Научная статья на тему 'Influence of epichlorohydrin, the extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline on the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats'

Influence of epichlorohydrin, the extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline on the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Smirnov A.S., Mirzebasov M.A.

In experiments on white rats studied the nature of the changes in the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach after two-month inhalation exposure of epichlorohydrin, administration of the extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline. Epichlorohydrin causes an increase in the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats, which is observed for thirty days after the end of its inhalation. Introduction of Echinacea purpurea extract increases the thickness of the submucosa in rats which are not treated with epichlorohydrin, and decreases the thickness of this structure in rats which are treated with epichlorohydrin. Extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline reduces the severity of increasing the thickness of the submucosa caused by epichlorohydrin. Thiotriazoline also reduces the duration of this effect of epichlorohydrin.

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Похожие темы научных работ по фундаментальной медицине , автор научной работы — Smirnov A.S., Mirzebasov M.A.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of epichlorohydrin, the extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline on the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats»

7. Сенчакович Ю.В. Морфометрична характеристика ланок мжроциркуляторного русла тднебшних залоз при експериментальнш гiпосалiвацiï / Ю.В. Сенчакович, Г.А. Срошенко // Вюник проблем бюлогп та медицини. -2014. -Вип. 3, Т. 3 (112). - С. 275 - 278.

8. European convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. -Strasbourg: Council of Europe, - 1986. - 53 р.

9. Godoy T. Salivary secretion effects of the antipsychotic drug olanzapine in an animal model : [Електронний ресурс] / T. Godoy, A. Riva, J. Ekström // Oral Dis. - 2012. - № 28. - P. 347 - 455. - Режим доступу до журн. : doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2012.01964.x.

10. Pallos D. Salivary markers in patients with chronic renal failure / D. Pallos, M. V. Leao, F. C. Togeiro [et al.] // Arch Oral Biol. - 2015, Sep 12, 60 (12). - Р . 1784 - 1788. - Режим доступу до журн. : doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.09.008. [Epub ahead of print.]

11. Qi W. Effect of parasympathectomy on the salivary secretion of submandibular glandin rats / W. Qi, N.Y. Yang, X.F. Shan [et all.] // Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi. - 2011. - Vol. 46 (9). - P. 519 - 523.

12. Yeroshenko G.A. Morphometric characteristic of microcircular rate of salivary glands after administration of platyphyllinum and Proserinum / G.A. Yerochenko, D.V. Tsukanov, N.V. Gasyuk [et al.] // European International Journal of Science and Technology. - 2014. - Vol. 3, №. 8. - Р. 29 - 34.


Целью работы было определить динамику изменений в протоковой системе небных желез крыс после введения адреналина. Проведенное морфометрическе исследование установило, что введение крысам адреналина вызывает достоверное уменьшение метрических значений наружного диаметра выводных протоков на 14 сутки эксперимента. До 30 суток состоялось прогрессивное уменьшение показателя в протоках I и III порядках и увеличение - в протоках II порядка. Высота эпителиоцитов увеличилась в протоках и порядка и уменьшилась - в протоках II и III порядка на 14 сутки эксперимента, на 30 сутки наблюдения -уменьшилось. Диаметр просветов протоков небных слюнных желез уменьшился на всех сроках наблюдения. Установлены изменения обусловлены как непосредственным раздражающим влиянием адреналина на организм крыс, так и изменениями кровоснабжения слизистой оболочки, что приводит к нарушению трофики проточной системы небных желез крыс.

Ключевые слова: морфометрия, небные железы, адреналин, выводные протоки.

Стаття надшшла 12.06.2016 р.

UDС 611.316


The aime of the researche was to determine the dynamics of changes in the ductal system of the palatine glands of rats after administration of epinephrine. Conducted morphometric study found that injection of adrenalin to rats causes a significant decrease in the metric values of the outer diameter of the excretory ducts on the 14th day of the experiment. Up to 30 days took a progressive decrease in the indicator in the ducts I and III and an increase in orders - in channels II order. The height of epithelial cells grown in the ducts and order and decreased - in channels II and III of the order on the 14th day of the experiment, 30 hours of observation - has decreased. Lumen diameter ducts palatal salivary glands decreased at all stages of monitoring. Set change due to both direct irritant effect of adrenaline on the rats, and the changes of blood supply to the mucosa, which leads to disruption of the flow system trophism palatine glands of rats.

Keywords: morphometry, palatine glands, adrenaline, ducts.

Рецензент Бшаш С.М.



