INFORMATION AND ITS TYPES. INFORMATION CARRIERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Informatics / information transfer / processing
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категории слабых не потому, что ему не хватает масштаба и мощности, а потому, что ему еще далеко до наличия человеческих компонентов, которые мы приписываем настоящему интеллекту. Философ Джон Серл определяет слабый ИИ как «полезный для проверки гипотезы о разумах, но не являющийся разумом на самом деле».

Искусственный интеллект общего назначения (AGI)

ИИ общего назначения (сильный ИИ) должен быть способен успешно выполнять любые интеллектуальные задачи, которые под силу человеку. Как и системы ИИ узкого назначения, системы общего назначения могут учиться на опыте, выявлять и прогнозировать закономерности — но у них есть возможность сделать еще один важный шаг. Они способны экстраполировать эти знания на широкий спектр задач и ситуаций, которые не могут быть решены с помощью ранее полученных данных или существующих алгоритмов.

Суперкомпьютер Summit — один из немногих подобных суперкомпьютеров в мире, обладающих ИИ общего назначения. Он может выполнять 200 квадриллионов вычислительных операций за одну секунду, на что человеку потребовался бы миллиард лет. Для реального воплощения моделей AGI не обязательно нужна такая грандиозная работоспособность, однако им потребуются вычислительные мощности, которые в настоящее время существуют только на уровне суперкомпьютеров.

Искусственный суперинтеллект (ASI)

Системы типа ASI теоретически обладают полным самосознанием. Они не просто имитируют или понимают поведение человека, но постигают его на фундаментальном уровне.

Наделенные этими человеческими чертами — и усиленные вычислительной и аналитической мощью, значительно превосходящей нашу собственную, — суперинтеллектуальные системы ИИ могут казаться выходцами из научно-фантастических антиутопий о будущем, в котором люди постепенно становятся все большим анахронизмом.

Маловероятно, что кто-то из живущих сегодня людей когда-либо увидит подобный мир; тем не менее, ИИ развивается такими темпами, что мы обязаны учитывать этические ориентиры и механизмы ответственного руководства в ожидании появления искусственного интеллекта, способного превзойти нас почти во всех измеримых аспектах. Как говорил Стивен Хокинг: «Из-за огромного потенциала ИИ важно исследовать, как воспользоваться его преимуществами, избегая при этом потенциальных ловушек».

Использованная литература:

1. Metbugat.gov.tm

2. Salamnews.tm

© Гельдиев Б.А., Хатджиева О.К., Куллыева О.Х., Байрамова С., 2023

УДК 62

Гельдиев Б. А., старший преподаватель Хатджиева О. К., преподаватель Куллыева О.Х. преподаватель Байрамова С., студентка

Институт инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана INFORMATION AND ITS TYPES. INFORMATION CARRIERS Keywords:

Informatics, information transfer, processing

Informatics is a branch of science that studies the laws and methods of information processing with the help of computers and other technical means. Basic information processes are: storing, transferring, processing and retrieving information.

Retention of Information. People store information in their personal memory or on any external storage. Most information is stored on paper. The information we remember is always available to us. For example, we can forget the multiplication table, "what is five times five? to answer the question, we look no further and answer it without hesitation. Everyone remembers their home address and phone number, as well as the home addresses and phone numbers of close relatives. If we can't remember the name and phone number we're looking for, we refer to our directory or the telephone helpline. A person can quickly recall the information that remains in his memory, so the human memory can be called conditional or quick memory. Similarly, human memory can be considered as internal memory. Then our notebooks, phone book, textbooks, which are external carriers of information, can be called external memory. Information on external carriers is stored long-term and securely. That is why people have been transmitting information from generation to generation with the help of external carriers.

