Section 10. Psychology
Moskvin Victor, Dr. Psych., professor of psychology department Russian University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism Moskvina Nina,
Ph.D., associate professor of psychology department Russian University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Individual characteristics of university students with manifestations of Internet addiction (17-18 years, n = 90) and with different signs of functional asymmetries were studied. For the study, F. Zimbardo's "Temporal Perspective" test was used, the study of individual characteristics was conducted using the R. Cattell test (Form A). To investigate asymmetries, the criteria of partial dominance by A. R. Luria. During the statistical processing, factor analysis was used, which made it possible to establish significant factors of asymmetry and individual features linking to the manifestations of Internet addiction.
Significant individual differences were found - a higher level of Internet addiction is associated with the predominance of right hemisphere dominance and a greater focus on the present and the past.
Keywords: Internet addiction, interhemispheric asymmetry, individual features, temporary perception, students.
Introduction. The problem of the regulation of the psyche is one of the main in modern psychology [1-4]. Violation of regulation is considered dependent forms of behavior (so-called addiction). A pronounced manifestation of dependence and lack of autonomy are such features as accentuations and psychopathization of an individual according to an unstable type. In clinical psychology, addictive forms of behavior have been studied to a greater extent by the example of chemical addicts (chronic alcoholism, drug dependence). Modern research indicates a significant accumulation of signs of right hemispheric partial dominance in chemical addicts [2].
Recently, there have appeared papers dealing with the study of the features of interhemispheric asymmetries in Internet addicts of young age [5-6] (foreign studies on this topic are absent). The analysis of behavioral reactions in groups of Internet addicts showed that dependent behavior is more characteristic of right hemisphere subjects and ambidextres. For groups with right hemispheric specialization, various parameters of addictive implementation manifest themselves
with a pronounced desire to violate norms and social rules [5]. Similar data were obtained in our papers [6].
The literature data show that the features offunctional asymmetries, individual features and characteristics of psychological time in Internet addicts have not yet been investigated. To study the individual characteristics of the personality and the individual characteristics of psychological time in this category of persons, we conducted a study with students ofthe university.
Hypothesis. It is assumed that a higher level of Internet addiction is associated with the prevalence of right hemispheric dominance, which may also affect the specificity of temporal perception.
Methodology. In order to identify a possible connection between the Internet addiction and individual psychological characteristics in the sample of young subjects (the students of a sports university aged 18-17, n = 90), the following psychodiagnostic methods were applied:
1. Peculiarities of individual profiles of laterality, taking into account the signs of partial dominance by A. Luria (test "Map of lateral features" [7].
Section 10. Psychology
2. The degree of expression of the Internet addiction (test Kulakov S., 2004)
3. F. Zimbardo's "Temporary Perspective" test (taking into account the availability of data on individual characteristics of time perception in different variants of dominance of the right or left hemispheres) [2].
4. Individual psychological characteristics using the test R. Cattell (Form A).
Sample. As test subjects were students of 1-2 courses of sports school of 17-18 years, the sample size was 90 people.
Results of the study. Currently, the study is still ongoing, the findings are preliminary.
As a result of the use of factor analysis, 9 factors were identified (the completeness of factorization was 90%). The article analyzes the content of the factor "Normative behavior". It allows us to say that students with a predominance in the motor and analyzer spheres of right laterality (left hemisphere) are inclined to behave in accordance with generally accepted norms, are able to foresee the possible consequences of their actions, motivated to achieve future goals, are ready to sacrifice today's pleasures for the sake of success in the future, more disciplined. High scores on the "Normality of Behavior" scale (factor G) of the R. Cattell test and on the "Future" scale in F. Zimbardo's "Temporary perspective" were noted.
On the contrary, subjects with predominance in the motor and analyzer spheres of left laterality (right hemisphere) are subject to emotions, do not agree with generally accepted moral norms and standards, ignore duties, can act antisocially, impermanent, changeable, careless, lazy, independent, subject to the influence of chance and circumstances, unprincipled, irresponsible and unorganized. The indicators of temporal perception are more connected with the orientation toward the present and the past.
