Научная статья на тему 'Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of commercial activities management'

Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of commercial activities management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Mizyuk Bogdan, Lukasevich Igor, Gonsky Maxim

The research is devoted to the development of measures aimed at improving the organizational and economic mechanism of commercial activities of mediumand large-scale commercial organizations in Ukraine. The author’s approach involves improving the management of complex business processes, optimizing the organizational structure and enhancement of the work motivation efficiency. The testing of the improvement measures took place at the sales network of Lvivkholod LLC (Lvov). It was demonstrated that the above retail organization had increased

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of commercial activities management»

УДК 658.114 (045) =111



мизюк Богдан Михайлович

доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры «Информационные системы в менеджменте», Львовская коммерческая академия, Львов, Украина E-mail: [email protected]

лукасевич игорь Ярославович

доктор экономических наук, профессор, академик РАЕН, Почетный работник высшего профессионального образования Российской Федерации, заведующий кафедрой «Финансовый менеджмент», заместитель проректора, Финансовый университет, Москва, Россия E-mail: [email protected]


аспирант кафедры «Информационные системы в менеджменте»,Львовская коммерческая академия,Львов, Украина E-mail: [email protected]


Исследование посвящено разработке направлений совершенствования организационно-экономического механизма управления коммерческой деятельностью средних и крупных торговых организаций Украины. Авторский подход предполагает комплексное улучшение менеджмента бизнес-процессов, оптимизации организационного построения и повышения эффективности мотивации труда. Апробация мероприятий по совершенствованию механизма управления проходила во Львовской торговой сети ООО ТПК «Львовхолод». Продемонстрировано повышение конкурентоспособности этой розничной организации благодаря улучшению финансово-экономических показателей и критериев организационного построения. Ключевые слова: организационно-экономическое обеспечение; организационное построение; бизнес-процесс; мотивация труда; торговые сетевые организации; коммерческая деятельность.

improving the organizational and economic



ScD (Economics), full professor of the Information Systems in Management chair, the Lvov Commercial Academy, Lvov, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected]


PhD student of the Information Systems in Management chair, the Lvov Commercial Academy, Lvov, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected]


ScD (Economics), full professor; Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Specialist of the Higher Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, head of the Financial Management chair, the Financial University, Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected]


The research is devoted to the development of measures aimed at improving the organizational and economic mechanism of commercial activities of medium- and large-scale commercial organizations in Ukraine. The author's approach involves improving the management of complex business processes, optimizing the organizational structure and enhancement of the work motivation efficiency. The testing of the improvement measures took place at the sales network of Lvivkholod LLC (Lvov). It was demonstrated that the above retail organization had increased

its competitiveness by improving financial and economic indicators as well as criteria of the organizational structure. Keywords: organizational and economic support; organizational structure; business process; motivation to work; supply network organization; commercial activity.

Improving the efficiency of commercial activities of retail network requires a combination of managerial and technological innovations based on the synergetic strengthening of such principles as specialization, synchronization, rhythm and adaptability. Improving of organizational and economic mechanism for the effective management of trade enterprises should also include subsystems for material and moral motivation for achievement of key performance indicators.

Specialists in the organization and management of commercial activities agree in the thought that its main purpose is to increase sales revenue provided satisfaction of consumer demand, and the market is a system of economic relations between buyers and sellers [1, 2, 3], which enables organizations to adjust limited material resources and money [4, 5]. Systematic and integrated management requires the coverage of all parts of the organization, a comprehensive study of causal relationships in finance.

We agree with the idea that commercial activities components are arranged in a dynamic system of internal and external relations, interdependence and subordination of its elements [6]. However, the issues of implementation of foreign and domestic experience to improve the effectiveness of retail networks are insufficiently studied. The purpose of the research is to develop directions of improvement of organizational and economic support system of commercial activities of medium and large retail networks in Ukraine.

Systematic optimization organizational support of commercial activities should be oriented at bringing

the organizational structure in line with the strategic objectives of the trade network. As a methodological basis the process-oriented modelling and separation of cross-functional processes is proposed [7].

The determination of critical factors bijective correlation of commercial activities and administrative centres of responsibility allows to create a new composition of structural units set for the implementation of business processes. It will also eliminate the possibility of duplication, accelerate the implementation of decisions, there are also prospects consolidation of related but disparate between the structural units of business procedures. Giving more authority to management units (vertical compression) leads to a significant increase in their impact due to reduction of external points of contact, minimizing the number of approvals. Horizontal compression involves reducing the chain teams that have a positive impact on motivation.

