Koba V.P.
The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre, a Federal State Budget InMitution of Science, Nikita, Yalta, Republic of Crimea, Head of the laboratory
Korenkova O.O.
The V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, a Federal State Autonomous Higher Educational EMablishment,
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, assistant
Mofl of the gene pool of the park communities conflitute the introduced plants. For them, the mofl important factors determining the features of the successful completion of all phases are the climate and soil conditions of the life cycle. In the non-natural growing conditions have introduced plants a decrease in the age limit of longevity, as well as the level of resiflance to pefls and diseases, which in turn contributes to the complexities of genetic conservation plantings collection. Of particular importance in this regard is the problem of the mutual influence of different types of plants Flora individual geographic areas.
At the present time to describe the features of the plant relationships in the community use the term coaction, highlighting the following categories: direct or coaction.
One of the elements that ensure the formation Phytogenic plant fields are allocated volatile chemicals. In the aerial part, in the conditions of intersection of phytogeneous fields, the optimisation of park community flructure should take into account the special features of both the direct, or contact, coaction and the indirect transabiotic coaction.
This issue of park communities is important not only in terms of the normal development of plants, but also improve the flability and longevity of garden-park art, the realization of decorative properties and reduce their maintenance cofls.
To carry out research into the conditions of the southern coafl of park communities in the Nikita Botanical Gardens has been chosen as the base object. Based on a detailed survey of the territory of the Arboretum chosen tefl site, which highlighted the model plant for fludying the characteriflics of growth of vegetative organs in the zone of intersection phytogenic fields of ornamental trees and shrubs of different species. There were forty-considered options for interaction twenty pairs of ornamental trees and shrubs.
When coupled with growth in the composition of the park curtains at closely spaced plants can be reduced growth vegetative organs, due to the antagoniflic relationship. The fludy of the level of interaction between plants in connection with the characteriflic flora and geographical origin showed that plant species, habitats intersect, in roughly equal share ratio can have both positive and negative effects on the processes of growth of vegetative organs in the zone of their phytogenic fields. On the basis of what can be concluded about the need to integrate bio-ecological features of various plants Flor geographical origin and formation of park art in view of the characteriflics of symmetry indirect transabiotic coactions.
Keywords: coaction, phytoncids, plants' phytogeneous field.
When creating parks and forming the park communities gene pool, the issues of bioecological compliance and the specific features of growth and development of different plant species within park compositions are not always fully taken into account. For the introduced plants, which usually make up a large part of the gene pool of parks' cultural phytocenoses, the climate and soil conditions are the mofl important factors determining the specificity and the possibilities of successful completion of all phases of ontogenesis. In new conditions of growth outside the native habitat, plants, in mofl cases, demonflrate apparent changes in the dynamics of growth and development, as well as in longevity limits, together with the reduction in the level of resiflance to pefls and diseases, which all together determines certain difficulties in maintaining and conserving the gene pool of collection plants. Of particular importance in this regard is the problem of the mutual influence of different species of plants from specific florogeographic areas [1, 6].
At present, in order to describe the features of plant relationships in the community the term "coaction" is used, with the following categories highlighted: direct, or contact, coactions which include the direct influence of some plants on other plants which are in contact with the former; indirect transbiotic coactions, i.e. the influence of some higher plants through a
variety of organisms, mainly microbes, on other higher plants; and indirect transabiotic coactions, i.e. different influences of some species on other species through changes in the habitat's chemical and physical properties [7, 8].
As is known, in the course of vital activities, plants emit through their organs, mainly the aerial part, various gaseous compounds and essential oils. The mofl abundant production of such is observed in conifers. In hot weather, one hectare of the coniferous forefl produces up to 30 kg of efler aerosols within 24 hours [2]. In addition to essential oils, plants produce phytoncids. Phytoncids are volatile subflances of diverse chemical nature which can inhibit vital activities or completely deflroy microorganisms [10]. The total quantity of volatile compounds produced by the vegetation of the globe during one year makes up 175 million t. The gaseous plant excretions may have inhibitory and flimulatory influence on plant growth and development. The inhibitory influence on vital processes is made by subflances like absinthin and anabentin [5]. Stimulating subflances include auxin, gibberellin and kanin, while ethylene Simulates root formation in plants [2, 3]. It is also noted in a number of fludies that some growth inhibitors may have a Simulating effect in case their concentration and duration of action is reduced and, vice versa, if their concentration is increased, Simulants become plant growth inhibitors.