Discussion. The data obtained are in general consistent with the proposed hypothesis. Earlier, in our works, the manifestations of left hemisphere insufficiency in persons with addictive forms of behavior have already been revealed, which makes it possible to explain the weakness of predictive and regulatory functions [2].
We found that patients with chronic alcoholism tend to evaluate time as more discrete, less stressful and less pleasant (compared to healthy subjects). The temporal orientation of patients is characterized by a lesser connection with the present time and a greater orientation to the past. Patients with chronic alcoholism also have an abnormal distribution of individual laterality profiles.
The results of our study of drug addicts show that there are significant differences in the nature of the time orienta-
tions between drug users and healthy subjects. Drug addicts are more centered on the past and present, the future for them is less significant. At the same time, drug-dependent individuals experience time as less stressful (stretched, slow-flowing, empty and unorganized) and less emotionally pleasant compared to healthy subjects. Evaluation of drug addicted time as less pleasant is due to a greater connection of the right hemisphere with negative emotions. The predominance of right hemispheric functions in drug addicts can also explain the experience of time as less stressful, since the left hemisphere is associated with a higher level of activity, and the right hemisphere is associated with relaxation and relaxation. It has been established that left hemisphere individuals are more likely to underestimate and re-measure durations compared to right hemisphere individuals, who are more prone to overestima-tion and under-sampling of time intervals [2].
S. L. Rubinshtein wrote that one of the most important components of the personality structure is its orientation [1]. The amorphism and vagueness of life goals, the absence of a specific orientation of the individual, can be considered as the soil on which different states of dependence develop. It is noted that the lack of strong-willed regulation and independence most often suffer from persons with an accentuation of personality on an unstable type that easily fall under someone else's negative influence, often drop out of school or work, alcoholize or use drugs.
Conclusions. These studies indicate the weakness of regulatory processes in groups of Internet addicts and the accumulation of signs of right hemispheric partial dominance in their sample. Thus, previously obtained data on the accumulation of signs of right hemispheric dominance in chemical addicts (in young people with manifestations of chronic alcoholism or drug addiction) [2] can be extended to inteto-addicts, which indicates the weakness of the functions of arbitrary regulation in them and speaks about the features perception of time in this sample.
The results are preliminary in nature, since the bulk of the data is in the final stage of processing. However, they already testify to the presence of individual features of temporal perception in Internet addicts of a young age and can be used for the purposes of differential diagnosis [6].
The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 18013-00856 A: "Individual characteristics of a person's mental health and his psycho-physiological prerequisites (on the example of studying the features of Internet addiction)".
1. Rubinshtejn S. L. Osnovy obschej psihologii: - V 2-h t.- T. 1.- Moskva: Pedagogika, 1989.
2. Moskvin V. A. Moskvina N. V. Mezhpolusharnye otnoshenija i individual'nye razlichija cheloveka. - Moskva: Smysl, 2011. (Hemispheric asymmetry and individual differences of human.- Moscow, 2011.- 367 p.- ISBN978-5-89357-30-9).
3. Moskvin V. A., Moskvina N. V. The problem of strong-willed regulation of athletes in the course of preparation of sports psychologists // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference for the workers of science and education "Education & Science 2016".- Part 3.- St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, 2016.-P. 9-12. doi: 10.18411/d-2016-047
4. Moskvin V. A., Moskvina N. V. Asymmetry and individual charachteristics of strong-willed regulation teenage athletes. Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2016.- No. 5-6.- P. 22-24. doi: 10.20534/AJH-16-5.6-22-24.
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6. Moskvin V. A., Moskvina N. V., Shumova N. S. Psihofiziologicheskie osobennosti molodyh ljudej s projavlenijami internet-zavisimosti. Materialy II-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Cifrovoe obshhestvo kak kul'turno-is-toricheskij kontekst razvitija cheloveka".- Kolomna: GSGU. 2018.- P. 255-259.
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