Научная статья на тему 'Implementation of e-learning is a vital question for the future generation'

Implementation of e-learning is a vital question for the future generation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Arymbaeva Burulkan, Ergasheva Jamila

The article presents how e-learning process is implemented into the education system of Kyrgyzstan. It discusses the importance of e-learning for the future generation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Implementation of e-learning is a vital question for the future generation»

На одном слайде показываем, например, исследуемую поверхность в трехмерном пространстве и её отображение на плоскостях проекций, что позволяет установить взаимосвязь этих понятий в сознании студентов. Решение задачи на нахождение точки на поверхности при таком параллельном видеоизображении становится сразу очевидным. Задачи с более сложным заданием раскладываются на пошаговый алгоритм, текстовое описание которого дается на этой же карте и иллюстрируется в режиме реального времени с помощью анимационных эффектов.

При создании мультимедиа контента задействован пакет САПР Autodesk Inventor. Подготовлены статичные изображения, проведены необходимые объёмные построения объектов в модельном пространстве, заданы траектории движения объектов, дана текстовая информация. Для демонстрации используется программа Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Она позволяет встраивать в единое пространство презентации наборы файлов, текстовую информацию и предоставляет возможность использования различных эффектов на встроенные объекты, что дает возможность задать анимацию графической информации.

Теперь семинарское занятие выглядит так: обсуждение основных теоретических понятий на основе знаний, полученных на лекции; демонстрация применения этих понятий, решение конкретных задач по теме: демонстрация возможных алгоритмов решений, самостоятельное решение задач. Больше времени занимает живое общение со студентами по теме занятия. Согласно методике, некоторые задачи параллельно демонстрации объясняются преподавателем, а другие задачи - выполняются студентами самостоятельно, преподаватель контролирует ход решения и показывает решение на экране только после выполнения задачи большинством обучающихся. Есть возможность оставить на экране основной алгоритм и проследить самостоятельное применение его каждым студентом в своей тетради. Заключение

Внедрение мультимедийных иллюстративных материалов в процесс изучения начертательной геометрии позволило повысить интерес студентов к предмету. Как следствие, повысилась успеваемость студентов, так как визуализация изучаемых объектов, наглядность методов и подходов к решению поставленных задач привела к более высокой эффективности подачи материала, достижению понимания студентами основных тем предмета.


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Implementation of e-learning is a vital question for the future generation Arymbaeva B.1, Ergasheva J.2 Внедрение электронного обучения является жизненно важным вопросом

для будущего поколения Арымбаева Б.1, Эргашева Ж.2

'Арымбаева Бурулкан / Arymbaeva Burulkan - старший преподаватель; 2Эргашева Жамила / Ergasheva Jamila — магистр, кафедра компьютерной лингвистики, Кыргызский государственный университет строительства, транспорта и архитектуры, г. Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Abstract: the article presents how e-learning process is implemented into the education system of Kyrgyzstan. It discusses the importance of e-learning for the future generation.

Аннотация: статья представляет как реализуется процесс е-обучения в системе образования Кыргызстана. В ней обсуждается важность электронного обучения для будущего поколения.

Keywords: e-learning, course content, communication technologies, distantform of study.

Ключевые слова: электронное обучение, содержание курса, коммуникационные технологии, дистанционная форма обучения.

New technologies change not only the modes of everyday life, but also makes new opportunities to get knowledge wherever and whenever you want, reducing the distant and making the big globe into one small world developing in a single economy, education and culture. The new age of digital generation brings us new possibilities for using high technologies in our life. In the last decade, the information and communication technologies have become an important part of our everyday life. The necessity of application of e-learning in the teaching process is a vital question in education system [7, p. 46].

The immense role of new communication technologies in creation of a large universe into a small «global village», in which people can communicate with others across the world, as though they were living next to each other. As a tool for connection to this world, information and modern communication technologies play the main role in our society. It is impossible to imagine a modern and well educated person who doesn't have a personal computer or any electronic gadget to use for everything you need [2, p. 16]. Nowadays Bill Gate's dream about having a computer for every home had come true, which he put his aim when he was beginning his business. And these days everybody has not only a computer but several e-tools of communication technology as modern mobile phones, notebooks, smart phones and more which are appearing one by one on the market, while you learn how the last production functions correctly.

According to [1, p. 22] Clark and Mayer e-learning provides instructional methods that are unique to its nature:

- provides high qualified education, because course contents are created by the whole group of professional specialists;

- learners can understand easily - course materials are given briefly in small units and in a simple way;

- enables students to become responsible, independent and self-confident;

- possibility for rural learners in small villages, without thinking long distance from the city;

- possibility of a mobile learning environment - anywhere, anytime, anyway they want;

- fast availability of materials, reduce of travel and time costs for students;

- novelty - teachers and students can develop their knowledge and skills according to the modern technologies and standards;

- learners can have an immediate feedback, automatic grading for their tasks and tests;

- learners can go at their own pace, not at the pace of the slowest member of a group.

