Научная статья на тему 'Improving of the organizational mechanism of state regulation of demographic development'

Improving of the organizational mechanism of state regulation of demographic development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dolinchenko Olha Mykhailivna

In the article is based on analysis of the effectiveness of state regulation of demographic development corresponding author improved institutional mechanism of regulation of the population. The necessity of improving the institutional mechanism of state regulation of demographic development of regions of Ukraine. As a core element of the mechanism proposed establishment of the Regional Council for the demographic development and the concept of its activities, taking into account: goals and major tasks of its activity (providing a complex of measures on demographic development of the region; coordination of state authorities, local authorities, associations, scientific and other organizations on the implementation mechanism of state regulation of demographic development); principles of the (implementation of constitutional rights, the validity, comprehensiveness, transparency); sources of funding (budget and extra-budgetary funds). It is shown that the product of such a subject of state regulation in favor of state regulation strategy of demographic development of the region, and program implementation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving of the organizational mechanism of state regulation of demographic development»

UDC: 351:314

Olha Mykhailivna Dolinchenko,

Researcher of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2449-1049

Долтченко Ольга MuxaÜMieHa,

здобувач кафедри публiчного адмгтстру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управ-лтня персоналом, Украгна, 03039, м. Кигв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2449-1049

Долинченко Ольга Михайловна,

соискатель кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, Украина, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2449-1049


Abstract. In the article is based on analysis of the effectiveness of state regulation of demographic development corresponding author improved institutional mechanism of regulation of the population. The necessity of improving the institutional mechanism of state regulation of demographic development of regions of Ukraine. As a core element of the mechanism proposed establishment of the Regional Council for the demographic development and the concept of its activities, taking into account: goals and major tasks of its activity (providing a complex of measures on demographic development of the region; coordination of state authorities, local authorities, associations, scientific and other organizations on the implementation mechanism of state regulation of demographic development); principles of the (implementation of constitutional rights, the validity, comprehensiveness, transparency); sources of funding (budget and extra-budgetary funds). It is shown that the product of such a subject of state regulation in favor of state regulation strategy of demographic development of the region, and program implementation.

Keywords: demographic development, mechanism, people, organizational mechanism, strategy, finance.


Анотащя. У статл на 0CH0Bi аналiзу ефективностi державного регулю-вання демографiчного розвитку автором удосконалено оргашзацшний мехашзм регулювання чисельностi населення. Запропоновано створення единого суб'екта органiзацiйно-економiчного впливу на демографiчний розвиток, уточнено концепщю його дiяльностi за блоками: цш та завдання, принципи дiяльностi, джерела фшансування, продукт дiяльностi (стратегiя державного регулювання демографiчного розвитку регiону, програма ii реа-лiзащi), очiкуваний результат.

K^40Bi слова: демографiчний розвиток, мехашзм, населення, оргашза-цiйний механiзм, стратепя, фiнансування.



Аннотация. В статье на основе анализа эффективности государственного регулирования демографического развития автором усовершенствован организационный механизм регулирования численности населения. Предложено создание единого субъекта организационно-экономического воздействия на демографическое развитие, уточнена концепция его деятельности по блокам: цели и задачи, принципы деятельности, источники финансирования, продукт деятельности (стратегия государственного регулирования демографического развития региона, программа ее реализации), ожидаемый результат.

Ключевые слова: демографическое развитие, механизм, население, организационный механизм, стратегия, финансирование.

Target setting. At the end of XX —

the beginning of XXI century the socio-economic development of Ukraine is taking place in insufficient, from the point of view of state interests, demographic potential of the population. Deficiency of the population supports the objective reality which must be taken into account in the formulation and implementation of the socio-economic

policy of the state. Therefore, regulation of demographic processes is a priority of the socio-economic policy of the state, and in connection with this, a task of improving can be resolved in three ways: increasing fertility, reducing mortality, and effective migration policy.

Analysis of the recent studies and publications. Demographic problems

of the domestic transformation economy in the context of their impact on human reproduction in Ukraine are studied by V. Geyets, I. Hnybidenko, O. Hrishnova, T. Zayats, O. Makarova, A. Malynovska, V. Mandybura, V. No-vikov, V. Onikiyenko, I. Prybytkova, M. Romaniuk, U. Sadova, A. Chukhno, K. Yacuba and other scientists. However, despite the significant achievements of the above authors, theoretical and applied basis for research mechanisms of state regulation of the demographic development are not sufficiently developed.

