№ 12 (93)
Ж te;
технические науки
декабрь, 2021 г.
Jasurbek Mirzakhamdamov
Assistant, Automotive engineering department Andijan machine-building institute, Republic of uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: [email protected]
Мирзахамдамов Жасурбек Цубижон угли
ассистент, кафедра автомобилестроения, Андижанский Машиностроительный институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан
Nowadays, each field is moving up day by day, particularly, machine-building, automobile-building and agriculture and other areas in Uzbekistan. Punching machine is one of the most important process of automobile pro-duction and all of the factories widely use these tools in our country. Hence, if it is produced in Uzbekistan, this will not only supply automobile industry but it also will be useful for manufacturers of furniture and the crafts with help of new technologies will become much easier. In addition to this, it will lead to the increasement of the competitive ability of the companies.
В настоящее время каждое направление развивается день ото дня, в частности, машиностроение, автомобилестроение, сельское хозяйство и другие области в Узбекистане. Вырубной станок - один из важнейших процессов автомобильного производства, и все предприятия нашей страны широко используют этот инструмент. Следовательно, если он будет производиться в Узбекистане, это будет важно не только для автомобильной промышленности, но и для производителей мебели, а ремесла с помощью новых технологий станут намного проще. Кроме того, это приведет к повышению конкурентоспособности компаний.
Keywords: Press machine (pressing forms), workpiece, Hydraulic press, hydraulic cylinder, energy.
Ключевые слова: Пресс-машина (пресс-формы), заготовка, Гидравлический пресс, гидроцилиндр, энергия.
Uzbekistan has its political, economical and social independence. Many changes have occurred in all spheres. Naturally, by increasing the number of human being things like making discoveries and developing moral intellectual aspects in our society is no wonder. Nowadays, each field is moving up day by day, particularly, machine-building, automobile-building and agriculture and other areas in Uzbekistan. It is planned to establish some number of joint-ventures which will develop the automobile industry, eliminate the import from abroad and also will create the regular occupation. Many factories and companies will be provided with new modern technologies, hence, this in our commonwealth will expand the automobile industry and also will help to create regular occupations to local people. Assuredly, the development in manufacture gives good results for the country as well. For instance, machine building industry does make a great contribution for increasing the economy of Uzbekistan [1].
Punching machine is one of the most important process of automobile pro-duction and all of the factories
widely use these tools in our country. For instance, "UZ Auto Motors co", "UZ SeamYung co", "UZ HANWOO" and others. Almost all press machines and dies (pressing forms) are brought from South Korea, Germany and China. According to the internal demand and export abilities, these tools should be produced in Uzbekistan and that means to establish manufacturing punching and pressing machines and dies. So, the country will be able to supply the demanded tools to the automobile, furniture and other technical industries. If we produce punching and pressing machines, dies, and tools conjointly oriented on International Standard Organization (ISO), this will reduce the quantity of import and create regular job for population as mentioned above.
Hence, if it is produced in Uzbekistan, this will not only supply automobile industry but it also will be useful for manufacturers of furniture and the crafts with help of new technologies will become much easier. In addition to this, it will lead to the increasement of the competitive ability of the companies.
Библиографическое описание: Mirzakhamdamov J. IMPLEMENTATION OF PUNCHING MACHINES FOR UZBEKISTAN // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 12(93). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/12847
№ 12 (93)
ж те;
технические науки
декабрь, 2021 г.
Press machine is a devise equipment that changes the shape of the work-piece by the application of pressure. Hydraulic press machine is a machine which uses a hydraulic cylinder to provide for a compressive power which Liquid does not ab-sorb any of the supplied force capable of moving much higher loads and provides much higher energy due to the incompressibility, the hydraulic working fluid is mainly incompressible, leads to a minimum of spring action. When hydraulic fluid flow is stopped, the slightest movement of the load releases the pressure on the load, there is no need to bleed off pressurized air to release the pressure on the load. Pneumatic press machine has pneumatic systems, that are used widely in industry, and companies, commonly plumbed with compressed air or compressed inert gases. This is due to the obviously located and electrically powered compressor. Because of the simplicity of design, control-machines are easily designed using standard cylinders and other components, and work via simple on-off control.
