Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
UDC 629.423:621.313.3 - 047.37
1 Dep. «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 47, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-0119-1446
2Dep. «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ORCID 0000-0003-0319-4544
3Dep. «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 47, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-5087-4206
4Dep. «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 47, e-mail [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-4162-1746
5Dep. «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ORCID 0000-0003-3602-5851
Purpose. The article aims to study the problem of increase the reliability of auxiliary machines for AC electric trains during operation in real conditions. Methodology. The peculiarity of system construction of auxiliary machines for AC electric rolling stock is the use of asynchronous motors for general industrial purpose. An engineering method of influence determination on the feeding voltage asymmetry and its deviation from the nominal value on heating of auxiliary machines insulation was proposed. Findings. It is found out that in case when the auxiliary machines of AC electric trains work under asymmetry factor of the voltage 10% or more and feeding voltage deviation from the nominal order 0.6 relative unit then it is possible the overheat of their isolation, even if it has class H. Originality. For the first time the issue of the total insulation heating under such boundary parameters combinations of energy quality, when each of them contributes to the heating insulation increase as compared to the nominal regime of the "rotating phase splitter-auxiliary machinery" system was illuminated. Practical value. Conducted research allow us to establish the boundary parameter values of feeding energy quality (asymmetry factor, feeding voltage deviations from the nominal value), at which additional isolation overheating of this class under the effect of specified factors will not exceed the agreed value.
Keywords: overheating; electrical power quality; asymmetry; auxiliary electrical machines; electric stock; AC
Standards of electric energy quality (EQ) in the power supply systems of general purpose are determined by the State Standard 13109 - 97 [3]. Electric locomotives and trains of AC are equipped
with general purposed asynchronous motors (AM) of three-phase current for the auxiliary devices drive (compressors, fans, pumps, etc.). These devices are powered by the phase splitter (the converter of single-phase current into three-phase
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
one). At present on AC electric rolling stock (ERS) of Ukrainian railways mainly rotary converters are used. In this case EQ is significantly different from the above mentioned State Standard for the worse. As a result on ERS the AM of general purpose are operated in the toughest conditions. For ERS there are initial developments of static phase converters instead of the rotary ones. But the technical and economic feasibility of modernization of electric locomotives and trains that have already been working for decades on the Ukrainian railways by replacing the rotary converters with static ones is unlikely.
The purpose of the paper is to improve the reliability of auxiliary machines of AC electric rolling stock in the conditions of the real operation on the Ukrainian railways.
A lot of experts investigated the heating of asynchronous motors of auxiliary devices for ERS, which is operated at present [6, 7, 12, 13, 14]. Investigations of O. A. Nekrasov should be noted as one of the most overall works [6, 7]. At this the issue of total insulation heat in such combinations of these parameters of EQ, when each of them promotes the increase of insulation heat as compared to the nominal conditions of the system "rotary phase splitter - auxiliary machines" is almost uncovered. The nominal conditions of the system are understood as the conditions with the nominal voltage (25kV) [2] in the contact network and with all the auxiliary machinery working in the nominal conditions at the same time.
It is proposed the following engineering determination method of the heating temperature of stator winding insulation for auxiliary AE taking into account the additional heating due to poor quality of feeding electric energy.
Additional insulation heat, which results from the unsinusoidality of voltage curve, can be ignored, as the necessary nominal power reserve as a result of heating from currents and magnetic fields of higher harmonics amounts only about 5% [6, 7].
Additional heating of AE resulting from voltage asymmetry axh [5]:
AT = -
2K2 100
where K2U - is the coefficient of the voltage asymmetry, %.
Coefficient K2U should be taken as equal to 10% at the lowest value of supply voltage and 5% at the greatest value [1].
01 - is the average temperature rise of the stator winding AM in the nominal conditions. It is this temperature determines the thermal state of the engine in terms of reliability, expected service life and overload capability.
e i = R,i AP, + R,2 AP, + Apj,
where Ru, Rv
R13 - are
generalized thermal
support of equivalent circuit; aP1 , aP2 , aP3 - are accordingly the electric losses in stator winding, electric losses in stator winding, electric losses in rotor winding and losses in the steel.
