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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Barkovska O., Krutskikh T., Rohulia O.

Modern conditions require from higher education institutions to adjust the system of providing educational services considering risk situations that limit the mobility of its participants. The article provides a scientific justification of the information-analytical complex of providing practical training of pharmacy specialists. The presented results of the development database electronic organizing process of practical training with using GoogleApps services testify the efficiency in conditions of distance learning.

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не виявилось. Пункти «Уряди повинш винагород-жувати розробку нових антибютишв» i «Фармацев-тичнi компани повинш розробляти новi антибю-тики» не мали тако! високо! шдтримки у респондента. Це можна пояснити тим, що населения не розумie уае! глибини проблеми АБР i потреби свiту в нових антимшробних засобах з новими ме-хашзмами ди.

Бiльшiсть респондентiв (77,05%) повнютю або частково погоджуються з тим, що антибютикорези-стентнiсть - одна з найбшьш актуальних проблем, з якою стикаеться свiт. Разом з тим 36,93% опита-них аш погоджуються, анi не погоджуються з тим, що медичш експерти зможуть вирiшити цю проблему до того, як вона стане занадто критичною. Абсолютна бшьшстъ (88,82%) респондентiв вва-жае, що кожний повинен ввдповвдально вживати проташкробш ЛЗ.

Трохи бiльше половини (54,69%) респондента погоджуються, що одна людина самостiйно не зможе справитись iз проблемою АБР, лише 22,75 % вважають, що подолання дано! проблеми залежить вiд кожного з нас.

Майже половина (49,1%) респондентiв погоджуються з тезою, що !м не загрожуе зараження стш-кими до антибiотикiв iнфекцiями, якщо вони правильно приймають антибiотики. Також 50,9% опи-таних вважають, що вони в безпещ, якщо вони завжди дотримуються норм гiгiени та сатгарп.

Велика частина (81,6%) респондента вважають, що в Укрш'ш антибютики широко використо-вуються у сшьському господарствi.

Висновок. Велика частина населення Укра!ни ознайомлена з питанням антибютикорезистент-ностi. Розглянувши вiдповiдi на запитання, зро-зумiло, що респондента не до к1нця обiзнанi з пока-заннями для призначення антибютишв. На жаль, бшьшють респондентiв почувае себе у безпецi перед АБР, що вказуе на не усввдомлення уае! небез-пеки дано! проблеми. Вважаемо, що дощльно ро-зробити та провадити iнформацiйну кампашю з

пiдвищення 06i3HaH0CTi з питання АБР серед населення через ЗМ1 та соцiaльнi мережт Також, в робот провiзорiв та фармацевта частше наголошу-вати в бесвдах з пaцieнтaми про небезпеки та причини виникнення мшробно! стiйкостi серед населення та можливосл корекцп поганого самопо-чуття пащента, яке вони хочуть лiкувaти само-стiйно без консультацп лiкaря, безрецептурними препаратами.


1. Lack of new antibiotics threatens global efforts to contain drug-resistant infections. (2020). WHO News release. 17 January 2020. Geneva. Available at: https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/17-01-2020-lack-of-new-antibiotics-threatens-globalefforts-to-con-tain-drug-resistant-infections (date of access: 20.09.2020).

2. Fleming, A. Penicillin. Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1945. Available at: https://www.no-belprize.org/prizes/medicine/1945/fleming/lecture/ (date of access: 11.12.2019).

3. Projections of mortality and causes of death, 2016 to 2060. (n.d.). WHO. Available at: https://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_dis-ease/ projections/en/ (date of access: 11.09.2020).

4. World Health Organization. (2015). Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance. World Health Organization. Available at: https://apps.who.int/ iris/handle/10665/193736 (date of access: 11.09.2020).

5. World Health Organization. Antibiotic resistance: multi-country public awareness survey. (2015). Geneva. Available at: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/ 10665/194460/1/9789241509817_eng.pdf (date of access: 11.10.2020).

