Copyright © 2023 by Cherkas Global University
Published in the USA
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy Issued since 2016 E-ISSN 2500-106X 2023. 8(2): 360-370
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.2.360
Indonesian High School Teachers' Views on Media Education: Challenges and Prospects in EFL Instruction
Diyenti Rusdin a, Inda Indrawati b, Marzuki b > *, Hidayati b
a Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
b Universitas Madako Tolitoli, Tolitoli, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
In the rapidly advancing digital era, media education's relevance within educational systems has significantly grown, particularly in culturally diverse societies like Indonesia. In light of this, this study was conducted to gather the perspectives of 92 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, with an emphasis on their integration of media education into their lesson plans. Utilizing a quantitative survey research design, the study revealed the teachers' strategies and their perceived benefits and drawbacks of media use in their classrooms. It also explored the influence of local cultural norms on their teaching approaches. The findings suggested a broadly positive attitude towards the integration of media into teaching, further endorsing its potential as a powerful instructional aid. Despite stumbling blocks such as technology and resource limitations and inadequate institutional support, teachers consistently recognized the vital role media plays in boosting students' intercultural competence. In conclusion, the study identifies potential areas for further research, such as enhancing institutional support for media integration and discerning specific needs of teachers. Even with its limitations, the study yields essential insights that could inform the crafting of strategies and policies designed to maximize the potential of media in EFL instruction, while confronting the identified challenges.
Keywords: Indonesian high school teachers, media education, English as a foreign language (EFL), instruction, challenges, prospects, cultural values.
1. Introduction
As the world finds itself further ensconced in a digital landscape, the relevance and importance of media education within global educational systems are experiencing exponential growth (Barrot, 2021). Particularly under the spotlight is the discipline of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Herein, the integration of media resources has proven to be an indispensable ally, amplifying student engagement, and offering exposure to authentic, real-world usage of the English language (Crompton et al., 2021; Lomicka, 2020). An abundant corpus of research champions the marriage of media and EFL teaching. For instance, a pivotal investigation by Munandar and Newton (Munandar, Newton, 2021) provided empirical evidence to the fact that media education in EFL classrooms can be a fertile ground for cultivating cross-cultural understanding by offering students a rich tapestry of perspectives from around the globe. In alignment with these findings, a study by Siddig (Siddig, 2020) elucidated the potential of media usage in amplifying students' language proficiencies, notably in listening and speaking. By introducing students to scenarios and situations that closely mirror real-life situations, the study suggests that media can be instrumental in refining these crucial language skills. Adding
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Marzuki)
to the chorus of approval, the research conducted by Khojah and Thomas (Khojah, Thomas, 2021) highlighted another important facet within the EFL-media confluence - motivation. Their study identified a positive synergy between media usage in EFL classrooms and students' motivation levels. The findings implied that the integration of media resources, particularly those that mirror the digital elements of the students' day-to-day lives, can invigorate the learning process, making it more dynamic and engrossing, thereby kindling a spark of motivation among the learners.
The education system in Indonesia is deeply influenced by its rich cultural environment and societal norms, which greatly impact the perception and integration of technology and media in teaching and learning. The cultural values of collectivism, respect for authority, and oral tradition, deeply entrenched in the Indonesian society, might impact the receptivity towards media education, which often champions individual creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy (Puspitasari et al., 2021).
The society's readiness to embrace digital transformation in education, the digital divide across different social strata, and the role of media in reinforcing or challenging traditional norms and values are other vital factors to consider (Iivari et al., 2020; Jamil, 2021; Pangrazio; Sefton-Green, 2020).
Against this backdrop, the primary objective of this study is to investigate the high school teachers' viewpoints and experiences in incorporating media education into EFL instruction. In Indonesia, where the social and cultural landscape is diverse, media education has the potential to serve as a transformative force. The advent of media has not only redefined the boundaries of information dissemination, but also fundamentally impacted societal dynamics, necessitating the essential integration of media education in academic curricula (Rousell, Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, 2020; Szymkowiak et al., 2021). Exposure to media, if channeled constructively, can foster a well-informed, critical, and globally connected society (Swart, 2021; Vraga, Tully, 2021). It aids in the cultivation of digital literacy, critical thinking, and globally attuned perspectives. Conversely, the lack of media literacy can lead to susceptibility to misinformation, polarization, and a narrow worldview (Miller et al., 2022; Mrah, 2022). Indonesia, with its diverse cultural fabric, offers a rich context to understand the ways in which media education can influence societal dynamics, both positively and negatively. It is also important to consider how cultural elements may shape the reception and implementation of media education, as education and culture are deeply intertwined, each influencing and shaping the other (Gambarato et al., 2022; Lim et al., 2021).
