№ 11 (116)
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ноябрь, 2023 г.
Abdiazizov Asliddin Adham
Karshi engineering and economics institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi E-mail: oybekqayumov@mail. ru
Абдиазизов Аслиддина Адхама
Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Карши
This article discusses the study of mining operations, improving the efficiency of the excavation system, giving accurate and clear direction to the excavation methods, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the excavation system, procedures for applying the method.
В этой статье обсуждается исследование горных работ, повышение эффективности системы земляных работ, дается точное и четкое направление методов выемки, выявляются преимущества и недостатки системы земляных работ, процедуры применения метода.
Keywords: potassium salt, mining complex, selvinite, mineral, underground theodolite paths, ore, chamber, lava mining, tselik, lahm width, shafts.
Ключевые слова: калийная соль, горнорудный комплекс, сельвинит, минерал, подземные теодолитовые тропы, руда, камера, добыча лавы, целик, лам шириной, стволы.
According to the decree of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-748 dated 17.12.2007, the construction of the Dekhkanabad potash fertilizer plant was approved.
The annual design capacity of sylvinite ore extraction of the mining complex is 700,000 tons. To date, a number of scientific researches and experiments are being carried out in order to raise this indicator to a higher level based on modern technologies. In addition, several mining systems are being implemented in order to use modern techniques and technologies to extract mineral deposits without damage and to reduce it. Including mining in Tepaqoton potash mine is 54.4%. We can see that this indicator is quite different from the current modern indicators [5].
Currently, the surveying service at the Tepaqoton potash mine consists of the following tasks: [7].
• laying underground theodolite roads;
• giving directions for ore mining;
• ore accounting;
• graphic determination of the volume of the excavated space;
• calculation of the resulting overturning volume;
• to provide monitoring work during the transfer.
There are a number of problems in the Tepakoton
salt mine, and one of these problems is the destruction of minerals. To overcome this problem, one of the main directions is to improve the existing methods of opening and preparing the mine area and to create new ones in order to improve the quality and technical-economic indicators of solders. [1].
Currently, various mining methods are used in salt mines. In particular, the methods of chamber, chamber-stable, and long lava mining are used. These methods are chosen primarily to ensure the safety of mining operations, to reduce the cost per ton of mined ore, to minimize the loss of mineral wealth as much as possible, and to use the underground mineral resources rationally [3-6].
Библиографическое описание: Abdiazizov A. INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF MINING AT THE TEPAQOTON SALT MINE, MARKSHEIDING SUPPLY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 11(116). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/16242
№ 11 (116)
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ноябрь, 2023 г.
Taking into account all the above factors, the chamber mining method is used in the Tepakoton mine. In this method, in order to ensure the safety of the work, a protective layer is left between the chambers based on the calculations, 7 m depending on the currently selected chamber mining option based on the geomechanical data; 4 m; 0.7 m of protective walls are left.
In the Tepakoton salt mine, we will consider the process of applying the excavation system and its effective use in order to improve the provision of markshader in the rational and comprehensive use of mine resources.
Mining system in hilly conditions
Currently, the mining system in the conditions of the Tepaqoton salt mine has the following appearance.
Figure 1. a) the scheme of the horizontal length and horizontal width of the panel; b) Lahm width and height scheme
As can be seen from this drawing, the width of the roof is a=5.1 m, and its height is h=3.1 m. Selik width, b=7 m. The horizontal length of the panel is L=200 m, and the horizontal width of the panel is B=150 m. The height of the mineral layer is h=3.1 m. The lying angle of the mineral is b=10°
The size of the block here is found by the following formula:
=L B h y= 200-150-3.1-2.05=190650 T
As we know, the failure coefficient is =0.56%.
The amount of impermeability in the panel is determined using the following formula:
Vn = ■ Kn = 190650 ■ 0.56 = 106764 T
The amount of extracted ore is determined as follows:
= Kq.o = 190650 0.44=83886 T = L h • B = 200 • 3.1 • 150 = 930007
In the present case, if the width of the beam is a=5.1m, b=7m, the number of beams is approximately 16 per 200 m length.
Hence, the amount of ore mined for one lahm;
Vhi = a • h • B = 5.1 • 3.1 • 200 = 3162 T constitutes
The amount of ore mined for one panel from this
= N • = 16 • 3162 = 50592 T X- 50592 • 100% = 54.4 %
Amount of ore left for one panel
= Ktm - % = 93000 -50592 - 42408 T
42408 T
X-^^ • 100% = 45.6 %
If we look at the results, we can see that the rate of failure is very high. Based on this, we will consider using the following method in order to reduce negligence.
If the width of the strip is a=5.1m and the distance between the posts is b=5m, the number of posts per 200m length is approximately 19. So, Amount of ore mined for one lahm
= a • h • B = 5,1 • 3,1 • 200 = 3162 T Amount of ore left for one panel
= K™ - % = 93000 - 60078 = 329227
X = 32922 •100% = 35.4 %
We can see that the observed result has increased by 10.2% compared to the previous result. In addition, we will consider the second method, that is, the method of horizontal additional digging.
If the lahm width is a=5.1m, the width of the channel is b=10m, the number of lahms is approximately 10 per 150 m length.
Hence, the amount of ore mined for one lahm
V^ = a • h • L = 5,1 • 3,1 • 150 = 2371.5 T
Amount of ore mined per panel
V = N • Vu, = 10- 2371.5 = 23715 T
X -
100% = 25.5%
Amount of ore left for one panel
% = K™ -VP= 93000 - 23715 = 69285 T
X - 69285 T^ 100% = 74.5%
93000 T
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ноябрь, 2023 г.
The results of the last calculation book show that if the mining system is mined by reducing the distance between the cells left on the panel bed, the efficiency increases by 10.2%, and if additional mining is done horizontally, the amount of ore mined increases by 25.5%. we can.
bed and horizontal mining, it was possible to reduce the amount of waste from 54.4% to 35.4%. As a result of additional horizontal mining of the panel, there is an additional 25.5% additional mineral extraction potential. It is ensured that during the excavation works, the road surface will be completely protected and it will serve to facilitate the traffic movement. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires the use of reinforcing materials to ensure the strength of the mining loams. This leads to additional spending. During the excavation works, the pavement will be fully maintained and traffic will be facilitated.
Summary. Prospective solutions for reducing ore damage in the process of mining according to the panel's lay were determined in order to carry out mining operations in the Tepakoton potash mine without damage. When the ore mining was carried out according to the
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