. „ „ „„„„ Baltic Journal of Economic Studies Vol. 8 No. 2, 2022 ---
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2022-8-2-91-97
Nataliia Klymenko1
Abstract. The aim of the article is to study the current state of formation by institutions of higher education in Ukraine of competencies related to state-management aspects of national security in applicants for higher education to staff state authorities and local governments, as well as the private sector with specialistsadministrators capable of solving complex problems in the determining areas of national security (political, economic, social and humanitarian). Methodology. The methodological basis of the study are modern general and special methods of scientific knowledge, including: analysis (in the study of educational and professional (EPP) programs and educational and scientific programs (ESP) to identify components aimed at forming the competencies of higher education applicants related to public and management aspects of national security); generalization, synthesis and prediction (to summarize the materials worked out and formulate conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the study). Results. The results of the analysis of a number of educational and professional and educational-scientific programs for the specialties 281 "Public Administration and Management" and 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity)" allowed us to conclude that the lack of educational components to form competencies related to public and management aspects of national security in future management specialists in existing educational programs for specialty 281 "Public Administration and Management". Practical implications. The analysis shows that the training of applicants for higher education in the specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity)" is almost entirely aimed at the training of military specialists, despite the need of public authorities and local governments in specialists - managers in this specialty. Value/originality. The author presented to the scientific community developed with her participation educational and professional and educational and scientific programs on specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity)" for the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels of higher education (full-time and part-time forms of training), which are expected to begin, since 2022-2023 academic year, the training of management specialists for the determining areas of national security at the at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Key words: higher education, educational programs, formation of competences, national security, public administration.
JEL Classification: I23, H56, H83
1. Introduction
For timely identification and adequate response to contemporary challenges and threats in Ukraine and the world, the country needs specialist managers capable of solving complex problems in the defining areas of national security (political, economic, social and humanitarian). These specialists, when performing the duties of an employee of a state or municipal body or institution, must be able to forecast and monitor threats under conditions of uncertainty, develop
adequate management decisions under conditions of limited resources, and organize at their level the appropriate counteraction. Such an approach to the formation of human resources capacity in the sphere of national security in modern conditions of large-scale pandemic and counteraction to armed aggression, as well as prevention of the emergence and elimination of the consequences of crisis situations of natural, man-made, social, environmental nature is professional and thorough, which, unfortunately, cannot be achieved in
1 The Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine (corresponding author) E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5223-8166
the educational programs existing in most institutions of higher education. After all, as noted by scholars (Kryshtanovych, Pushak, Fleichuk, Franchuk, 2020), effective national security depends on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of qualified personnel. Not least of these is the lack of appropriate competencies among management specialists responsible for the formulation and implementation of national security policy. And the lack of a well-thought-out and transparent personnel policy and consistency in the work of state authorities regarding the implementation of decisions made in the sphere of national security, as noted by H. Sytnyk (Sytnyk, 2010), negatively affects the development and implementation of policy in this area. And, as the scientists rightly point out, the situation can only be corrected by establishing a systematic work on the training of relevant professionals, which will be based on a clear methodological basis and practical training methods (Kryshtanovych, Pushak, Fleichuk, Franchuk, 2020). Therefore, their training is an important task, which cannot be successfully solved without the implementation of a focused, realistic and progressive state policy in the field of education and science. After all, today, as never before, the role of public policy in the educational training of specialists in the field of national security of Ukraine is becoming more acute. This is due to the fact that their training at the proper level will be the guarantor of Ukraine's independence (Kryshtanovych, Pushak, Fleichuk, Franchuk, 2020).
Given this, the purpose of the article is to investigate the current state of formation of competencies related to public administration aspects of national security in higher education institutions in Ukraine, and to provide suggestions for improving the quality of their formation. To achieve this goal, the task was set to study the state of formation of competencies related to public and management aspects of national security in higher education applicants within the existing educational and professional programs (hereinafter - EPP) and educational and scientific programs (hereinafter - ESP) on specialties 281 "Public Administration and Management" and 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity)" and on the basis of the study to prepare proposals to improve the quality of formation of the above competencies of higher education applicants.
