Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
UDC 159 https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70/47
©Fozilov U., ORCID: 0000-0001-9080-4050, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana, Uzbekistan, [email protected]
©Фозилов У. З., ORCID: 0000-0001-9080-4050, Академия государственного управления при Президенте Республики Узбекистан, г. Фергана, Узбекистан, [email protected]
Abstract. Each leader is a unique individual with unique management skills. In most cases, there is a view that the organization is a projection of the personality of the leader. Human nature is inherently complex. It is therefore not always appropriate to associate the leadership qualities of a leader with a style of leadership in exactly the same authoritarian, democratic or liberal form. In many cases, however, there are leaders in this balance. A leader - as a manager in the organization — must have the ability, talent and, of course, the psychological will to be able to react differently to different situations in the management process. Therefore, when appointing staff to management positions or analyzing the activities of management staff, there is a need to assess their personal qualities. Through such an assessment, it is possible to make decisions about the formation of the moral image of the leader in management, as well as the development of his personal qualities. Because for a person to have good professional qualities, his personal qualities must be good. The article argues that the role of the leader in the evaluation of management performance is important in the study, analysis and, if necessary, the development of conclusions. Several respondents participated in the analyses studied. The answers to the questions asked in the specially designed questionnaire were shaped by the questionnaires in them.
Аннотация. Каждый лидер — уникальная личность с уникальными управленческими навыками. В большинстве случаев бытует мнение, что организация — это проекция личности лидера. Человеческая природа по своей природе сложна. Поэтому не всегда уместно связывать лидерские качества лидера со стилем лидерства в одной и той же авторитарной, демократической или либеральной форме. Однако во многих случаях в этом балансе есть лидеры. Лидер как менеджер в организации должен обладать способностями, талантом и, конечно же, психологической волей, чтобы иметь возможность по-разному реагировать на различные ситуации в процессе управления. Поэтому при назначении сотрудников на руководящие должности или анализе деятельности управленческого персонала возникает необходимость оценки их личных качеств. Благодаря такой оценке можно принимать решения о формировании морального образа лидера в управлении, а также о развитии его личных качеств. Потому что для того, чтобы человек обладал хорошими профессиональными качествами, его личные качества должны быть хорошими. В статье утверждается, что роль лидера в оценке эффективности управления важна при изучении, анализе и, при необходимости, выработке выводов. В изученном анализе участвовали
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
несколько респондентов. Ответы на вопросы, заданные в специально разработанной анкете, были сформированы анкетами в них.
Keywords: leadership qualities, City of noble people, management skills, motivation, internal motivation, time management, leadership, reform, efficiency, management qualities.
Ключевые слова: лидерские качества, город благородных людей, управленческие навыки, мотивация, внутренняя мотивация, тайм-менеджмент, лидерство, реформа, эффективность, управленческие качества.
It has always been a dream of mankind to bring up a harmoniously developed leader who can contribute to the improvement of society, set an example with his dedication, responsibility and patriotism. After Aristotle, Abu Nasr al-Farabi, known in the East and the West as the Muallim Saniy, wrote The City of Noble People, Good manners and On achieving happiness. By virtue of such qualities, Farabi understood such qualities as knowledge, wisdom, prudence and conscientiousness, humility, putting the interests of the community first, striving for true spiritual perfection, and being just.
Material and research methods
Farabi's research on the "composition of the city of the nobility (provided by the state) and what kind of moral person should be its leader" is directly consistent with the theoretical requirements of building a democratic society today. In his book, The City of Noble People the great scholar mentions 12 qualities of a leader:
Table 1
№ Qualities Comment
1 Being healthy Healthy and should not be impaired by any of the limbs in the performance of the tasks assigned to him, on the contrary, he should perform these duties easily due to his health.
2 Having common sense be sensitive by nature, be able to quickly understand and comprehend the words and thoughts of the interlocutor, be able to clearly imagine the general situation in this area
3 Having a strong memory He must memorize what he understands, sees, hears, and perceives, and must not forget all the descriptions.
4 Having a sharp mind The mind must be sharp, clever, and quick to know and perceive the unknown signs of anything and what those signs mean.
5 Get a clear and beautiful he must be able to express it in beautiful words in order to make his point
expression of opinion clear
6 Striving for knowledge he (teachers) must be eager to learn, knowledge, enlightenment, never get tired in the process of learning, never run away from hardships
7 Ability to control oneself not to be greedy in eating and drinking, but to be able to restrain oneself, to stay away from pleasures, (gambling or other) games,
8 Being honest he must love truth and truth, righteous and upright people, hate lies and deceivers
9 Being generous and knowing your worth he must be a self-respecting and honorable man, superior to the lowly, innately generous, striving for great, lofty deeds
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
№ Qualities Comment
10 Not becoming Must not be interested in worldly goods and money
11 Being fair and being He must be just in nature, love the just, hate oppression and tyranny, able to fight injustice oppress the tyrants and oppressors, be truthful to his own people and
strangers, call everyone to justice, help the unjustly oppressed, and do good to all and the beauty he loves. He must not be stubborn in the face of righteousness, but must be intolerant of any injustice and depravity as long _as he acts justly._
12 Perseverance and He must be firm, steadfast, courageous, courageous in carrying out the courage_measures he deems necessary, and not allow cowardice and apprehension.
