Bularkieva Eliza, Sagymbayev M.Ä., Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Independent ranking assessment of the quality of services at health resort institutions is conducted for the purpose of formation of a system of preparation to and rendering methodical assistance for autonomous bodies in medical institutions for physicians, health professionals and other specialists. Independent ranking assessment of the quality of services is designed for chief executives of healthcare organizations, as well as for department audience members, who are engaged in the system of continuing professional education with a specialization in health maintenance organization and public health.
Keywords: health resort institutions, quality criteria, quality assessment, medical assistance, ranking, public health.
Independent assessment of the quality of ser- Development of the institute of public control at vices at healthcare organizations (further - indepen- health care institutions;
dent quality assessment) is assessment of activity of such organizations in accordance with criteria and assessment values, defined by the social council in accordance with the established procedure, as well as ranking healthcare organizations not less than once per year based on the following principles:
• legality, transparency and publicity, voluntary participation in the survey;
• independence of opinions of citizens, experts, public associations;
• completeness and transparency of the information, used to conduct assessment;
• expert knowledge and expertise of the members of the social council;
Primary objectives of the independent quality assessment:
Encouragement of improvement of the quality of work in health resort institutions;
Increase of information awareness of consumers about the order of providing medical services by health resort institutions;
Independent assessment of the quality is conducted at healthcare organizations, providing medical assistance in both outpatient and in-patient departments.
Material and methods of the study:
All the patients receiving rehabilitation treatment at Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment during 2018-2019 in clinical departments.
A questionnaire to analyze satisfaction with the quality of provided medical services in the in-patient department.
1. When was the last time you underwent treatment in this in-patient department?
2. Are you satisfied with the duration, conditions for waiting (availability of the washroom, drinking water, cleanness and freshness of rooms) and hospital employees' attitude in the receiving room during hospitalization?
• completely satisfied;
• partially satisfied;
• more likely not satisfied;
• totally not satisfied;
3. In case you underwent procedures requiring manipulations during your stay, assess actions of physicians and nurses when performing those manipulations?
• excellent;
• good;
• satisfactory;
• extremely bad;
• bad.
4. Are you satisfied with the attitude of physicians and nurses during your stay in Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment?
Table 1.
No. Work of physician and nurse 1 2 3 4 5
1 Politeness and attention of the physician extremely bad bad satisfactory good excellent
2 Politeness and attention of the nurse extremely bad bad satisfactory good excellent
3 The physician explained all the prescribed investigations, undertaken investigations and prescribed treatment extremely bad bad satisfactory good excellent
4 The physician detected changes in health condition with consideration for complaints of the patient about pains, discomfort and other sensations extremely bad bad satisfactory good excellent
5. Are you satisfied with the diet you had during your stay in Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment?
• completely satisfied;
• partially satisfied;
• more likely not satisfied;
• totally not satisfied;
6. During this stay in Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment, how often was silence observed near your room at nighttime?
• always;
• sometimes;
• never.
7. Are you satisfied with the quality of cleaning of rooms, lighting, and temperature control?
• completely satisfied
• partially satisfied
• more likely not satisfied
• totally not satisfied
8. Assess actions taken by the staff, when and if you needed assistance of nurses or other staff during your stay?
• excellent;
• good;
• satisfactory;
• extremely bad;
• bad.
9. Was it necessary for you to buy medicinal products required for treatment at your own expense during your stay at the healthcare organization?
• yes, as an alternative to receiving treatment with suggested free medicinal products;
• yes, since the required medicinal products were not available;
• no, all the required medicinal products were provided free of charge;
• I did not need to use medicinal products.
10. Was it necessary for you to pay for additional diagnostic studies at your own expense during your stay at the healthcare organization?
• yes;
• no.
11. Did you have to present physicians with anything (money, presents, etc.)?
yes; no.
12. Who initiated presenting?
• I myself;
• physician;
• I was advised to.
13. Are you satisfied with the conditions of medical assistance rendered?
• yes, totally;
• it's rather yes than no;
• it's rather no than yes;
• I am not satisfied.
14. Would you recommend this healthcare organization to your friends and relatives?
• yes;
• no.
• I don't know yet.
15. Are you satisfied with the quality and completeness of the information available on the official website of the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment?
• yes, totally;
• it's rather yes than no;
• it's rather no than yes;
• I am not satisfied.
16. Are you satisfied with the quality of the treatment system at the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment?
• yes, totally;
• it's rather yes than no;
• it's rather no than yes;
• I am not satisfied.
17. Who referred you to receive rehabilitation treatment at the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Recovery Treatment?
• I myself;
• commercials, websites;
• neighbors, colleagues, relatives;
• health care institutions.
1. Андреева И. Л., Гуров А. Н. Методические рекомендации по проведению независимой рейтинговой оценки качества работы медицинских организаций. Санаторно-курортные организации: менеджмент, маркетинг, экономика, финансы.- № 2.- 2015.- С 20-40.
2. О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации по вопросам проведения независимой оценки качества оказания услуг организациями в сфере культуры, социального обслуживания, охраны здоровья и образования.