Shirinov U.A., PhD SamlES
Abstract: In the article main tools account financial of the report and accounting account international standards based on recognition, account in the system reflection carry on and in reports open to give according to considerations held.
Key words: basic tools, accounting account, financial report, international standards, reassessment.
Economic reforms implemented in our country are the basis for further development of our economy. Our President has emphasized the development of our economy in a number of speeches, such as " Within a year, we have intensively continued systematic reforms to further liberalize the economy of our country, open a wide path for business, and strengthen the rule of law and legal guarantees in this regard. " 44.
Currently, great attention is being paid to improving the theoretical and methodological foundations of accounting and auditing of fixed assets in the development of economy in the countries of the world. Criteria for recognition of fixed assets, valuation of fixed assets at initial cost, procedures for valuation of fixed assets based on the accounting model at actual cost or accounting models at revalued value, reflecting the results of revaluation of fixed assets, aligning the issues of reflecting fixed assets in financial statements with international standards, improving the methodology of auditing fixed assets of economic entities based on international audit standards is extremely urgent.
In our country, a lot of work is being done to expand the activities of enterprises, to modernize their main funds and to equip them with modern technologies. in 2021 main to capital investments 239552.6 billion. soum organize reached.
Main tools according to different in sources differently thoughts given. We are research as a result their one how many cause we passed
Main tools - this the following to criteria answer giving material assets are: (a) products work release or delivered give, or services show or another to the parties for rent to give or administrative purposes use for stored; and (b) one from the period more than lifetime during use expected.[ 1]45
44Uzbekistan _ Republic President Shaukat Mirziyoyev the second Tashkent International investment of the forum opening in the ceremony speech _ https :// president . en / en / lists / view /6221
45 MHXS 16 "Fixed assets"
MHXS No. 5 (Financial of the report international standard) basically long term assets are _ report from the era after ten two from the moon more time during recovery pending amounts own into received assets46
16 - MHXS to "Fixed assets". basically a social valuation of tools initial value model according to or again evaluation model is recognized by _
Active from being recognized as then, main tool object accumulated wear out and from depreciation accumulated damages deducted without initial value according to account taken it is necessary
Table 1
Main to capital of investments main funds types according to composition _(in billion soums)_
Main funds 2019 2020 2021
Total 195927.3 210195.1 239552.6
Residence buildings 20621.9 23200.8 29851.0
Non-residential place buildings 33408.1 38172.7 50894.5
Other structures 23148.7 27039.0 30290.6
Earth improve 127.3 285.9 277.1
Car and equipment, total 107305.8 110493.8 113863.9
Transportation equipment 16588.2 12415.2 14574.5
Information, computer and telecommunication (ICT) equipment 3194.8 7347.0 5325.6
Other car and equipment 87522.7 90731.6 93963.8
A few times product giver, animals resources 2418.9 2843.0 3656.8
A few times product giver trees, village economy crops and seedlings resources 372.0 880.7 838.6
Unemployed release to assets property the right to give with dependent expenses 198.1 225.0 138.2
Computer software supply and data bases 28.7 25.2 98.6
Entertainment, literary _ and artistic of works original copies 3.7 1.6 0.8
Scientific studies and developments 5.9 86.5 30.8
Useful fossils reserves intelligence to do and evaluation 763.7 26.7 96.4
Other intellectual property products 330.1 229.0 292.3
Active from being recognized as then, true value reliable way assessment possible has been main tool object next accumulated wear out and accumulated after impairment damages discounted without, re evaluation dated truthful the value reflection which makes again evaluated in value account taken it is necessary Report period At the end of balance value his truthful from the value
46 MFHS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations"
important indistinguishable for again evaluation enough level regularly done increase it is necessary
The purpose of the audit of fixed assets is to form an opinion on the reliability of the fixed assets section of the accounting report and to take into account the transactions related to fixed assets in the enterprise and to organize the methodology of taxation according to the normative documents in force in the Republic of Uzbekistan and determining compliance with international standards of financial reporting.
The following directions for increasing the efficiency of fixed assets can be cited as a recommendation for the enterprise. According to organizational directions:
•get only the name of fixed assets that will work for the enterprise; •not keeping the back of fixed assets;
•write off obsolete fixed assets and fixed assets that do not meet moral requirements;
•differentiation and composition of fixed assets;
•determining the relevant forms of calculation of amortization of fixed assets, etc.
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