Thermal supports can be calculated using the following empirical expressions:
R ir
Dai • A
R12 ~ R13 ~ 0,6R11
Da1 - is the outer diameter of the stator core, cm; /1 - is the length of stator core, cm; K - is the coefficient that equals to 27 for AM with the power 0.5... 10kW and 35 for AM with the power 11...250kW.
Losses of AM are distributed by the type per unit as follows [8]:
Electrical losses in stator aPj, = 0,3; Electrical losses in rotor aP2, = 0,4; Losses in magnetic core of stator aP3„ = 0,15 ; Mechanical losses aPm6x, = 0,15; Total power losses ^ aP = 1,00 .
The postheating of AM during the voltage fluctuation [5]:
ax0H = 60 -aU,, (5)
where aU, - is the voltage fluctuation from the nominal one, relative units.
Traction networks of electrified railways are characterized by wide voltage fluctuations [2, 9]. This greatly affects the operation of auxiliary machines especially since the voltage of auxiliary winding of the traction transformer is additionally
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету з^зничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
influenced by processes that take place in power and auxiliary circuits of electric or electric locomotive or electric train. As a result of this, the limits of supply voltage fluctuations of auxiliary machines are much wider than on the current collectors. In electric locomotives they are approximately equal to 250...460V at the nominal value 380 W. For the motor cars with the nominal voltage 220 V the limits of voltage fluctuations approximately reach 150.280V [6, 7].
Total temperature rise £ t of the stator winding:
Eat = 9, +дх„ +дх
1 но
14,5 • 9
Total power losses £ p = 1,00.
Consumed power p =
= 2820,5 W;
П 0,78
£ p = p (1 - n) = 2820,5 (1 - 0,78) = 620,5 W;
дР = 0,3 • 620,5 = 186,2 W;
дР2 = 0,4 • 620,5 = 248,2W;
дР3 = 0,15 • 620,5 = 93,1 W;
91 = 0,207 • 186,2 + 0,124 • 248,2 +
+0,124 • 93,1 = 80,8°C
Additional heating under the influence of voltage asymmetry at the minimum voltage in contact network U„ min = 19 kW [2] ( K2U = 10%):
ath = 2oo"80,8 = 161,6°C
Voltage fluctuation on the auxiliary AM with UKM min = 19 kW:
Uном - U
ном min
220 -150 220
= 0,318
The obtained value £ at should not be more
than the maximum permissible temperature rise for a certain class of thermal resistance of insulation [1, 4]. As an example of application of the proposed method let us determine £ at for the motor
AOM - 32 - 2, which is used for the pump and fan drives of the cabin of AC electric trains series ER9, the Da1 = 14,5 cm, lx = 9 cm [10]. For this engine let us perform the following calculation
R12 » R13 » 0,6• 0,207 = 0,124.
Efficiency coefficient n = 0,78 , nominal power Pom = 2, 2 kW.
Distribution of losses according the type [8]: Electric losses in the stator p3j1* = 0,3 ; Electric losses in the rotor p3JJ 2* = 0,4; Losses in magnetic core of the stator
Pox* =0,15;
Mechanical losses pMex, = 0,15 ;
Additional heating of AM through the voltage fluctuations: ateh = 60 • 0,318 = 19°C .
Total temperature rise of the stator windings:
£ at = 80,8 +161,6 +19 = 261,4°C .
The required for this calculation values K2U and aU* are determined using the graphs that are presented by the Figure 1 and Figure 2. During their construction the dependencies aU, = f (UKM)
and K2U = f (Ukm ) are taken as the linear ones. This assumption is possible because the K2U and aU* are determined at different values of Ukm through the transformation coefficient of the traction transformer for the winding of auxiliary machines, which is constant value.
Fig. 1. Dependency aU , = f (UKC)
For the interval of voltages in the contact network (19...25) kW (Table 1) the calculation is performed £ AT = f (Ukm ) similarly.
k = Uкм ном = const,
тр U
^ АД ном
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нащонального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
Fig. 2. Dependency K2U = f (икм)
where U
АД ном
is the nominal winding voltage for
the supply of auxiliary machines. For the AC electric trains of the series ER-9 UAR H0M = 220 V.
The Fig. 3 shows the dependence ^ ax = f (UKM), which is constructed according to the data of Table 1.
.. ^261,4 190 N.
