IMPROVEMENT OF CUSTOMER FOCUS IN PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
customer focus / urban transport network / passenger transportation market / transport card / survey / клиентоориентированность / городская транспортная сеть / рынок пассажирских перевозок / транспортная карта / анкетирование

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — I.A. Vishnyakova, E.G. Zharikova, M.O. Severova

The paper considers the problem of customer focus improvement in the field of passenger transportation. The analysis of the urban passenger transportation market is conducted with special reference to a large urban agglomerate. The issues of organizing intercity transportation via railway and urban modes of transport for a selected customer segment – students are discussed. Directions for the development of a comprehensive programme to improve customer focus in the field of urban passenger transport are proposed.

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В данной работе рассматривается проблема повышения клиентоориентированности в сфере пассажирских перевозок. Приведен анализ рынка городских пассажирских перевозок на примере крупного городского агломерата, рассматриваются вопросы организации внутригородских перевозок железнодорожным и городскими видами транспорта для выделенного сегмента клиентуры – студентов. Предложены направления разработки комплексной программы для повышения клиентоориентированности в сфере городского пассажирского транспорта.



E.G. Zharikova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M.O. Severova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Siberian State Transport University (Russia, Novosibirsk)


Abstract. The paper considers the problem of customer focus improvement in the field of passenger transportation. The analysis of the urban passenger transportation market is conducted with special reference to a large urban agglomerate. The issues of organizing intercity transportation via railway and urban modes of transport for a selected customer segment - students are discussed. Directions for the development of a comprehensive programme to improve customer focus in the field of urban passenger transport are proposed.

Keywords: customer focus, urban transport network, passenger transportation market, transport card, survey.

The integrated transport system is a totality of all modes of transport that meet the economic and social needs of the population in terms of transportation services [1].

The transport industry plays a key role in ensuring the growth and development of the modern society. Transport is an important part of the country's infrastructure, promoting the economic, social and cultural development of the territorial entities. In the integrated transport network of the country, passenger transport enables to realize personal needs of the citizens in travelling and to ensure transport accessibility of the regions. The transport services market involves companies of various types of ownership, which strive to increase their transportation volumes for profit enhancement. However, leadership in transportation volumes does not provide the company with an economic result. Customers are the determining factor in the development of any transport company. In turn, in order to attract new customers, it is necessary to identify properly their needs and desires. For these purposes, the companies operating in this market have to create and develop a customer-focused policy [2].

The investigation of the raised issues was conducted with special reference to a selected market segment - students. Students of Novosibirsk universities are chosen as the research object, as they represent the most mobile group in the transport services market. When choosing the mode of transport for travelling, young people take into account such factors as speed, comfort

and price. They can use public transport, private cars or other means of transport.

The aim of the research is to identify the factors, which can promote attractiveness of public transport services for students of Novosibirsk. To achieve this aim, the issues of organizing intercity transportation were considered using the example of existing passenger transport routes in the city of Novosibirsk, which the specific customer segment, i.e. students can use for travelling.

The relevance of the issue for this particular market segment is determined not only by the peculiarities of the territorial development of the urban agglomeration, a large number of educational institutions and heavy congestion of transport lines in the city, but also by a significant influence of the price factor of transport services for the selected customer segment.

In the course of this research, the following objectives are to be solved:

- to study the theoretical foundations of customer focus;

- to analyze the current state of customer focus in passenger transportation;

- to identify the main problems and barriers preventing the improvement of customer focus;

- to develop measures and recommendations on customer focus improvement in the field of urban passenger transportation and to evaluate their effectiveness;

- to formulate directions for further development of customer focus in the field of passenger transportation.

The study was conducted using the method of retrospective analysis, the method of comparison, the method of correlation and regression analysis, the method of expert assessments (questionnaires), which revealed the level of students' interest in public transport.

The passenger transportation market is dynamically developing. Moreover, it possesses a wide range of vehicles. To determine the factors influencing the interest of passengers in a certain mode of transport, the analysis of passenger traffic was carried out. The main competitors in this market are bus, railway, air transport and underground. They are appreciated due to direct traffic, service, price and speed of transportation [3].

Urban transport is a complex of various means of transport that provides people and freight transportation within the city and in the nearest suburban area, as well as performs urban improvement work. The urban transport system plays a significant role in increasing passenger traffic. The desire of passengers to use public transport depends on the efficiency of this system [4].

The main modes of public transport include the automobile (buses) and electric ground transport (trams and trolleybuses) as well as rapid light railway transport (underground, monorail and high-speed trams) [5].

Figure 1 shows the structure of the passenger transportation market by the types of transport in Russia.