In experiments on white rats studied the nature of the changes in the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach after two-month inhalation exposure of epichlorohydrin, administration of the extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline. Epichlorohydrin causes an increase in the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats, which is observed for thirty days after the end of its inhalation. Introduction of Echinacea purpurea extract increases the thickness of the submucosa in rats which are not treated with epichlorohydrin, and decreases the thickness of this structure in rats which are treated with epichlorohydrin. Extract of Echinacea purpurea and thiotriazoline reduces the severity of increasing the thickness of the submucosa caused by epichlorohydrin. Thiotriazoline also reduces the duration of this effect of epichlorohydrin.

Keywords: stomach, epichlorohydrin, an extract of Echinacea purpurea, thiotriazoline, rats.

The work is part of the SRW "Structurally functional condition of the tissues under the action of exogenous and endogenous factors and correction of changes occurring under the action of these factors» (№ 0112U002870) and "The state of the tissues under the action of exogenous and endogenous factors on the path of correction of the changes that are caused by these factors» (№ 0116U006014).

Structural components of the digestive system substantially differ subtly plasticity ability to respond to exogenous factors of different nature [1, 3, 5, 6]. The unfavorable ecological situation,

characterized by high level of pollution traces in some regions increases the frequency and severity of diseases of the digestive system in Ukraine. Marked increase in the incidence of gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer [4]. One of the most common groups of xenobiotics, related to anthropogenic polyutantam are epoxy compounds, the monomers are in the airspace of industrial and residential use [2].

One of the most toxic components and the epoxy compounds is epichlorohydrin used in the rubber industry, solvents and pesticides [8]. Epichlorohydrin influence on the organism, causing disorders of the visual organs, respiratory tract, skin, reproductive organs of the immune system [7, 9, 10, 11]. However, the mechanism of action of epichlorohydrin on the state of the stomach wall is practically not been studied, that determines the relevance of research in this direction. The prevalence of contacts with epichlorohydrin people involved in the chemical industry, makes it necessary to find effective approaches to the prevention and correction of the changes induced by epichlorohydrin.

Purpose of the study. To study the influence of the nature of epichlorohydrin in the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats and experimentally prove the possibility pimeneniya extract of Echinacea purpurea and Thiotriazoline to correct changes caused by the data of a chemical agent.

Material and research methods. Experimental animals - albino adult male rats - were divided into six experimental group were formed. Each group consisted of thirty rats. The first group served as a control. The second experimental group rats two months, five days a week for five hours daily inhalation epichlorohydrin prepared at 10 MPC (10 mg / kg). Third experimental group rats for two months, five days a week was administered by gavage Echinacea purpurea extract 200 mg / kg body weight. Rats of fourth experimental groups fourth within two months, five days a week intraperitoneally Thiotriazoline 2.5% solution was prepared at a dose of 117.4 mg / kg of body weight. The rats in the experimental group received five epichlorohydrin and Echinacea purpurea extract to rats of sixth experimental group -epichlorohydrin and thiotriazoline. On the 1, 7, 15, 30, 60 day At the end of the two-month exposure to epichlorohydrin, extract of Echinacea purpurea and Thiotriazoline deduced from the experiment, six rats from each experimental group. The stomach was fixed in 10% neutral formalin. Histological processing was performed by the standard method by dehydration in ethanol solution followed by removal of the alcohol with xylene. Preparations embedded in paraffin. The sections of the stomach were four micrometers thick, made using a sledge microtome, stained with hematoxylin-eosin and van Gieson which. Determines the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric Ogan. Statistical processing of the results was performed using Excel program. Evaluation of reliability of differences was performed using the U Mann - Whitney. Differences were considered significant at p <0,05.

Results and its discussion. On the first, seventh, fifteenth and thirtieth day after the cessation of inhalation epichlorohydrin thickness of the submucosa of the of the pyloric part of the stomach in comparison with the corresponding index of intact rats of the control group was more than 47,6%, 58,1%, 22,8% and 32,3% (p <0,01), respectively. With time there was a reduction of thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric stomach of rats in the experimental group treated with epichlorohydrin. For sixty days observation period it became less by 25,1% (p <0,01) (table 1).

Changing the thickness of the submucosa pyloric stomach of rats after exposure to the extract of Echinacea purpurea in comparison with the thickness of the structure in intact rats of the control group was recorded on the first and on the seventh day, when this figure increased by 8,3% and 6,8%, respectively ( p <0,05). In rats treated with the extract of Echinacea purpurea was observed decrease in the thickness of the submucosa in the first period on the fifteenth day of 5,2% (p <0,05) and an increase in its fifteenth intervals between the clock and the thirties by 8,7% (p <0,05) (table 1).