Anchored in the context of Indonesian education, this research focuses on those directly in charge of combining digital technologies with traditional teaching methods in their classrooms. It seeks to expose the complex dynamics of their experiences, challenges they face, and successes they achieve. This investigation gives precedence to the educators' unique perspectives, delivering direct accounts of their trials and triumphs while merging traditional and digital teaching techniques. In a swiftly evolving global educational environment, these teachers are the builders of contemporary classroom spaces, sculpting Indonesia's educational future by integrating media tools with conventional teaching approaches. The core research questions to be addressed are: (1) What are Indonesian high school teachers' perspectives regarding the integration of media education into EFL instruction? (2) What specific obstacles do these educators encounter when implementing media education in their EFL classrooms?
2. Materials and methods
In this study, we employed a quantitative survey research design, following the recommendations of J.W. Creswell and J.D. Creswell (Creswell, 2017), to gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of senior high school teachers' perspectives and experiences. Our main focus was on exploring how these educators incorporated media education into their EFL instruction. We selected this quantitative methodology for its proven effectiveness in systematically collecting and analyzing a wide range of opinions and experiences, allowing for robust statistical analysis. To facilitate the distribution of our survey and gather data, we utilized a convenience sampling technique. Central to our research was a carefully designed 22-item questionnaire, which served as a vital research tool. This questionnaire underwent a rigorous validation process by two subject-matter experts, ensuring its relevance and reliability.
For the actual survey distribution, we leveraged the user-friendly and efficient platform of Google Forms, targeting EFL teachers across both public and private senior high schools in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Our efforts resulted in an encouraging participation from 92 teachers, whose
profiles spanned a wide spectrum of teaching experiences, age groups, and educational backgrounds. This demographic diversity offered a rich tapestry of perspectives and insights, thereby enhancing the comprehensiveness of our study. For a more nuanced understanding of the demographic characteristics of our participants, we present a detailed profile breakdown of the EFL teachers involved in the survey as follow (see Table 1).
Table 1. Demographic information of participants
Length of Teaching Experience Age group Educational Background Level Participants
Less than 5 years 23-27 years B.A in English Education 32
5-10 years 30-35 years B.A in English Education 35
10-15 years 36-43 years B.A in English Education 21
Over than 15 years 44-50 years B.A in English Education 4
Total 92
As for the analysis of the collected data, we elected to employ a descriptive quantitative analysis approach, honing in specifically on the frequency distribution and percentages. This analytical approach streamlined the interpretation of our findings by succinctly showcasing trends within the data, thus ensuring a digestible presentation of the results.
3. Discussion
The result of this research consists of two main parts. The first part focuses on teachers' perception of media integration in their instructions, covering four themes: perceptions of media integration, experiences with media integration, institutional support for media integration, and cultural and societal impact. The second part examines the obstacles faced by teachers when implementing media education in EFL classrooms, which are divided into two themes: challenges in implementing media education and opportunities in implementing media education. The results for each theme are presented accordingly, providing a comprehensive understanding of teachers' perspectives and the difficulties they encounter in incorporating media education into their instructional practices.
EFL teachers' perception on the integration of media education in their instructions.
