Научная статья на тему 'Improving linguistics of dialogical language role of 8-9 classes at Ukrainian language lessons'

Improving linguistics of dialogical language role of 8-9 classes at Ukrainian language lessons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Galayevskaya L.

The article analyzes the scientific literature on the chosen problem, determines the factors that will considerably influence the development of dialogical skills. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, attention was focused on the key issues of improving the dialogic skills in the Ukrainian language in 8-9 classes . The proposed organization of work on the formation of dialogical speech will help to educate not a passive listener and performer, but an active participant in a common language activity, which requires students to actively perceive understand and produce dialogical speech

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving linguistics of dialogical language role of 8-9 classes at Ukrainian language lessons»



Галаевська Л.В.

молодший науковий ствробтник 1нститут педагог1ки НАПН Украти м. Кшв,



Galayevskaya L.

Junior Research Fellow

Institute of Pedagogics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


У статп проаналiзовано наукову лгтературу з обрано1 проблеми, визначено чинники, урахування яких позитивно впливатиме на розвиток дiалогiчних умiнь. На основi анатзу науково1 лiтератури акцентовано увагу на ключових питаниях удосконалення дiалогiчних умшь на уроках украшсько1 мови в 8-9 класах. Пропонована органiзацiя роботи над формуванням дiалогiчного мовлення допоможе виховувати не пасив-ного слухача й виконавця, а активного учасника стльно1 мовленнево1 дiяльностi, що потребуе ввд учнiв активного сприймання, розумшня, усвiдомлення й продукування дiалогiчного мовлення.


The article analyzes the scientific literature on the chosen problem, determines the factors that will considerably influence the development of dialogical skills. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, attention was focused on the key issues of improving the dialogic skills in the Ukrainian language in 8-9 classes . The proposed organization of work on the formation of dialogical speech will help to educate not a passive listener and performer, but an active participant in a common language activity, which requires students to actively perceive understand and produce dialogical speech.

Ключовi слова: комушкащя, ситуащя спшкування, текстова комушкащя, дiалог, дiалогiчне мовлення, дiалогiчнi вмшня, формування дiалогiчних умшь учшв, 8-9 класи, заклади загально1 середньо1 освiти.

Keywords: communication, communication situation, text communication, dialogue, dialogical speech, dia-logical skills, formation of dialogical skills of students, 8-9 classes, institutions of general secondary education.

Forming of the problem. Modern society requires formed holistic individuals, ability to self-development, self-education and self-improvement, productive interaction in the micro and macro social. And it is communication that plays a significant role in human life and is an integral part of it. Communication allows people to share thoughts, different information, understand and solve problems, communicate with each other and with the world around them. The world of one person is revealed to another, there is a mutual exchange of knowledge, emotions, interests.

Dialogue as the main form of social communication creates the necessary conditions for developing the ability to think independently, express its opinion, defend its own beliefs, and prove its position. Dialogical relationships are universal. They pass through thinking, relationships, permeate the life of each man. The problem of dialogue is always relevant in different cultures at all stages of human development. They engage in dialogue, communicate with each other people intending to achieve certain goals. It depends on their intentions, what exactly will be the dialogue - a calm conversation, a controversy or a sharp polemic.

The ability to conduct dialogue begins in childhood and involves the ability to express their opinions, understand the interlocutor, find a common or, conversely, excellent, complement each other, justify their position, inform and persuade, express the emotional attitude to the information received. Dialogue as the

main form of social communication, creates the necessary conditions to develop students ' ability to think independently, articulate their argument to prove their own position.

Analysis of recent research. Of great importance in the development of the identified problem are the work of B. Ananiev, G. Ball, L. Bozhovich, O. Zapo-rozhts, O. Leontiev, A. Mudrik, V. Myasishchev, O. Savchenko, where the theoretical positions of communication are revealed, different forms (in particular, di-alogical), the productivity of them in the educational process is studied. The idea of a dialogic approach to learning has developed in the studies of Z. Abasov, Sh. Amonashvili, G. Kovalev, L. Kondrasheva, O. Ma-tiushkina and others. In particular Sh. Amonashvili notes that dialogue speech must be based on the humanistic nature of communication between a teacher and children, on equal cooperation, trust and mutual respect [1, p.59]. Recently, in pedagogical science, a number of studies have been devoted to the formation and development of conversational and communicative skills of students.

