T. Yu. Kabush, A. S. Kelmaganbetova
The article provides the information about the activities (the meeting of the interactive seminar «Zhangyru Zholy» devoted to the project «100 new persons of Kazakhstan», the University scientific and practical conference of young scientists «Ruhani zhangyru is the mechanism of modernization of youth scientific and social consciousness», the inter-university scientific and methodological seminar «Problems, experience and prospects in training of multilingual specialists») held by the department of foreign languages of NC JSC «Karaganda medical university» to implement the program «Ruhani Zhangyru», which raise awareness of students and teachers in the solution of pedagogical, educational and scientific problems.
The Program «Ruhani Zhangyru» is a large-scale Kazakhstan experiment on formation of the personality of the new type - capable to self-development and the open world of the patriot of the country. Directions of the given program became a core element of the conducted actions.
The department of foreign languages of NC JSC «Karaganda medical university» within a framework of the program «Ruhani Zhangyru: the way to the future» held the meeting of an interactive seminar «Zhangiru Zholy», devoted to the project «100 new faces of Kazakhstan», the University scientific and practical conference of young scientists «Ruhani Zhangyru is the mechanism of modernization of youth scientific and social consciousness», the regional scientific and methodological seminar «Implementation of the program «Rukhani Zhangyru» in the language training of learners: experience, problems, prospects» during the academic year 2018-2019.
The project proposed by the president of the country - «100 new persons of Kazakhstan» - is the history of people who have achieved success with the help of their talent, diligence and ambitiousness in the years of independence.
At the meeting of the interactive seminar «Zhangyru Zholy», devoted to the project «100 new persons of Kazakhstan» R. S. Alimkhanova, professor of NC JSC «KMU», doctor of medical sciences, N. T. Abatov, professor of NC JSC «KMU», candidate of medical sciences, shared their secrets of success with students of the Medical university.
The students presented the videos about the winners of the last season «100 new persons of Kazakhstan». The participants of the meeting actively discussed the question «What characteristics should a title-challenger of the project «100 new persons of Kazakhstan have»? During the discussion, it was noted that people with great enthusiasm and desire for self-development,
thanks to hard work, knowledge and talent as well as people who had achieved significant success and made an invaluable contribution to the development of our society would be able to enter the list of «100 new persons of Kazakhstan».
The main objective of the conference was to stimulate research activities of students, to raise their awareness of the solution of scientific problems of contemporaneity, and to reveal the intellectual potential of students. Everyone who was interested in the discussion of the cultural and educational process was invited to take part in it.
The section «Contemporary Kazakhstani culture in the global world» worked on the problems of the development of the spiritual culture of our country in the context of the world civilization.
Today, in the age of technologization and globalization, there is an intensification of the process of finding effective conditions, mechanisms of educating young people capable of dialogue with other cultures. The history of society shows that the prosperity of society depends not only on the economy and technology and not even on the general culture, but on the word culture. Indeed, the training of a versatile specialist with a high level of culture (including the word culture) is the main education problem today. The realities of the modern stage of society development, the language situation in Kazakhstan - multinational, with a centuries-old history, in which people, nations, cultures are intertwined, now dictate the need to develop basic methodical principles and approaches to the formation of communicative language personality. To preserve and multiply spiritual and cultural values is the main purpose of the work on the program article of the president «Ruhani Zhangyru» - the way to the future.
President N. A. Nazarbayev said: «If we
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want to be a nation with its unique place on the global map of the XXI century, we must implement another project - «Modern Kazakh culture in the global world». It is about making the world know us not only by oil resources and major foreign policy initiatives, but also by our cultural achievements.
A lively discussion about the current state of language training for modern students took place in the 2nd section «Contemporary condition of students' language background».
The modern language situation in the
country allows us to talk about trilingualism. Kazakh language is the history, traditions, culture of the Kazakh people. Russian is the language of international communication. English is the language of successful integration into the global economy.
Nowadays multicultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the main principles in secondary vocational education system and higher education system. Namely, education is the most important stage in the formation and development of a multicultural personality, a
Т Ю. Кабуш, А. С. Кельмаганбетова
КеАК «КараFанды медицина университетi» шет тлдер кафедрасы (Караанды, Казакстан)
Макалада 61л1м беру, тэрбие жэне рылыми мэселелерд1 шешуде студенттер мен окытушылардыц хабардарлырын арттырура барытталран «Рухани Жацрыру» бардарламасын жYзеге асыру Yшiн |еА| «Караранды медицина университет» шет ттдер кафедрасыныц етюзген ic-шаралары («Рухани Жацрыру: болашакка жол» атты бардарлама шецбер^де «Казакстанныц 100 жаца еciмi» жобасына арналран «Жацрыру Жолы» интерактивтi семинары, Университет шндеп жас ралымдар арасында «Рухани жацрыру- жастардыц рылыми жэне корамдык санасын жацрырту механизмi» атты студентик рылыми-практикалык конференциясы, «Кептiлдi мамандарды дайындаудыц проблемалары, тэжiри6еci жэне болашары» рылыми-эдоемелк семинары) туралы мэлiмет 6ерiлген.
Клт сездер: «Рухани Жацрыру» бардарламасын жYзеге асыру, 6iлiм беру, кепмэдениеттiлiк, кептшдшк, тiлдiк дайындык
Т Ю. Kaбуш,, A. С. Kвльмaгaнбвтoвa
Kaфвдpa инocтpaнныxязьюв НAG «MвдицинcкийyниввpcитвтKapaгaнды» (Kapaгaндa, ^axcraH)
В оятье пpeдocтaвлeнa инфopмaция o мepoпpиятияx (зaceдaниe интepaктивнoгo ceминapa «XaHPbpy жoлы», пocвящeннoe пpoeктy «100 нoвыx лиц Kaзaxcтaнa», внyrpивyзoвcкaя нayчнo-пpaктичecкaя кoнфepeнция мoлoдыx ученых «Pyxaни жaнFыpy - мexaнизм мoдepнизaции нayчнoгo и oбщecтвeннoгo coзнaния мoлoдeжи», мeжвyзoвcкий нayчнo-мeтoдичecкий ceминap «Пpoблeмы, oпыт и пepcпeктивы пoдгoтoвки пoлиязычныx cпeциaлиcтoв»), пpoвoдимыx кaфeдpoй инocтpaнныx языкoв MAG «Meдицинcкий yнивepcитeт Kapaгaнды» no