Last decades Kyrgyzstan has achieved a good progress in developing information and communication technologies in all spheres of life. Modern communication and internet technologies provide opportunities to achieve economic development and reduce poverty. It has a huge potential to expand cooperation between the states, companies and universities and gives valuable impact to distance education capabilities. The first tool for developing of human resources is the integration of Information and Communication technologies into education system [4, p. 2]. The effective work of the technologies in education system impacts to prepare high qualified specialists who can develop the economy of the state successfully in future. In consideration of this situation almost all high universities in Kyrgyzstan have closed part time departments which gave a low result of getting high knowledge and implemented technology of distant study. Besides, the necessity of implementation of Bologna process, form of credit technology studies promote our students to study in abroad universities through e-learning programs without thinking long distance saving their time and money. As a result of this process many post graduate, master and bachelor students from high universities of Kyrgyzstan apply for European Universities or other universities of the world, doing researches and experiences in leading European Universities through educational projects of Euro commission. Several kinds of academic mobility programs between Asia and Europe are working in Kyrgyzstan and helping for the smart students to study in Europe from low social level families who can't afford to get high knowledge.

The Institute of New Information Technologies (INIT), where I work is a leader in the area of implementation of modern innovative and communication technologies into academic process. There is a modern electronic library complex with electronic books, courses of lectures, methodical manuals and many other additional literatures for students and teachers for self-study and preparations for examinations. As a result of implementing of Bologna progress and academic mobility our institute collaborates with the leading universities in Europe as Zwickau University (Germany), University of Nice Sophia Antipolice (France), VIT University (city Vellore, India). INIT has a direct connection with universities of Germany, France, Austria, Check, South Korea, Russia and with many other universities of Central Asian former soviet republics. Our students have a real possibility to take part in lectures of high qualified professors from leading universities through distant form of education in virtual classrooms.

At the same time we have some problems of shortage of high qualified specialists who can create good content of electronic courses, teach on-line interactive courses. Financial problems of implementation LMS into university Moodle system, full access of all students to Internet connection, training teachers to a new

system preventing to be enrolled fully in e-education system as a main problem of developing country According to the research and questioning of the local people the analyses show that only 64 % of the whole population in Kyrgyzstan use computer technologies actively. The process is going on but very slowly. More habitants of the urban population use all kinds of high technology but not all families have an access to the Internet because of the financial crisis, unemployment problems which made our country to be in poor situation which caused the last two revolutions because of unfair leaders of our state.

Unfortunately, the populations in the rural places are being lack from the global information society which prevents them from getting up-to-date information from anywhere else and get an access to Internet resources. Not all parents can afford to send their children to study to big cities and many young people are being lack from getting high education. Implementation of distant learning is considered as the best way of solution above mentioned problems for people who have a little family income, besides it doesn't cost much money and saves time to work and to study at the same time in our low economic situation of our country. At the same time it will help students to avoid from corruption and encourage them to self-study and to be independent. In this situation e-learning will be just a necessary solution to the problem for Kyrgyz students in order to improve their knowledge and study despite they live wherever and they want to study whenever.

The English language teachers use e-learning in a form of blended learning for specific purposes. English language teachers create courses in University Moodle system and assign homework to their students in self-study form. The general English, the Commercial business, English communication and Business presentation are subjects taught in a form of blended learning. All students are enabled entry into these courses with their login details.

In conclusion, we can state that that we are surrounded by the latest technologies and it seems us that we are getting to the phase we are almost cannot imagine our life without high technology. The latest technologies have already inflected the educational system. Nowadays young generation are completely different to what they used to be several years ago. They are more advanced in technologies than older generation and feel very comfortable using them. We cannot expect nowadays children to be educated with the traditional face-to-face teaching methods and we should meet the needs of digital generation of the new age implementing new ways of teaching as e-learning into our teaching and learning process where students can afford to know much more on the subject than traditional way of teaching.


1. Clark R. C., Mayer R. E.: E-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning, 2nd Edition. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7879-8683.

2. Mala E. E-learning as a part of blended learning in teaching foreign languages. 2011 p. 111.

3. Harmer J. The practice of English Language Teaching. 4th edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2007. ISBN 978-1-4058-5311-8.

4. Levy J. Envision the future of e-learning. In CIO Canada .Vol. 13, Number 2, 2005. p. 2.

5. MarinaBuzzi. E-Learning (eng.) Access: http://www.intechweb.

6. TurekI. LMS Moodle. UK, 2006. Access: http:www.uniba.sk/index.php?id=1310.

7. [Electronic resource]: Pearson education limited. Mylanguageleaderlab [online] 2009. p. 46. URL: http://www.mylanguageleaderlab.com.

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