Exposure to epichlorohydrin and the extract of Echinacea purpurea was accompanied by an increase in the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats in comparison with the thickness of the structure in intact rats of the control group by 35,8% (p <0,01), 11,6% (p <0,05 ), 15,7% (p <0,01), 19,5% (p <0,01) in the first, on the seventh, on the fifteenth and thirtieth day of observation, respectively. Use of Echinacea purpurea extract induced decrease in the thickness of the submucosa in rats receiving inhaled epichlorohydrin, on the seventh day after the cessation of administration of agents considered by 29,4% (p <0,01). Over sixty days of the study the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats, which acted epichlorohydrin and the extract of Echinacea purpurea, undulating decreased by 18,7% (p <0,01) (table 1).

In the context of long-term administration thiotriazoline, submucosa thickness as compared with that in intact rats of the control group did not undergo statistical significant changes (p> 0,05). However, a comparison of the thickness of the submucosa rats administered thiotriazoline, at different times after the cessation of drug administration showed the presence of a linear increase of the indicator value from the

seventh to the sixtieth day by 12,2% (p <0,05) (table 2). The conditions created after the introduction of epichlorohydrin and thiotriazoline, the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats was greater than that of intact control group of rats, on the first day of observation of 13,1% (p <0.05), on the seventh day - to 8,5% (p <0,05), but lower than in rats that received only inhaled epichlorohydrin, the first study day by 23,4% (p <0,01), on the seventh day - 31,4 % (p <0,01), on the fifteenth day - by 17,7% (p <0,05), on the thirtieth day - by 24,2% (p <0,01). In the period from the first to the sixtieth day after the cessation of exposure to epichlorohydrin and thiotriazoline statistically significant change in the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats were absent (p> 0,05) (table 2).

Table 1

The thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats following inhalation _exposure to epichlorohydrin and the extract of Echinacea purpurea (M ± SD)_

Day of Number of Thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach (microns)

observation rats per The control After inhalation After the extract of After exposure to

group group exposure to epichlorohydrin Echinacea purpurea epichlorohydrin and the extract of Echinacea purpurea

1 n = 6 21,69±1,97 32,02±3,44* 23,50±0,52* 29,46±2,25*

7 n = 6 22,09±1,07 34,93±4,07* 23,60±0,80* 24,66±1,44*#

15 n = 6 22,46±1,84 27,58±3,06* 22,28±1,14х 25,99±1,57*

30 n = 6 23,25±2,16 30,76±3,56* 24,21±1,26х 27,78±2,68*

60 n = 6 23,13±1,76 23,97±3,35х 22,92±1,57 23,94±2,57x

Note:* - p <0,05 in comparison with indicators of intact rats in the control group;# - p <0,05 in comparison with indicators of rats undergoing the inhalation of epichlorohydrin;x - p <0,05 when compared to the same parameters in rats of the experimental group at different periods of observation.

Table 2

The thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats following inhalation __exposure to epichlorohydrin and thiotriazoline (M ± SD)_

Day of observation Number of rats per group Thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach (microns)

The control group After inhalation exposure of epichlorohydrin After exposure of thiotriazoline After exposure of epichlorohydrin and thiotriazoline

1 n = 6 21,69±1,97 32,02±3,44* 22,24±1,45 24,53±2,21*#

7 n = 6 22,09±1,07 34,93±4,07* 21,19±1,12 23,97±1,31*#

15 n = 6 22,46±1,84 27,58±3,06* 21,98±1,24 22,71±2,00#

30 n = 6 23,25±2,16 30,76±3,56* 23,76±1,81 23,31±2,38#

60 n = 6 23,13±1,76 23,97±3,35х 23,78±1,66х 23,29±1,93

Note:* - p <0,05 in comparison with indicators of intact rats in the control group;# - p <0,05 in comparison with indicators of rats undergoing the inhalation of epichlorohydrin;x - p <0,05 when compared to the same parameters in rats of the experimental group at different periods of observation.

1. Epichlorohydrin causes an increase in the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric part of the stomach of rats, which is observed for thirty days after the end of its inhalation.

2. Introduction of Echinacea purpurea extract leads to a change in the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric stomach. The orientation of these changes in rats not treated with epichlorohydrin, and rats treated with epichlorohydrin different. In the first case of Echinacea purpurea extract causes an increase, while in the second case - a decrease of this indicator.

