Статья поступила в редакцию 05.01.10. Ред. рег. № 689
The article has entered in publishing office 05.01.10. Ed. reg. No. 689
УДК 556.15
М. С. Бенменни, К. Бенрачеди
Лаборатория технологии продуктов питания, Факультет технических наук, Университет Бумердеса
35 000 Бумердес, Алжир E-mail: [email protected]
Заключение совета рецензентов: 10.01.10 Заключение совета экспертов: 15.01.10 Принято к публикации: 20.01.10
Муниципальная свалка города Бумердес расположена в 5 км от центра города в районе Тиджелабин на участке мер-гельно-известкового образования. Это образование характеризуется трещинной пористостью, что облегчает проникновение загрязняющих веществ в грунтовые воды. Характер рельефа этого участка также способствует миграции загрязняющих веществ. Просачивание воды со свалки в грунтовые воды приводит к ухудшению их качества. Химический анализ образцов, взятых из трех пьезометрических скважин, указывает на высокую концентрацию хрома, цинка и свинца, что подтверждает факт сильного ухудшения качества грунтовых вод. Для оценки степени загрязнения из-за близости свалки было проведено сравнение с другими аналогичными свалками, которое показало, что участок Тиджелабин находится в переходной фазе и стабилизация еще не наступила, поскольку кислотная фаза анаэробного разложения еще продолжается. Кроме того, бактериологический анализ грунтовых вод свидетельствует об их загрязнении микроорганизмами.
Ключевые слова: свалка; вода, просачивающаяся из свалки в грунт; тяжелые металлы; грунтовые воды; инфильтрация.
M.S. Benmenni, K. Benrachedi
Laboratory of Food Technology. Faculty of Engineer Sciences. University of Boumerdes.
35 000 Boumerdes Algeria E-mail: [email protected]
Referred: 10.01.10 Expertise: 15.01.10 Accepted: 20.01.10
The public discharge of the city Boumerdes is located at 5 km from downtown at Tidjelabine site which is constituted of marly-calcareous formation. This formation shows crack porosity that facilitates pollution of groundwater reserves. The slope character of the field also favours the movement of pollutants. Leachates penetrating from the discharge towards underground water result in water quality deterioration. Chemical analysis carried out on samples from three piezometers show large concentration of chromium, zinc and lead, thus confirming the high groundwater deterioration. To assess the degree of pollution caused by this discharge, a comparison with other similar discharges showed that the Tidjelabine site is in a transient phase and is not stabilized yet, as the acidic phase of anaerobic degradation is still going on. In addition, bacteriological analysis carried out on groundwater show a microbiological contamination.
The solid waste management is governed by standards the user must respect otherwise they expose themselves to pollution that may follows. For instance, it is common sense that water pollution may be due to industrial effluents such as exhaust fumes and gases liquid or solid wastes that strongly contribute to water quality impoverishment. Same applies for extensive agriculture which requires fertilizers that induce increasing water pollution risks.
But, the pollution generated by solid waste from house demolition has long been underestimated as presenting no danger in the short term.
This work is a contribution for the assessment the impact on groundwater pollution by demolition debris generated by the may 23rd, 2003 earthquake of Boumerdes. To face the emergency and urgency, demolition debris were quickly buried in temporary sites (which still remain untreated) in places that posed no difficulty for approval (generally state owned agricultural lands) without any preliminary study of
impact. Indeed, this disaster has caused severe damage to facilities that generated tens of millions of tons of debris and rubble. Thus, there are more than 22 uncontrolled landfills totalizing some 30 million cubic meters and occupying a total area of 100 hectares.
Our study focuses on the landfill of the city of Boumerdes and surrounding communities (Boudouaou, Corso, Figuier and Tidjelabine), where more than debris from some 23 00 demolished homes have been stored.
This landfill may affect the quality of surface and underground water as rainfalls cause leaching of stored debris which, in turn, generate lixiviates, which infiltrate the soil and cause chemical pollution of water by the ETM. All of these inter-actions between the dump and the receiving environment exacerbate the risks of pollution.
Fig. 1. Map of the Wilaya of Boumerdes and its temporary uncontrolled landfills Рис. 1. Карта временных неконтролируемых свалок в районе города Бумердес
Our investigation concerns cross impact of possible pollution by the landfill on:
- health and environment caused by unpleasant smoke and odour, and/or toxic fume inhalation;
- water and soil contamination caused by lixiviates.
