Maistrenko O.
Doctor of Military Sciences Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defence University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine ORCID ID:
Karavanov O. Doctoral Student
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine ORCID ID:
Poloz O. Doctoral Student
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-1038-1578
Prokopenko V. Candidate of Technical Sciences Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine ORCID ID:
The article considers the procedure for obtaining and using meteorological information from various sources that do not belong to the units of missile forces and artillery, in the interests of the functioning of reconnaissance and fire systems. The authors have developed an algorithm for translating meteorological information obtained from various sources (other military formations or civilian areas) that do not belong to the missile forces and artillery in a format used in missile forces and artillery using proprietary software products. The use of this software will allow the use of meteorological information from various sources in the interests of missile forces and artillery, which in turn will reduce the time of readiness of artillery units to open fire, to increase the effectiveness of enemy fire with reconnaissance and fire systems. which includes forces and means of missile and artillery units and will increase the survivability of the unit that carries out fire damage to the enemy.
Keywords: Hydrometeorological Center; international aviation codes; intelligence and fire systems; meteorological information; missile forces and artillery; "Meteoseredniy".
1. Introduction
Analysis of the practice of combat use of intelligence and fire systems [1-3] shows that the increase in the speed of hostilities leads to an increase in the amount of heterogeneous information circulating in communication and data channels. Of course, information can be both useful and non-useful, but it is because it is usually formalized according to a certain algorithm. At the same time, as the amount of information increases, the probability of losing its content due to channel congestion increases. One of the components of the total amount of information is meteorological information.
Meteorological information for intelligence and fire systems is usually formalized in certain forms, for the armed forces of Ukraine and some other countries it is the bulletin "Meteoseredniy" [4]. The content of this bulletin, as a rule, does not depend on the tasks of fire defeat of the enemy, which are entrusted to reconnaissance and fire systems. Therefore, the bulletin contains some unnecessary information, which reduces the efficiency of communication channels and data transmission, the use of forces and means for meteorological support of combat use of intelligence and fire systems, as well as leads to loss of control of their components.
It is known that the use of different types of artillery, some types of ammunition, as well as certain
means of artillery reconnaissance requires specific meteorological information [5].
For example, for jet artillery, the components of ballistic wind in the area of targets are important, for rifled artillery, which uses high-precision ammunition - the height of the lower limit of clouds [6], the average wind speed at the guided (corrected projectile), meteorological range for unmanned aerial vehicles - height of the lower and upper limits of clouds, speed and direction of medium wind, humidity, for sound reconnaissance units - ground temperature, speed and direction of ground wind, when using AN / TPQ 36 - wind speed [5-6]. Based on this, consumers of meteorological information are proposed to be divided into categories -jet artillery units, rifled artillery and mortar units, artillery units that use high-precision ammunition and artillery reconnaissance units.
On the other hand, different types of information sources provide different amounts and usefulness of meteorological information for intelligence and fire systems. Thus, stations included in the World Meteorological Organization, including stations of the Hydro-meteorological Center of Ukraine through their official websites provide information on meteorological conditions and values of meteorological elements at a certain isobaric altitude (KN-04) [7-9]. Aviation meteorologi-
cal stations provide information on meteorological conditions at the distance of aircraft, the values of meteorological elements in the ground layer within the aerodrome (METAR, SPECI) and in exceptional cases in the form of a bulletin "Meteoseredniy" [8]. However, there are several obstacles to the direct use of information provided by the Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine and aviation meteorological stations, first, the use of standard isobaric altitudes in the development of weather maps, which requires recalculation for use by intelligence and fire systems; also low accuracy of determination of meteorological values (error to 10... 15% of value). Based on this, the main sources of meteorological information, which should be used in the interests of intelligence and fire systems, are proposed to be the following: meteorological stations of missile troops and artillery, stations of the Hydrometeorologi-cal Center of Ukraine and aviation meteorological stations.
To transmit the results of meteorological and aer-ological observations, meteorological information is encoded in the form of summaries and telegrams. Encoded telegrams usually consist of five-digit digital groups. Each meteorological quantity or phenomenon in the group is assigned a permanent place, the order of the groups in the telegram is strictly defined.
The semantic values of the numbers used to encode each meteorological quantity and phenomenon are deciphered by means of tables and explanations contained in the corresponding codes.
1. Code for the transmission of meteorological observations from land and sea stations, KN-01 (international form FM 12-VII SINOP and FM 13-VII SHIP) [9-12].