The methodological basis of the study are modern general and special methods of scientific knowledge, among which: analysis (in the study of EPP and ESP in order to identify components aimed at forming competencies of higher education applicants related to state and management aspects of national security); inductive and deductive (to analyze and summarize information on the research topic); generalization, synthesis and prediction (to summarize the
materials worked out and formulate conclusions and recommendations based on the research results).
2. Analysis of competence formation within the framew ork of existing educational and professional and educational-scientific programs
Special competencies and programmatic outcomes that address national security issues are provided in the higher education standard for the second (master's) level of higher education in 281 "Public Administration and Management," as follows: "FK06 (ability to carry out professional activities taking into account the needs to ensure the national security of Ukraine). PRN03 (knowledge of the basic principles of national security and ability to prevent and neutralize challenges and threats to the national interests of Ukraine within their professional competence)" (Standard of higher education in specialty 281, 2020).
On this basis, the Department of Global and National Security at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv teaches a number of disciplines that provide for the formation of competencies related to public administration aspects of national security, namely:
- in the ESP "Public Management and Administration" of the second (Master's) level of higher education specialty 281 "Public Administration and Management" to the mandatory components include the discipline "Public Management in the Sphere of National Security", which introduces applicants to the philosophical aspects and methodological foundations of public administration in the sphere of national security, as well as the institutional set-up of public administration in the sphere of national security of Ukraine;
- in the ESP "Public Service" of the second (master's) level of higher education specialty 281 "Public Administration and Management" to the mandatory components include the discipline "National Security", which introduces students to the philosophical aspects of security as a phenomenon of living nature, the system foundations of national security; the basis of public policy of national security of Ukraine, as well as the discipline "Information and Cyber Security in Public Administration";
- in the ESP "Local Self-Government" and the ESP "Parliamentarism and Parliamentary Activity" of the second (master's) level of higher education specialty 281 "Public Administration and Management" only one discipline - "National Security" belongs to the mandatory components.
At the same time, it should be noted that in the EPP "Government in the Public Sphere" of the first (bachelor) level of higher education specialty
281 "Public Administration and Management" among the mandatory components the discipline "Conceptual Foundations of National Security" is outlined, and the first elective block "Public Administration in the Field of National Security" is composed of five disciplines, including "Institutional Foundations of National Security System Formation", "Fundamentals of National Security Strategic Planning", "Foreign Policy and National Security", The "Institutional Foundations of National Security System Formation", "Foreign Policy and National Security Planning", "Economic Component of National Security" and "Social and Humanitarian Component of National Security". It should also be noted that the second elective block "Regional Governance and Local Self-Governance" contains the discipline "Management of Social and Economic Security of the Region".
However, the analysis of the submitted programs shows that the proportion of disciplines that involve the formation of competencies related to public administration aspects of national security, primarily in the mandatory components of the EPS and EPP, is quite small: one or two compulsory disciplines. Under such conditions, it is difficult to talk about the formation within the framework of the above-mentioned programs of competencies related to the state-management aspects of national security.
As for the formation of such competencies in other Ukrainian institutions of higher education that train applicants for public administration and management, the analysis of compulsory and selective components of second (master's) level educational programs conducted by S. Andreiev (Andreiev, 2021) shows that in the educational programs of 9 of 17 institutions of higher education there are no disciplines on security among the compulsory components at all, and in the remaining 8 - only 3 are devoted specifically to national security, in the sample components there are such disciplines only in 2 institutions of higher education out of 17, the programs of which were analyzed by the researcher.
According to the above, it should be noted that today public authorities focus on the need to form a wide range of competencies in the field of national security, the possibility of obtaining which gives the specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity)" branch of knowledge 25 "Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security". However, the vast majority of institutions of higher education that train specialists in this specialty train military specialists.
Thus, the existing training programs for specialists with higher education in the following institutions of higher education are oriented to the training of military personnel in the specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity):
- The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi (ESP "Strategic Leadership in the Security and Defense Sector"), a prerequisite for which is a master's degree and operational (operational-tactical) level of military education;
- National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi (ESP "National Security (sphere of boundary activities)"), a prerequisite for which is a bachelor's degree and a tactical level of higher military education;
- Institute of Department of State Guard of Ukraine Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which trains specialists on the basis of complete general secondary education (ESP "Personal and Property Security").