Results and discussion
The managerial personnel, personal qualities and qualities of a civil servant are formed in space and time. At the present time, the formation of modern qualities and qualities in the leadership is one of the important tasks. The changing social environment, the style of work, the style of leadership, the requirements have created the objective conditions necessary for the training of a new type of civil servants, leading cadres. Next task is to scientifically substantiate, analyze and generalize the new requirements for civil servants, the qualities necessary for them, with the help of spiritual and enlightenment education, practical experience. Then the renewal in the minds of civil servants will reach the people through them, that is, every Uzbek. The mindset of the society will be renewed faster, the nation will become one soul, and reforms will be accelerated.
In this regard, President Sh. Mirziyoyev said in his address to the Oliy Majlis in 2018: "We all know that reform means renewal, change. For reforms to work, our leaders and people must first change. When a person changes, society changes".
"In order to achieve this goal, first of all, leaders and people's deputies at all levels, all leaders need to organize their activities on the basis of critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility" (https://clck.ru/XPZuB).
Having positive personal qualities of a leader serves to increase his management skills and achieve high efficiency in management activities.
Table 2
SURVEY TYPES (https://clck.ru/xpzub)
№ Questionnaire Comment
Public opinion poll The public survey will interview all employees of the organization. This is done when there is a need for a holistic analysis of the work of the entire organization
2 Selective survey In a selection survey, a survey is conducted with a single department or a specific category of employees. This is done when it is necessary to evaluate the performance of a particular link in the organization
3 Personal survey The reason why this type of survey is called person-centered is that each respondent reflects his / her name in the survey. Conducting a personal survey is required in the expert assessment of the organization's activities, ie when it is necessary to personally assess the staff
4 Anonymous A questionnaire that answers without entering their names. With the help of survey anonymous questionnaires, employees are able to answer questions more openly and
honestly, but hasty and unthinking answers also increase. However, it is often recommended, for example, to improve working conditions in the organization, the satisfaction of employees with their professional activities, etc._
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
We used the questionnaire method as a method of evaluation in the study and evaluation of personal qualities of managers. The questionnaire is one of the main tools of research, a sociological document that contains a set of structured questions, each of which is related to the objectives of the research. According to him, during the survey, the employee will be asked to answer questions in the form of a questionnaire in writing. Due to its ease of use and processing, the questionnaire can be used both individually and as a set of complex methods in personnel evaluation.
In order to determine the managerial qualities of managers and to identify what management skills they lack, a survey on management professionalism was conducted among managers at various levels. A total of 400 respondents, including senior staff working in government agencies and organizations, participated in the analytical survey. Of the questionnaires, 17 were found to be defective and were not included in the study analysis. The analysis used questionnaires completed by 383 respondents. Of these executives, 73 (19%) are under 35 years of age, 221 (58%) are between 36 and 50 years of age, and 89 (23%) are over 50 years of age.
Also, if we look at the leadership experience of the respondents, 153 (40%) of them have up to 3 years, 109 (28%) up to 5 years, 121 (32%) up to 10 years and more. The results of the survey show that the majority of participating executives have not been in management for more than 3 years.
It is known that in the activities of organizations annual plan and functional responsibilities of employees will be defined. This means that if the qualified staff works diligently in accordance with their authority and responsibilities, the intervention of the manager in this activity will not be necessary. It can also be performed through other traditional functions in the field of management: organization, organization of control and motivation, as well as through qualified staff and an established system. This puts the manager in charge of managing the flow of information in the organization and motivating employees. This, of course, means that leaders need to be able to motivate their subordinates in a timely and adequate manner.
Figure 1. The ability of a leader to motivate his subordinates
In practice, all managers and professionals recognize the need to take into account the cost of working time. However, in practice, managers rarely solve this problem for themselves, which leads to some negative consequences: haste at work, fatigue, lack of motivation at work, unplanned work. Reasonable organization of working time by the manager and the specialist requires taking into
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
account all the work to be done, regular monitoring of his working time, studying the structure of working time. This allows you to analyze the use of working time, to analyze the development of sound plans for individual work. Without taking into account and analyzing the use of working time, individual work plans drawn up by the manager and the specialist will be detached from the real situation.
Of the respondents, 44% rated their time management skills as good, 29% as good, 21% as satisfactory, and 3% as unsatisfactory and bad.
It is well known that a person's motivation depends on the emotions present in him, and confidence depends on the mind. Motivation gives a person a choice and does not force him to do anything. He does this work actively based on his inner feelings.
