Научная статья на тему 'Improving the regulatory framework of financial accounting and reporting the tourist organizations of Uzbekistan'

Improving the regulatory framework of financial accounting and reporting the tourist organizations of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Temirkhanov Mutabar Juraevna

The article deals with questions of normative and legal basis of the organization of the financial accounting and reporting in the tourist organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the regulatory framework of financial accounting and reporting the tourist organizations of Uzbekistan»

World Bank forecast economic growth in Ukraine remains moderate: in 2017-2% in 2018-3.5% and in 2019-4% [8] in the slow process of reform in a complex political environment. In addition, from January 2017 exacerbated the conflict in eastern Ukraine, there is a negative impact of the termination of trade with not by controlled territories of Donetsk region for two such important sectors as metallurgy and electricity (short steel exports and increasing imports of coal may lead to increase in 2017 the deficit of the current deficit to 4.1% of GDP).

Challenges in the public sector are also significant in 2017 is expected to increase the government deficit expanded to up to 3.1%

of GDP by increasing minimum wages and a large pension fund deficit, bringing public and publicly guaranteed debt will rise to almost 89% of GDP.

To maintain macroeconomic stability and ensure a gradual reduction of the debt burden (net repayment of foreign loans is estimated at 7 bln. dollars USA per year for 2017-2019) fiscal policy Ukraine should ensure deficit reduction in 2020 to a level that does not exceed 2% of GDP. Achieving this level of deficit requires a system of fiscal consolidation, supported by thorough structural reforms in tax administration, broadening the tax base, reform of the pension and social security.


1. The strategic choices to accelerate and sustain growth in Ukraine. Economic Memorandum [Electronic resource] / The World Bank. -Access: URL: http://www.wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2012/06/07/000333038_20120 607232047/Rendered/PDF/558950UKIA00UA0CEM0UKR0complete.pdf

2. Europe 2020. A Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth [Electronic resource]/European Commission. - 03 March 2010. -Access: URL: http://ec.europa.eu/eu2020/pdf/C0MPLET%20EN%20BARR0S0%20%20%20007%20-%20Europe%202020%20 -%20EN%20version.pdf

3. Decree Strategy of Sustainable Development "Ukraine - 2020" by the President of Ukraine from 12.01.2015 [Electronic resource]. -Access: URL: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/5Z2015

4. The report "Doing Business" [Electronic resource] / Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia. - Access: URL: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki

5. Doing Business - 2017: Equal Opportunity for Allevaluation [Electronic resource]/The World Bank Group. - 25 october 2016. - Access: URL: http://www.doingbusiness.org/~/media/wbg/doingbusiness/documents/profiles/country/ukr.pdf

6. Ukraine Economic Review, - 2017 april [Electronic resource] / The World Bank. - 04 april - 2017. - Access: URL: http://pubdocs. worldbank.org/en/818761491297156049/Ukraine-Economic-Update-April - 2017, - uk.pdf

7. State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Official website: URL: http://www.sfs.gov.ua

8. Global Economic Prospects. Weak Investment in Uncertain Times [Electronic resource] / The World Bank. - January - 2017. - Access: URL: http://www.vsemirnyjbank.org/ru/publication/global-economic-prospects

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-3.4-122-125

Temirkhanov Mutabar Juraevna, Department of "Accounting" Assistant Tashkent State economic University E-mail: [email protected]

Improving the regulatory framework of financial accounting and reporting the tourist organizations of Uzbekistan

Abstract: The article deals with questions of normative and legal basis of the organization of the financial accounting and reporting in the tourist organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: regulatory-legal framework, law, financial accounting, reporting, travel agency.

In my opinion, the topic of "State of the tourism management" is one of the most interesting submitted for consideration.

The urgency of this problem lies in the fact that tourism is an integral part of the lives of people on the planet. This is a complex, high-yield interdisciplinary complex represents one of the major sectors of the world economy, promotes a high level of employment, as well as development, economic cohesion and cultural diversity of the world.

The experience of different countries shows that the success of tourism development depends on how at the state level, this industry is perceived as it enjoys government support. Any civilized state to receive income from the tourism industry in the budget, should invest in the research of their territories to assess the tourism potential, the preparation of tourism business development programs, projects, infrastructure and resort areas and tourist centers and in advertising [1].