The only exceptions are the EPP "National Security" of the first (bachelor) level of higher education and the ESP "National Security" of the second (master) level of higher education of the National University of Ostroh Academy.
In addition, according to the website "vstup.osvita. ua" training of candidates for higher education in the specialty 256, in addition to those mentioned above, also carry out: Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (EPP "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activity)" educational levels "bachelor" and "master"); National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine (EPP "Organization of Protection of Information with Limited Access", EPP "Cyber Protection of Information Resources", "Counterintelligence Protection of Cybersecurity of the State and Critical Infrastructure Objects" educational levels "bachelor" and "master"); Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (PPS "Domestic Political Security" educational level "bachelor"). However, it was not possible to read the content of these educational programs on the websites of the relevant institutions of higher education due to their lack of public access.
3. Competencies of a specialist in the field of national security
Domestic scientists determine the main attributes of a specialist in the sphere of national security to be his ability to correctly formulate the problem of public administration in the determining areas of national security; critical approach, constructing, norming, ontological analysis in finding an answer to the question raised, that is, not so much the assimilation of traditional knowledge on public administration in the sphere of national security, as the acquisition of new (competitive) knowledge; classification of such knowledge; typification of knowledge on public management of national security by forming appropriate types of thinking; self-analysis
of own mental and practical actions with the results obtained for this purpose (Sytnyk, Abramov, Kuchma, Datsiuk, 2010). Professionals who must carry out their activities in the sphere of national security require a deep understanding of the processes taking place in this sphere, knowledge of the basics of national security theory, the ability to make prompt managerial decisions, including under conditions of uncertainty and time pressure, taking into account numerous, often contradictory factors. At the same time, the complexity and uncommonness of the tasks faced by the security sector structures constantly increase the level of requirements for professionalism, competence, business efficiency of the specialist, his ability to carry out analysis related to the development and implementation of public policy, which should be aimed at identifying and responding to threats to national security (Sytnyk, 2010).
Approved and put into effect by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 23.12.2021 № 1423 the standard of higher education for the second (master) level of higher education in the specialty 256 National Security (in certain areas and activities) branch of knowledge 25 "Military Science, National Security, and State Border Security" is referred to special (professional, subject) competence: "CK 1. Ability to carry out professional activities in relevant areas of national security; CK 2. Ability to analyze and assess the current state and trends of international relations and international security problems, their impact on national security in the context of Ukraine's membership in NATO; CK 3. Capability to use the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the theory of national security, analyze and develop the structure of the national security system and the principles of its functioning; CK 4. Be able to analyze and predict the development of the security environment (global, regional and national aspects) for individual security areas and activities; CK 5. Ability to organize targeted activities for the formation and implementation of public policy in the areas of national security and defense; CK 6. Ability to organize activities of territorial defense, mobilization preparation and mobilization within the limits of official duties; CK 7. Capability to integrate knowledge and solve complex national security problems (across individual support areas and activities) in broad and/or multidisciplinary contexts with incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and moral responsibility" (Standart vyshchoi osvity, 2021).
In the above-mentioned standard, the object of study determines the national security of Ukraine as a whole and its areas and activities, real and potential threats to the national security of Ukraine; leadership of the security and defense sector of Ukraine and its
components. The objectives of the training are to prepare a professional capable of solving problems of research and innovation in the field of national security, to identify and counteract threats to national security of Ukraine (in certain areas of security and types of activity). The theoretical content of the subject area consists of basic laws, regularities, categories, concepts, principles, methods and techniques that are used to ensure national security in accordance with the competencies of the components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine (Standart vyshchoi osvity, 2021).
The standard provides that persons who have completed a bachelor's degree may apply for a master's degree. Program of professional entrance examinations for persons who have received a preliminary level of higher education in other specialties must provide verification of the acquisition of competencies and learning outcomes defined by the standard of higher education in the specialty 256 National Security (in certain areas of security and activities) for the first (bachelor) level of higher education (Standart vyshchoi osvity, 2021).