Location of landfill
There are five landfills for Boumerdes and its communities, one in Tidjelabine, two in Figuier another one in Corso and the last one in Boudouaou.
Fig. 1 below maps the different landfills across the territory of the Wilaya of Boumerdes, and Fig. 2 shows the location of the landfills of the city of Boumerdes and its communities.
All of these sites are in the form of low slope of about 5% to 10% and covers an area of 10 hectares, whereas their altitude varies between 850 m and 900 m.
The slope promotes water runoff (G. Castany in «Hydrogeology principles and methods», 1982). Indeed, lixiviate or rainwater entering the waste is the source of runoff processes favouring pollution by infiltration through limy soil cracks. The selection of any current site for land-filling obeyed only to criteria of accessibility and proximity.
Fig. 2. Air photographie of the Tidjelabine landfill Рис. 2. Аэроснимок свалки Тиджелабин
International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 12 (80) 2009
© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2009
Hydrological and geological context
The geological formations at the outcrop in the studied area consist of marls with intercalations of fissured limestone and alluvium, respectively, of Cretaceous age and Mio-Plio-Quaternary.
These formations give the sites a variable permeability in the horizontal and vertical directions.
Indeed, frequent feature changes (transition from alluvial formation to cracked or compact limestone) are the reason for important variation in permeability.
As a matter of fact, we switch from a permeability of about 10-2 m/s to nearly 10-6 m/s.
Thus, the flow directions follow existing cracks.
However, the hydro-geological studies conducted in the area shows that there are two aquifer horizons. The first one has a relatively short depth (maximum 10 meters), the alluvial Mio-Plio-Quaternary being its bottom seat and which may be polluted by inputs from the landfill; on the other hand, the second for cons, the second is deeply located across the valangian-albian sandstone.
Precipitations for the area average 410.5 mm/year (2005/2006) and accentuate the movement of pollutants either through infiltration or by surface runoff.
Waste characterization
The town of Boumerdes covers an area of 1800 hectares occupied by 45000 inhabitants (2005). The estimated masses (tons) of various types of debris buried in the site (Table 1).
Table 1
Tonnage estimation of the most prevalent material types in disposed wastes. Tidjelabine landfill
Таблица 1
Оценка доли (в тоннах) преобладающих материалов на свалках. Свалка Тиджелабин
*Mainly beverage containers, grocery and trash bags, films and durable items.
** Includes food rests, stale fruits and vegetables leaves and grass, paper, textile, glass, plastic bags, domestic appliances and other small consumer electronics.
*** Includes used vehicle parts, batteries, used oil, ash, electronics, tires, asphalt, industrial sludges, glass.
Materiels and methods
In our study, a sampling campaign and analysis was performed on the leachate from the landfill and three control wells that serve as piezometers. The collection is made to the month of March 2005 and covered the major ions, heavy metals, nitrogen, chemical applications and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD5), organic matter and minerals and some microbiological. Note that temperature, pH and conductivity were measured on site.
The three wells are selected near the discharge. Table 2 summarizes some information concerning the status of wells from the landfill. The proximity of the wells from the landfill because they become very vulnerable to all forms of pollution.
Table 2
Localisation and use of the selected piezomters close to the Tidjelabine discharge
Таблица 2
Расположение и назначение выбранных пьезометрических скважин поблизости от свалки Тиджелабин
Designation of taking point Situation vis-à-vis centre (0) of the landfill Distance (m) from (0)
S1 East. Well of 2 m depth domestic use. Piezometer 300
S2 North in residential. Well of 8 m depth domestic use 350
S3 South West in agricultural land. Well of 8 m depth irrigation use 420
The composition of leachate from a landfill
The leachate contains may inorganic contaminants often very toxic. Thus, their composition varies depending on the nature of waste, age of discharge, the technical operating and climatic conditions. Farquhar (Faquhar G.J. "Leachate production and characterisation", 1989) thinks that the leachate may come from either waste water or rain water and also from the water of the aquifer. The colour is the first indicator of pollution. The analyzed leachate taken downstream of the discharge has a brownish colour and a faecal smell, thus influencing the quality of groundwater. The level of targeted pollution indicators proved to be high. Almost all of them are above the accepted standards proving leachate contamination by heavy metals. Results of the analysis are reported in Table 3 below.