Table 2. Perceptions of media integration
Item Statements SDA DA N A SA Respondents
1 I believe that integrating media into EFL instruction is beneficial for student learning. 5 7 10 30 40 92
2 I think that media resources help engage students in the classroom. 4 6 15 33 34 92
I find media resources to be
3 effective in improving language proficiency. 6 8 12 31 35 92
I think that media education
4 promotes motivation among EFL learners. 5 7 11 32 37 92
Total 20 28 48 126 146 368
Percentage (%) 5-43 7.61 13.04 34.24 39.67 100
After examining the percentages in the given data (see Table 2), it becomes clear that most of the participants hold a favorable view regarding the incorporation of media in EFL teaching. In each item, there is a significant lean towards agreement (A) or strong agreement (SA) with the statements, which highlight various aspects of using media in EFL instruction. Not a single respondent strongly disagreed with any of the statements, which indicates a unanimous recognition of the potential benefits of media integration in EFL instruction. On top of this, only a
small proportion (7.61 %) disagreed with the statements, further emphasizing the overall positive sentiment towards media in EFL education. A slightly larger, but still small segment of respondents (13.04 %) maintained neutral views, which could be interpreted as either uncertainty about the impact of media resources, or a lack of significant difference when they are used in instruction. Crucially, a combined total of approximately 73.91 % of responses were categorized under 'Agree' and 'Strongly Agree'. Among these, 34.24 % agreed with the statements, thereby indicating a clear endorsement for the integration of media into EFL teaching. The 'Strongly Agree' responses formed an even larger group, representing 39.67 % of all responses. As such, this segment illustrates that the respondents firmly believe in the substantial positive impact of media resources on EFL instruction. This conclusion aligns with the findings of Noori et al. (Noori et al., 2022), which emphasized a widespread belief in the benefits and effectiveness of integrating media into EFL teaching and learning processes. This is further supported by Qiu (Qiu, 2022), who found that multimedia resources can enhance student engagement and foster a more interactive learning environment in EFL classrooms.
Table 3. Experiences with media integration
Items Statements SDA DA N A SA Respondents
I have successfully integrated 5 media resources into my EFL 10 12 20 30 20 92
instruction in the past.
I have attended professional 6 development programs focused on media integration. 15 15 15 25 22 92
I have faced difficulties when
7 trying to integrate media into my EFL instruction. 10 18 20 30 14 92
g I frequently use media resources in my classroom. 7 15 20 30 20 92
Total 42 60 75 115 76 368
Percentage (%) 11.41 16.30 20.38 31.25 20.65 100
Based on an analysis of the percentages in the provided data (see Table 3), it is evident that the overall feedback from the respondents regarding their experiences with incorporating media into EFL instruction has been predominantly positive. Across all items, the trend leans towards agreement (A) or strong agreement (SA) with the statements, emphasizing successful experiences with media in EFL instruction. However, the data does not reflect a unanimous agreement. In fact, there are respondents who have expressed disagreement (DA) or strong disagreement (SDA) with the statements, indicating potential challenges or difficulties encountered in the media integration process. This disagreement, though not in majority, still constitutes a combined percentage of 27.71 % across all statements. This suggests that while media integration in EFL instruction has been successful for many, there remains a significant minority for whom this is not the case. A portion of respondents (20.38 %) maintained neutral views across the statements, suggesting either uncertainty about the effectiveness of media resources or a perceived lack of significant impact when they are used in instruction. However, the combined total of approximately 51.09 % of responses fell under 'Agree' and 'Strongly Agree' categories, indicating that more than half of the respondents had positive experiences with media integration in their EFL instruction. Specifically, 31.25 % agreed with the statements, showcasing a strong endorsement for the effectiveness of media integration in EFL teaching. 'Strongly Agree' responses constituted 20.65 % of all responses, revealing deeply held conviction among these respondents about the considerable positive influence of media resources on EFL instruction. This analysis thus underlines the prevalent belief in the value and effectiveness of integrating media into the process of EFL teaching and learning, while also highlighting the challenges faced by a non-negligible portion of respondents. It suggests that while media integration is generally seen as positive, more support and resources could be provided to address the difficulties faced by some teachers (Damsa et al., 2021; Joshi et al., 2021).
