INFECTIOUS DISEASES BEAR PHILOSOPHY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) / pandemic / Thucydides / Ebola / Socrates / Confucius’ benevolence and Aristotle’s philia (friendship) / principle of nothingness and love / Biocosmological Association / коронавирусная болезнь 2019 (COVID-19) / пандемия / Фукидид / Эбола / Сократ / милосердие Конфуция и филия (дружба) Аристотеля / принцип небытия и любви / Биокосмологическая ассоциация

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Kiyokazu Nakatomi

On January 2020, the corona virus has spread worldwide. 6.06 million people are affected and about 370,000 died on June 1, 2020. In Japan, a state of emergency was declared, refraining from going out and requests for store closures were implemented. In Japan, more than 17,580 people have been affected and 910 have died. These figures are less than 1.77 million people infected and about 100,000 deaths in the United States but because it is a sensitive feeling that this will increase by tens of thousands in a short period of time, we must be alert. I wrote this paper with caution and for future reflection. Regarding infectious diseases and philosophy, the ‘Plague of Athens’ (circa BC 430) in “History of the Peloponnesian War” of Thucydides is sounding, when Socrates was 40 years old. There are several theories about this infection, but I assume it is Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The tragedy is said to have killed 1,000 of the 4,000 military personnel. The infectious disease and the war continued for about 30 years. As a result, the whole of Greece was scorched, plundered, murder became routine and people encountered despair, darkness and nothingness. At this bottom, the Greeks sought justice, peace, love and human ideals. Then philosophy was established. Before the wonders of nature, humans are powerless and nothing as Pascal also said. Socrates experienced and learned nothingness from this situation in military service, so he seized and explained ignorance. His theory led to Plato, Aristotle and the heyday of Greek philosophy. It continues in the modern times. The tribulation of an infectious disease gave birth to philosophy. The corona virus is also a crisis of the human race in the world, but this is a sign of the emergence of a new philosophy. Or it has begun.

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В январе 2020 года коронавирусная инфекция распространилась по всему миру. 6,06 миллиона человек пострадали и около 370 000 умерли 1 июня 2020 года. В Японии было объявлено чрезвычайное положение : было запрещено выходить на улицу, как и появились запросы о закрытии магазинов. В Японии пострадали более 17 580 человек и 910 умерли. Эти цифры уступают количество инфицированных людей (1,77 миллиона) и около 100 000 смертей в Соединенных Штатах; но, из-за чувствительного ощущение, что эта цифра может увеличиться на десятки тысяч за короткий период времени – мы должны быть начеку. Я написал эту статью с осторожностью и на будущее. Что касается инфекционных болезней и философии, то хорошо известной является «Афинская чума» (около 430 г. до н.э.); из «Истории Пелопоннесской войны» Фукидида, когда Сократу было 40 лет. Есть несколько теорий об этой инфекции, но я предполагаю, что это была геморрагическая лихорадка Эбола. Сообщается, что в результате трагедии погибла 1000 из 4000 военнослужащих. Инфекционная болезнь и война продолжались около 30 лет. В результате вся Греция была выжжена, разграблена, убийства стали обычным делом, а люди столкнулись с отчаянием, тьмой и постоянным страхом уйти в небытие. На этом основании греки стали искать справедливость, мир, любовь и собственно человеческие идеалы. Таким образом была создана философия. Перед чудесами природы люди бессильны и являют собой ничтожность, как сказал Паскаль. Сократ испытал и изучил ничтожность данной ситуации, пока находился на военной службе; но он сумел схватить суть этой ситуации и объяснить ее существование человеческим невежеством. Его теория проследовала к Платону, Аристотелю и расцвету греческой философии. Это продолжается и в наше время. Несчастье инфекционной болезни порождает новую философию. Коронавирусная инфекция также привела к мировому кризису человечества, и это может стать признаком возникновения новой философии. Но, возможно, что она уже возникла.

Текст научной работы на тему «INFECTIOUS DISEASES BEAR PHILOSOPHY»


Kiyokazu NAKATOMI1



ABSTRACT. On January 2020, the corona virus has spread worldwide. 6.06 million people are affected and about 370,000 died on June 1, 2020. In Japan, a state of emergency was declared, refraining from going out and requests for store closures were implemented. In Japan, more than 17,580 people have been affected and 910 have died. These figures are less than 1.77 million people infected and about 100,000 deaths in the United States but because it is a sensitive feeling that this will increase by tens of thousands in a short period of time, we must be alert. I wrote this paper with caution and for future reflection.