In this code, for the convenience of machine processing of information, groups subject to global, regional and national exchanges are combined into sections with special cognitive figures. In addition, to increase the accuracy of these data, the code provides the ability to transmit additional digits for air temperature, dew point, pressure, pressure trend, precipitation, summary of past weather, snow cover height; new tables for coding of a condition of a surface of soil are entered, tables for coding of clouds are specified. Sections codes 0, 1, 2 fully comply with the international code form FM 12-VII and FM 13-VII, sections 3, 4 and 5 are the national version of this code form.
2. Code for compiling hydrometeorological radiograms on ships, KN-Olc (abbreviated version of the single code KN-01; international form FM 13-VII SHIP) [10].
3. Code for data transmission of wind sensing of the atmosphere, KN-03 (fully complies with the international code forms FM 32-V PILOT and FM 33-V PILOT SHIP, which provides strict standardization of content and method of encoding information in order to process it using electronic computing machines) [8, 1012].
4. Code for data transmission of vertical atmospheric sounding, KN-04 (FM 35-V TEMP, FM 36-V TEMP SHIP) [15].
5. Code for transmission of observation data of meteorological radars (international form FM 20-V
RADOB). This code consists of two parts: A - for the transmission of information about tropical cyclones, B - for the transmission of data about clouds and related phenomena (includes three sections: international, regional and national) [11-12].
6. Codes for the transmission of observational data from artificial satellites of the Earth.
These codes encrypt the following information:
- data on wind, surface temperature, clouds, humidity and radiation (FM 88-VI SATOB);
- aerological sounding data (pressure, temperature and humidity) (FM 86-VI SATEM);
- data on outgoing radiation in clear skies (FM 87-VI SARAD) [10].
When using information from artificial satellites of the earth it is necessary to remember that it contains errors of both direct measurements, and methodical calculations, and to pay attention to indicators of accuracy.
7. International aviation codes. These codes apply:
- to transmit the weather condition at the aerodrome (regular message) (FM 15-V METAR);
- to transmit notifications of significant changes in weather at the aerodrome (selective special message) (FM 16-V SPECI);
- for forecast of wind and temperature at heights in certain points (FM 48-V ARMET);
- for air weather forecast (FM 51-V TAP);
- for aviation weather forecast on the territory (FM
53-V ARFOR);
- for aviation weather forecast along the route (FM
54-V ROFOR) [8].
8. Code for the transfer of consultations on weather maps, KP-53 [8-9].
9. Code for transmission of forecasts to courts, KP-55 [8-9].
10. Code of actual weather at the aerodrome [18].
11. Code for the transmission of weather forecasts for the aerodrome [8-9].
Usually, each of these codes carries a certain information load and in some way meets the objectives of meteorological support intelligence and fire systems. Analysis of these meteorological codes shows that the most relevant information for the purposes of meteorological support intelligence and fire systems include: code for the transmission of meteorological observations from ground and sea stations KN-01; code for transmission of vertical atmospheric sounding data KN-04 and international aviation code for transmission of weather conditions at the aerodrome (METAR) [89].
Due to the distribution of artillery and ammunition by categories and the amount of meteorological information in meteorological codes KN-01, KN-04, METAR (SPECI) it is possible to increase the completeness of meteorological information through the use of meteorological information from sources other than missiles and artillery.
The essence of the recommendation is the early inclusion of meteorological stations of the Hydrometeor-ological Center, aviation and meteorological intelligence and fire systems on the sea coast - marine (ship)
meteorological stations in the general network of meteorological stations of missile troops and artillery, as well as establishing interaction between them.
Of course, the use of meteorological information from these sources, without formalizing the accepted in the missile forces and artillery will cause significant complications. Therefore, it is proposed to consider the procedure for converting meteorological information obtained from sources that do not belong to the missile forces and artillery in the form adopted in the missile forces and artillery.
Due to the fact that in the codes KN-01, KN-04, METAR (SPECI) it is accepted to bind to standard iso-baric surfaces [8-12] and use the value of atmospheric pressure in millibars (Mb) the first point of the specified order is the transfer of the value of atmospheric pressure in millimeters (torr) of mercury.
In the future, on the basis of the obtained results, a graph of the vertical distribution of standard isobaric surfaces is constructed.
The next point of this order is the transfer of the schedule from standard isobaric surfaces to standard heights adopted in the missile forces and artillery.
In the future, plotting the dependence of air temperature, direction and wind speed on standard heights.
