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©Курбанова С., 2023
УДК 378.147
Ярашова Говхер
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан Бурынова Огулшат Студент,
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан Меретгелдиева Огулсапар
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан
В данной работе рассматривается вопрос особенностей развития технологий и их влияние на развитие образования в высшем учебном заведении. Проведен перекрестный и сравнительный анализ влияния различных факторов на рост эффективности в образовании по средством использования технологий.
Ключевые слова
Анализ, метод, оценка, образование, технологии.
Yarashova Govher
International University for the Humanities and Development
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan Burynowa Ogulshat
International University for the Humanities and Development
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan Meretgeldieyewa Ogulsapar
International University for the Humanities and Development
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan
This paper discusses the issue of features of technology development and their impact on the development of education in a higher educational institution. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the influence of various factors on the growth of efficiency in education through the use of technology has been carried out.
Analysis, method, evaluation, education, technology.
The literature widely discusses changes in the education system that occur under the influence of digitalization. Much has been written about the benefits of digital technologies used in higher education. Such advantages include wide access of students to educational information resources; the ability to build individualized educational trajectories; transparency of the activities of educational organizations; optimization of interaction between teachers and students, between all participants in the educational process; formation of mobile structures for managing the educational process, etc.
Before considering the processes of transformation of the institution of higher education under the influence of digitalization , it is important to define what we mean by the institution of education in general and higher education in particular. The institution of education is the most important social institution that regulates the processes of socialization of individuals.
Education is an institution that implements all forms of secondary socialization (primary socialization occurs in the family). In today's society, education is run by "formal organizations that have no other purpose than education". It is segmented from other forms of social life, primarily from the family. In the education system, the individual is deprived of the unique status that he received in his family. Here, along with others, he performs either the role of a student, or the role of a teacher, or the role of an administrator (depending on who he is talking about), which prescribes to him a set of actions set by formal organizations, most often with a bureaucratic structure.
Formation of a blended learning model
Not all universities consider digitalization as a priority for the modernization of the educational process. At the same time, they cannot remain aloof from technological progress, which promises certain benefits to all interested parties, since it is believed that the introduction of digital technologies and tools expands the possibilities of using interactive teaching methods and positively affects the involvement of
ISSN (p) 2411-7161 / ISSN (e) 2712-9500
№1 / 2023
students in the learning process. Effective technologies include the use of learning management systems (Learning management Systems , LMS), which, according to researchers, facilitate access to educational materials and make the learning process more flexible.
Along with digital technologies in universities, even those that adhere to a conservative model of education, interactive Web 2.0 tools are used in educational practice, which are created on Internet resources such as Wikia , Babylon, Wikidot and others , using various services (for example, Learning Apps ). It is believed that these tools can increase students' interest in learning, increase their involvement in the learning process, and improve the quality of preparation for future professional activities. For example, the article describes an experiment on the introduction of interactive Web 2.0 tools into the educational process, developed on the Media platform. Wiki, to implement the technology of integrated subject-language learning (CLIL - Content and language integrated learning). The experiment demonstrated the positive impact of these tools on the results of mastering the academic discipline.
At the same time, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that the introduction of web tools creates new requirements for both teachers and students. They must learn to work with Web 2.0 tools, they must master digital competencies. However, as the experience of using digital tools and technologies in universities in different countries shows, not all students and teachers are ready for such changes. So, N. G. Malashonok notes that not everyone is able to benefit, for example, from the use of LMS, since they consider these systems not a very useful addition to traditional teaching practices. Other studies demonstrate the unpreparedness of students to work with digital technologies.
Development of online education. Online education, in contrast to the use of individual digital technologies and tools, is associated with the active introduction of interrelated digital technologies that involve the transfer of the entire educational process to online mode: the development and implementation of online courses on specially created Internet portals, the use of online assessment, transition to online communication between students, teachers, administration responsible for organizing training (electronic timetable, electronic grade books, etc.).
Reflecting on the intensive development of online education, one cannot fail to notice more global social risks. Thus, competition between Internet portals that provide online learning services, as well as between universities seeking to expand their influence through online courses, leads to the growth of duplicating disciplines and educational materials and, as a result, to leveling the effect of the network model of education. Moreover, low-quality educational materials appear on the Internet, sometimes not meeting the minimum requirements for educational materials in the higher education system. In this case, there is a risk of reducing the quality of training of university graduates.
Список использованной литературы:
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5. Kurmangulov A.A., Frolova O.I., Solov'eva S.V. The Prospects of E-learning Implementation in Educational Process of Medical University. Higher Education in Russia, 2017, no. 8/9 (215), pp. 116-120. (In Russian)
©Ярашова Г., Бурынова О., Меретгелдиева О., 2023