Regarding infectious diseases and philosophy, the 'Plague of Athens' (circa BC 430) in "History of the Peloponnesian War" of Thucydides is sounding, when Socrates was 40 years old. There are several theories about this infection, but I assume it is Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The tragedy is said to have killed 1,000 of the 4,000 military personnel. The infectious disease and the war continued for about 30 years. As a result, the whole of Greece was scorched, plundered, murder became routine and people encountered despair, darkness and nothingness. At this bottom, the Greeks sought justice, peace, love and human ideals. Then philosophy was established. Before the wonders of nature, humans are powerless and nothing as Pascal also said. Socrates experienced and learned nothingness from this situation in military service, so he seized and explained ignorance. His theory led to Plato, Aristotle and the heyday of Greek philosophy. It continues in the modern times. The tribulation of an infectious disease gave birth to philosophy. The corona virus is also a crisis of the human race in the world, but this is a sign of the emergence of a new philosophy. Or it has begun.

Keywords: coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), pandemic, Thucydides, Ebola, Socrates, Confucius' benevolence and Aristotle's philia (friendship), principle of nothingness and love, Biocosmological Association

1 Chiba Prefectural Matsuo High School, Chiba, JAPAN.

Резюме. В январе 2020 года коронавирусная инфекция распространилась по всему миру. 6,06 миллиона человек пострадали и около 370 000 умерли 1 июня 2020 года. В Японии было объявлено чрезвычайное положение : было запрещено выходить на улицу, как и появились запросы о закрытии магазинов. В Японии пострадали более 17 580 человек и 910 умерли. Эти цифры уступают количество инфицированных людей (1,77 миллиона) и около 100 000 смертей в Соединенных Штатах; но, из-за чувствительного ощущение, что эта цифра может увеличиться на десятки тысяч за короткий период времени - мы должны быть начеку. Я написал эту статью с осторожностью и на будущее.

Что касается инфекционных болезней и философии, то хорошо известной является «Афинская чума» (около 430 г. до н.э.); из «Истории Пелопоннесской войны» Фукидида, когда Сократу было 40 лет. Есть несколько теорий об этой инфекции, но я предполагаю, что это была геморрагическая лихорадка Эбола. Сообщается, что в результате трагедии погибла 1000 из 4000 военнослужащих. Инфекционная болезнь и война продолжались около 30 лет. В результате вся Греция была выжжена, разграблена, убийства стали обычным делом, а люди столкнулись с отчаянием, тьмой и постоянным страхом уйти в небытие. На этом основании греки стали искать справедливость, мир, любовь и собственно человеческие идеалы. Таким образом была создана философия. Перед чудесами природы люди бессильны и являют собой ничтожность, как сказал Паскаль. Сократ испытал и изучил ничтожность данной ситуации, пока находился на военной службе; но он сумел схватить суть этой ситуации и объяснить ее существование человеческим невежеством. Его теория проследовала к Платону, Аристотелю и расцвету греческой философии. Это продолжается и в наше время. Несчастье инфекционной болезни порождает новую философию. Коронавирусная инфекция также привела к мировому кризису человечества, и это может стать признаком возникновения новой философии. Но, возможно, что она уже возникла.

Ключевые слова: коронавирусная болезнь 2019 (COVID-19), пандемия, Фукидид, Эбола, Сократ, милосердие Конфуция и филия (дружба) Аристотеля, принцип небытия и любви, Биокосмологическая ассоциация.


The corona virus epidemic that occurred on December 2019 spread to the world in an instant. The probable origin location is Wuhan one of the most populous

cities in central China. The population is 10.89 million. About 30 million people live in this metropolitan area. It is three times as big as Tokyo in Japan. A virus occurred in the seafood market (Huan Seafood Wholesale Market). In the past, in the case of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), researchers were sent from the United States to the Wuhan Virus Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a quick response was made. France also supported this institute. However, this time, the United States and China were in conflict. The communications lacked among the United States, France and China. The United States did not send researchers until mid-February. Until that time China rejected them. The information was limited to China.