It is known that the Uzbek national wrestling has long been inherited from our ancestors and is a sacred sport for us. If you've watched this sport, take place at weddings, parties, and celebrations, the announcer will loudly introduce the audience to the origins of the wrestlers and their origin from the wrestlers' family so that it can be intense and meaningful for the audience. When a wrestler is acting weaker, the announcer starts praising him in order to increase his strength even more. As a result, the competition is intense and lasts a long time. Announcer's series of compliments about the wrestlers will be motivating. In some cases, music also provides motivational support to athletes.
Most young people choose a hero for themselves from a movie, TV series, or the literature they read, paying attention to his speech, demeanor, and even how he dresses, trying to imitate him. We can see motivation in this way as well.
We can see the division of motivation into two. The first is that motivation serves as a factor that increases a person's power by others, and the second is that motivation is manifested through the impression that a person has received from someone or something.
Some people complain about their lives and complain that they can't recover. They need to worry about getting rid of their fear, resentment, shyness, hesitation, and inner blocked traits before they are motivated. These qualities are a reflection of motivation and serve to make a person lose their aspiration to the goal. People who suffer from a lack of motivation are often imaginative,
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
unwilling to use their minds, careless with themselves, much older than their age, and a desperate person who has lost interest in life.
As the great philosopher Socrates said, "He who has a desire seeks his way, and he who has no desire seeks a reason".
A leader's lack of inner motivation means that he or she is not fit for the job. This is because the leader himself is not motivated enough, which means that he does not approach his work sincerely or responsibly, even with confidence. If the leader himself is not motivated, how can he motivate his subordinates.
In the following survey, leaders were asked, "Do you think you have internal motivation and incentives to address issues in the work process?".
9% of respondents rated their skills as bad while 42% rated them as good.
Figure 3. The personal motivation of the leader
The leadership potential of a leader is important in the development of the organization. The issue of leadership in governance has always been relevant.
Power (management) is the ability to act or influence the behavior or condition of other people. In other words, power is the ability to influence other people's behavior. Influence is any action in which one person changes the behavior, attitudes, and feelings of another person. The means of influence can vary from a word whispered in the ear to a knife sharpened. Also, one person can influence another person with their ideas. Leaders need to be influenced in such a way that it leads not only to the adoption of an idea, but to action - to productive labor. In order to be able to effectively use their influence and leadership, every leader must use sources of power. Such influence is certainly exerted by the leader based on his or her leadership ability. That is why it is so important for leaders to have leadership skills.
As a leader, can you unite your subordinates towards a specific goal and task, and can you follow them? The results of the leaders' response to the question were as follows: the main part rated 56% as "excellent" and 32% as "good". It can be seen that most of today's executives are positive about their ability to recruit staff.
Бюллетень науки и практики /Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
Excellent; 215
Good; 124
1 Satisfactory; 37
. Unsatisfactor}-; г ■
Bad; 1
О SO 1Ш ISO 200 250
Figure 4: Leadership ability of a leader
The specific features of the activities of managers today include the comprehensive application of modern leadership theories in their practice and their application not only in the process of personnel management, but also in relation to each individual. A leader as a direct leader of a team can in many ways be an important impetus in shaping the moral, overall personal qualities of employees. Employees strive for this when they see in the leader such qualities as attitude to others, responsibility for the tasks assigned, honesty, patriotism, striving for knowledge, self-improvement, respect for adults and respect for the little ones, mutual trust. The formation of such an environment in the team allows the leader to have a strong team (team).
In most cases, in the selection process for leadership positions, the interview method is used in practice to determine the personal qualities of the candidate. However, experience and research on determining a person's management professionalism show that interviewing alone is not enough to determine if a person has personal qualities as a leader. This is because a person's condition is assessed as variable, meaning that it may not be possible to determine his or her true qualities in a conversation. According to the world experience, in many organizations and companies, candidates for management positions are selected through several evaluation methods. Various trainings, interviews, cases and problem-solving techniques, teamwork, decision-making, such as business games to identify features could be implemented. That is, it will be possible to determine the personal qualities of the candidate, not only one-sided, but also from different angles.
Therefore, a leader's ability to influence subordinates, set and implement clear goals, and apply leadership techniques in a team are important elements in his or her successful work. That is, it is important to pay great attention to the identification and identification of these personal qualities of the manager in the evaluation of the activities of the leadership, as well as the development of personal qualities of the manager in management.
Acknowledgments: We take this opportunity to thank all the people who have supported and guided us during the completion of this work.
Бюллетень науки и практики / Bulletin of Science and Practice Т. 7. №9. 2021
https://www.bulletennauki.com https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70
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Работа поступила в редакцию 17.08.2021 г.
Принята к публикации 21.08.2021 г.
Ссылка для цитирования:
Fozilov U. Important Aspects in Assessing the Personal Qualities of Management Personnel // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2021. Т. 7. №9. С. 495-503. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70/47
Cite as (APA):
Fozilov, U. (2021). Important Aspects in Assessing the Personal Qualities of Management Personnel. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 7(9), 495-503. https://doi.org/10.33619/2414-2948/70/47