Material Type Est. Tons %
Concrete (including iron framework) 399140 54.30%
Bricks (clay) 6200 0.85%
Gypsum 12680 1.75%
Paints and wall coatings 2500 0.35%
Lumber 3690 0.50%
Plastics* 63616 8.65%
Household waste** 212055 28.85%
Miscellaneous*** 35342 4.80%
Table 3
Results of leachate samples analysis Tidjelabine discharge
Таблица 3
Результаты анализа образцов воды, просачивающейся в грунт из свалки Тиджелабин
Concentrations Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 IANORStandard
pH 7.37 7.50 7.65 6.94 6.5-8.5
DCO in mg/l 36.40 49.90 53.76 22.80 120
DBO5 in mg/l 8.10 0.00 1.60 4.00 35
MES in mg/l 12.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 35
Nitrates in mg/l 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.20 50
Nitrites in mg/l 0.016 0.01 0.02 0.002 0.1
Chlorures in mg/l 62.40 60.98 31.19 25.52 500
Sulfates in mg/l 75.00 75.00 43.00 64.00 400
Phosphates in mg/l 13.00 8.00 0.39 0.74 10
Ammoniacal Nitrogen in mg/l 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 30
Pb in mg/l 0.03 0.02 < 0.01 0.51 0.5
Zn in mg/l 0.04 0.16 < 0.01 0.47 3
Cd in mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 2.78 0.2
Cu in mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.5
HC total in mg/l < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 25.79 10
Results and discussion
According to Parveau (Parveau M. "The treatment of leachates by reverse osmosis") and Keenan (Keenan J.D. and al. "Chemical-physical leachate treatment"), landfill leachates are similar to complex industrial waste containing both substances contaminating organic and inorganic. We note that the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in leachate exceed widely accepted standards.
Indeed, it is above the average standard of Algeria which is about 120 mg/l and reached 1230 mg/l. As for BOD5, it varies between 135 and 200 mg/l whereas the accepted standard is 40 mg/l, thus showing significant pollution. However, the actual concentration of BOD5 is still higher than the values found because the medium is loaded with toxins.
The concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, zinc and nickel are beyond acceptable standards. The concentration of lead is at the limit of the standard (Blanchard G. "Aspect of the behavior of organo-metals and metals in the environment: special study of lead compounds", 1982). Heavy metals in leachate inhibit microbial growth.
The results of chemical characterization of raw leachate from Boumerdes landfill indicated a dual pollution:
- an organic pollution that results in a high load of COD in the leachate, in sample 2 for instance, the COD is about 1136 mg/l O2/l and BOD5 is approximately 200 mg/l O2/l;
- a mineral pollution that results in high concentrations of target metals in leachate, as in samplel for instance with values of 3.4 mg/l of chromium, 6.7 mg/l nickel and 6.7 mg/l of zinc.
It is therefore essential to treat the juice discharge to avoid any risk of environmental contamination by infiltration of the leachate.
Characteristics of heavy metal contamination of the discharge of Boumerdes
Heavy metals measured showed a metal pollution of leachate from the landfill. The results were compared with those obtained at other landfills (Table 4).
Table 4
Comparison of the levels of heavy metals in landfill leachate
Таблица 4
Сравнение содержания тяжелых металлов в воде, просачивающейся в грунт из свалки
Target Metal Tiaret El Jedida Wadi Akrech Eteffont Tidjelabine
Zn 0.5 0.0474 0.70 0.740 0.05
Cu --- 0.158 0.450 0.270 0.05
Ni 0.60 0.133 0.25 0.210 0.001
Cr 0.3 0.156 0.50 0.270 0.005
International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 12 (80) 2009
© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2009
The metal composition of the leachate from the Boumerdes landfill is typical of a landfill of household dominant character. Indeed, the concentrations of metallic elements effluent studied are essentially identical to those of leachate generated by other garbage dumps except for certain elements such as nickel. For instance, this concentration equals 670 mg/l in the discharge of Tiaret (Mehdi M. "Results of the preliminary investigation on the composition of waste discharge from the city of Tiaret", 2005); 133.6 mg/l in the discharges of Rabat (Chofqui A. "Establishing mechanisms for contamination of groundwater by leachate from a landfill uncontrolled (El Jadida Morocco): Geology, hydrology, geo-electric, geochemistry and Epidemiology" & Amhoud S. "Contributions to the geology and hydrogeology in the
study of the impact of the discharge of Wadi Akrech on water resources", 2004) and 210 mg/l in the discharge Eteffont (Khattabi H. "Interest in the study of hydrogeological and hydro-biological parameters for understanding the operation of the treatment plant for leachate from the landfill of household waste Eteffont Belfort, France", 2000).
