Научная статья на тему 'Influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed fodders at storage'

Influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed fodders at storage Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Baltabayev Ulugbek Narbayevich

Results of research works under the analysis of influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed fodders at storage are resulted. The analysis of the data presented in work shows, that its introduction in a compounding, leads to decrease in intensity of development mushrooms and bacterial microflora in comparison with the control recipe that confirms their stable storage in current of 2 and more months.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed fodders at storage»

Figurel. The design concept of the combined machines (a) and transverse aisle profile after passing the machine (b): 1 - disc knife; 2 - subsoiler; 3 - item for applying fertilizer; 4 and 5 - right-and - leftward winding body; 6 - guide plate; 6 - packer.

Conclusion. Tests and calculations have shown that the com- the fuel consumption — by 39 .„42% and operational cost — 36 bined use of the machine helps to reduce labor costs by 35 .38%, .41% in comparison with existing machines.


1. Mamatov F. M., Mirzayev B. S. Protivoerozionniye vlagosberegayushiye texnologii i texnicheskiye sredstva obrabotki pochvi v uslovi-yax Uzbekistana [Anti-erosion moisture saving technologies and technical means of soil cultivation in the conditions of Uzbekistan] Molodoy uchyoniy. - Kazan, - 2013, - No 10, - P. 263-265. (Russian).

2. Mamatov F. M., Mirzayev B. S., Kodirov U. Pochvozashitniye energoresrsosberegayushiye texnologii i mnogofunksionalniy agregat dlya obrabotki i podgotovki pochvi k posevu [Soil protecting and energy saving technologies and multi-function aggregate for processing and preparation of soil for sowing] Molodoy uchyoniy. - Kazan, - 2013, - No 10, - P. 256-258. (Russian).

3. Mamatov F. M., Mirzayev B. S., Ergashev I. T., Mirzakhodzhayev Sh. Kombinirovanniy frontalniy plug [Combined front plow] Selskiy mexanizator. - Moscow, - 2011, - No 10, - P. 9-11. (Russian)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-11.12-126-128

Baltabayev Ulugbek Narbayevich, senior research associate - the researcher Tashkent chemical -technological institute, E-mail: [email protected]

Influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed fodders at storage

Abstract: Results of research works under the analysis of influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed fodders at storage are resulted. The analysis of the data presented in work shows, that its introduction in a compounding, leads to decrease in intensity of development mushrooms and bacterial microflora in comparison with the control recipe that confirms their stable storage in current of 2 and more months.

Keywords: Mixed fodder, microorganisms, mushrooms, bacteria, storage, humidity, fats.

Compound feeds are difficult objects of storage in view of seeds, fish, meat and bone meal, products of conversion of grain content of a number of organic components in them — grain of and others, which are easily exposed in case of storage to destruc-cereal cultures, cakes, cakes received in case of conversion of oil- tive processes [1].

Influence of a fodder flour from nonconventional raw material on the microbiological processes occurring in mixed.

For improvement of quality of formula-feed products and enhancement of a food allowance of animals, important is introduction in structure of a forage of new nonconventional types ofvegetable raw materials (a beer pellet, a grape pressing, baskets and stalks of sunflower. Therefore development of a compounding of the compound feeds including the increased quantities ofcheap and available traditional and nonconventional fodder means is extremely urgent.

Methods of researches. Content of microflora of raw materials and compound feed was conducted according to GOST 51426-99 (ISO 6887-83). Microbiology. Stern, compound feeds, formula-feed raw materials. The common directorship on preparation of cultivations for microbiological researches.

Determination of total of microorganisms in food waste and compound feed: from average test of raw materials gave 10 g and

mixed from 90 cm 3 of sterile water. Prepared washout, carefully stirred up a hinge plate within five minutes manually. Cultivation 1:10 2 was used for definition the mitselialnykh of mushrooms, 1:10 3 and 1:10 4 for bacteria. Seeding was made in the deep way (on 1 cm 3) on the general (standard) nutrient mediums (SA and MPA). The sowed cups termostatirovat a cover down. In 48 hours counted the grown colonies.

Experimental part. The skilled and control samples of compound feed developed according to the recipe No. KS-1 for the krupnorogaty cattle at the age of 18-24 months, humidity of 10% stored in glass vessels within 60 days at a temperature of 20-24C0 and relative humidity 74-76%. Storage of compound feeds was made at air access that corresponded to storage conditions of compound feeds an embankment [2].

Table 1. - Change of quantitative structure of microflora of compound feed No. KS-1 (No. KC 1977) received with use of feed meal at storage. Addition of feed meal of 3,5,8%

Quantities of microorganisms, product KOE*/g

Mold mushrooms 10 3 bacteria 10 5

subject of inquiry After development

control 6 10

recipe 1 (3%) 5 10

recipe 2 (5%) 3 8

recipe 3 (8%) 3 8

In 30 days of storage

control 8 12

recipe 1 (3%) 4 8

recipe 2 (5%) 1 7

recipe 3 (8%) 1 5

In 60 days of storage

control 9 16

recipe 1 (3%) 3 6

recipe 2 (5%) - 4

recipe 3 (8%) - 4

Note: KOE* - colony the forming unit

In all samples of compound feeds bacteria of the sort Pseudomonas, Bacillus and mold mushrooms of the sorts Penicillium and Aspergillus prevailed.

10 t----

control recipe 1 recipe 2 recipe 3

□ atter processing ■ in 30 days of storage □ in 60 days of storage

Figure 1. Change of quantity of mold mushrooms in compound feed No. KS-1 (No. KC 1977) received with use of feed meal at storage

Figure 2. Change of quantity of bacteria in compound feed No. KS-1 (No. KC 1977) received with use of feed meal at storage

Decrease of the activity of mold and bacterial microflora in skilled recipes of compound feed, obviously, is explained by the fact that a compound component, in particular pectin has bactericidal and fungicide properties [3; 4; 5].

Having antiseptic properties, pectin acts on a bacterium strictly individually — has antibacterial activity in relation to not spo-roobrazuyushchy causative agents of food poisonings, dysenteric bacteria, staphylococcus and is slightly weaker to colibacillus, suppresses putrefactive processes [6; 7; 8].

Apparently from table No. 1 in a control sample No. KC 65-6 within 2 months of storage there was an increase in total of

microorganisms. When studying influence of feed meal on microbiological activity of compound feeds No. KS-1 (No. KS-1977) it was established that its introduction to a compounding, leads to decrease in intensity of development of mold and bacterial microflora in comparison with the control recipe that confirms their stable storage within 2 and more months. At addition of feed meal in number of 3, 5 and 8%, the quantity of mold and bacterial microflora in the course of storage didn't increase, and even decreased by 1-1,5 times to comparison with an initial sample (control).


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