1. Metaphysical consideration of corona virus

A corona virus is not a living being. However, it has RNA or DNA and is surrounded by protein. It is thus a mass of nucleic acids and proteins. However, when it enters a living organism, it proliferates like a living organism and causes various adverse effects on humans. In other words, it usually becomes a matter but when it comes into life, it becomes like a life form. If one says that it is matter, it is matter. If one says that it is life, it is life. It is something that goes beyond both. This cannot be explained by the conventional dichotomy of matter or life. The following is a metaphysical consideration. It can be explained by using the logic of Absolute Nothingness. If one says that it is, it exists. If one says that it is not, it does not exist. One says nothing. As it is beyond the expression of the words, one calls it nothingness. It requires the development of cosmology. I have already preached the Creation of the universe from nothingness2. Before the Creation, there is nothing. The universe occurred from the fluctuation of nothingness (shaking nothingness). The Big Bang took place and the expansion of the universe began. The energy that generates this Big Bang and propels the expanding universe is the flow of life, a way of ancient China and nothingness beyond the expressions that I say. It is the flow of life and energy flowing to the world and the universe. It is compatible with the energy concept of the organic worldview claimed by the Biocosmological Association3. From this concept, vacuum energy, dark matter, and dark energy are proposed by physics. This energy is filled in the world and the universe. Physics has confirmed that there are atoms, quarks, neutrinos, and so on. Since the Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago, astronomical bodies, galaxies, solar systems, earth, and life have been formed. A virus is generated by this energy and the flow of life. It has appeared about 500 million years ago, so it is much older than humankind. A matter is generated from the resistance of energy but one can say that a virus is an intermediate state or existence between this flow of life and matter. Conversely, matter or life is a clearly limited expression. There are various such viruses. It cannot be extinct because it is in the flow of energy. It is easy to understand if you think this way. It exists everywhere and is latent. In terms of physics, virtual particle4 corresponds. Though it is not, suddenly it exists. It appears at one time, then suddenly disappears. It looks like a ghost. A corona virus is a matter. In some

situations it grows like a living organism. However, although it disappears under some circumstances, it will occur again in response to changes in temperature and ecosystem.

It infects and affects various living beings and humans. That is life-threatening. Various infectious diseases have existed in history and human races have managed to survive. Fortunately, it was the blessings of heaven that were peaceful without infectious diseases. It is a threat since the Spanish influenza: 1918 flu pandemic (19181920), 100 years ago.

2. Corona virus ravages

Dr. Li Wenliang who first discovered the corona virus, contacted his

colleagues, but just before the Communist Party's convention, the Chinese police punished him and his colleagues as disordered persons. He was forced to sign a reflection document that he was detained with his colleagues and sent hoax information. Meanwhile, the virus spread. It can be said that the virus leaked from the ditch of the US-China conflict. The virus has no symptoms upon infection and has an incubation period of 2 weeks. After that, fever of 37.5 degrees continued for 5 days and suddenly a high fever came out, which made it difficult to breathe and led to death. The incubation period of 2 weeks is apt to be difficult to distinguish. The Chinese authorities officially admitted it on January 20 and Wuhan City closed the city on January 23. But it was too late. Wuhan is a central city in southern China with many people scattered in rural areas and in the world. The Chinese are now a globalized nation and have advanced all over the world. In Japan, the Diamond Princess suddenly stopped at the port of Yokohama. The captain of the Diamond Princess asked for help but Japan couldn't get the passengers off immediately because of the incubation period of 2 weeks. About 3,700 people were trapped aboard the ship. A super-sized luxury cruise ship backfired. On the other hand, China blocked the city with its national power. It banned the departure and entry of the country and left about 7,000 dead. Xi Jinping has declared that "Victory of the Communist Party of China". After that, relief supplies have been sent to many countries.

On the other hand, it was the United States that suffered the conflict. The United States offered to provide virus samples but China refused it. It is deadly when fighting for the moment. Atlanta in the United States has the strongest infectious research institute in the world, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, if one cannot analyze the virus, one cannot take measures. American researchers entered China in mid-February on behalf of the WHO. Trump didn't understand what this situation meant. He relied on the strongest and most reassured CDC and actually resisted the advice of experts. The Democratic Party demanded anti-virus measures but Trump dismissed them as "Democratic conspiracy". It was until March 13 th that the measures were delayed and the emergency started.