Table 4. Institutional support for media integration
Items Statements SDA DA N A SA Respondents
My institution provides adequate resources for media integration. 20 15 20 20 17 92
My institution supports the use of media in EFL instruction. 15 10 25 25 17 92
My institution provides regular 11 training for integrating media into teaching. 22 20 20 15 15 92
Total 57 45 65 60 49 276
Percentage (%) 20.65 16.30 23-55 21.74 17.75 100
Through an analysis of the percentages in the provided data (see Table 4), it becomes apparent that there is a notable disparity in the respondents' experiences with institutional support when it comes to integrating media into EFL instruction. Across all items, the responses are relatively evenly spread across the spectrum from strong disagreement to strong agreement, indicating a broad range of experiences with institutional support for media integration in EFL instruction. Unlike in previous data sets, disagreement and strong disagreement are notable here. This includes respondents expressing challenges or difficulties encountered due to perceived lack of institutional support. Combined, strong disagreement and disagreement constitute 36.95 % of responses across all statements, suggesting a significant minority of respondents who feel their institutions do not provide adequate support or resources for media integration. A neutral stance is held by 23.55 % of the respondents across the statements, which could suggest uncertainty about the adequacy of institutional support or a perceived lack of significant impact of such support on their practice. Meanwhile, a combined total of approximately 39.49 % of responses fell under 'Agree' and 'Strongly Agree' categories. This indicates that less than half of the respondents felt positively about the institutional support they receive for integrating media into their EFL instruction. Within this group, 21.74 % agreed with the statements, providing a moderate endorsement of the institutional support they have experienced. 'Strongly Agree' responses, making up 17.75 % of all responses, reveal a smaller group of respondents who are particularly satisfied with the support they receive from their institutions. This analysis reveals varying perceptions of the sufficiency and efficacy of institutional support in incorporating media into English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction and learning. Similarly, Gacs et al. (Gacs et al., 2020) and González-Lloret (González- Lloret, 2020) emphasized the need for more institutional support in integrating technology and media resources into language education. They observed that, although teachers acknowledge the potential benefits of such integration, many feel they lack the requisite resources and institutional support to implement it effectively. Consequently, while some teachers feel amply supported in this endeavor, a significant number do not. This underscores the potential benefits of additional institutional resources and initiatives in tackling these challenges.
Upon analyzing the percentages in the provided data (see Table 5), it is evident that the respondents recognize the impact of cultural and societal factors in the integration of media into EFL instruction. In the context of this study, cultural factors refer to elements such as traditions, values, and norms of the society in which EFL is being taught, while societal factors pertain to broader influences such as the economic status, educational systems, and social expectations that can impact the learning environment. These factors are integral as they could potentially shape the content, reception, and effectiveness of media resources used in teaching EFL.
Across all items, there is a clear inclination towards agreement (A) or strong agreement (SA) with the statements, highlighting the importance of cultural considerations and addressing cultural issues through media resources in EFL instruction. Notably, there are no respondents who strongly disagree (SDA) with any of the statements, indicating a unanimous recognition of the influence of cultural factors in media integration.
However, a small proportion (7.97 %) of respondents disagree (DA) with the first statement, which suggests a minor disagreement regarding the impact of cultural considerations on media integration. A moderate percentage of responses (21.74 %) fell under the neutral (N) category, indicating mixed opinions or uncertainty about the influence of cultural factors on the integration
of media in EFL instruction. On the other hand, a combined total of approximately 57.89 % of responses were categorized under 'Agree' and 'Strongly Agree'. Among these, 32.61 % agreed (A) with the statements, while 24.28 % strongly agreed (SA).
Table 5. Cultural and societal impact
Items Statements SDA DA N A SA Respondents
Cultural considerations impact the
20 integration of media into EFL instruction. 0 15 15 30 22 92
Media resources provide an
21 opportunity to address cultural issues in EFL instruction. 7 12 20 30 23 92
The use of media in EFL instruction
22 can improve cross-cultural understanding among students. 5 10 25 30 22 92
Total 22 37 60 90 67 276
Percentage (%) 7-97 13.41 21.74 32.61 24.28 100
These findings indicate a general acknowledgment among the respondents about the significance of media resources in addressing cultural issues and improving cross-cultural understanding in EFL instruction. Our findings resonate with those of Jagers et al. (Jagers et al., 2019), underscoring the importance of fostering intercultural competence in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction. They pointed out the efficacy of using culturally diverse media resources to nurture this competence, thereby enriching students' comprehension of diverse cultures. Additionally, our study aligns with the perspectives of Duryan et al. (Duryan et al., 2020), which assert that media resources provide EFL students with invaluable engagement opportunities. Through these resources, students gain access to authentic cultural content, leading to an enriched learning experience and increased cultural understanding. This alignment across various studies amplifies the pivotal role media resources play in advancing cultural competency in EFL teaching.