Fig. 1. Passenger turnover structure in Russia in 2023, %

The biggest share of transportation is carried out by air transport - 47%. Railway and bus transportation make up 25% and 20%, respectively. The underground takes the 3rd place -7%.

Considering the situation in the Novosibirsk region, it should be noted that the passenger transportation market in this region is in a greater degree similar to the transportation market in Russia. The main passenger traffic accounts for road transport and underground [6].

Figure 2 shows the structure of the use of the main modes of transport in the Novosibirsk region. The main mode of transport is bus - its share is 56%. The underground holds 25% of the total number of passengers. Railway transport accounts for 7%. The share of other modes of transport, which include tram, trolleybus and water transport, makes up 10%.

The analysis of the passenger transportation market using the example of the city of Novosibirsk confirms that bus transport, underground and railway transport are the most in demand.

Fig. 2. Passenger turnover structure in the Novosibirsk region in 2023, %

It is worthwhile to consider the railway transport system in more detail. As the analysis of the passenger transportation market shows, railway transport is one of the most popular

modes of transport, and it is highly demanded in terms of suburban traffic (Fig. 3). The dynamics of the volume of long-distance traffic depends on the seasonal factor.

Fig. 3. Structure of railway passenger traffic by type of traffic in 2023, %

In order to find out which characteristics influence the choice of transport for students, the survey was conducted among 150 students of Siberian State Transport University aged from 17 to 23. The analysis involves two parts, i.e. in the field of passenger railway transportation and urban transportation.

The results of the study of railway passenger transportation show that students prefer not only faster and cheaper transport, but also more comfortable. Moreover, their attitude to the increase in the price of travelling due to additional services is loyal.

The survey also reveals that students are interested in suburban railway travelling. However, they have to abandon the use of this traffic mode in case of certain internal circumstances, e.g. the lack of individual space and an opportunity to study during the trip, and external ones, e.g. the lack of a developed urban railway infrastructure.

Using the results obtained in the course of the study, we can state the interest of students in innovations adopted in suburban transportation. A model of a suburban train carriage for students was developed and presented.

The proposed improvements include the following:

1) installation of an automatic charging station in the railway car;

2) organization of two zones in the carriage: a dark zone - a blackout space with comfortable armchairs, as well as audio and video projection, with single seats, and a light-filled zone - a space with tables for work and separate armchair seats with access to a charging point. The tables are required for studying or relaxing with friends.

About 20% of the respondents expressed interest in this train model.

The layout of the project was presented at the All-Russian competition "Transport of the future" (Fig. 4) [7].

Fig. 4. Model of a suburban train carriage

It is also worth discussing the sphere of urban transportation. The most common modes of urban transport were analyzed, i.e. bus, underground, trolleybus and tram.

In the structure of urban transport, the largest share is held by bus transport - about 70%. The underground holds about 27% (Fig. 5). At the same time, we can note that urban electric transport accounts for only 4%.

Fig. 5. Structure of urban transport passenger turnover in Russia, %

The results of the survey on urban passenger transport show that 67% of the 150 respondents regularly use urban transport.

Most students underline the convenience of using a student transport card, which provides a discount on public transportation. The cost of transportation services satisfies 46% of passengers. However, the comfort and speed of transportation do not fully satisfy the respondents.

It is worthwhile to assess the adopted payment systems, using the example of routes in the city of Novosibirsk - the cost of travelling with a student's transport card and without it. We should also estimate the travelling time and the number of options with and without transfers. Table 1 shows one of the route options from the Petukhov Street stop to the City Hospital stop. The route for public transport is shown on the map of Novosibirsk in Fig. 6 [8].

Table 1. Route options from the Petukhov Street stop to the City Hospital stop

№ Public transport route Transfer point Route Sectors Walking distance, min. Number of transfers Total travelling time, min. Cost, rubles Payment by a student transport card, rubles

1 Bus 18 Underground station Marx Square To Zaeltsovskaya Underground station 20 1 transfer 70 80 40

2 Bus 45 Underground station Studencheskaya To Zaeltsovskaya Underground station 20 1 transfer 70 80 40

3 Bus 45 Public transport stop Vatutin Street Bus 28 - 1 transfer 90 80 40

4 Minibus 29a Public transport stop Victory Boulevard Bus 28 - 1 transfer 90 80 60

5 Bus 14 no - 15 - 105 40 20

Fig. 6. Route from the Petukhov Street stop to the City Hospital stop

In 2024, the cost of one trip for most urban routes in Novosibirsk was 35 rubles. The cost of one trip by minibus ranges from 35 to 50 rubles. In case of payment by a student transport card, the tariff was 17.5 rubles per one trip. The total cost depended on the number of transfers [9, 10].