In the works of N. Bondarenko, N. Golub, O. Goroshkina, S. Karamana, O. Kucheruk, V. Poor, S. Omelchuk, M. Pentiluk, L. Popova, L. Skuratovsky and others, the idea is about unification and continuous formation linguistic and speech fluency of students, which will develop appropriate competencies. Opportunities for forming dialogical skills during solving educational

and cognitive tasks are considered in the researches of A. Bodalov, S. Kurganov, T. Mukhina, L. Pavlova, E. Pasov, V. Skalkina, V. Yampolsky and others.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the development of dialogical skills in the Ukrainian language lessons, to provide a lingomechan-ical commentary and recommendations for their improvement.

Main part. Dialogic relationships are universal. "Just in communication in human interaction with the human person is revealed in a man for others, for himself. Dialogue is not only a means of forming a person, it is the very existence of man, its uniqueness" [6].

In the process of forming communicative skills, the laws of language learning should be taken into account. They, as scientists contend, are the link between linguistic theory and speech practice. The results of learning and learning the language depend on the potential of the speech environment, which is created and functions in the learning process, determines everyday life [3].

On the other hand, the virtual environment as a whole should also provide the ability to position itself, to have a dialogue with any interlocutor, to maintain contact in communicating with observance of norms and rules of conduct, competently resolve conflict situations and avoid conflicts in communication, to change (if necessary) their linguistic behavior, evaluate the success of the communication situation, etc. The effectiveness of the formation of dialogical skills in the lessons of Ukrainian language can be achieved in the conditions of formation and strengthening of the subject position, freedom to choose methods for solving educational problems and problems. Consequently, the dialogic skills of a young person will become consciously important for the development of the general culture of communication, and for the formation of it as a person. We consider the dialogic skills as a factor in the development of a combination of different types of knowledge, skills and skills that are interrelated and affect each other. It is a peculiar personal system, a dynamic tumor that creates the best opportunities for successful human rights of the 21st century. Man of the modern age must possess not only knowledge, skills, skills, but also to be competent in the field of negotiation, establishing a dialogue of cultures, etc.

Dialogue broadcasting is developing in the process of communication between two or more partners. The linguistic behavior of one interlocutor in a dialogue depends on the reaction of another, but each of the partners sets his goal in dialogical communication, therefore often the interactive amplitude varies considerably. The peculiarity of educational dialogic speech is that it is timely framed and occurs, as a rule, on the initiative of the teacher. Lives, natural communication is free of conditions and its participants are not always well aware of the goals to be achieved in dialogue. That is why it is necessary to teach children the ability to diagnose the goals and intentions of the interlocutor in words, the language constructs that he uses, intonation, pauses, and non-verbal accompaniment (facial expressions, gestures).

Formation efficiency the dialogic skills of students depends on the forms and methods and learning tools that the teacher uses during the educational process. First of all, the teacher should be focused on a personal model of interaction with the student: to actively involve the student in the search for new information, to motivate him to show the initiative and independence. For students who are subjects of the educational process, it is important to be able to correctly express their thoughts, to overcome shyness, to evaluate the situation of communication, to resort to non-standard decisions, to think creatively [2, p.55]. Therefore, the teacher should be well prepared for the lesson, in particular, non-standard, professionally possess modern methods of training, the ability to expediently use visibility, to give examples from life.

This, of course, will stimulate students to deeper perception of the material, cause interest in new topics and the desire to learn new material. With this in mind, as well as in order to organize the process of "assimilating, expanding, deepening, systematizing knowledge of students, developing their interests and abilities, it is expedient to make extensive use of didactic games, because" when a child performs rational activity with enthusiasm, it does not suffer overload even when time consuming tasks. Conversely, it quickly becomes tired if it performs light but monotonous exercises, because in this process, the positive intellectual emotions (pleasure, joy, surprise) do not take part". [4, p.143] In the process of forming the dialogic skills of students, it is also advisable to use different types of dialogical situations: situations-problems (requiring analysis of the proposed problem situation, determining the optimal ways and ways of solving it), situation-assessment (activity that involves evaluating a decision already made or choosing one from the proposed variants, with the subsequent motivated conclusion), situation-exercises (focus on the working out of structural components of the activity in the conditions of dialogue; provide an opportunity to evaluate the degree of knowledge of methods).