This virus doubled in speed in a few days. Exponentially increasing, the infections reached tens of thousands in a week. Thus, in overpopulated New York, 20,000 people died by April 19th. With Italy and France, the funeral is too late. Europe is also miserable. Although there is a habit of dense and close contact and a habit of not wearing a mask, the infection spreads explosively because infected persons cannot be

identified. Especially in Italy where there are many elderly people, the death total was high and the next are France and Spain. People are sparse and main cities became ghost towns like the Champs Elysees in France and Main Street in New York. Only Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam have succeeded in containing the virus.

Japan also has 910 deaths but hospitals are full in the Tokyo metropolitan area and medical treatment is on the verge of collapse. Abe administration had ordered hospital consolidation due to financial difficulties. Many hospitals have disappeared because of low profits. This is the same for schools and education. This is the result of pursuing profits. The nurses are not well treated and cannot continue their activity for a long time. There are cases in which people quit when they have children. This also applies to nurseries and caregivers. Currently, Japan has a shortage of doctors and nurses but if the employment conditions are improved, it will be solved a little. In short, since Japan is trying to do it cheaply, Japan is starting to suffer. The same is true for Russia which saw a sharp increase of cases in April. According to recent TV news in Japan, the number of doctors and nurses has been reduced to about 130,000 in a few years. In Japan the number of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests prepared is too small to test as expected. Why can drive-through inspection be done in Korea and not in Japan? The point is that Japanese government can't do things without equipment. The number of artificial respirators is half of that of Italy. The intensive care unit is barely present in a general hospital. It seems that the artificial respirators and the intensive care units are usually kept at the minimum use frequency. At present, the prime minister hurriedly placed an order of them with a private company. In order to cover this lack of treatment resources, two masks were planned to be distributed to each family. Until now, the budget for medical care and education has been cut down to cover the shortage of a mask. At the surface it protects the health of the people but it only covers the failure of budget reduction policies. The expenditure was 3.8 hundred million Euros. Although he praised the economic effect as Abenomics, he has been ironic about Abenomask as a cover mask. Today, nifty Japanese housewives are making their own family masks (washable and reusable). Before the disposable mask, we used to wash a gauze mask and use it several times. The traditional symbolic expression is "MOTTALNAI" that Prof. Wangari Muta Maathai, who received the Nobel Peace Prize, shouted to the world for moderation. It was better to give priority to the medical field and distribute protective clothing and masks to medical personnel rather than giving it to each family. Deadly, defective products are found in the distributed masks. Mold and hairs are present on these masks! Such a mask cannot be used with confidence. 70% of the people are not happy. Japanese schools are closed from March 2nd to May 31st. Students who cannot go to school smolder at home and have conflicts with their parents.

3. Reason for expansion to the world

At the previous SARS outbreak, cooperation between the United States and China provided an early initial response. So it did not spread to the world. But this time it didn't occur. There is a US-China conflict. President Trump's "America First" was the slogan of the administration. It is about rebuilding a strong American economy and

military. It was China that stood there. China surpassed Japan and became the second largest power in the world. There are various ethnic groups in the country. To control them, the leader always needs an enemy outside. He turns domestic contradictions Overseas, Japan and America. Naturally, China also states "China First" against America First. Naturally, there will be a conflict. The confrontation appeared in economic and trade confrontation and explicit, tariff setting and export / import controls were performed. Among them, Trump was hostile to China and implemented a budget cut for health care. The famous universal health insurance Obama Care5 was abolished. That slam has suspended the temporary staffing at the National Institute of Infection in Atlanta and China. At one time, researchers from the United States were stationed at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and engaged in joint research. However, Trump has stopped dispatching the researchers. Only Chinese were in the laboratory but they began to study new bat viruses to show their level of research (possibly converted to military weapons). It is suspected to be the corona virus of this time. The corona virus leaked from the laboratory, spread to the animal market and the virus spread. The report is 'The possible origins of 2019-n-CoV coronavirus' by Prof. Xiao Botao (N$;§)6. At that time, bats were not sold in the seafood market. There is another virus institute (the Wuhan Center for Disease Control Prevention) near the seafood market. The Center is situated 280m from the market. In that center, there were about 600 bats. Sometimes researchers were hurled by bats in the process of the experiment of bat virus. Then the researchers were infected and went to the seafood market. Simultaneously corona virus spread. This is the contents of the paper of Prof. Xiao Botao. It was published on the site of Research Gate 6 February 2020. But this paper was erased on the site soon and Prof. Xiao Botao is currently missing. The Chinese government and Oxford Academy have denied this fact. Up to this point, it is still under investigation but there is decisive failure.