The punch press, the punching of holes is often accomplished with die sets that also perform folding and forming, a punch press is designed specifically for making different shaped holes and cutouts on sheet metal and materials. The punch press is fitted with punches and dies of the size and form of the hole required. For irregular and non-standard holes, the modern punch press is capable of gnawing. This refers to a series of successive hits following a predetermined pattern that creates the cutout [2].
The punching action is accomplished by a vertical moving ram, hence, the energy of the punch through the material and a die through where the resulting slug is ejected. Additionally, a tool to hold the material in place as the punch is with drawn, call a stripper, is often an inseparable part of the punch tool. The press ram may be moved manually, mechanically, or hydraulically. The manual press, usually a tabletop model, is capable of generating about four tons of power. Mechanical punch presses use a system of flywheels, gears, and eccentrics to hit the ram. Hydraulic presses use liquid pressure to put in the force the punching action. These last two types can generate 60 tons of force with some larger models creating over 150 tons. Mechanical presses can operate faster than hydraulic models but the later can exert more punching pressure more uniformly on the thicker work-piece.
The equipment required to convert raw material into a required shape is commonly referred to as tooling. The process of manufacturing the equipment that aids in the conversion of a raw material into a required shape is commonly referred to as tool, die and mold making. Materials converted include that are metals, aluminum, polymers. Tooling is found in almost all manufacturing industries including automotive, rail and marine, mining, defense, aerospace, leisure, Agri processing, packaging mineral beneficiation. The manufacturing industry is up to the availability of a good tool, die and mold making industry. Tools, dies and molds are the obvious quality
standard, lifecycle cost, manufacturing output ability, cost competitiveness of the product produced.
A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to supply metal components of tools by machining, which is the selective removal of metal. The term machine tool is usually reserved for tools that use energy source other than human action, but they can be powered by people if separately install. Many historians of technology consider that the true machine tools were born when direct human involvement was removed from the forming or stamping process of the various kinds of tools. Machine tools can be powered from a variety of sources. Human and animal power are options that can be replaced by the energy captured through the use of waterwheels. However, machine tools really began to develop after the development of the steam engine, leading to the Industrial Revolution. Today, most are powered by electricity [3].
A die is a specialized tool which is used in manufacturing industries to cut, shape and form a wide variety of products and components. Like molds and templates, dies are generally customized and uniquely matched to the product they are used to create. Products made with dies range from simple paper clips to complex pieces which are used in advanced technology. Forming dies are typically made by tool and die makers and put into production after mounting into a press. The die is a metal block that is used for forming materials like sheet metal and plastic. For the vacuum forming of plastic sheet only a single form is used, typically to form transparent plastic containers for goods. Vacuum forming is considered as a simple molding thermoforming process but it uses the same principles as die shaping. For the forming of sheet metal, such as automobile body parts, two parts may be used, one, called the punch, performs the stretching, bending, or blanking action, while another part, called the die block, securely clamps the workpiece and supplies similar, stretching, bending, and blanking operation. The workpiece may pass through several stages using various tools or actions to success the final form. In the condition of an automotive component there will commonly be a shearing operation after the basic shaping is done and then additional crimping or rolling operations to ensure that all sharp edges are hidden and to add hardy to the panel [3].
As a conclusion, we may suggest the basic intent of producing Press machines and dies, to provide new tools and technologies in machine building, automobile building and crafts. Furthermore, indigenization these machines to Uzbekistan's joint-ventures can give opportunities to create new occupations to the population, eliminating quantity of import and there will be no need any engineers-specialists from foreign countries, we will have enough intellectual engineers here. Punch and press machines can be manufactured at high rate with the available machines. Particularly, manufacturing normally requires hydraulic press machines and pneumatic press machine to operate at a very high quality.
№ 12 (93)
технические науки
декабрь, 2021 г.
1. О Стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан.
2. Bill Conins The tool and die industry, march 16.2012, www.crs.gov.
3. Мирзахамдамов Ж.К. Меры по снижению воздействия дорожного шума на организм человека // Universum: технические науки: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 6(87). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/11930