At the same time, it should be noted that today there is no officially approved standard for the specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and activities)" of the branch of knowledge 25 "Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security" for the first (bachelor) level of higher education, but its draft was developed and published on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2021. The specified project describes the subject area of the specialty as follows: the object of study -the national security of Ukraine as a whole and its areas and activities, real and potential threats to the national security of Ukraine; ensuring individual components of national security. The learning objectives are to acquire the ability to solve complex national security problems and issues and/or in the process of learning, which involves identifying threats to Ukraine's national security, characterized by uncertain conditions and requirements. Theoretical content of the subject area - concepts, principles, methods and techniques used to ensure national security in accordance with the competence of its constituents. The subject of study and activities - ensuring national security in certain areas. Methods, techniques and technologies - general scientific and special scientific methods, innovative technologies of training specialists with higher education; communicative methods of scientific interaction, information and communication technologies and techniques, quantitative and qualitative methods of research and data analysis (Draft standard of higher education..., 2021).
4. New educational programs for training management specialists in the field of national security
The purpose of the EPP "Government in the Field of National Security" in specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and activities)" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, developed by specialists of the Department of Global and National Security at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv on the basis of the above-mentioned draft standard, is defined as providing special education in the field of national security with broad access to employment in public authorities that form and implement state policy in the field of national security; security centers of amalgamated hromadas (united territorial communities); public associations, nongovernmental and international organizations whose activities are related to ensuring national security; scientific and educational institutions that study national security problems, etc. This EPP also provides for the creation of prerequisites for further study of state-management aspects of national security at the second (master's) level of higher education at the ESP and EPP "Strategic management in the sphere of national security" in specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and activities)" for fulltime and part-time forms of study, as well as the opportunity to obtain additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education and professional development.
Integral competence of EPP "Government in the Sphere of National Security" assumes that after its successful mastery, bachelors will be able to carry out managerial activity in solving complex specialized tasks in the determining areas of national security (political, economic, social, humanitarian), including in crisis situations, which involves the application of theories and methods of the relevant industry and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
The list of components of the EPP "Government in the Sphere of National Security", aimed directly at the formation of competencies related to the statemanagement aspects of national security shows that 26 of the 50 obligatory components of the EPP are aimed at the formation of such competencies. In addition, the disciplines of both selective blocks ("National Security Management at the National Level" and "National Security Management at the Regional Level"), each consisting of 7 disciplines, as well as 10 disciplines in 8 blocks of the selective list of disciplines by student choice, who chooses 1 discipline from each block, are aimed at their formation.
The purpose of the ESP and EPP "Strategic Management in the Field of National Security" specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and activities)" of the second (master's) level of higher education for full-time and part-time forms of study is to provide training of professionals, highly qualified personnel for national security sphere, capable of analyzing, developing and implementing the state policy in the field of national security, effectively and efficiently performing management functions at the strategic level of management, promote innovative processes in the defining areas of national security in order to protect national interests, including preparing them to continue to study at the third educational and scientific level of higher education (Doctor of Philosophy).
The integral competence of the programs assumes that after their successful mastery the masters will be able to carry out managerial activity in the determining areas of national security (political, economic, social, humanitarian) while solving complex problems and problems at the strategic level of management and/or in the process of learning, involving research and/or innovation, application of theories and scientific methods of the relevant industry and is characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements.
It should be noted that of the 16 learning outcomes, 1 is provided exclusively for educational and scientific programs.
The list of obligatory components of the ESP "National Security Strategic Management" includes 16 of the 21 obligatory components aimed at building competencies related to public and managerial aspects of national security. In addition, seven disciplines of each of the three elective blocks ("Nationwide Level of Strategic Management in the Sphere of National Security", "The Security Component of Strategic Management in State Foreign Policy" and "Information Dimensions of National Security"), as well as two disciplines on the elective list of disciplines by student's choice are also aimed at their formation.
Persons who have successfully completed the ESP or EPP "Strategic Management in the Sphere of National Security" and have received a master's degree in specialty 256 "National Security (in certain security areas and activities)" will have the opportunity to work in senior positions in state and local government bodies from deputy head of a structural unit (sector, division, management, department, directorate) to state secretary of state power bodies. There will also be an opportunity to continue studying at the third educational-scientific level of higher education (Doctor of Philosophy), or to acquire additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education and advanced training.
In the list of mandatory components of the EPP "Strategic Management in the Sphere of National Security" almost the same ratio of components aimed at the formation of competencies related to public-management aspects of national security, because the volume of the program for the part-time form of study is reduced by 30% at the expense of the research component.