It was the event of punishment of several doctors who discovered infected persons in mid-December 2019. They detected that the virus was abnormal and dangerous like SARS. Dr. Ai Fen (x^, director of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital), Dr. Li Wenliang (same hospital, Ophthalmology) and 6 other persons were dismissed. Dr. Li later became infected and died in February. The scene with the ventilator was broadcast overseas on TV. Dr. Ai Fen later wrote a note about the situation but disappeared and her note remained unknown. Though her note was erased suddenly some editors of other countries reposted it.

On January 2: From the hospital's inspection section (communist party discipline committee's administrative committee section), she received a call. What was said:

"Why do you throw a hoax and cause trouble?" The executive continued.

"When you get back, don't tell hoax to all over 200 staff in the emergency department. Don't do it on Weibo (Chinese popular chat appli) or short email. Speak directly or call. But don't tell anyone about pneumonia. Don't even say to your husband... "

"I was stunned. I was not just blamed for my negligence in my work. It was as if the brilliant development of Wuhan City had been defeated by myself. I was in despair."

"Wuhan Chinese Female Doctor's Note" Bungeishunju May issue 2020 and Bunshun Online:


What the author would like to insist on here is the big mistake of the authorities who disguised the fact revealed by the doctors and punished them. Though the doctors reported the outbreak of the corona virus, the authorities regarded it as a hoax. The responsibility is of course that of the national constitution. It is a system that prioritizes security of communism rather than the truth. Injustice of concealment caused an outrageous world pandemic and tragedy. Chinese supreme leadership should apologize to the world.

Originally, China produced and respects Holy Sages like Confucius in the philosophical world. Personally, I have a lot of excellent chinese friends and cannot imagine this from such a relationship. In 2018, the World Congress of Philosophy was held at the Beijing University. China has become a leading country in the world of philosophical circles. The president of the Biocosmological Association is Dr. Xiaoting Liu, the professor of Beijing Normal University. I visited there twice and many researchers welcomed me with respect. There is a prestigious Confucius Academy on this campus and it was truly a hospitality with Confucius kernels. The fact that China has given a good impression on us does not lead us to think about concealment of the truth. For Chinese leaders, it may be a small stain or mistake.

However, the opponent was an enemy of the micro world called corona virus. Earthquakes and tsunamis are macro threats. Chinese leaders were unwilling to threaten the micro world. From our perspective, even a small hole is a huge hole from a microscopic virus. The micro / macro analysis method comes from Aristotle. It has opened up academic fields by exerting its power in biology for micro analysis and astronomy for macro analysis. A large amount of viruses was released to the world from the hole. The city of Wuhan was locked from January 23. But the virus had already spread to the world in about a month. Japan holds the Sapporo Snow Festival which gathers 2.5 million people every year. In anticipation of this event, Chinese tourists were coming to Japan before January 23. So in Japan, apart from a luxury liner, the virus was widespread in Hokkaido. The Governor of Hokkaido announced a state of emergency in early February. People were restricted from going out. The first wave ended but the second wave hit in April. Tokyo was on the verge of medical collapse in mid-April. The United States has been hit by that largest deal. President Trump says he will seek damages from China. China has shown that it has succeeded in containing the virus "Victory of the Communist Party of China" and is providing masks, protective clothing and medical equipment to many countries. However, this is the actual shadow mask. This concealment should be honestly admitted to be dishonest and apology should be made to the world. After the Second World War, have not China and South Korea strongly urged Japan to apologize for their war responsibilities? And the missing doctor, Ai Fein and Prof. Li Xiao Botao should be brought to the public. Though Ai Fen posted a Video on her Weibo allowed in mid-April, it suggested that she had some restrict degree of freedom and her face was hidden with a mask. Missing further magnifies the suspicion that they have hidden because their writings are not

convenient. In this way, the cause of the corona virus this time is the injustice of concealment and the outflow of virus from the ditch of the US-China conflict. I wrote this paper to keep this fact. Injustice should be most disliked by Confucius humanists. It should be noted that the confrontation between powerful nations causes war and causes illness. This has been repeated over time. It is taken up in my book "Philosophy of nothingness and love"7. A quarter of Athens citizens were killed.

