DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2022_1_103_1442
Tashpulatov O.A. department of biological physics, informatics, medical technology Andijan State Medical Institute
Abstract. Through information technologies and interactive methods, the effectiveness of education increases through mutual cooperation between the teacher and the student, and students develop free creative thinking skills.
Keywords. Information technologies, Innovative technologies, Education, Interactive, Method, Educational efficiency.
Revealing the essence of modern education, comprehensive coverage of the pedagogue's activities. Professional skills of future teachers and a creative approach to the lesson, using new methods of teaching formation of free and creative expression skills.
One of the reasons for this is that until now, traditional education. If students are taught to acquire only ready-made knowledge, modern technologies teach them to search for the acquired knowledge by themselves, to study and analyze independently, and even to draw their own conclusions. In this process, the teacher creates conditions for the development, formation, learning and upbringing of the individual, and at the same time performs the functions of management and guidance. In the process of education, the student becomes the main figure. Innovative technologies are introducing innovations and changes to the pedagogical process and the activities of teachers and students, and mainly interactive methods are fully used in its implementation. Interactive methods are called group thinking, that is, they are methods of pedagogical influence and are a component of educational content. The uniqueness of these methods is that they are implemented only through the joint activity of pedagogues and students.
Such a process of pedagogical cooperation has its own characteristics, which include:
-Forcing the student not to be indifferent during the lesson, to think independently, to create and search;
- Ensuring that students are constantly interested in knowledge during the educational process;
-Increasing the student's interest in knowledge by independently approaching each issue creatively;
- Organizing the activities of the pedagogue and the student in cooperation.
Pedagogical technology is related to information technology, and it is necessary to use computers, distance learning or various techniques in the teaching process. We believe that it depends on the selected technologies to achieve a guaranteed result from the goal, that is, every educational technology used in the process of teaching to achieve a guaranteed result according to the goal organizes a cooperative activity between the teacher and the student, if both can achieve a positive result, if students can think independently, work positively, search, analyze, draw their own conclusions during the learning process, they can give credit to themselves, the group, and the teacher. can give, and create opportunities and conditions for such activities. In our opinion, this is the basis of the teaching process. Pedagogical technology in the educational process is an individual process, it is a pedagogical process aimed at providing a goal-oriented, pre-planned and guaranteed result based on the needs of the student. Each lesson, topic, educational subject has its own technology, that is, pedagogical technology in the educational process is an individual process, which is directed to a goal based on the needs of the student, is a pedagogical process aimed at providing a pre-planned and guaranteed result.
It is up to the teacher and the student-student to choose the technology to achieve the goal, because the main goal of both sides is clear: to achieve the result: It is necessary to work with a computer, maybe a film, handouts, drawings and posters, various literature, information technology are needed, it depends on the teacher and the student.
Interactive methods:
Cluster method. Clustering is a pedagogical strategy that helps students think freely and openly about a topic. This method develops multivariate thinking, the skills of making connections between the studied concepts (events, events).
Insert method. The insert method is a comprehension tracking tool. Insert is a powerful tool that gives students an opportunity to actively monitor their understanding during the learning process, because there are cases when a person may not remember what is written there after reading the text to the end.
When working with the text, the reader puts a number of symbols, which mean the following:
V - confirms what I know, + - new information
- - contradicts what I know, ? - made me think.
Brainstorming. Brainstorming is a way of generating ideas. The essence of this method is to divide the problem-solving processes into several stages (generation of ideas, their critical and constructive development) based on team
cooperation. Purposeful use of "brainstorming" develops students' creative and non-standard thinking.
B-B-B table. One innovative way is to work with the B-B-B table. "B-B-B method is a graphic organizer for monitoring the understanding of the text during training."
Cube method. Cubes are a teaching method that helps you look at a topic based on a changing future. A cube with various instructions is used to help with comprehensive thinking (writing).
Through information technologies and interactive methods, the effectiveness of education increases, mutual cooperation between the teacher and the student; students develop free creative thinking skills. In this innovative approach, the student becomes a central figure in education.
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