Purpose of the article. The development of theoretical and applied basis for research the effectiveness of state regulation of the demographic development in Ukraine, scientific substantiation of the appropriate institutional mechanism to apply population control.

The statement of basic materials. Among developed countries of the world, Ukraine has been consistently ranked on the top of the lower end in the rating in terms of life expectancy. Low standard of living leads to high mortality, adverse qualitative changes in the structure of morbidity and mortality, a characteristic feature of which is the strengthening of the social deterministic component. To solve problems like this, it is necessary not only to implement accounting of mortality, fertility, and migration processes, but also identify and eliminate the causes and factors that affect them. This is particularly important at regional and local levels, as each region and each area have their own specific features. Therefore, a set of factors that have a significant impact on the demographic processes in one region may be irrelevant to oth-

ers. Formation of demographic trends is closely connected with the characteristics and factors that determine the nature of internal regional relations.

Improving the institutional mechanism of the state regulation of the demographic development, in our view, should be to create a single entity of the organizational and economic influence — the Regional Council on the demographic development (fig. 1).

In practice, many areas have already decided to create a similar entity of regulatory implications on the demographic development, particularly in Donetsk, Rivne, and Luhansk regions. Their experience demonstrates the need for the formation of such a body in order to increase the impact of implementation of the state regulation of the demographic development in the region.

Thus, in the Regional Council on the demographic development should be included representatives of entities of the state population control — departments, central offices of Healthcare, Education and Science, Youth and Sport, Environment and Natural Resources, Finance, the Social Insurance Fund on temporary disability, the State migration service, the Pension fund of Ukraine, village, town and city mayors, representatives of the media. The chairman of the Regional Council on the demographic development is the chairman of the regional council.

The Regional Council on the demographic development will work to: ensure integrated implementation of interventions on the demographic development of the region; coordinate the activities of public authorities, local authorities, public associations, scien-

purpose of activity:

• Ensure comprehensive implementation of the state regulation of demographic development;

• coordination of activity of regulated entities

The principle activities:

• Implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens;

• Validity;

• complexity;

• Transparency

Funding sources:

• funds of the consolidated budget of the region;

• extrabudgetary funds


• improving the state regulation of the demographic development;

• improving the demographic characteristics of the population

Fig. 1. The concept of the Regional Council on the demographic development

regional council on the demographic development

tific and other organizations on the implementation mechanism of state regulation of the demographic development.

In conformity with the purposes, there can be identified the following objectives of the Regional Council on the demographic development. Firstly, ensure the interaction between the executive authorities, local authorities, non-governmental organizations.

Secondly, conduct the demographic examination regulations, socio-economic programs to identify possible demographic factors and consequences of the management decisions taken at regional and local levels, which can affect the demographic development of the region, or apply to those aspects of the region, which themselves depend on the impact of demographic processes.

Thirdly, monitoring the demographic situation in the regions and cities of the region, analysis of the practice of implementation of demographic population policies in the region, evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.

Fourthly, the preparation of proposals for improving the policy to stimulate fertility, mortality reduction and regulation of the migration processes.

Fifthly, the organization of sociological studies on the implementation of population policy measures.

Sixthly, hold meetings, conferences and seminars on issues related to the development and implementation of the state regulation of the demographic development.

Seventhly, inter-regional cooperation on the demographic processes.

Also as part of this, councils can discuss concrete proposals for improving the housing conditions of the population, building social facilities and modern infrastructure, and creating new high-efficiency and high-paid jobs, as a result, make the standard of living in the region closer to the European standards.

In our opinion, the activities of the Regional Council on the demographic development should be based on the following principles: firstly, the implementation of constitutional rights; secondly, validity; thirdly, complexity; and fourthly, transparency.

The realization principle of the constitutional rights means that the Regional Council within its activity should not contradict the human rights and freedoms. For example, the Council may not impose any restrictions on citizens' family type behavior (marriage, reproductive, etc.), its activities should be aimed at improving working conditions and health care of the population, supporting mothers, fathers, children and so on.

The reasonableness principle implies that the Regional Council on the demographic development should present specific guidelines for calculating the efficiency of these implemented activities regulating the population of the region.

The complexity principle means that the Council should be carrying out a comprehensive impact on all aspects of the demographic development of the region, that is, to stimulate the birth rate, reduce mortality, improve the standard of living and the regulate migration processes simultaneously, in order to stabilize the population of the region.

