INFLUENCE OF AGE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ORGANISM ON METABOLISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Ключевые слова
atrophy / regeneration / synthesis / hemoglobin / albumin / globulin / cholesterol / atherosclerosis / exercise / gamma globulin / high molecular weight protein / low molecular weight protein. / атрофия / регенерация / синтез / гемоглобин / альбумин / глобулин / холестерин / атеросклероз / физические упражнения / гамма-глобулин / высокомолекулярный белок / низкомолекулярный белок.

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Saidova, Aziza

This article discusses the age-related characteristics of metabolism. The influence of physical exercises on the intensity of oxidative processes, age-related changes in protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and the reasons for a decrease in metabolic intensity.

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В статье рассматривается возрастные особенности обмена веществ. Влияние физических упражнений на интенсивность окислительных процессов, возрастные изменения белкового, углеводного и липидного обмена и причины понижения интенсивности обмена веществ.




International journal of theoretical and practical research

Scientific Journal

Year: 2022 Issue: 10 Volume: 2 Published: 31.10.2022


ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2 №10. 2022

ISJIF 2022:5.962 QR-Article

Citation :

Saidova, A. (2022). Influence of age characteristics of the organism on metabolism. SJ International journal of theoretical and practical research, 2 (10), 139-143.

Saidova, A. (2022). Influence of age characteristics of the organism on metabolism. Nazariy va amaliy tadqiqotlar xalqaro jurnali, 2 (10), 139-143.

Saidova Aziza

Assistant of the«Social Science and


Fergana Polytechnic Institute

https://dx. doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 7243958

UDC 612



Abstract. This article discusses the age-related characteristics of metabolism. The influence of physical exercises on the intensity of oxidative processes, age-related changes in protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and the reasons for a decrease in metabolic intensity.

Key words: atrophy, regeneration, synthesis, hemoglobin, albumin, globulin, cholesterol, atherosclerosis, exercise, gamma globulin, high molecular weight protein, low molecular weight protein.



Саидова Азиза

Ассистент кафедры «Социальные науки и спорт» Ферганский политехнический институт

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается возрастные особенности обмена веществ. Влияние физических упражнений на интенсивность окислительных процессов, возрастные изменения белкового, углеводного и липидного обмена и причины понижения интенсивности обмена веществ.

Ключевые слова: атрофия, регенерация, синтез, гемоглобин, альбумин, глобулин, холестерин, атеросклероз, физические упражнения, гамма-глобулин, высокомолекулярный белок, низкомолекулярный белок.


SJIF 2022:5.962

Saidova Aziza

«Ijtimoiy fanlar va Sport» kafedrasi



Annotatsiya. Ushbu maqolada metabolizmning yoshga bog'liq xususiyatlari ko'rib chiqiladi. Jismoniy mashqlarning oksidlanish jarayonlarining intensivligiga ta'siri, oqsil, uglevod va lipid almashinuvidagi yoshga bog'liq o'zgarishlar va metabolizm intensivliginingpasayishi sabablari.

Kalit so'zlar: atrofiya, regeneratsiya, sintez, gemoglobin, albumin, globulin, xolesterin, ateroskleroz, jismoniy mashqlar, gamma-globulin, yuqori molekulyar oqsil, past molekulyar oqsil


Since the main component of the body is protein, the process of growth and development, from a biochemical point of view, is primarily a process of vigorous synthesis of various proteins. In this regard, the need for food proteins and the intensity of protein metabolism in a growing organism is much higher than in adults.

So, for example, the daily requirement for proteins in an adult is 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, in a 15-year-old teenager - 2 g, in a 12-13 year old - 2.5 g, in a 2 - 5 year old child - 3.5 g, and for a one-year-old - 4 g.

The synthesis of proteins, like any other biological synthesis, comes with the absorption of energy. Therefore, increased protein synthesis in a growing organism requires relatively higher energy costs than in adults. The energy needed for protein synthesis comes from biological oxidation processes that create ATP molecules that are used to activate amino acids.

All this leads to the fact that oxidative processes in a growing organism proceed more intensely. Oxygen absorption, calculated per 1 m2 of body surface, in a 3-year-old child is 95% higher than in an adult, in a 6-year-old - by 66%, in a 9-year-old - by 36%, and in a 12-year-old - by 25 %.

Due to the greater share of plastic metabolism in the use of energy released as a result of oxidation processes, the possibilities for energy supply of muscle activity in children and adolescents are less than in adults. This limitation is further enhanced by a number of other biochemical features of a growing organism.

The content of hemoglobin in the blood and myoglobin in the muscles in children is lower than in adults, so the oxygen capacity of the body of children is less. Calculated per kilogram of body weight, a child and teenager absorb less oxygen with each breath than an adult, and with each contraction of the heart (pulse beat), they bring relatively less oxygen to the muscles, nervous system and other organs.

The cardiovascular and respiratory systems in children and adolescents, even at rest, work with more stress than in adults, and therefore they have less functional reserves, i.e.


ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2 №10. 2022



SJIF 2022:5.962

in the case of an increase in the need for oxygen, the activity of these systems in children increases to a lesser extent.