3. The extract of Echinacea purpurea reduces the severity of epichlorohydrin caused by increasing the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric portion of the stomach of rats.

4. Use thiotriazoline on background epichlorohydrin inhalation reduces the severity and duration of induced him to increase the thickness of the submucosa of the pyloric portion of the stomach of rats.

Prospects for further research. Conducting studies on the impact of laws epihlorgidrinana on the stomach and on the structural elements of the body will expand a pilot basis to explain the mechanisms of gastric state changes under the action of xenobiotics and create conditions for the development of effective methods ofprevention and correction of these changes.

1. Аминова А. И Причины развития хронических гастродуоденальных и костных расстройств у детей, проживающих под действием антропогенных экологических факторов (обзор литературы) / А. И. Аминова, Е. Ю. Минченко // Экспериментальная клиническая гастроэнтерология. - 2014. - № 1. - С. 95 - 101.

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В експериментах на бших щурах вивчали характер змш, що наступають в тдслизовш основi тлоричного вщдшу шлунка, тсля двомюячного шгаляцшного впливу етхлорпдрину, введення екстракту ехшаце! пурпурово! i тютриазолшу. Етхлорпдрин викликае збiльшення товщини пiдслизовоi' основи тлоричного вщдшу шлунка щурiв, яке спостертаеться протягом тридцяти дiб тсля заюнчення його iнгаляцiй. Введення екстракту ехтаце! пурпурово! призводить до збшьшення товщини пiдслизовоi' основи у щурiв, якi не отримували епiхлоргiдрин, i до зменшення даного показника у щурiв, якi отримували епiхлоргiдрин. Як екстракт ехшаце! пурпурово!, так i тiотриазолiн зменшують ступень викликаного етхлорпдрином збiльшення товщини пiдслизовоi' основи. Тютриазолш також зменшуе тривалiсть цього ефекту етхлорпдрину.

Ключовi слова: шлунок, етхлорпдрин, екстракт ехшаце! пурпурово!, тютриазолш, щури.

Стаття надшшла 14.06.2016 р.


В экспериментах на белых крысах изучали характер изменений, наступающих в подслизистой основе пилорического отдела желудка, после двухмесячного ингаляционного воздействия эпихлоргидрина, введения экстракта эхинацеи пурпурной и тиотриазолина. Эпихлоргидрин вызывает увеличение толщины подслизистой основы пилорического отдела желудка крыс, которое наблюдается на протяжении тридцати суток после окончания его ингаляций. Введение экстракта эхинацеи пурпурной приводит к увеличению толщины подслизистой основы у крыс, не получавших эпихлоргидрин, и к уменьшению данного показателя у крыс, получавших эпихлоргидрин. Как экстракт эхинацеи пурпурной, так и тиотриазолин уменьшают выраженность вызванного эпихлоргидрином увеличения толщины подслизистой основы. Тиотриазолин также уменьшает продолжительность этого эффекта эпихлоргидрина.

Ключевые слова: желудок, эпихлоргидрин, экстракт эхинацеи пурпурной, тиотриазолин, крысы.

Рецензент Бшаш С.М.

УДК 611.13 + 612.592



Робота присвячена вивченню особливостей морфофункцюнальних змш у структурних елементах стшки артерш м'язового типу тд впливом дй загально! глибоко! гшотермй. Використано 20 бших безпородних статевозрших щурiв масою 160-180 г. Охолодження проводили у вщповщноси до запатентовано! методики. Евтаназiя щурiв здiйснювалася методом передозування ефiрного наркозу. Забiр матерiалу проводили вщразу пiсля дй загально! глибоко! гшотермп та на 1-шу, 3-тю, 7-му доби постгiпотермiчного перiоду. На висои дй холодового фактора та на 1-у, 3-ю доби постгiпотермiчного перюду спостерiгаеться набряк i часткове руйнування окремих клпинних i позаклiтинних елеменив артерiальноi' стiнки. На 7-у добу превалюють дистрофiчнi змiни структурних компонента судинно! стiнки.

Ключов! слова: артерй м'язового типу, загальна ппотерм1я.

Робота являетъся фрагментом НДР «Морфофункцюналъний стан мжроциркуляторного русла (МЦР) i клтинних елементiв оргатв i тканин тсля дн загалъноI глибокоI гтотерми» (номер держреестраци 0113U00941).

Як свщчать даш л1тератури, будова стшки артерш базуеться на концепци функцюнально! одиниц1, структурн1 компоненти яко! тюно пов'язан1 м1ж собою [1, 4]. В експеримеш! на тваринах

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