance in initiation of process of demineralization of an enamel has development of the acidophil microorganisms, capable to ferment sucrose and to form a large amount of milk acid.
Thiocyanates (thiocyanates) (CNS) carry out antibacterial function.
Saliva microcells: zinc, copper, bromine, cobalt, and also macroelement magnesium carry out coenzyms function and take part in processes of a metabolism and a mineralization of teeth (fluorine, strontium, etc.). There is a row the of enzymes: alkogoldehydrogenaza, glutamatdehydrogenaza, lactodeghy-drogenaza. Fluorides in a saliva play a role of stabilizers of a hydroxyapatite. In mineral fraction of bone fabric and teeth fluorine joins in a crystal lattice. Tooth enamel - the most saturated this microcell fabric. The lowered content of fluorine in
drinking water (less than 0,9 mg/l) promotes caries development. In regions with the insufficient content of fluorine high incidence of the population of caries is noted. Water fluora-tion, application the remineralization of the mixes containing fluoric connections, and the ftorsoderzation of pastes is one of effective methods of prevention of caries of teeth.
Materials and methods
The study design was approved by the local ethics committee of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute department of Otorhinolaryngology and Stomatology Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 20 candidates 14-16 years old with bracket system between January 2012 and 2014, 10 on which in control (bracket system used light cure) group and 10 used adhesives group. Patients with anomalies of dentition, crowding the upper and lower teeth of dentition, and three teeth diastema of upper and lower jaws was fixated with bracket system.
During two years patients was hold consultation every 3 month. Hygiene and ph-metry of the tooth and oral cavity.
To know demineralization degree of saliva we used Radio activation neutron method (determination of the min-
Section 3. Medical science
eral composition of saliva). Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Esthetic, structural changes of the tooth, demineralization
degree are important moments in our study.
- saliva of 3-5 ml, in a test tube not stimulated mixed saliva. The patient spits out in a test tube.
102 - Akhmedova G.
202 - Kamoliddinova N.
Ph - metry showed us low-pH solutions pH 5.97 ± 0.02 in two patients.
The maintenance of elements in samples at studied patients, mkg/g
Element Saliva
102 202
I <0.1 180
Mg <50 <50
Cl 114000 47200
Cu 25 <1.0
Mn 3.0 9.9
Na 28400 10100
K 166000 115000
Ca 3760 11400
U <0.1 <0.1
Au 0.017 0.13
Br 115 36
La 0.56 <0.1
Se <0.1 <0.1
Hg <0.01 <0.01
Cr 3.5 16
Ag 0.40 1.8
Sc 0.031 0.13
Rb 110 66
Fe 190 500
Zn 15 130
Co 0.21 1.7
Sb 0.11 0.78
Sr <10 <10
102 - Akhmedova G. Conclusion. Lack of iodine. To accept iodine preparations. To address to the urologist. To make the cardiogram. Deficiency of potassium. Lack of copper, manganese, selenium and iron. To accept potassium preparations, selenium preparations with vitamins A and E, iron preparations with vitamin C, polivitamins with copper and manganese. The raised content of zinc. To establish the reason. To pay attention to cardiovascular system. Problems of the Intestinal Path (liver) are possible.
202 - Kamoliddinova N. Conclusion. Deficiency of potassium and iodine, Lack of copper, manganese, calcium, selenium, zinc and iron. To accept potassium preparations, calcium preparations with vitamin D, selenium preparations with vitamins A and E, iron preparations with vitamin C, polyvitamins with copper, iodine, manganese and zinc (ALPHABET). To pay attention to the immune - system. Problems of
Improvement of training of public health officials in Republic of Kazakhstan
the Intestinal Path and liver problems are possible.
In this study we compared research the saliva of patients with Radio activation neutron method (determination of the mineral composition of saliva). Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The use of this new technique of research has received remarkable research attention. Results in small study groups have been encouraging; however, they have requested for evaluation with larger numbers and evidences from other centers.
Therefore, we believe that the Radio activation neutron method is an effective and cost-effective method.
We consider thus, the mineral structure of a saliva is one of the major factors defining processes of a mineralization of firm tissues of teeth and their resistance to cariesogen influences.
Conflict of interests
Authors have no conflict of interests.
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Rakhimbekova Dalmira Kaniyevna, Candidate of Medical Science Assiya Erbulatovna Iglikova, Candidate of Medical Science, Yerkinbekova Gulnara Bekbosinovna, Almaty State Institute of Advanced Medical Education, Almaty, Kazakhstan
E-mail: [email protected]
Improvement of training of public health officials in Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract: Nowadays, when modern public health system is developed, much attention is paid to professionalism of public health officials. Therefore, an important component is the improvement of quality and efficiency of their professional training. A precondition for better training of adult students is to focus on their professional and personal needs.