Of private sector will never be able to cover the large investment needs for the development of the resort, hotel, tourism enterprises. All travel powers have such organizations, subordinates, as a rule, the ministries that are engaged in the development of national programs for the development of tourism: in Veliko Britain — BTA (British Tourist Authority), in Spain — Turespana, Norway — NOR-TRA. They contain a representation of tourism in other countries, they develop into tourist attractions of the program and ensure the flow of tourist information.

The specifics of tourism associated with the international character and the wide range of relations, which have to engage those involved in the organization of leisure and travel. This increases the complexity of the legal regulation.

In any state relations "tourist — travel agency", "tourist-state", "travel agency-state", is regulated by the relevant legislation. Depending on the state of civilization, its degree of approximation to the

Improving the regulatory framework of financial accounting and reporting the tourist organizations of Uzbekistan

concept of the rule of law, legislation to become more detailed and complete.

Tourism, the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year in a row, in order to rest and other business interests [2].

According to the Law "About bases of tourist activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan" Tourism — temporary visits of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, foreign citizens and stateless persons with permanent residence in the medical and sanitary, recreational, educational, professional, business and other purposes not engage in activities related to the receipt of income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay.

According to the report agency Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the main factors hindering the development of outbound and inbound tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan, is: [3].

The image of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a country hostile to tourism, to create a separate means of foreign media; the current procedure for issuing visas to citizens of Uzbek foreign countries; underdeveloped tourist infrastructure, a small number of hotel accommodation facilities (2-3 "stars") with a modern level of comfort, the discrepancy of price, quality hotels and others.

While maintaining the current situation in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of tourism in the coming years would be a reduction of inbound tourism and outbound tourism increase of Uzbek citizens abroad, which, respectively, will result in: an increase in prices for tourist services and reduce tourism to the public; an outflow of young and promising personnel abroad, a decrease of employment, to reduce receipts from tourism in the budgets of all levels.

Thus, in the field of tourism policy should be aimed at the formation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the modern tourist complex, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in tourism services, ensuring the conditions for sustainable tourism development.

The state should ensure the formation of a competitive Russian tourist market, improving the quality of tourist services, the advertising image promotion of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a country favorable for tourism, development of priority tourist centers.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out the management of tourist activity Tourism Agency. And also have an effect on tourism: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Migration Service, Security Service and Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Agency on Tourism is a body of executive authority responsible for the provision of state services and managing state property, as well as law enforcement functions in the sphere of tourism.

Guide tourism activities by the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of Uzbekistan.

The main functions of the agency for tourism:

The implementation of the priority directions of state regulation of tourist activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the exercise of creating and maintaining a single register of tour operators;

Implementation of the promotion of tourist products in the domestic and international markets;

Informing the established order of tour operators, travel agents and tourists on the tourist security risk in the country of temporary residence;

Create offices outside the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of tourism;

The organization of reception of citizens, to ensure the consideration of oral and written applications.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the executive authority responsible for drafting and implementation of the state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of international relations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out its activities directly and through diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international organizations [4].

The main tasks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of tourism are:

Protection of diplomatic and international legal means of rights, freedoms and interests of citizens and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad;

Promotion of relations and contacts with compatriots living abroad;

Organization in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad consular work;

Registration of the passport and visa documentation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the executive authority responsible for drafting and implementation of the state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of internal affairs, including in the field of migration.

In tourism, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall:

- providing, within its powers to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

- a warning; suppression of administrative offenses; ensuring the protection of public order.

Migration Service (MS Republic of Uzbekistan) — executive authority, carrying out law enforcement functions, the monitoring and supervision in the field of migration.

MS Republic of Uzbekistan carries out its activities directly and through its territorial bodies.

The main objectives of the MS of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of tourism are:

Processing and issuing of foreigners and persons without citizenship documents for entry into the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Control over the observance of foreign citizens and stateless persons of the rules of residence of temporary stay in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The same article referred to state regulation methods of tourist activities, such as:

The definition of priority directions of development of tourism;

Laws and regulations in the field of tourism;

Assistance in promotion of tourist products in the domestic and international markets;

Protecting the rights and interests of tourists, protection of their safety;

Promotion of staffing in the tourism sector;

The development of scientific research in the field of tourism;

Standardization and classification of objects of tourist industry;

The formation and maintenance of a single register of tour operators;

Cooperation with foreign states and international organizations in the sphere of tourism [5].

State regulation of tourist activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out executive authority, with responsibilities for the state policy, legal regulation, the provision of public services — Agency for Tourism, ie Uzbektourism.