The integrated application of arsenal of tangible and intangible levers of influence on the employee brings a new level of vision of the role of each element of motivation. Determination of specific indicators of financial motivation is offered to reconcile with the strategic goals and structure of business processes.

At the same time human resources management is not limited to indicators of quality of labour potential, but takes into account synthetic indicators of economic nature. The system of material incentives should be based on the assessment of the degree of achievement by every participant of business process at different levels of the organization [8].

The division of responsibilities of purchase department employees after the implementation

of the proposed measures

Specialist The level of responsibility

Manager of Category 1. Gross income from the fixed category 2. The postponement of for payment for the goods to suppliers 3. Promotional receipts from suppliers for promoting products

Supervisor 1. Turnover by category 2. Saturation in goods

Specialist of commercial providing 1. Speed of rotation of goods in the network by days 2. Rhythmicity of goods supply 3. Decrease in level Out of stock

Revenue Net ßrofit Current Egujty Long-term Thejevelof Ratio of current

fromsalSS assets caeltaj liabilities inventory; assets to tota)

rotation assets

§ Dynamics . %

Fig. 1. Changes in commercial results of Lvivkholod LLC, %


D Prior to implementation of measures 0 After implementation of measures

Fig. 2. Dynamics of profitability of Lvivkholod LLC

The focus on individual motivation mechanism as a key factor in the effectiveness of the organization fully reflects the humanistic-cognitive concepts leading management theorists [9]. At the same time, it takes into account both the personal expectations of employees and personalizes their responsibility for the final results.

As a result of applied use of process-oriented modelling in the organizational structure of commercial services Lvivkholod LLC (Lviv) during 2013-2014, there have been some positive changes: the levels of management structure and were reduced, the range of management was centralization and the length of the commercial function was reduced. Reorganization of the commercial department concerned the optimization of purchase department.

The introduction of Category Management allowed releasing 14 workplaces of purchasing

managers, while the share of responsibilities assumed 8 categorical managers, the responsibility of which is entirely commercial organization working with suppliers. At the orderly functioning of the assortment matrix using such modern toolkits like matrix analysis, market research by the method of international consulting organization The Nielsen Company, ABC analysis and more. Within the responsibility of managers is also classified sourcing, conducting commercial negotiations and contract work.

Immediate implementation of agreements with suppliers, forward and backward communication with the store manager is provided under a plan to improve business processes, supervisor, whose work is done via the integrated automated system of class MRPII/ERP. This enabled considerably improve the supply chain by integrating in a single module Supply Chain Management all its parts, such as

information on the status of orders, cash flows, as well as standardize and accelerate commercial processes.

Formation of an effective organizational structure of purchase department also included singling of its limits the logistics management based on process-oriented simulation. As a result, the specialist entrusted with responsibilities of commercial providing prompt deliveries of consignments from the supplier or manufacturer of the warehouse store with appropriate documentary support. This division gave an opportunity to focus the responsibility for specific economic indicators (Table).

Released specialists as a result of restructuring (purchasing managers) were transferred to the department of logistics, which contributed to the achievement of the common goal at different levels of implementation of business processes and increase motivation to achieve targets. Therefore, the updated system of supply of Lvivkholod LLC is based on competitive basis, in which each service with different motivational powers is aimed at a single business results — supplying quality goods at the lowest price and fast realization of its maximum trade mark-up.

The efficiency of improvement of organizational and economic mechanism for implementing the commercial functions is proved by the improvements of the absolute (Fig. 1) and relative (Fig. 2) financial and economic indicators of Lvivkholod LLC.

In particular, the use of indicators of determine the spacing of qualities distinguishing weak links and responsibility centres contributed to improving the commercial activities on stage as a diagnostic analysis of business processes. At the same time, the use of process-oriented modelling in organizational building of commercial department has allowed to streamline the processes for managing commodity providing and clearly define the limits of liability of officials for the quality of assigned technological business processes. In addition, differentiation of staff motivation personification of responsibility has strengthened the personnel potential of the organization.

Thus, improving the organizational and economic support of commercial activities management of Lvivkholod LLC was comprehensive by improvement of the following areas of business process management and optimization of the organizational structure and improving the efficiency of work motivation.


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