The next point is the conversion of wind direction and speed into ballistic wind components at standard heights. The definition is proposed to be carried out in the following order: determination of the difference of angles, as in equation (1)
A, - difference of
<t - directional angle to the target;
<W - directional wind angle.
Determination of the longitudinal (Wbx ) and lateral (Wbz) components of the ballistic wind according to formulas (2) and (3):
Wbx = W cos A Wbz = W sin Aw
where W
(2) (3)
- wind speed,
The next point is to take into account additional information that is necessary for the reconnaissance and fire system, but there is no formalized record of it. For example, such as (height of the lower threshold of clouds, wind direction and speed in the area of targets, air density, transparency of the atmosphere).
Also, an additional item should include consideration of the predicted values of meteorological elements, which are mandatory items in the codes KN-01, KN-04, METAR (SPECI).
In the following it is necessary to generalize meteorological and hydrological phenomena, the disregard of which can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of meteorological support intelligence and fire systems, and as a consequence, the effectiveness of enemy fire.
A general view of the procedure for converting meteorological information obtained from sources other than missile forces and artillery into the form adopted in missile forces and artillery is given in 'figure 1'.
To implement this recommendation in the practice of troops and on the basis of the procedure for translating meteorological information obtained from sources that do not belong to the missile forces and artillery in the form adopted in the missile forces and artillery developed a software package that includes two software: "Completeness of meteorological information" and "Meteorological translation" [13-14], which will simplify the work on the organization of meteorological support of intelligence and fire systems. The essence of these software is as follows: software "Completeness of meteorological information" - determining the required number of meteorological stations by types of meteorological codes used and determining the predicted degree of meteorological information; software "Meteorological translation" - translation of meteorological information obtained in the meteorological code KN-04 in a formalized form adopted in the missile forces and artillery. An example of decoding the meteorological code KN-04 is shown in table 1.
Table. 1.
Table of decoding of meteorological code ^ KN-04.
R(Mb) H(m) T(°C) fl(°C) dd(°) ff(m/s)
1020 0 -21,3 2,4 250 2
1000 217 -17,5 1,9 270 8
925 680 -20,5 1,9 300 8
850 1460 -11,7 9 290 8
700 2936 -17,7 14 300 12
500 5400 -31,3 13 300 20
400 6940 -42,7 9 315 24
300 8810 -57,7 6 320 26
250 9940 -67,5 5 330 25
200 11260 -74,5 4,3 330 23
150 12950 -71,7 4,5 330 20
100 15350 -74,1 4,7 320 22
The software "Completeness of meteorological in- the tasks of planning meteorological support intelli-formation" consists of one module in accordance with gence and fire systems. Based on this, the program algorithm is given on 'figure2'.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the procedure for converting meteorological information obtained from sources that do not belong to the missile forces and artillery in the form adopted in the missile forces and artillery.
Fig. 2. Algorithm of the program "Completeness of meteorological information".
1. Calculation of fractions of weights, as in equation (4):
R) = ■
Rp - the share of the weighting factor;
0y) - the weight of the y - consumer at the - step of the calculations
l - total number of consumer types.
2. Determination of the elements of the current matrix
IAWI \\Akl
by formula (5)
a«=-E^^ (/ -\)
r*1 sk?
R0=r, a=n*,
r, l = \...S
, k e N(t), l = 1...S,
- the set of source numbers not used to the t - step of calculations;
a>ki - the probability of providing a certain type of consumer with a certain source.
3. Consolidation k(j^ source j - type for lt - type of consumer of meteorological information ( = 1 ) according to the condition
\it = max Ai, k( j e n£, l = 1,....., 5
4. Calculate the current value of the function Ft+ by formula (6):
F+ = F+ 11 11-i
Fn+= 0
5. Calculation of new values and a^', as in the equations (7), (8):
R(t) =
if l * lt.
Rt-1)sk,, if l = lt,
a{t ) = ar
where y = 1,......,S
6. Check the condition t < NSUm : Yes - go to item 1,
No - go to item 7.
7. The results of the calculations are displayed on
the screen F(30) = F+ and b?
iws '
the calculations
are stopped.
For the correct operation of the program there is protection against incorrect data entry by the operator, ie in text windows it is possible to enter only numerical values in the required format (understandable to the program).
8. End of the program.
Thus, improving the methodology of working with meteorological information in the interests of the functioning of intelligence and fire systems through the use of meteorological information from various sources will significantly increase the efficiency of intelligence and fire systems. In addition, this technique is implemented by the authors in the software.
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