The principle of transparency is aimed at informing the public about the formation and implementation of measures on regulating the population control of the region, the achieved results of the Council to increase interest and demographic literacy of citizens and senior officials in the region. This can also affect the efficiency of population policy. Relevant information must be published in the media. Sources of funding of the Regional Council on the demographic development will be serving funds of the consolidated regional budget and extrabudgetary funds (donations of legal persons and individuals).

Thus, the Regional Council will be the body coordinating activities of the state regulation in the region (local authorities and local governments) on the demographic development, serving as a key element in improving the institutional mechanism of state regulation of the demographic development (fig. 2).

Together with local authorities, the Regional Council will determine the main strategic directions of the state regulation of the demographic processes in the region, which will take into account the specific strategy for the socio-economic development of the region and especially its demographic development. Practical implementation the principles of regulation and ensuring a sufficient level of funding of measures of the state regulation of the demographic development will lead to positive results that will manifest itself in reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy of the population; increase fertility, strengthening the family institution; improving the standard of liv-

public authorities,

local governments

Goal: •reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy; •increasing the birth rate, family support; •improving standards of living; •positive migration of population that meets the requirements of the socioeconomic development

Fig. 2. organizational (institutional) mechanism of the state regulation of the demographic development

ing; positive migration flow according to the requirements of the socio-economic development.

In our opinion, among the directions of improvement to the state regulation of the demographic development in the initial phase of the Regional Council the ones that can be offered are listed below.

Firstly, some women refuse from having children due to the fear of losing professional skills. Therefore it is important to create conditions for balancing work and child care. One can be also offered various courses of free training for women who come to work from maternity leave.

Secondly, analysis of the relationship of young people to the activities of the regulatory impact on the demographic development based upon research indicates that so-called "maternity capital" would have influenced the decision to

have more children in more than half of the respondents. At the same time, half of them would have spent it on housing. But the most promising material measures of the policy in the area of fertility in young, people call assistance in improving the living conditions (not only due to "maternal capital" — about 30 % of interviewed), significant wage growth (32 % of women and 39 % of men), providing of a minimum guarantee (correspondingly over 15 % of women and over 17 % of men) [1]. This gives rise to the realization by the public administrations regulatory measures to support families and the demographic development. For example, one can develop and offer the "guaranteed minimum". The essence of this regulatory tool of the demographic development is that if the average income of the families with children aged 16 years are below the subsistence minimum, they

are granted financial assistance. The size of such assistance is defined as the difference between the amount of the subsistence minimum and family income. For "guaranteed minimum" family shall submit documents confirming the amount of income to the Regional Council on the demographic development.

Practical implementation of this regulatory mechanism will help improve the financial situation of families that can affect the decisions about the child's birth, to use these extra funds to improve the health, etc.

Thirdly, it is necessary to take measures towards the formation of young people responsible attitude to health, including reproductive. Consideration should be given to the compensation of part of the expenses (partial or complete) for the treatment of infertility, the introduction of advanced reproductive technologies for the purpose of having children. Thus, during the period from 2000 to 2014 including, the number of women who have established infertility increased by 20 %: in 2001 per 1,000 women of childbearing age the infertility was reported in 2?9, and in 2014 — 3 5. If, for example, in 2014 infertility could have been cured in 100 % cases, and each woman gave birth to at least one child, the total fertility rate would increased by 2 %, reaching a value of 12?7 births per 1,000 people, which would witnessed improving the demographic situation in the country [2].

It should be also noted. According to the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of M. V. Ptukha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [4] in 2015 in Ukraine according to official data correlation between termina-

tions of the pregnancy to all fertilized is 22 %. In comparison with 1990, in 2015 the value of the index decreased from 1 million to 90 thousand abortions, that is, 91 %. This is due to increased levels of sexual culture, education, and gender equality. But, in any case, available statistics show high rates of abortion — every fifth pregnancy is terminated. This fact is additionally compounded by the fact that abortions adversely affect the reproductive health of women. To smooth such problem, there should be an extended practice of mandatory counseling by a specialist (psychologist) with women who decided to have an abortion. Such a specialist should identify the reasons and explain the possible consequences of abortion, the positive moments in the birth of children and so on.