All this limits the possibilities of aerobic energy supply for intensive work; when performing a single standard physical activity accessible to both adults and children (for example, climbing stairs at a given pace), the increase in the level of lactic acid in the blood in children and adolescents is greater than in adults.

At the same time, the possibilities of anaerobic energy supply for muscular activity and the ability to perform work under conditions of oxygen debt in children are also less than in adults.

The more children, the less possible maximum power of work and the less increase in lactic acid in the blood is accompanied by it. So, in a 9-year-old child, the maximum work power is no more than 40% of the maximum work power of an adult, and the maximum increase in the level of lactic acid is half that of an adult.

Very important for the physical education of children and adolescents is the slight inhibition of the mobilization of carbohydrates during muscle activity.

Many physical exercises (especially non-intense and long-term ones) quickly lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels in children. Only emotionally intense classes with a variety of exercises, and especially with game elements, help to maintain an elevated blood sugar level until the end of the lesson.

A characteristic feature of an aging organism is a decrease in the intensity of plastic metabolism against the background of a general decrease in the intensity of metabolism.

Material and Method

Experiments with the use of labeled amino acids show that the self-renewal of proteins slows down with age. The deterioration of protein synthesis leads to a decrease in the rate of cell division and to a violation of their physiological regeneration. Many cells undergo atrophy and die. So, for example, if in a 20-30-year-old person the average weight of all muscles is about 36 kg, then in a 70-80-year-old person it is 23-24 kg due to muscle tissue atrophy.

Decreases in old age and the number of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. In accordance with this, the content of proteins in the brain also becomes less, and the content of lipids increases. The death and slowdown in the reproduction of bone cells lead to rarefaction of the bones and a decrease in their strength (senile osteoporosis). The formation of new red blood cells also slows down. Wound healing worsens.

The weakening of protein synthesis in an aging organism is possibly associated with a decrease in the content of DNA, with the participation of which this synthesis occurs.

The second feature of an aging organism is a decrease in the intensity of oxidative processes. Oxygen consumption at rest (when calculating 1 kg of body weight) in a 70-year-old person is only 60% of the amount of oxygen consumed by a 20-30-year-old.

A decrease in the intensity of protein metabolism and a general decrease in the intensity of oxidative processes are closely related and affect each other. The decrease in protein synthesis extends to the synthesis of oxidative enzymes, which are also proteins. This leads to a weakening of the processes of biological oxidation and to a decrease in the energy production necessary for DNA synthesis.


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T. 2 №10. 2022



SJIF 2022:5.962

One of the reasons for the decrease in the intensity of metabolism is the enlargement of colloidal particles of tissue proteins that occurs with age and, in general, an increase in the content of high molecular weight proteins with a decrease in the content of low molecular weight proteins.

With age, the content of albumins in the blood decreases and the content of globulins, especially the most high molecular weight gamma globulins, increases (Table 1).

Changes in the ratio of albumin and globulins in blood serum with age

With age, the content of albumins in the blood decreases and the content of globulins, especially the most high molecular weight gamma globulins, increases (Table 1).

Changes in the ratio of albumin and globulins in blood serum with age

Age (in years) 13-14 40-50 60-70 70-80

Coefficient albumins globulins 2,28 1,78 1,58 1,43

The discussion of the results

In old age, the possibilities of both aerobic oxidation and glycolysis decrease. Therefore, in the elderly, as in children, standard work is accompanied by a large, and maximum work, by a smaller increase in the level of lactic acid in the blood compared to 20-30-year-old people.

The maximum possible power of work decreases sharply with age. In 60 year olds, it is only 50% of the power that 20-30 year old people are capable of developing. Characteristic of the elderly is also a slight slowdown in the mobilization of carbohydrates during muscle activity; monotonous, boring physical exercise is accompanied by a decrease in blood sugar. With age, changes and metabolism of lipids are observed, which is expressed in an increase in the content of cholesterol in the blood and a decrease in the content of lecithin. Cholesterol and its esters with fatty acids penetrate the walls of blood vessels, are deposited and cause pathological changes. The deposition of calcium salts in the affected areas leads to the development of atherosclerosis, a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.

In old age, physical exercises should have an effect opposite to the course of the natural process: delay the process of age-related involution, i.e. contribute to an increase in the overall intensity of metabolism, and through this - to an increase in the synthesis of tissue proteins. Numerous observations show that systematic exercise or physical labor (especially in the open air) delays the development of atherosclerosis, ensures active old age, and helps prolong life.

Even if physical exercises begin only in old age, this leads to a steady decrease in cholesterol and an increase in lecithin in the blood. Lecithin has a protective effect and prevents the penetration of cholesterol into the walls of blood vessels.

Observations carried out on elderly people engaged in physical exercises in health groups for 4-6 years significantly increase the intensity of oxidative processes and rejuvenate the protein composition of the blood.




ISSN 2181-2357

T. 2 №10. 2022

ISJIF 2022:5.962


Physical loads for aging organisms should be short-term, not requiring high power stresses and manifestations of significant speed endurance. It is these loads that occur in the absence of a steady state of metabolic processes, alternating with sufficient rest intervals and short-term exercises of moderate intensity, that most contribute to an increase in the intensity of oxidative processes and an increase in protein synthesis during the rest period, delaying the aging process.


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