" 165
- 140
I ä 20,3 u. i 20,8 cc i 21.5 -t-*-1--*■
25 U„ hB
ture if the stress in the contact network will be for a long time less than 21.5kV. If the engine AOM -32 - 2 will have insulation of class F or H, then this voltage should be 20.8kW and 20.3kW accordingly. Let us call these voltages in contact network the critical ones for auxiliary AM. 17,1
6,3 161,6 19
= 2,7 times more, at
Ukm = 19 kW - in
= 8,5 times more. That is why when reach-
Fig. 3. Dependency SAt = f (Ura)
Maximum permissible temperature rise (140 °C, 165 °C, 190 °C) of the stator winding (taking into account the fact that the motor AOM -32 - 2 is closed unblown) [10], which are indicated in this Figure correspond to a thermal resistance of the insulation B, F, H [1].
The Figure 3 shows that the motor with insulation of class B overheats over the permissible tempera-
ing the critical voltage in contact network it is necessary to take the measures for corresponding reduction first of all the asymmetry coefficient.
Similarly, one can quantify overheat caused by the supply voltage unbalance and its deviation from the nominal value for auxiliary AM of the locomotives and AC electric trains of all series.
Obviously, at the minimum UKM = 19 kW, which is allowed in the operation, the stator insulation of motor AOM - 32 - 2 will overheat beyond the allowable temperature. Even if it has class H, upon the condition that such voltage is sufficiently long in time. The Table 1 shows that at UKM = 23 kW and less the auxiliary heating of AM with non symmetric voltage in several times exceeds the additional heating than the fluctuation of supply voltage from the nominal value.
Originality and practical value
It is proposed the method that makes it possible to determine the additional heat of auxiliary machines insulation of electric rolling stock at simultaneous action of such parameters of supply power quality like voltage asymmetry coefficient and fluctuation of voltage supply.
To make sure that the static phase converters are more reliable and economic it will take a lot of time for both their designing and testing and for verifying during operation. The objective preconditions on the feasibility of these studies are not available.
Therefore, at this time the development of recommendations for modernization of the mentioned objects to improve the EQ feeding the auxiliary AM with minimal costs and in short time is the urgent task.
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
Table 1
Dependency calculation £ дх = f (UKM)
UKM , KB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
K2U , % 10 8.2 6.51 4.9 3.25 1.55 0
AU. 3.18 0.27 0.215 0.155 0.105 0.05 0
161.6 108.7 68.5 38.8 17.1 3.9 0
Твн , 19 16.2 12.9 9.3 6.3 3 0
£ AX , °C 261.4 205.7 162.2 128.9 104.9 87.7 80.8
In any case, the study of EQ influence (taking into account the real conditions of such parameters as unsinusoidality, asymmetry, voltage fluctuation (VF)) on the aging of thermal insulation of AM of auxiliary devices of ERS caused by its auxiliary heating under the influence of these factors represents scientific and practical interest in terms of improving reliability of locomotives.
The proposed method makes it possible for the AC electric rolling stock with rotary phase converters to:
1. Quantify the additional heating of auxiliary asynchronous motors of AC electric rolling stock through the asymmetry of supply voltage and its fluctuation from the nominal value.
2. Identify the critical voltage in contact network, at which the stator insulation of the auxiliary engines of classes B, F, H will overheat above the permissible temperature rise with auxiliary heating, which is caused by the asymmetry of supply voltage and its fluctuation from the nominal value.