6. Muliavka Viktoriia (2017) Чотири мiфи про укранську вищу освпу. Commons/Сшльне. Available at: https://commons.com.ua/en/chotiri-mifi-pro-ukrayinsku-vishu-osvitu/ (date of access: 11.10.2020).



Barkovska O.

Head of the department ofpractice and employment promotion National University of Pharmacy, Kharkov, Ukraine

Krutskikh T.

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical (educative) work National University of Pharmacy, Kharkov, Ukraine

Rohulia O.

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing National University of Pharmacy, Kharkov, Ukraine


Modern conditions require from higher education institutions to adjust the system of providing educational services considering risk situations that limit the mobility of its participants. The article provides a scientific justification of the information-analytical complex of providing practical training of pharmacy specialists. The presented results of the development database electronic organizing process of practical training with using Goog-leApps services testify the efficiency in conditions of distance learning.

Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 47/2020 25

Keywords: pharmacy, education, practical training, student, electronic database

Formulation of the problem

Practical training of pharmaceutical personnel is an integral part of the educational process in the conditions of pharmaceutical education transformation. Practical training programs and production practices in the learning process allow students to develop their own skills in pharmaceutical activities, contribute to the development of critical thinking and solving professional problems have defined in the recommendations of the International Pharmaceutical Federation [1]. All of these determine the topicality of creating an information and analytical set of activities which will ensure the quality of the process of practical training in higher education institution (HEI).

Information-analytical support of practical training involves the creation of a mechanism for collecting, obtaining, accumulating, storing and using information resources that simplify the process of organizing and quality control of taking educational and industrial practice by students. Development and implementation of methodological bases of information-analytical support of practical training provides information needs for participants of educational process, allows to monitor the stages of practice, minimizes the risks of late documentation, provides feedback with students and practice bases, etc.

Analysis of recent research and publications The results of scientific research aimed at optimizing the practical training of pharmacy specialists are presented in [2, 3, 4-7] , along with the issue of information and analytical support of practical training of students HEI proficiency for pharmacy were not studied The purpose of scientific research is development scientifically based principles of information-analytical providing practical training for pharmacy specialists. Presenting main material Firstly, practical training the person who studies in HEI is provided by taking of practical training at enterprises, in institutions and organizations according to the

concluded agreements; secondly, heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations are obliged to provide appropriate conditions for internships in production and ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation according to the law; thirdly, internships by students are carried out according to current legislation were defined in article 51 "Practical training of people studying in institutions of higher education" the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" [8] .

In modern conditions, the development of scientifically based methods of organizing practical training becomes relevant, which does not regulate only the organizational aspects of conducting practical training, but also the conditions and its outcome.

It should be noted that the process of organizing practical training (Fig. 1) is time-consuming and requires significant time for its implementation, which determines the relevance necessity of the development and implementation of the information in HEI activities of the information-analytical system. The presence of such a system allows to ensure the appropriate level of organization of practical training, process management and control, accounting and data analysis due to the formed electronic database of this process [3, 9].

Based on the analysis of data from the scientific literature and modern experience of advanced free economic zones [10], we have created an electronic database of the process of organizing practical training using GoogleApps services.

Electronic database of the organization process of practical training is an automated system for collecting, registering, processing and analyzing data on the practical training of students of HEI (Fig. 2). The owner of the database is a structural subdivision of the institution, which is responsible for the organization and conduct of practical training, the manager - directly HEI. remote access of distributed requests

Tramm g department Dean s Office



Base of practice

Obtammgthe necessary data, appointment of responsible persons

Curricula Information aboutpractices

Lists of students Information about students

Methodical Information about the departments. the content of the practice, the name ofthe head


Contracts for practice Information on practice bases, name of the head

Division mto practice motivated choice of practice base


Source selection base practice: booklets, advice from professionals, widgets, production meetings, guidance teachers

Head of practice from the department


Head of practice from the base

Form of distribution — Chapter 1 Chapter2 Chapter 3 <e-Chapter4 Chapters Chapterö Chapter 7