The Regional Council on the demographic development should pay special attention to such issues, as their successful solution will help identifying additional reserves to increase the birth rate and strengthen family relationships.

Fourthly, in order to increase the birth rate it is necessary to pursue an active government family policy aimed at the formation of family values among young people, commitment to the registered marriage with several children, preparing children and adolescents for family life, providing psychological assistance to spouses of different life situations, developing the family, cultural and sports events.

Fifthly, the Ukrainian phenomenon of super-high mortality rate is manifested among the citizens of working age. Compared to European countries, the mortality rate in Ukraine is 3-5 times

higher for men and more than twice — for women. This necessitates the introduction of more effective impact of regulatory measures to decline in mortality in the regions of the country.

Indisputable priority to better habits affecting health of the population is developing programs to combat alcohol consumption. For presenting the scale of the problem, one can compare the scale of mortality from causes related to alcohol in Ukraine and, for example, in the EU countries. It is essential that today, according to the World Bank the mortality difference for these reasons is more than 5 times for men and 4 times for women [5]. Thus, in the early 1980s, when high levels of alcohol consumption of population of the USSR provoked anti-alcohol company, the difference did not exceed two times [3].

As for the anti-alcohol regulatory measures, there can be offered: limiting the sale of alcohol over specific time, organizing special anti-alcohol classes in schools, educating people about the consequences of alcohol-related harm through the media and so on.

Sixthly, according to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine non-communicable diseases are leading in the structure of morbidity, early disability and premature mortality of the population of the country. Such socially important non-communicable diseases include cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, neuro-psychiatric, respiratory diseases and metabolic diseases. The main risk factors for these kinds of diseases can be attributed tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle, and low consumption of fruits and vegetables. These diseases cause significant economic damage to the state, affect-

ing more and more people, especially of working age. Negative impact on public health has also infectious diseases, which include various strains of influenza, hepatitis and so on.

Local authorities in the region should focus on solving these problems. As one direction in reducing mortality and improving the health of the population can be offered placement in public places posters with information about the basic features and rules of treatment of infectious and noninfec-tious diseases, the possibility of preventive vaccination, quarantine measures, training television programs and so on.

The implementation of the above measures designed to stop the negative trend of the demographic development of regions in Ukraine, and create the conditions for the transition to the more active state regulation of the demographic development in order to create conditions for the preservation and promotion of health, impact on family values and decisions about having children, improving living standards of the citizens. The earlier measures will be implemented the state regulation of demographic development in full, the higher will be their efficiency. Failure is this could lead to the pessimistic scenario in the demographic development that will have even larger scale of depopulation than today.

Conclusions. The necessity of improving the institutional mechanism of the state regulation of the demographic development of regions in Ukraine was justified. As a core element of such mechanism was proposed the creation of the Regional Council on the demographic development and the concept of its activities, taking into account:

goals and major tasks of its activity (providing complex measures on the demographic development of the region; coordination of state authorities, local authorities, public associations, scientific and other organizations on the implementation mechanism of the state regulation of the demographic development); principles of activity (implementation of constitutional rights of the citizens, validity, comprehensiveness, and transparency); and sources of funding (budget and extra-budgetary funds). It was shown that the product of such a subject of the state regulation is a state regulation strategy of the demographic development of the region, and also its implementation program.


1. Hvelesiani A. H. (2008), Dyferentsiat-siia hroshovykh dokhodiv naselennia:

analiz, prohnoz ta mekhanizm rehuli-uvannia [Differentiation of incomes of the population: analysis, prediction and adjustment mechanism], Naukova dumka, Kyiv, Ukraine.

2. BBC Ukraina [Online], — available at: http://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/soci-ety (accessed 20 April 2017).

3. Levchuk N. M. (2011), Asotsial'ni iavyscha v Ukraini u demohrafich-nomu vymiri [Asocial phenomena in Ukraine in demographic terms], In-t demohrafii ta sotsial'nykh doslidzhen'im. M. V. Ptukhy NAN Ukrainy, Kyiv, Ukraine.

4. (2011), Natsional'na dopovid' pro liuds'kyj rozvytok "Ukraina: na shl-iakhu do sotsial'noho zaluchennia", [National Report on Human Development 'Ukraine: Towards Social Inclusion'], PROON, Kyiv, Ukraine.

5. Svitovyj bank — Ukraina [Online], — available at: http://www.worldbank. org/uk/country/ukraine (accessed 20 April 2017).

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