Teachers' obstacles in implementing media education in EFL classrooms.
Table 6. Challenges in implementing media education
Items Statements SDA DA N A SA Respondents
12 Limited access to reliable technology is a challenge in my context. 5 10 15 30 32 92
13 There is a lack of appropriate media resources for EFL instruction. 7 10 20 25 30 92
14 I find it difficult to adapt to new media technologies. 10 15 25 20 22 92
15 There is a lack of time to plan for media integration in EFL instruction. 8 10 20 30 24 92
Total 30 45 80 105 108 368
Percentage (%) 8.15 12.23 21.74 28.53 29.35 100
Based on an analysis of the percentages in the provided data (see Table 6), it becomes apparent that the respondents encounter diverse obstacles when attempting to implement media education in their EFL instruction. Across all items, there is a significant lean towards agreement (A) or strong agreement (SA) with the statements, which describe different challenges associated with media integration in EFL teaching. These challenges include limited access to reliable technology, a lack of appropriate media resources for EFL instruction, difficulty adapting to new media technologies, and a lack of time to plan for media integration. The data shows that a substantial percentage of respondents (20.38 % neutral, 28.53 % agree, and 29.35 % strongly agree) identify with these challenges. A total of 57.88 % of respondents agree or strongly agree with
the statements, indicating that the majority of respondents face these challenges when attempting to implement media education in EFL instruction. A combined total of approximately 20.38 % of responses were classified as 'Neutral', suggesting uncertainty or mixed feelings towards these challenges. On the other end of the spectrum, 12.23 % of responses disagreed and 8.15 % strongly disagreed with the statements, suggesting that a portion of the respondents do not consider these to be significant challenges in their context. This analysis highlights the prevalent challenges faced when implementing media education in EFL teaching and learning. These findings echo the sentiments shared in existing literature on the subject. For instance, the research conducted by El-Nabi et al. (El-Nabi et al., 2023) illuminates how practical issues such as unreliable technology, inadequate resources, time constraints, and discomfort with new technologies can pose significant barriers to the effective utilization of media in the classroom. Moreover, Korostelina, Barret (Korostelina, Barret, 2023) suggest that to overcome these barriers, there is a pressing need for more support and resources, including professional development for teachers. It suggests that while media integration is generally seen as beneficial, practical obstacles like lack of reliable technology, appropriate resources, time, and comfort with new technologies can hinder its effective implementation. Providing more support and resources, including professional development for teachers, could be key in addressing these challenges.
Table 7. Opportunities in implementing media education
Items Statements SDA DA N A SA Respondents
16 Media resources can students with real-life provide language 5 7 10 35 35 92
17 Media resources can students to diverse expose cultural 4 8 15 30 35 92
18 Media resources can enhance
students' listening skills. and speaking 3 7 15 33 34 92
19 Media resources students to learn. can motivate 2 6 10 35 39 92
Total 14 28 50 133 143 368
Percentage (%) 3.80 7.61 13.59 36.14 38.86 100
After examining the proportions in the given data (see Table 7), it is clear that the participants identify a myriad of possibilities when incorporating media education into their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching. Across all items, there is a clear inclination towards agreement (A) or strong agreement (SA) with the statements, highlighting the positive impact of media resources in various aspects of EFL instruction. The data in Table 7 demonstrates that a significant percentage of respondents (36.14 % agree, 38.86 % strongly agree) perceive media resources as valuable tools in providing real-life language scenarios, exposing students to diverse cultural perspectives, enhancing listening, and speaking skills, and motivating students to learn. The combined total of approximately 75 % of responses falls under the 'Agree' and 'Strongly Agree' categories, indicating a strong consensus among the respondents regarding the benefits of media integration in EFL instruction. Conversely, only a small percentage of respondents (3.80 % disagree) expressed disagreement with the statements, suggesting a minor disagreement with the perceived opportunities offered by media resources. Additionally, a moderate percentage of responses (13.59 %) fell under the 'Neutral' category, indicating uncertainty or mixed opinions about the potential benefits of media resources in EFL instruction. Overall, this analysis underscores the prevalent belief in the positive impact of integrating media resources into EFL teaching and learning. It emphasizes the recognized opportunities in providing authentic language scenarios, diverse cultural perspectives, enhanced language skills, and increased student motivation. The findings from this study echo the work of Shortt et al. (Shortt et al., 2023), which emphasized the crucial role of media resources in offering authentic language scenarios. Such scenarios can significantly amplify the language acquisition process. Building on this idea, a study by Fuentes et al. (Fuentes et al., 2021) further highlighted how media resources can introduce
diverse cultural perspectives to students, thereby fostering intercultural understanding and competence. Therefore, these findings not only solidify the already acknowledged benefits of media resources in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction but also provide additional evidence that supports their implementation. This amplifies the understanding of media resources as invaluable assets in the EFL learning process.