One of the ways of state regulation of tourist activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan — keeping the Unified Register of tour operators. Register shall be maintained Tourism Agency.

In order to protect the rights and interests of tourists in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the bases of tourist activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan" requires tour operators to obtain financial security in the form of a contract of insurance of civil liability for failure or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract of sale of the tourist or banking performance guarantees under the contract on the implementation of the tourism product. Details about the tour operator which has received such security shall be entered in the register.

Summing up the experience of the existing strategic development of tourism regions of Uzbekistan, which, as a rule, implemented within the framework of various kinds programs and concepts, according to the author, it is possible to offer a standard approach to the formation of regional strategic programs for the development of tourism with a systematic approach. In general, the sequence should be the following algorithm interrelated activities:

1. Identify the existing problems in the management of regional tourism.

2. Identify the problem on the basis of the main goals to achieve the desired result in the management of regional tourism.

As we saw on this table-1 hotel industry were equal to 137818629,6, cost of sales (goods and services) were equal to 67780112,9, Health institutions and recreational establishments net income were equal to 2987944,9. Tourism net income were equal to 8391373,3.

Identification of the problem. In modern conditions of the Uzbekistan economy, which at the beginning of the XXI century is included in the post-industrial stage of development, and acquires the features of the so-called "service economy", the need for development of the service sectors of the economy has a real need for both nationwide and at the regional level. Therefore, on a regional level of tourism development is necessary not only in the development of services and the transfer of raw materials orientation of the region's economy, but also in the qualitative development of tourism, which has a significant multiplier effect, whereby it is possible to achieve significant results in improving the profitability of the region, as well as meet the needs of people in the town.

Setting goals. Based on the given problem can be identified following a global goal of strategic tourism management at the regional level: the development of regional tourism in accordance with modern requirements, as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of the regional economy, creation of favorable conditions for the region's

3. Building a tree of objectives.

4. Determination of the main elements of the regional tourism management system.

5. The development of regional tourism management options.

6. Evaluation and selection of effective options.

7. Development of regional tourism management project in the framework of a regulatory document (for example, the target program).

8. Monitoring of the regional tourism management and control.

9. The adjustment in the event of deviations.

The proposed system allows the first stage to assess and identify the main goal. The proposed method of constructing the tree can be replaced by targets, for example, matrix method or a method of constructing the network models. In the second stage, this approach will highlight the essential elements which have major influence on the development and management of regional tourism. The third stage aims to develop options for the development of regional tourism, as well as the subsequent choice of the optimal variant. The fourth stage of developing and implementing proj ect management, expressed in legal and regulatory documents of regional significance. The fifth step is necessary from the point of view of monitoring the implementation of the monitoring and adjustment purposes in the case of tourism development deviation from the set parameters. On a table-1 we can see key financial indicators for 2014-2015, enterprises.

population in terms of rest and recuperation, as well as development of international tourism.

Building a "tree of objectives". Defining goals is long-term, goalsetting as an option so it is advisable to use "objectives tree" method for detecting the concentration of the main areas of management of development of regional tourism. Structuring objectives, according to the author, will clearly distinguish between existing sub-regional tourism management strategy.

Determination of the main elements of (sub) regional tourism. Tourism at the regional level may be considered as a set of subsystems, which directly affect the process of tourism development and management strategy should accordingly be in the process of management of development of these subsystems. Among the major sub-systems, which must be considered as affecting the strategic process of regional tourism development are the following: subsystem "tourism marketing at the regional level" subsystem "of natural and recreational potential," subsystem "cultural-historical potential," subsystem "tourism infrastructure" subsystem "scientific-educational and human resources", subsystem "tourism enterprise", the financial subsystem, "legal framework", "security" subsystem, the subsystem "monitoring and statistics."

Table 1. - Key financial indicators for 2014-2015, enterprises

OKONH Name industry Net revenue from sales of products (goods and services) Cost of sales (goods and services) Spending period Other costs Other income Profit (Loss (-)) before income tax Net income (loss (-))

90220 Hotel industry 137818629,6 67780112,9 54955817,0 4007332,4 7530424,5 18605791,8 11987305,1

91517 Sanatory institutions 107251968,5 80953367,0 23903880,2 977576,0 2516121,0 3933266,3 2743314,8

91610 Health institutions and recreational establishments 23633184,0 13749669,0 9218224,0 1241333,0 4668776,0 4092734,0 2987944,9

91620 Tourism 134898981,7 77279242,2 43827129,2 3927461,4 4731476,4 14596625,3 8391373,3

Technology absorption capability evaluation of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam: Conditions from the State and Enterprises


1. "Moliyaviy hisobotni tuzish va taqdim etish uchun kontseptual asoslari" BHMS 14.08.1998 - number 475 Hell. Vaz. Ruy. ol - 10 p.

