YflK 372.862
D. Glushkova, ass. professor, Ye. Voronova, ass. professor, V. Tarabanova, ass. professor, KhNAHU
Abstract. In conditions of auditorium hour’s reduction, a great value gets the implementation of the credit-modular system in the studying process. There has been developed a new curriculum for “Technology of Constructional Materials and Materials Science ”, in which the entire course is divided into four substantial modules, as well as diagnostic facilities. When considering issues according to the rate of their priority, the basic principle was followed. Examples concerning different types of tests have been presented.
Key words: credit-modular system, structural-logical scheme, constructional materials properties, test books.
At present, when technologies play a significant role at settling the problem of production efficiency and products’ quality increase, a deep knowledge of different processing technologies is required not only for production engineers, but also for designers and operators.
Without a deep knowledge of technology methods specialists to be, actual students, won’t be able to design technological arrangements, form the necessary properties at the stage of designing, use advanced materials and new technologies.
In order to arrange a proper technique operation, its mechanical maintenance, it is necessary to be able to create physical models of technical state change, that are largely determined by technological factors.
The state of question
“Technology of Constructional Materials and Materials Science” forms the basis at technological training of engineers and is delivered in the first and second courses of study.
In conditions of auditorium hour’s reduction and the tendency of students’ self-reliant work share increase, the development of methods for students’ cognitive activity promotion gets a significant importance. This issue is rather urgent at transition to the two-level credit-modular educational system.
Taking into account the importance of the credit-modular educational system, its modernity and up-to-datedness, the Department of Metals Technology and Materials Science of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University has developed a new curriculum, in which the entire course has been divided into four substantial modules, and there have also been developed diagnostic facilities.
The basic knowledge obtained by Bachelors at studying “Technology of Constructional Materials and Materials Science” form the basis at mastering a whole range of specific subjects. At studying the given course, the students encounter for the first time engineering problems, the variability of their solving as well as the dependence on specific production conditions. The subject “Technology of Construction Materials and Materials Science” gives an idea of diverse machine parts formbuilding processes from various construction materials at wide application of fundamental
sciences’ modem achievements: for the purpose of products’ necessary quality ensuring.
The main features of the credit-modular system
The application of the credit-modular system in the studying process allows directing the student at main questions, determining the structural-logical scheme between particular sections, the influence of the main factors on constructional materials properties, and solving the problems of technological processes’ optimization.
The main feature of the credit-modular system lies in the fact, that the information is delivered in the form of completed blocks, and the process of its mastering is continuously assessed. Tests have been worked out for knowledge assessment on particular substantial modules. The purpose of knowledge level assessment consists not only in the appreciation of the extent of students’ mastering a definite amount of information, but also revise and generalize the covered material,
make the students reason, and learn to contemplate and draw conclusions.
At compiling diagnostic means (test books) the following principles were followed: the
questions were supplied according to the rate of their priority, various types of tests were used, the questions can not be interpreted in two ways, and there can be only one correct answer.
Various types of tests and their discussion
Let us consider examples of various types of tests that were applied as diagnostic means.
The block of questions for every module begins with different assertions and definitions, for example: “WITH THE INCREASE OF
A. False B. True
Number of Technological The Content of Technological Operations: Operations:
1. A. shaking out, cleanout, chipping of castings
2. B. mold making
3. C. casting
4. D. core sand mixture production
5. E. molding sand production
6. F. preproduction
7. K. model kit and core box making
8. L. thermal processing
9. M. modal assembly and its metal spotting
10. N. core making
Fig. 1. Number of technological operations and the content of technological operations
There are two variants of answer in this case. Besides, the student’s attention is drawn to the most important factor of which the deformability depends - the content of carbon in the steel.
Then, the questions get more complex, for example: “BY SPIN CASTING ONE CAN PRODUCE”
A. a head of the cylinder block
B. a piston
D. a cylinder liner
This test comprises three variants of answer already. At compiling the majority of tests, different technological processes of vehicle parts production and processing were used.
There exists one more type of tests, when the student is to set up a correspondence between the figures and letters, for instance:
The iron and the carbon The content of form in iron-carbon metal structural
alloys the structural constituents:
1. austenite A. the mechanical mixture of
ferrite and cementine
2. ferrite B. Fe3C - chemical compound
3. pearlite C. carbon solid solution in Fe- у
4. cementine D. carbon solid solution on Fe- a
In the given case the student has an opportunity to revise all types of constituents coupling in alloys.
At test compiling, there were used graphic materials such as: graphs, structure schemes, and schemes of technological processes.
At the end of some module blocks there are presented the most difficult tests, that can be answered by the student only in case, if the latter had studied the given theme, for instance: “The Technological Process of Molding Production by means of casting in sandy-argillaceous molding boxes”.
1. Higher Education of Ukraine and Bologna process: Education manual / Edited by V. Kremina. - Ternopil: Navchal’na knyga-Bogdan, 2004. - p. 384.
Рецензент: И.П. Гладкий, профессор, к.т.н., ХНАДУ.
Статья поступила в редакцию 1 июля 2009 г.