Physical-chemical composition of groundwater
To perform this study we used three observation wells located near the landfill. This arrangement will allow us to quantify the aquifer state and condition vis-à-vis the landfill. The results are compared with guideline values (standards) and given in table 4 below. It shows the following information reported in Table 5.
Table 5 Таблица 5
Results of physical-chemical analysis of groundwater Результаты физико-химического анализа грунтовых вод
Parameter pH T (°C) Conduct. (^s/cm) O2 (mg/l) dbo5 (mg/l) DCO (mg/l) MO (mg/l) Turb. NTU Cr (mg/l) Cu (mg/l) Zn (mg/l)
Well 1 б,б2 15 54G2 б.23 3G 74 2.28 4.G3 G.G1 G.G3 2.G16
Well 2 б.74 12 3755 б.28 2G 32 4.5б 1.59 G.78 G.G7 G.53
Well 3 7.28 12 1G71 4.49 4G 82 2.9б 19.3 G.75 G.15 2.93
Standards 4.5-9 25GG-35GGG 2G-57GGG 14G-152GGG G.G5 G.G5 G.G3
The pH
We note that both well 1 and well 2 contain weak acid waters showing the influence of the discharge on groundwater. On the other hand, well 3 presents a pH near neutrality. The measured values of pH show the impact of discharge on water samples collected in the wells.
The temperature
The temperature plays a very important role in increasing bacterial activity and evaporation of water. Indeed, temperature is a key element in the enumeration of aquifer systems. It varies depending on external temperature, seasons, the geological nature of the soil and the depth of the water level over the surface. The measured temperature varies between 12° C and 15° C. These temperatures may be considered relatively low for the development of microorganisms (coliforms and streptococci) considering the season (March) during which the measurements have been made.
Bacteriological composition of groundwater
To determine the presence of germs, we used two methods. This choice allows a more precise approach. The experimental results are reported in Tables 6 and 7.
Table 6
Bacteriological composition of groundwater by the method of the membrane filter
Таблица 6
Бактериологический состав грунтовых вод, определенный методом мембранных фильтров
Germs Well 1 Well 2 Well 3
Coliforms Presence > 300 Presence > 300 Presence > 300
Fecal Coliformes Presence Presence Presence
Fecal Streptococci Presence Presence Presence
Table 7
Bacteriological composition of groundwater by the method of multiple tubes
Таблица 7
Бактериологический состав грунтовых вод, определенный многотрубным методом
Germs Well 1 Well 2 Well 3
Total Coliforms 11/1GG ml 28/1GG ml 11GG/1GG ml
Fecal Coliforms 11/1GG ml 3/1GG ml 7/1GG ml
Fecal Streptococci 9/1GG ml 7/1GG ml 11GG/1GG ml
The obtained results by the methods show that water wells contain quantities of pathogens, showing a significant bacteriological contamination of groundwater. Well 3 is the most polluted due to its situation. The latter is located downstream of the discharge and flows follow this direction. Furthermore, the permeability sandstone formations of cracks would promote the infiltration of leachate. Pollution observed at the well 1 is due to its localisation close to an area of household waste accumulation which generates leachate.
This study conducted at the Tidjelabine landfill showed a double impact on water quality:
- Direct impact: through their leachate runoff leading to pollution of surface waters.
- Indirect impact: water flows and infiltrates through cracks causing groundwater pollution.
The levels found especially dissolved oxygen, NO3, COD, BOD5, Cr, Zn, Ni and Pb are higher than the accepted standards explaining the origin of organic and metal pollution. The presence of germs in the piezometers shows that water is not potable (Miquel G. "Report on the effects of heavy metals on environmental health", 2001, & Desbordes A. "Pollution of groundwater in Picardy", 2000), around the discharge and users have been immediately informed about it.
The concentration of target heavy metals of leachate from the landfill is typical of a dominant household waste discharge, though this discharge was originally a landfill for demolition and construction inert debris. A first explanation of this evolution may come from the presence of organic matters in the debris coming from demolished constructions by the earthquake at first hand, and from household waste later as the status of this discharge remain open.
Moreover, the BOD5/COD ratio is an indicator of the fermentation stage of the discharge. Applied to the analysed leachate from the landfill this ratio gives values ranging from 0.11 to 0.25 typical of an ancient but not yet stabilized landfill and corresponding to the acid phase of anaerobic degradation, although this landfill has been created in 2003.
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International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology № 12 (80) 2009
© Scientific Technical Centre «TATA», 2009