It is now believed that the emitted volatile chemical subflances are one of the elements which ensure the formation of plants' phytogeneous field [1, 10]. Park communities often have a dense flructure and high richness of species diversity, which does not always meet the bioecological needs of the conflituent plants. In cultural phytocenoses, there is the possibility of regulating, to a greater or lesser extent, the competitive relationships to consume environmental resources in the ground part of plants (soil nutrition, moiflure) by way of agrotechnical care. In the aerial part, in the conditions of intersection of phytogeneous fields, the optimisation of park community flructure should take into account the special features of both the direct, or contact, coaction and the indirect transabiotic coaction. For park communities, this problem is significant not only in terms of ensuring the normal development of plants, but also in terms of realising ornamental properties, increasing the flability and longevity of landscape gardening compositions and reducing their maintenance cofls.
Material and methods of invefligations.
To conduct the research on the features of bioecological interaction of introduced trees and shrubs in the conditions of Crimea's South Coafl park communities, the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens were chosen as the base object. Based on a detailed survey of the arboretum's territory and the fludy of the species composition of ornamental plants, a number of sample areas were chosen, where model plants were sampled for fludying the specific features of vegetative organs growth in the zone of intersection of phytogeneous fields of different species of ornamental trees and shrubs. In the course of the fludies, plants were selected so as to minimise, as much as possible, the possibility of their direct, or contact, coaction, i.e. physical contact, shadiness, etc.
Results of fludies and their discussion.
The total of forty options of interaction between twenty pairs of ornamental trees and shrubs were considered:
• Nerium oleander L. - Taxus baccata L.,
• Viburnum tinus L. 'variegata' - Taxus baccata L.,
• Cotoneafler divaricatus Rend. Et Wils. - Viburnum tinus L. 'variegata',
• Cotoneafler salicifolius Franch. - Cerasus serrulata Lindl. 'Kvansan',
• Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. - Pittosporum tobira Ait.,
• Cotoneafler glaucophyllus Franch. f. serotinus (Hutchins.) - Pittosporum tobira Ait.,
• Liguflrum lucidum Ait. - Jasminum mesney Hance,
• Euonymus japonicus Thunb. 'Aureomarginatus' -Berberis soulieana Schneid.,
• Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. - Lonicera fragrantissima Lindl. et Paxt.,
• Hibiscus syriacus L. - Lagerflroemia indica L.,
• Phillyrea latifolia var. Media (L.) Schneid. - Exochorda korolcovii Lav.,
• Laurocerasus lusitanica L. - Pittosporum heterophyllum Franch.,
• Laurus nobilis L. - Laurocerasus lusitanica L.,
• Laurus nobilis L. - Cotoneafler glaucophyllus Franch. f. serotinus (Hutchins.),
• Forsythia viridissima Lindl. - Pittosporum xylocarpus Huet Wang,
• Forsythia viridissima Lindl. - Pyracantha crenulata (D. Don) Roem. x Mohave
• Aucuba japonica Thunb. - Ilex aquifolium L.,
• Osmanthus fragrans Lour. - Magnolia grandiflora L. f. Hartwissiana Zabel.,
• Myrtus communis L. - Viburnum tinus L. 'variegata',
• Sarcococca humilis Stapf. - Ilex aquifolium L.
By florogeographical origin, the ornamental trees and shrubs taxa fall into four floriflic regions of the Earth: Eafl Asian, Mediterranean, North American, European-Siberian.
The evaluation of the specific features of development of the fludied plants based on phytogenic influence made it possible to eflablish that in case of joint growth as part of park curtains, closely spaced plants can experience a reduced growth of vegetative organs due to the antagoniflic relationship. Also observed with a sufficiently high frequency was an increase in the growth of leaves and shoots in the zone of action of the neighboring plant. The inhibition of growth processes in the zone of action of phytogeneous field of the neighboring plant is obviously one of the types of competitive relationships to secure the possibility of using environmental resources. The opposite situation, i.e. an increased intensity of growth of leaves and shoots may be related to the favourable influence of volatile subflances emitted by plants, which manifefls itself through the biochemical Simulation of growth, as well as the factor of sanation of the air space around the plants which reduces the level of the negative influence of phytopathogenic organisms. The eventual Simulating influence of phytogeneous field associated with changes in the ion-air plant shell should also be taken into account [4].