Order, contract direction

Processing of registration results, preparation of I 3 , documents V-/

Schedule of briefings

Acquaintance with the purposes and tasks of practical' 4

training VV

Calendar schedule of practice _> Interview with the head of practice, controlof arrival \

distribution on workplaces \J

Schedule \isits to practice bases

Characteristics, diary

Providing methodo logic alassistance, current control^^^

Registration of documents, writing of the characteristic


S chedule of tests m practice


Implementation of final control, preparation of a repaît g

on practice Vx

Assessing the level of practice organization, identifying areas for improvement


Fig. 1 The process of organizing practical training

Fig. 2. Scheme of interaction of the electronic database of the process of organization ofpractical training with

other modules

The electronic database of the process of organizing practical training consists of:

- four modules:

Module 1 "Information about practices";

Module 2 "Information about students";

Module 3 "Information about the departments that manage practice";

Module 4 "Information about practice bases";

- Five Google Forms:

Google- form "Distribution to practice";

Google- form "E-referral to practice";

Google-form "Report of the department on practice";

Google-form " Level of practical training ";

Google-form "Monitoring the graduates of employment ";

- Three Google Docs:

Google- document "Practice Agreement";

Google-document "Order on student internship";

Google -document "Practice Diary".

Module 1 "Information about practices" integrates the information from the modules "Curriculum", "Dean's Office", "Methodological work" and has sections which contain information on the field of knowledge, specialty, educational program, educational degree, form and term of study, names of practice and its duration, the semester in which it takes place, the responsible department and the dean's office (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Structure of module 1 "Information about practices"

Module 2 " Information about students " integrates information from Module 1 and the "Dean's Office" module. This module contains information about the practice code; last name, first name, patronymic of the student; group code, telephone, e-mail address and a place of residence (registration) of the student (Fig. 4).

Information "Practice code" (A) is transferred from Module 1, "Surname, name, patronymic of the student", "Group code", "Phone", "E-mail address", "Student's place of residence" and additional information - from the module " Dean's office".

Fig. 4. Diagram of data flows of module 2 formation "Information about students"

Module 3 "Information about departments that manage practice" integrates information from Module 1, module "Personnel Department" (Fig. 5). Information "Name of the department that manages the practice" is transferred from Module 1, information B-D -

from the module "Human Resources Department", information E-G is provided by the departments of the HEI.

Fig. 5. Detailing of module 3 "Information about departments"

Module 4 "Information about practice bases" integrates information from Module 1, License Registers of the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products and Drug Control and has sections: serial number of the

agreement on practice; date of concluding the internship agreement; term of the contract; name of practice base: licensee; name of the pharmacy; address of the practice base; telephone, E-mail, practice database site; last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the

practice base, position; last name, first name, patronymic of the person responsible for the management of the practice from the base of practice, position; telephone number of the person responsible for the management of the practice; E-mail of the person responsible for the management of the practice; practice code; the name of the educational program; type of practice

base (Fig. 6). Information A-C is written down directly by a specialist of the Department of Practice and Employment Promotion, information D-G is integrated from the Licensing Registers of the State Service of Ukraine for Medicines and Drug Control, information H-K is provided by practice databases, information L-N is transferred from Module 1.

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E-mail the person responsible for guiding the practice

Fig. 6 Detailing of module 4 "Information about departments"

One of the components of services GoogleApps is use of working time by structural units of the HEI that in-Google-forms, which is a convenient tool that helps to volved in the organization of practice (table). solve certain production tasks effectively, optimizes the


Scope of Google-forms in the process of organizing of practical training

Name of Googleform Purpose of development Persons for whom Google forms are intended

Distribution to practice Information support, student's motivated choice of practice base Students

E-referral to practice Monitoring the progress of practice, receiving feedback from the practice base Practice leaders from bases

Level of practical training Determination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the process of organizing practical training and directions for its improvement Students, practice leaders from the HEI and practice bases

Department Practice Report Analysis of the results of practical training Practice leaders from HEI, teachers of departments

Monitoring the employment of graduates Obtaining the number of employees by specialty, analysis of prospects and opportunities that HEI provide to graduates and employers Graduates

With the help of Google-form "Distribution to practice" students are assigned to practice bases (Fig. 7), which is an electronic service for students and integrates information from Modules 1-4 of the electronic database of the process of organizing practical training, it is filled by the student and contains seven sections. A copy of the answer

filled out by the student of the Google-form "Distribution to practice " is automatically sent to him/her e-mail address and to Employment Practices and Promotion Department in order to conclude agreements on practice, issue E-referrals, preparation of orders to practice.