There are five options to get from the point of departure to the destination. After evaluating the routes, we can state that in Novosibirsk there is an opportunity for each passenger to choose the most favorable conditions for travelling in terms of speed and cost. It is also worth noting that routes on the outskirts of the city are much more expensive than intercity traffic.

In conclusion, we should underline that customer focus is the main value and key success factor for any company operating in the field of public transportation. It enables to overwhelm customer expectations and to gain regular customers who are ready to recommend the carrier companies to others. One of the most important indicators of customer focus is always the employees of the companies providing passenger transportation. Friendly, sociable and positive staff who know the nuances of working with passengers can always find the right approach to any group of customers.

However, in addition to the staff factor, there are other ones, which determine the level of cus-

tomer focus in a particular company. The conducted research shows that such factors as comfort, price and speed of transportation have a particularly strong influence on the improvement of customer focus in passenger transportation market.

As a result of the research, we can identify the main directions for customer focus improvement in terms of railway and urban passenger transportation.

In railway transportation, it is recommended:

- to increase the comfort of suburban railway cars;

- to introduce additional services;

- to pay attention to the development of urban railway infrastructure.

In relation to urban transport, the following main directions for customer focus improvement can be proposed:

- development and modernization of electric urban transport infrastructure;

- further provision of payment for transport services through the use of validators, transport and bank cards;

- optimization of routes, taking into account the needs of the most active groups of the population;

- development of transport infrastructure on the outskirts of cities.


1. Popova N.B. et al Unified transport system: the manual. Ed. by N.B. Popova. Siberian State Transport University. - Novosibirsk: SGUPS, 2014. - P. 254-257. - ISBN 978-5-93461-627-5.

2. Vishnyakova I.A. Improving the customer focus of a transport company in the field of passenger transportation // Materials of the 61st International Scientific Student Conference, April 17-26, 2023 / Novosibirsk State University. - Novosibirsk: CPI NSU, 2023. - 498 p. - ISBN 978-5-4437-1439-4.

3. Vishnyakova I.A., Severova M.O. Customer focus in the field of railway passenger transportation // 30th Regional Scientific Student Conference (Novosibirsk, May 23-27, 2022): conference materials: in 4 parts / Ed. Kazminoy A.S. - Novosibirsk: NSTU Publishing House, 2022. Part 2: Collection of scientific papers. - 622 p. - ISBN 978-5-7782-4754-3.

4. Systemic provision of comfortable working conditions: materials of the 1st All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Novosibirsk, November 24, 2016 / Siberian State Transport University. -Novosibirsk: SGUPS, 2017. - 341 p. - ISBN 978-5-93461-841-5.

5. Novosibirsk Route Directory. - URL: https://wikiroutes.info/novosibirsk/catalog.

6. Russian Statistical Annual. 2023: Statistical collection / Rosstat. - P76 m., 2023. - 701 p.

7. GOST 34681-2020. The interstate standard. Passenger cars of locomotive traction. General technical requirements.

8. Vishnyakova I.A. Analysis of transport security of intra-urban transport in Novosibirsk // Materials of the 8th All-Russian conference with international participation. Moscow, November 23-24, 2023, Russian University of Railway Engineering / under the general editorship of Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. T.V. Shepitko. - Moscow: Publishing and Trading Corporation Dashkovi Co., 2023. -538 p. - ISBN 978-5-394-05913-1.

9. Vishnyakova I.A. Analysis of the inner-city transport complex in Novosibirsk // Nauka. Technologies. Innovations: 17th All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists (Novosibirsk, December 04-08, 2023) // Collection of scientific papers / Ed. Sokolova D.O. - Novosibirsk: NSTU Publishing House, 2024. - 573 p. - ISBN 978-5-7782-5135-9.

10. Resolution № 610-p of 19.12.2023. On the establishment of the maximum tariff limit for the carriage of passengers and hand luggage in excess of the established norms by light railway transport (underground) via municipal routes of regular transportation.



И.А. Вишнякова, магистрант

Е.Г. Жарикова, канд. пед. наук, доцент

М.О. Северова, канд. экон. наук, доцент

Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения (Россия, г. Новосибирск)

Аннотация. В данной работе рассматривается проблема повышения клиентоориентиро-ванности в сфере пассажирских перевозок. Приведен анализ рынка городских пассажирских перевозок на примере крупного городского агломерата, рассматриваются вопросы организации внутригородских перевозок железнодорожным и городскими видами транспорта для выделенного сегмента клиентуры - студентов. Предложены направления разработки комплексной программы для повышения клиентоориентированности в сфере городского пассажирского транспорта.

Ключевые слова: клиентоориентированность, городская транспортная сеть, рынок пассажирских перевозок, транспортная карта, анкетирование.

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