4. Infectious Diseases of Athens and Socrates

Conflicts between powerful nations produced war. In Socrates' era powerful nations were Athens and Sparta. Athens was a democratic politics and Sparta was a military power. The conflict opposed the Delian League of Athens to the Peloponnesian League of Sparta. This conflict reminds us of the modern American-China confrontation. This conflict started with an economic conflict. The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta lasted 27 years. Athens was a trading nation with a good navy and had an advantage over sea control. Spartans were superior with the Army. However, the predominance of this sea control became an unexpected minus. It was that the control of various countries was good but from that, they contracted an infectious disease. Starting from Ethiopia, the infectious disease entered Athens via Egypt and Libya. It is also said to have invaded parts of the Persian territory. In order to counter Spartan, which was strong in land battles, Pericles had a strong castle wall, so they took on the battle in the castle. But it backfired8. Infected people had a high fever, vomiting, severe seizures, and bleeding. A quarter of Athens' population died. There are various theories about this infectious disease, plague, red fever, measles, etc. According to the paper of Hiroshi Saito9, a researcher at Saitama Medical University 'Is the disease in Athens Marburg disease or Ebola fever?', it seems that the disease is Marburg virus or Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The deciding factor is a high fatality rate of 25%, high fever, bleeding and the outbreak area in Africa. According to Thucydides, the disease in Athens is from Ethiopia, the Ebola in the 20th century is in Congo. Both are Africa. Infectious diseases are timeless. Infectious diseases were widespread during the Peloponnesian War. Athens was in danger of death. In an army, over 1,000 out of 4,000 have died. Correspondingly, one-fourth of Athens' citizens died, so the medical system collapsed, the funerals could not be done in time and the corpses fell on the streets and piled up like garbage. Birds and animals that ate human flesh did not approach the corpses which have not been buried yet, otherwise they ate it and died10, and raptors disappeared. Public order deteriorated, order was disturbed. Morality was lost, Athenians experienced darkness and nothingness.

Socrates lived in such an era. In order to reestablish order, morality, and way of life to a devastated country, he preached wisdom of ignorance (awareness of nothingness), match between knowledge and action and unity of happiness and virtue. This spirit is succeeded by Plato and blooms in Aristotle. It is the establishment of Greek philosophy. Philosophy was born not only by intellectual curiosity but also by the spirit and passion of rebuilding the nation. The lesson from Socrates is, moreover, the courage that does not fear death and the passion of friendship that helps a young

friend who went missing on the battlefield. The attitude of Socrates is inherited by Plato and Aristotle. Especially, it is justice of Aristotle and Philia (friendship). At this point, I used to discuss 'Benevolence of Confucius and Philia of Aristotle' (included in my next book)11. Just the current virus problem originating in China overlaps with justice and friendship. Infectious diseases link Chinese and Greek philosophies. Both Confucius and Aristotle were honest in truth.

5. Benevolence of Confucius and Philia of Aristotle

A huge tsunami, caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, occurred in 2011 swallowing many cities and killing 22,000 people. In addition, the tsunami caused a power outage at the Fukushima nuclear power plant and shut down the reactor cooling system. A nuclear reactor with heat had a steam explosion. The recovery is still pending. This is the paper I wrote for that crisis. I quoted this when Japan was once badly damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake but at that time people from 130 countries helped. Where roads and railroads were cut off by the tsunami, American aircraft carrier and destroyers came offshore the Sanriku region where laid the damaged cities and carried necessary supplies by helicopters. This was called Operation Tomodachi (Friend) and was considered by President Obama at the time.

This kind of friendship assistance struck the Japanese heart. There, Aristotle's Philia (&S, yuai), that wishes the best of the other and Confucius's human brothers (C, jin) realized. Now is the global crisis. Every country is in a difficult situation. Japan, the United States, and Europe are suffering. However, we Japanese do not want to immerse ourselves in our pains but to recall the help and benefits that we once received from the world. Further we hope to encourage and cooperate with the people of the world. So I took up this report. The summary of this report is introduced.

Benevolence of Confucius and Philia of Aristotle Through the difficulties of the huge earthquake and tsunami in Japan


The huge earthquake and Tsunami assaulted Japan on March 11, 2011. The Great East Japan Earthquake, at it is known today, destroyed several cities immediately and devastated a quarter of the Japanese land. The damage in Japan is similar to the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923) and the destruction of World War II. Still more, nuclear plants lost their cooling equipment systems and as a result hydrogen explosions occurred. These are the triple catastrophes. We the Japanese people are facing a desperate crisis. But many countries support us, Japan. The rescue-teams and assistance from over 130 countries gave us a big encouragement and hope. How highly the civilization and sciences do develop, they are powerlessness against the might of nature. Some of the strongest embankments in the world that were 10 metres high were immediately wiped out by a tsunami tidal wave of up to 40 metres high. We have the emotion of fear for nature and we recognize the powerlessness and nothingness of human beings. But we helped and supported each other in these times of hardship.