Fig. 7. Google form "Distribution to practice"

Google-form "E-referral" (electronic referral of a student to practice) is an electronic service for practice managers from databases, which allows controlling the arrival at a particular practice base, monitoring the progress of practice; get the total number of students aimed at a specific base of practice; reduces time and money spent on communication with the head of practice from the base and the preparation of referrals for practice.

"E- referral" on the example of the pharmacy network of KP ChOR "Pharmacy"

/is the basis for enrollment in practice/

Communal enterprise of Kharkiv regional council "PHARMACY" Kharkiv, 37 Architect Alyoshin Ave., letter 'A-5"

The person responsible for guiding the practice of higher education seekers from pharmacy chain Mitronova Elena Vladimirovna, tel. +38 (067) xxxxxxx

*Обов'язкове поле

To the director Feoklistova Elena Vitalievna

The e-referral is automatically transmitted to the head of the pharmacy network and the person responsible for guiding the practice.

According to the agreement dated 14.11.2019 № 134, which was concluded with the Municipal Enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council "PHARMACY" we send to the practice of the applicant (s) of higher education of the National University of Pharmacy:

Indicate your last name, first name, patronymic (in full);4 Baiua BianoBiflb

Enter group code: *

Fig. 8 Google-form "E- referral " on the example

The proposed electronic database of the process practical training organizing is designed to drafting of the documents related to ensuring the quality of practical training students, as well as relation with probable employers. All information contained in the proposed database, except for personal data and information with limited access, is available in open data format. The student has full access to the information required at any

The form must indicate the period of practice (beginning and end) for planning of the working day of specialists of practice bases. The e-referral is automatically transmitted to the manager and the person responsible for managing the practice from the databases (Fig. 8).

"the pharmacy network of KP ChOR "Pharmacy"

stage of the organization of practical training. Cost-free and free access of users to the information presented in the electronic database of the process of organization of practical training is carried out through the official website of the HEI. Distributed requirements access allow to work with data from any source, to get an access to data from several sources in a single query.


Developed and tested information-analytical support of practical training in the form of an electronic database of the process of organizing practical training, which contains four modules ("Information about practices", "Information about students", "Information about the departments that manage practice", "Information about databases practices"); five online forms ("Distribution to practice", "E-referral to practice", "Report of the department on practice", "Level of practical training", " Monitoring the employment of graduates "); three online documents ("Practice Agreement ", " Order on student internship ", " Practice Diary ").


1. Transforming Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Education in the Context of Workforce Development. URL: https://www.fip.org/files/fip/publications/ FIPEd_Nanjing_Report_2017_11.10.17.pdf (date of application: 10.09.2020).

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Prokopenko T.

Tina S. Prokopenko, PhD in Pharmacy, Associate professor, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv

Goryacha L.

Larisa O. Goryacha, Lecturer, Teaching Methods Expert, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv


Results of assessment by employers, teachers and students of the importance of educational disciplines of the educational and professional program in the specialty "Pharmacy" for pharmaceutical professional occupation are presented in the article. The obtained results should be used in credit time distribution for academic disciplines in the educational and professional program, considering their role in formation of the competencies of future specialists.

Keywords: pharmacy technician, educational and professional program, academic disciplines, competencies

The global trend of pharmaceutical practice in pharmacies is to rely on pharmacists having secondary special education, performing a number of ancillary functions under the supervision of a specialist with higher education.

In Ukraine, pharmaceutical industry workers having secondary special education are represented by specialists - pharmacy technicians who work under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, perform the functions of manufacturing drugs, dispensing over-the-

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