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Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нащонального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
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1 Каф. «Електротехнжа та електромеханжа», Дншропетровський нацюнальний уншерситет з^зничного транспорту ÎMem академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-0119-1446
2Каф. «Електротехнжа та електромеханжа», Днiпропетровський нацюнальний ун1верситет залiзничного транспорту iменi академiка В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украïна, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ORCID 0000-0003-0319-4544
3Каф. «Електротехнжа та електромеханжа», Днiпропетровський нацюнальний утверситет залiзничного транспорту iменi академiка В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-5087-4206
4Каф. «Електротехнжа та електромеханжа», Дшпропетровський нацюнальний уЩверситет залiзничного транспорту iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ел. пошта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-4162-1746
5Каф. «Електротехнжа та електромеханжа», Дшпропетровський нацюнальний уншерситет залiзничного транспорту iменi академжа В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дншропетровськ, Украша, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ORCID 0000-0003-3602-5851
Мета. У робот необхвдно з'ясувати питання щодо шдвищення надiйностi допомгжних машин електропо1'з-д!в змiнного струму при експлуатаци в реальних умовах. Методика. Особливютю побудови систем допомь жних машин електрорухомого складу змiнного струму е застосування асинхронних двигушв загальнопро-мислового призначення. Запропоновано шженерний метод визначення впливу несиметри живлячо1 напруги та ввдхилення ïï ввд номiнального значення на нагрiвання iзоляцiï допомгжних машин. Результата. Встановлено, що у випадку, коли допомiжнi машини електропоïздiв змiнного струму працюють при коефщенп несиметри напруг 10 % i бiльше та вiдхиленнi напруги живлення вiд номiнального порядку 0,6 у вщносних одиницях, то можливий перегрiв 1'х iзоляцiï, навiть якщо вона буде мати клас Н. Наукова новизна. Вперше висвгглено питання про сумарний на^в iзоляцiï при таких поеднаннях граничних параметрiв якосп енергп, коли кожен iз них сприяе збiльшенню нагрiвання iзоляцiï в порiвняннi з номiнальним режимом системи «обертовий фазорозщеплювач - допомiжнi машини». Практична значимкть. Проведенi дослвдження дозволяють встановити граничнi значення параметрiв якосп живлячо1' електроенергй' (коефiцiента несиметри, ввдхилення живлячо1' напруги ввд номiнального значення), при яких додатковий перегрiв iзоляцiï даного класу шд впливом зазначених факторiв не перевищуватиме встановленого значення.
Ключовi слова: переев; яшсть електрично1' енерги; несиметрiя; допомiжнi електричнi машини; електрорухомий склад; змшний струм
14. Shenkman, A. L. Experimental method for syntethis of generalized thermal circuit of polyphase induction motors / A. L. Shenkman, M. Chertkov // IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. - 2000. - № 3. - P. 264-268.
Наука та прогрес транспорту. Вкник Дншропетровського нацюнального ушверситету залiзничного транспорту, 2014, № 3 (51)
1 Каф. «Электротехника и электромеханика», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-0119-1446
2Каф. «Электротехника и электромеханика», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ORCID 0000-0003-0319-4544
3Каф. «Электротехника и электромеханика», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0001-5087-4206
4Каф. «Электротехника и электромеханика», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, эл. почта [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-4162-1746
5Каф. «Электротехника и электромеханика», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днепропетровск, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 47, ORCID 0000-0003-3602-5851
Цель. В работе необходимо выяснить вопрос касательно повышения надежности вспомогательных машин электропоездов переменного тока при эксплуатации в реальных условиях. Методика. Особенностью построения систем вспомогательных машин электроподвижного состава переменного тока является применение асинхронных двигателей общепромышленного назначения. Предложен инженерный метод определения влияния несимметрии питающего напряжения и отклонения его от номинального значения на нагревание изоляции вспомогательных машин. Результаты. Установлено, что в случае, когда вспомогательные машины электропоездов переменного тока работают при коэффициенте несимметрии напряжений 10 % и более и отклонении питающего напряжения от номинального порядка 0,6 в относительных единицах, то возможен перегрев их изоляции, даже если она будет иметь класс Н. Научная новизна. Впервые освещен вопрос о суммарном нагревании изоляции при таких сочетаниях граничных параметров качества энергии, когда каждый из них способствует увеличению нагревания изоляции по сравнению с номинальным режимом системы «вращающийся фазорасщепитель - вспомогательные машины». Практическая значимость. Проведенные исследования позволяют установить граничные значения параметров качества питающей электроэнергии (коэффициента несимметрии, отклонения питающего напряжения от номинального значения), при которых дополнительный перегрев изоляции данного класса под влиянием указанных факторов не будет превышать установленного значения.
Ключевые слова: перегрев; качество электрической энергии; несимметрия; вспомогательные электрические машины; электроподвижной состав; переменный ток
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Prof. M. O. Kostin, D. Sc. (Tech.); Prof. F. P. Shkrabets, D. Sc. (Tech.) recommended this article to
be published
Received: March 03, 2014
Accepted: April 11, 2014