Davladiyarova Sh.K. master's degree
Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Annotation: This article discusses the issues of education of children in specialized children's schools through speech therapy and rhythmic training.
Keywords: speech therapy, rhythm, speech, dementia, children, exercise, correction, anomaly, microorganism, hearing, pronunciation, motor skills.
At a time of today's socio-political changes, the problem of child development, teaching and upbringing is of particular importance to preschoolers. According to world statistics. only 10% of newborns are born absolutely healthy. The rest of the children were born with various microorganisms or with severe pathology.
The development of anomalies associated with speech disorders falls into separate categories, leading to developmental delays. Children with speech defects should correct speech pronunciation deficiencies in a timely manner before school starts. Defects cannot be corrected on their own. However, education based on accurate diagnosis, favorable conditions, and professional experience is able to overcome these shortcomings in children.
Logarithmic exercises are a set of actions aimed at correcting general and minor levels, developing the coordination of "speech-action" unity, expanding vocabulary in children, contributing to the improvement of psychophysical functions, developing emotional, communication skills.
The interrelationship of speech through music and movement in the classroom serves as the basic print principle. It is the music that organizes and directs the lessons. Speech and music perception is a system performed by a single analyst, so the shortcomings of the speech perception system can be covered by musical perception and ability. The aim of the lessons is to overcome speech disorders in children through development and correction along with speech and action. Conducted in groups in accordance with the basic pedagogical principles, the consistency of the material, the gradual complication and repetition, the rhythmic structure of the word depending on age are clearly pronounced with practice, children's vocabulary is enriched.
Practice has shown that the addition of elements of regular speech therapy rhythmics to music lessons promotes the rapid development of speech and forms a musical, positive emotional attitude, helps to communicate with peers.
The most optimal way to develop listening and pronunciation motor skills is to repeat the material learned in the lesson in a way that is successful. Music, speech, and movement are the three pillars that form the basis of a child's mental harmony,
intellectual, and musical development. The following tasks are solved in logarithmic training:
activation of high mental activity through the development of auditory and visual attention;
development of hearing and visual perception; increase memory capacity; development of motor and articulation practice; development of motor kinesthesia;
development of visual-motor and coordination of one's own fantasy world; formation of motor skills;
be able to distinguish musical sounds, timbre and dynamics. sounds form the basis of articulation, the development of speech motor skills for its formation, work in the field of tempo and rhythm of speech; develop proper breathing and singing range; develop a sense of rhythm and auditory attention.
The child's mastery of movement control is helpful in memorizing poems and remembering movements in songs. The inclusion of group play or dance in the sessions ensures communication between peers. This helped to balance the social climate among children and achieve positive results. The participation of the group tutor in the sessions is important. The educator's use of pure words, finger games, and dynamic pauses in group activities creates a repetitive process.
The song and dance repertoire is studied in music lessons. It is necessary to have dance-appropriate clothes, toys, pictures for flannel and musical instruments to awaken the imagination of children. Holding, seeing, and listening to objects is very important for the later stages of training. Achieving effectiveness at work requires, first and foremost, an individual approach to each child, taking into account age, psychophysiological and speech.
The use of speech therapy rhythmic tools in music lessons helps to solve not only speech defects but also musical problems. These include: development of rhythmic hearing; development of timbre hearing; hearing development; formation of proper breathing; to form the skill of singing correctly.
It is well known that the leading activity of preschool children is play, so all logarithmic lessons should be organized using game techniques. For example, the addition of gifted moments to lessons increases children's interest in lessons. There are also bibabo toys and puppets for children, finger theaters. A variety of objects -balls, ribbons, flags, sticks, handmade musical instruments, toys with different sounds - can be widely used in the lessons. Exercising with objects requires children to concentrate, resulting in increased work efficiency.
Good results can only be achieved when professionals work together. While the music leader combines speech and movement under the sounds of music, the speech therapist (speech therapist) continues this work in the children's speech in
the group. Speech therapy rhythmic classes include a variety of activities: singing, listening to music, musical rhythmic exercises, playing on children's musical instruments. The main tasks of music lessons; upbringing and interest in works of various musical genres; develop the ability to hear melodies and loudness; singing and forming a sequence of actions appropriate to the music.
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