5. Conclusions
The conducted study indicates that the beginning of the training of applicants for higher education on the EPP "Management in the Sphere of National Security" first (bachelor's) and ESP and EPP "Strategic Management in the Sphere of National Security" second (master's) levels of higher education on specialty 256 "National Security (in certain security areas and activities)" on full-time and part-time forms of training at the the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv will allow to some extent meet the need of public authorities and local self-government in specialistsadministrators since 2022-2023 academic year, the professional responsibilities of which include addressing a wide range of issues of national security in its defining spheres.
Prospective for further research in this direction is to work on the development of ESP for the specialty 256 "National Security (in certain areas of security and types of activities)" for the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education. After all, today Ukraine is faced with an alternative: either its political, administrative and socio-economic systems will be fundamentally renewed and thus its
competitiveness, including its system of national security, will be guaranteed, or the country will find itself on the periphery of world processes. This necessitates a significant improvement in the quality and structure of professional training of managerial personnel for the national security system, increasing their professionalism and competence. Therefore, according to the author's convictions, the training of personnel for the sphere of national security of Ukraine should take into account that:
- education, science, and security are closely intertwined;
- training is an important component of state policy in the field of national security of the state, because the level of their training affects all levels of national security, because these personnel should really become the basis for successful national security, because, as noted by scientists, "those countries that consider them a strategic reserve, will have the prospect of successful implementation of the objectives of its security development" (Kryshtanovych, Pushak, Fleichuk, Franchuk, 2020);
- The Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which is the successor of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, has a qualified research and teaching staff with many years of experience in training specialists for public administration in the field of national security, relevant scientific and educational and methodological framework can meet the need of the state in training management specialists capable of solving complex problems in the determining areas of national security.
Kryshtanovych, M. F., Pushak, Ya. Ia., Fleichuk, M. I., & Franchuk, V. I. (2020). Derzhavna polityka zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: osnovni napriamky ta osoblyvosti zdiisnennia [Public policy ofnational security of Ukraine: the main directions and features of implementation]. Lviv: Spolom, 418 p. (in Ukrainian) Sytnyk, H. P. (2010). Kontseptualni zasady zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: Ch. 3: Derzhavna polityka ta osnovy stratehichnoho planuvannia zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeky [Conceptual principles of ensuring the national security of Ukraine: P. 3: Public policy and basics of strategic planning for national security]. Kyiv: NADU, 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
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Osvitni prohramy: Navchalno-naukovyi instytut publichnoho upravlinnia ta derzhavnoi sluzhby Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka [Educational programs: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv]. Available at: http://ipacs.knu.ua/?lang=ukr&tip=dop&tipn=&page=68 (in Ukrainian)
Robochi navchalni prohramy: Filosofskyi fakultet Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka [Working training programs: Faculty of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv]. Available at: http://philosophy.univ.kiev.ua/ua/view/navch_programy/2/2/2 (in Ukrainian)
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Natsionalna bezpeka: osvitno-profesiina prohrama Natsionalnoho universytetu "Ostrozka akademiia" dlia mahistriv [National Security: educational and professional program of the National University "Ostroh Academy" for masters]. Available at: https://www.oa.edu.ua/ua/osvita/ects/info_prog/mag/fakultet_mizhnarodnih_ vidnosin1/256_nacionalna_bezpeka/ (in Ukrainian)
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Standart vyshchoi osvity: druhyi (mahisterskyi) riven, haluz znan 25 Voienni nauky, natsionalna bezpeka, bezpeka derzhavnoho kordonu, spetsialnist 256 Natsionalna bezpeka (za okremymy sferamy zabezpechennia i vydamy diialnosti), zatverdzhenyi i vvedenyi v diiu nakazom Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy vid 23.12.2021 r. № 1423 [Standard of higher education: second (master's) level, field of knowledge 25 Military sciences, national security, state border security, specialty 256 National security (by certain areas of support and types of activities), approved and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Education and of Science ofUkraine of 23.12.2021 № 1423]. Available at: https://mon.gov.ua/storage/app/media/vishcha-osvita/zatverdzeni%20 standarty/2021/12/24/256-Nats.bezpeka-mahistr.pdf(in Ukrainian)
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