In shaping the dialogic skills of the students, the teacher has to create situations in each class that encourage the child to speak, motivate to express their own thoughts. This can be both a response to a question on a topic and a discussion of life situations. We agree with N. Bondarenko's opinion that the process of communication, and hence communication, is a continuous chain of speech situations. The situation encourages participants to express empathy, attitude to actions, events, evaluate, explain, convince, prove, refute, find out something, make a responsible decision. It is in these situations that the studied grammar material, various functional types of utterances (information exchange, conversation support, interest disclosure, expression of expression, speech etiquette, etc.), types of communication interaction of interlocutors [2, p.2-3] are actualized.

It should also be noted that it is necessary to make extensive use of work with the dialogue-sample, which should be aimed at familiarizing students with samples, working out the communication interaction of communicants, operating language material in dialogical

speech, implementing various conversions text. Note that tasks based on the text should not be one-way, that is, aimed at one and mainly reproductive activity, for example, to read - to analyze - to write - to insert, and should be induced to considerations - reflections - predictions, which are the beginning of self-development, self-education, self improvement. This kind of work develops the ability to perceive the finished text, to reproduce its content, and to create own statements of a certain type, style, speech genre. It will be appropriate to analyze the dialogues of literary heroes, through which students will be able to more profoundly assess the versatility of the Ukrainian language, pay attention to the form of submission, to find different variants of argumentation of their thoughts and ability.

Creation of own text should precede clearly planned preparatory work, which will include, in addition to the complex analysis of the original text, and also the creation of secondary texts. Students must learn: "if the original text is a reflection of a particular situation that occurs in the real world, then the text is secondary is the reflection of the informational structure of not the situation, but the original text" [3, p.55], and therefore to learn, perceiving information, not to archive it in memory, but to filter it, choosing the most necessary, anticipating and modeling the ways of its application during communication.

Conclusions. Formation of dialogical skills is a special form of joint activity of students and teachers, the interaction of semantic positions of subjects in the educational process in determining, adopting and solving educational tasks, which results in gaining new knowledge for the expansion of their own views. For students, the improvement of dialogical skills enables the problem-free, qualitative inclusion in independent life, the ability to establish personal and professional relationships with others, which is an important aspect of life. The realization of this task is possible in the process of forming the skills of dialogical broadcasting of

Recognizing dialogue as the greatest value in a civilized world, through which people are improved, become spiritually developed, is at the moment more relevant than ever. Dialogue, on the one hand, deprives a person of a sense of loneliness, and on the other hand, it allows them to find points of contact with other people, find a part of them in themselves y to listen to others.

Consequently, the important task of preparing students for joining the society is to teach students to work in non-standard situations, to see contradictions in various life events and facts, argue, defend their own position, formulate problems, and seek out non-standard solutions to them.


1. Amonashvili, Sh. A. Psychological Fundamentals of Cooperation Pedagogy / Sh. A. Amonashvili. -Kyiv. : Education, 1991. - 111 p.

2. Bondarenko N.V. Situational exercises in the lessons of the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian language and literature at school. 2017. Number 2. P.2-7.

3. Vaskivska, G.O. Formation of communicative competence of senior pupils on the basis of assimilation of the system of knowledge about a person / G.O.Vas-kovskaya // Ukrainian language and literature at school, 2012. - No. 2. - p. 52-57.

4. Methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in secondary education institutions / [M. I. Pen-tilyuk, S.O. Karaman, O.V. Karaman, O.M. Gorosh-kina, Z.P. Bakum and others.]; ed. M. I. Pentiluk. -Kyiv: Lentiv, 2005. - 400 p.

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students as an important factor of social formation.

7. 6. Social psychology of personality and communication [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://books.br.com.ua/30712


Рыжова И.М.

зам. директора по УВР, аспирант, ГОБУ «Физтех-лицей» им. П.Л. Капицы, г. Долгопрудный, Московская обл.

Юдин Г.В.

к.т.н., профессор, заведующий отделением, ГБПОУМО «Красногорский колледж», г. Красногорск, Московская обл.

Горохова О.С. нач. бюро сборки объективов, ПАО Красногорский завод им. С.А. Зверева

Волхонский А.Е. к.т.н., доцент, МАИ (НИУ), г. Москва Красовская С.В. к.ф.н., доцент, ФГБОУ ВО ПГУ, г. Пятигорск

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