Rescue and encouragement are hope and light in the darkness. We learn that though the sciences develop highly, we need benevolence andphilia (friendship). Infra I wish to expound on these hardships.

"New Horizon of Sciences by the Principle of Nothingness and Love" (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012, p.188)


The damage of the corona virus continues still now. With the exception of China, South Korea and Taiwan, all countries are under the state of emergency. The shops are closed in the downtown areas and the schools are closed. Even during consecutive holidays, one is in a situation of waiting at home. Human beings are in danger of being threatened by the invisible corona virus. One cannot start by just worrying about this crisis. Looking back on history, a new philosophy is born in crisis. Socrates lived in the hardships of war and epidemic fever. Citizens of Athens also encountered darkness and nothingness. However, in this encounter Socrates preached philosophy with endless passion for (infinite) wisdom, courage that does not fear death, respect for daimonion (the voice of the divine spirit), and love for the people of Athens. It conforms to the principle of nothingness and love that continues to nothingness ^ infinity ^ eternity ^ god (transcendent-being) ^ love. This was inherited from Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle also experienced nothingness as the lack of his parents as an orphan. Then he questioned the infinite and eternal nature and the world. He experienced the organic continuity of himself and the universe, and he intuited the god (transcendent-being). That is theöria as happiness. However, this happiness continues to the world peace not only by the individual but also by Philia who wishes the best for the other person. Confucius who preached benevolence (Jin) also experienced the lack of parents as an orphan and sought infinite, eternal learning and truth. It was Heaven (transcendent-being) that he encountered after that. The teaching of Confucius is the practice of benevolence and love in heaven. Socrates, Aristotle and Confucius are also synthesized by my principle of nothingness and love. This is the new horizon of philosophy. From there, what can be done towards this modern hardship is to humbly pray for the transcendent-being and for early recovery and peace. And it is the transmission of philosophy that overcomes the upcoming US-China confrontation by world cooperation.


2. Creation from nothingness, "Philosophy of nothingness and love", Chapter 3, Nothingness in the Bible, Hokuju Company, Tokyo, 2002, p. 117, English version, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2016, pp. 169-170, 'The Synthesis of the theory of relativity and quantum theory' Elixir International Journal, Elixir Condensed Matter Phys. 85, Poland, 2015

3. Biocosmologocal Assocoation, Chief editor is Konstantin S. Khroutski (Veliky Novgorod, Russia). As he is philosopher and medicine, his study field is wide. Since,

many various and creative papers are published in the articles "Biocosmology-Neo-Aristotelism". The characteristics of the society are close to those of my philosophy.

4. Virtual particle. This particle is not directly observed in the experiment. But this is confined in the intermediate process of reaction and disappears.

5. Obama care: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) by Barack Obama

6. Dr. Xiao Botao is the professor of South China University of Technology. He studied in Harvard University.

Kensaku Tokito, The full impact translation of 'Erase Corona paper' of missing Chinese researcher will be published. https://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/71310 Cf. Prof. Naoki Saito (^^SsfYamanashi Prefectural University), 'The mystery on the origins of new corona virus),

e-Discourse "HundredSchools of Thought Contend The Council on

East Asian Community (CEAC), Tokyo, 2020-04-02, http://www.ceac.jp/j/index.html

7. "Philosophy of Nothingness and Love", Chapter 4, Nothingness in ancient Greece, p.147-148, English version, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2016, pp.211-212

8. " Mystery of Oedipus", Atsuhiko Yoshida, Seidosha, Tokyo, p.216,1995

9. Saitama Medical University, the curriculum bulletin, No.8, p.15-25 2000-03-31

10. Thucydides, "History of the Pelopponnesian War", "Great Books of the World: Herodotus and Thucydides" Chuokoronsha, Tokyo, 1970, p.366

11. The first publication of this paper was Voice of Intellectual Man - An International Journal, Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-2 (July-December), India, Lucknow University.


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