УДК (617.7-007.681+617.741-004.1)-089
Parmankulova Yu.J. department of ophthalmology Andijan State Medical Institute
Resume: Despite significant progress in the field of surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataracts, the combination of these two pathological processes in one eye is quite common and presents certain difficulties in choosing treatment tactics.
Of the existing methods of cataract surgery combined with glaucoma, preference is most often given to simultaneous cataract extraction with anti-glaucomatous surgery, unless there is a convincing medical argument in favor of another method. The effectiveness of this technique in relation to visual functions largely depends on the stage of the glaucomatous process
Key words: glaucoma, cataract, surgical tactics.
Introduction. The preservation of vision at any age is one of the most important conditions for active human activity[4]. In the modern world, human vision, as well as the body as a whole, is subjected to numerous stresses, stress, as well as environmental and other factors negatively affect our body[2]. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain vision, many suffer from various eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinitis, dry eye syndrome.
It is important to carry out preventive measures and medical examination among the population [1,3]. Cataract damages the entire lens or part of it, causes a decrease in visual function, almost complete loss of it, color blindness, double vision, sensitivity to bright light [5]. Timely treatment and surgery (phacoemulsification of the lens of the eye) will help to restore vision, where the work of a highly qualified specialist is put in the first place.
The purpose of the study. To study the patient's perception of the disease in glaucoma and cataract based on the study of the parameters of quality of life before and after surgical treatment. To achieve the intended goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks.
Materials and methods of research. The study was conducted in 176 people with cataracts and glaucoma. At the first point of the study, 18 people participated in the study, but since 11 patients with macular degeneration and 1 patient with optic nerve atrophy were identified at the second point of the study, according to the criteria for inclusion in the study groups, these 12 patients dropped out of the study and were not included in the main groups. Statistical processing of the results on QOL and psychophysiological status was carried out only in 176 people.
The results of the study. The use of special T(2 - 25 and general YAR -36 questionnaires allows us to study in detail the features of the quality of life in patients with cataract and glaucoma.
The parameters of the SC in patients with cataracts after surgery increase significantly more with an initial visual acuity of 0.4 and lower, which should be taken into account when determining indications for cataract surgery. In patients with an initial visual acuity of more than 0.4, there is also an improvement in QOL parameters, especially psychological ones.
In patients with the initial stage of glaucoma, surgical treatment improves the quality of life, including psychological parameters.
In patients with advanced and far-advanced stages of glaucoma, the psychological parameters of quality of life are most reduced before treatment, which after surgical treatment increase slightly according to the general questionnaire and tend to decrease according to the assessment of the questionnaire for visual functions.
The presence of cataracts and glaucoma in patients negatively affects all parameters of quality of life, which is due to the mutual aggravation of the two diseases, and after surgical treatment, the quality of life improves mainly due to improved visual acuity after cataract removal.
Conclusion. Thus, in the course of our study, the patient's perception of cataracts and glaucoma was shown by studying the parameters of QOL before and after surgical treatment. The dependence of the quality of life and psychological state on visual acuity in cataract and glaucoma stage, as well as the effect of surgical treatment on the existence of a person in the conditions of the disease is shown. The necessity of psychotherapeutic correction in the presence of glaucoma is substantiated.
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