4. Results
The main aim of this research is to explore the perspectives and experiences of high school teachers when integrating media education into EFL teaching. The provided research data, pertaining to various facets of integrating media into EFL instruction, presents a comprehensive perspective on the attitudes, experiences, perceived challenges, and recognized opportunities among educators in this context.
The broad consensus among the respondents indicates a positive perception and successful experiences in integrating media into EFL instruction. These findings are consistent with literature that points to the potential benefits of media in language instruction. Numerous studies have highlighted the effectiveness of multimedia tools in enhancing language learning outcomes, facilitating active learning, improving motivation, and providing exposure to real-life language use and diverse cultures (Shadiev et al., 2022). However, the research also revealed a significant minority of respondents who have faced challenges with media integration or who have expressed dissatisfaction with institutional support for media integration. This is an important consideration, given that adequate support, including resources and professional development opportunities, is critical to successful technology integration (Cheung, 2023).
In regards to institutional support, the responses were fairly mixed, with only a modest percentage of participants agreeing or strongly agreeing that they receive adequate support. This suggests room for improvement in how institutions facilitate media integration into EFL instruction. It aligns with existing literature that emphasizes the importance of institutional support in successful technology integration in education (Joshi et al., 2021; Turnbull et al., 2021). The perception of cultural factors and societal influences is also predominantly positive, suggesting that teachers see the value of media resources in enhancing intercultural competence and addressing cultural issues. This finding is in line with current literature that acknowledges the importance of cultural considerations in EFL teaching and the capacity of media to facilitate cultural understanding (Munandar, Newton, 2021; Liu, 2020).
While discussing challenges, the study indicates that a significant proportion of respondents faced obstacles such as limited access to reliable technology, lack of appropriate resources, and difficulty adapting to new media technologies. These challenges resonate with other research findings in this field, identifying similar hurdles that can impede the effective use of technology in teaching (Curelaru et al., 2022). Lastly, the opportunities identified by the respondents, such as providing real-life language scenarios, exposing students to diverse cultural perspectives, enhancing listening, and speaking skills, and motivating students to learn, correlate with previous studies that underscore these benefits of media resources in EFL instruction (Khojah, Thomas, 2021).
5. Conclusion
The findings of this study offer a detailed understanding of high school teachers' perspectives and experiences in incorporating media education into EFL teaching. The majority of participants have expressed positive experiences and attitudes towards media integration into EFL instruction, aligning with previous literature underscoring the potential benefits of media in language instruction. However, this research also uncovered some areas of concern. Some teachers highlighted challenges they faced when integrating media, and there was a notable lack of satisfaction regarding institutional support. This suggests a need for improvement in providing resources and professional development opportunities to facilitate successful media integration. Moreover, the challenges identified by the respondents, such as limited technology access, resource scarcity, and difficulty in adapting to new media technologies, underscore the need for concerted efforts to remove these barriers for a more effective application of technology in teaching. The positive perception of cultural factors and societal influences indicates that teachers recognize the potential of media resources in enhancing intercultural competence. This further underscores the significance of media in EFL instruction, not just for language acquisition but also for cultural understanding.
Given the mixed responses concerning institutional support and the challenges identified, future research could explore the specific kinds of support that teachers require for successful media integration in EFL instruction. Studies could also be conducted to understand how institutions can better facilitate media integration, including ways to overcome the identified technological and resource-related obstacles. Despite these limitations, the research offers valuable insights into the integration of media in EFL teaching from the teachers' perspective. The findings could be instrumental in shaping institutional strategies and policies aimed at maximizing the benefits of media in EFL instruction while addressing the identified challenges and concern.
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