Information transfer. Information spreads between people by passing it on to each other. Information can be transmitted through direct communication, correspondence, telephone, radio, television, computer networks, which are technical means of communication. There are always two parties involved in the transfer of information: the source of the information and the receiver. The source sends the information and the receiver receives it. By reading a book or listening to a teacher, we are receivers of information, and by working on an essay from literature or responding to a class, we are sources of information. From being a source of information, everyone has to become a receiver of it. The same is true of human interaction with computers. The transfer of information from source to receiver always takes place through some communication channel. In a normal conversation - sound waves, in exchange of letters - postal communication, in telephone conversations - the telephone communication network serves as transmission channels. If the quality of information channels is poor during information transmission, information may be lost. Everyone knows how difficult it is to talk on a bad phone.

Processing information. The received information is necessarily processed. Information processing is the third type of information processing. Consider the familiar problem of finding the velocity of a motion given the values of displacement and time of motion. In order to solve a problem, the student necessarily needs to know the rules of its solution, in addition to the initial givens. Here it is the formula for the constant velocity. Using this formula, we will find the required magnitude. Here, the starting point is to perform calculations on the given data and obtain new information - information processing.

Computing is just one form of information processing. Acquiring new information is not only obtained through mathematical calculations.

Logical analysis is another form of information processing. The process of developing information is not always about acquiring new information. For example, translating a text from one language to another is information processing, but the content of the text does not change even though the form of the text changes. Encoding information also belongs to this type of processing.

Encoding is the process of converting information from one form of expression to another form that is suitable for storage, transmission, and processing. The concept of coding began to be used mainly as a result of the development of technical means of storing, transmitting and processing information. For example, early 20th century telegraphic messages were coded and transmitted using Morse code. Encoding is also used to keep the content of the text confidential. This is called encryption. Each of the lakes on the national flag of Turkmenistan can be considered as the code of a dash. Another way to process information is to organize it. For example, have them write down their classmates' home addresses and phone numbers. How should information be arranged so that it is easy to find the information you need? Better yet, we should put them in alphabetical order by last

name. In computer science, the arrangement of data according to some rules is called its regularization.

Search for information. People often deal with the task of searching for the information they need from various types of information carriers. For example: the translation of a foreign word from the dictionary, the phone number from the phone book, the departure time of the train from the timetable, the necessary formula from the book, the necessary books from the library catalog, etc. they have to search. These activities are generally called searching for information from external sources (books, charts, tables, etc.). The task of searching for information is also related to information processing. Literature:

1. 1. «Conception of Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025» - Ashgabat, 2018

2. 2. The law of Turkmenistan «On electronic document, electronic document management and digital services»// Bulletin of Mejlis of Turkmenistan - 2020

3. www.turkmenistan. Org.

© Te^bflMeB E.A., XaTflWMeBa O.K., Ky^bieBa O.X., EafipaMOBa C., 2023

УДК 62

Гельдиев Г.,


Туркменский государственный институт финансов



computer system, hardware, software.

Hardware provision of technical means of information systems and technologies in the economy is a set of technical means necessary for the operation of the computer system, which includes the computer itself, peripherals, terminals, communication devices and other equipment connected to the computer system. In other words, these are tangible and tangible devices, such as printers, modems, monitors, keyboards, and other similar devices that make up a computer. The hardware is managed by the software. The memory or memory structure of personal computers is designed to store information. The primary function of a memory device is to read and write data. The most important characteristic of memory is its density and the time it takes to access it. Currently, large integrated circuits are used as the main memory element of RAM. The composition of RAM is currently performed on a SIMM.

Integrated chips for memory are a product of high technology. They are produced in small quantities by Japanese, Korean, American and European companies. RAM is the memory used to store information in the machine's memory while the computer is running. RAM is used to store the operating system, programs, program execution data, and the results of intermediate and cumulative calculations. Because this memory is power-dependent, data in RAM is lost when the computer is turned off. As an unofficial international symbol for RAM, the abbreviation RAM is sometimes used. The abbreviation RAM means that the computer can access data from anywhere.

Modern personal computers have non-volatile memory (ROM), also known as ROM. An important function of this memory is to store the BIOS. The BIOS computer software provides information about the system board

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