Among the pairs of plants fludied, in eleven cases the places of their natural vegetation are confined to different geographic areas. In the remaining nine cases, the geographic areas of growth of the plants overlapped partially or completely. The fludy of the level of interaction between the plants in connection with the specific features of their florogeographic origin showed that the species whose habitats overlap can, in roughly equal share ratio, have both positive and negative influence on the processes of growth of vegetative organs in the zone of action of their phytogeneous fields. The species whose habitats do not overlap geographically tend, to a greater extent, to negatively influence the processes of growth of vegetative organs in the conditions of park community. Obviously, the tolerance mechanisms in the plants of the same florogeographic origin were formed in terms of evolution in connection with a joint growth within a common natural habitat. This determined the synecological symmetry of indirect transabiotic coactions, which eventually optimises the bioenergetic balance of plant community development. In case of combination of plants of different florogeographic origin which poorly adapt to co-exiflence, the probability of synecological interaction imbalance increases, which showed itself in our fludies as the asymmetry of diflribution of the frequencies of cases of positive and negative changes in the dynamics of vegetative organs growth. From the point of view of efficiency of the process of plant community development, this determines an increase in additional bioenergy efforts associated with overcoming the antagoniflic reactions of plants which are not adapted evolutionarily to growing together. Therefore, when creating park communities, bioecological features of plants of different florogeographic origin are to be taken into account. The optimum flructure of park compositions mufl be formed taking into account the characteriflics of symmetry of indirect transabiotic coactions.
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Крицька Т.В.
Ботатчний сад Одеського нацюнального ун1верситету 1мет 1.1Мечткова, провгдний фах1вець
Левчук Л.В.
Ботангчний сад Одеського нацюнального ун1верситету 1мет 1.1Мечткова, зав1дуюча лаборарор1ею
Kritskaja T. V., Botanical garden of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Leading Specialist, Odessa Levchuk L.V.,Botanical garden of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Head of the laboratory, Odessa
В статп дано юторичний аспект розвитку дослщжень лшарських i ефiро-олiйних рослин в ботанчному саду ОНУ ÍMeHÍ I.I. Мечшкова. За результатами аналiзу бюлопчних особливостей визначено усшшшсть штродукцп i виявлено 14 видiв перспективних для озеленення Швшчно-Захвдного Причорномор'я, зокрема, м. Одеси.
The article gives a hi^orical aspect of development of medicinal and aromatic plants in the botanical garden of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University. The success of the introduction was determined according to the analysis of biological characteri^ics of the plants and there was identified 14 species, perspective for landscaping the North-We&ern Black Sea, in particular, Odessa.
Ключовi слова: лшарсьш рослини, ефiроолiйнi рослини, штродукцгя, незахищений грунт, бюлопчш особливосп, анатз, географiчне походження, сезонний розвиток, життева форма, результата дослщжень, усшшшсть штродукцп.
Keywords: medicinal plants, aromatic plants, introduction, cultivated of outdoors, biological features, analys, the geographical origin, seasonal development, vital forms, the results of te&, successful introduction.
Протягом остaннix 25 рошв ряд чиннишв (розпад СРСР, анексгя Криму виникнення зони ATO) призвели до iзоляцiï Украши ввд бшьшосп джерел лшарсько1' та пряно-ароматич-но1' сировини. З rax же причин ввдбулося вiдчyження тв-денниx i сxiдниx райошв наукового вивчення штродукцп i акктматизацп та дослвдного i промислового вирощування лiкapськиx i, особливо, ефipоолiйниx культур. Кpiм того, екстенсифтащя та iнтенсифiкaцiя вiтчизняного сшьського господарства, погipшення екологiчного фону, ращацшне забруднення пiсля чорнобильсько1' катастрофи, глобальне потеплiння, процес опустелювання пiвдня Украши виклика-ли зменшення та попршення якостi природньо1' рослинно1' сировинно1' бази.
Тому особливо актуальним е накопичення i вивчення генофонду лжарськт та ефipоолiйниx рослин в yмовax Шв-денно-Зaxiдного Причорномор'я, зокрема в Одеа - по сyтi единому на даний час швденному цен^ системaтичниx бо-
танiчних наукових дослвджень цiei групи рослин в Укршш Ботанiчний сад Одеського нацiонального ушверситету iменi 1.1.Мечникова (далi - боташчний сад ОНУ) е центром з вивчення природноi' флори Швшчно-Захщного Причорномор'я та практично единим державним науково-просвпшм закладом у цьому регiонi, який впродовж бiльш шж 140 рокiв за-ймаеться штродукшею рослин.
Одеса мае понад сторiчну iсторiю дослiдження корисних рослин. Перше згадування про розгортання державно! про-грами органiзацii заготiвлi лiкарсько-технiчноi сировини в Одеа сягае 1916 р. [33], а з 20-х рошв минулого столптя розпочалось культивування лшарських i ароматичних рослин селянськими кооперативами Одещини, активно запра-цювала Секцiя лiкарських i технiчних рослин Одеського наукового товариства актматизацп, з'явилися першi науковi публiкацii [35]. На цей час Одеський державний ботанiчний сад iменi акад. Д.К. Заболотного (зараз - ботанiчний сад