2. Musayev ^.N "Audit" T:. "Moliya" - 2003. th - 175 b.

3. Tulakhodzjaeva M.M et. al, "Financial Accounting", - T.: APBDU - 2001. - P. 60.

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4. Statement of financial accounting concepts - No. 6 "Elements of Financial Statements" (Stamford, Coon:. FASB).

5. December - 1985. - P. 78.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-3.4-125-126

Trinh Minh Tam, Ph.D Deputy Director General Vietnam Centre for Science and Technology Evaluation (VISTEC) Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Vietnam E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Technology absorption capability evaluation of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam: Conditions from the State and Enterprises

Abstract: In the context of the world and the region, in the face of rapid integration and economic globalization, Vietnam must implement international commitments in free trade agreements. This will have a very positive impact to enterprises in the context of Vietnam is a developing country at low level, the enterprise is mostly absorbed in technology and most of it is transferred from abroad. According to economic experts, Vietnam currently has about 500,000 enterprises with over 90% of small and medium enterprises. It is forecasted that in the time to come, businesses will be more and more difficult when Vietnam officially joins bilateral and multilateral agreements with other countries. Therefore, how to measure and assess the technology absorption capability of enterprises in order to improve the technology capacity of enterprises in general and technology absorption capacity in particular is one sentence ask for both the S&T management agencies and for the enterprise itself in the context of deepening international integration.

Keywords: Technology absorption, Technology absorption capability evaluation, Small and medium enterprises.

Current status of technology absorption capability ofViet-namese enterprises

First, the limitations of the production link channel

For the developing country, production linkage is an important channel for the spillover effect and absorption of technology from FDI enterprises to domestic firms. According to the experience of some countries, the most positive impact and absorption of technology is through contracts for the production of components and auxiliary accessories ordered by FDI enterprises for domestic enterprises.

According to a study conducted by the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), the supply ofraw materials (both raw and intermediate) to FDI enterprises and Vietnamese enterprises comes mainly from Asia where China is the largest supplier, accounting for 26.4%. This result is not surprising as China is a cheap source of input. However, this also demonstrates the loose production linkage between FDI enterprises and local firms in the supply of raw materials and this will also limit the spillover effects and absorption of technology from FDI enterprises to domestic enterprises.

The duration of the contract with the supplier also correlates with the existence of a production link. According to CIEM research, all contracts have an average term of less than 12 months. In the FDI sector alone, the contracts of FDI enterprises with foreign suppliers are higher than those of domestic suppliers. Such short contracts will limit the benefits that domestic firms can derive from spillover effects, not enough time to establish good working relationships and this is also a constraint of production linkage between FDI enterprises and domestic enterprises.

According to CIEM survey data, the supply of raw materials to FDI enterprises by domestic enterprises only accounts for about 1/3 of the total supply. In terms of product distribution channels, the proportion of products that FDI firms distribute through domestic firms is relatively low. This also demonstrates the limitation of the technology spillover channel from FDI enterprises as well as the limitation of technology absorption capacity of Vietnamese enterprises through FDI.

Second, the limitations of technical work channels Up to now, one of the indicators used to measure technology absorption capability is the educational level or expertise of employees in enterprises and the indicators for technological innovation of enterprises through R&D activities.

Another limitation is that the channel of labor migration, skilled workers moving from FDI to domestic enterprises is considered as an important channel that can generate positive technological spillover effects. There are two ways to create a spillover effect and to absorb technology in this channel: workers leave the FDI enterprises to set up their own companies or transfer them to domestic enterprises, especially enterprises in the same industry. However, according to CIEM survey data, more than 30% of FDI enterprises surveyed said that migrant labor was mainly transferred to other FDI enterprises.

Third, the limitations of the enterprise's R&D capability According to a survey by CIEM in 2013, the cost of R&D activities of enterprises in Vietnam comes from the owners of more than 86%, mobilized from credit sources of about 10%, from the state budget only about 3%. FDI enterprises spend about three times more on R&D than domestic ones. While domestic firms are mostly

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