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Learning Model / ICOSRIE / College Students’ Cognitive Skills

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sitti Rahmah, Abdul Hasan Saragih, Efendi Napitupulu

This study aims to develop an educational dance learning model for basic education with a model called ICOSRIE. The method used was research and development. This research was conducted in small-scale and large-scale trials. In developing this model, the test was carried out twice, namely the pre-test and the post-test (before and after being given treatment). The stages carried out in the trial include: (1) conducting a pre-test to measure the initial ability of college students about educational dance courses for kindergarten and elementary school using instruments that have been tested, (2) providing treatment of the ICOSRIE learning model in Educational Dance Courses for Kindergarten and Elementary School, (3) holding a post-test to measure the ability of college students after being treated. Based on statistical calculations, the average cognitive pre-test learning outcomes in large group trials were 39.82, mode 12, median 40, standard deviation 4.02, and variance 16.18. While the average cognitive post-test learning outcomes in large group trials were 80.01, mode 24, median 81.66, standard deviation 4.81, and variance 23.14. Histograms of pre-test and post-test cognitive learning outcomes were obtained in large group trials. Based on statistical calculations, the average value of cognitive pre-test learning outcomes in small group trials was 33.66, mode 50, median 35, standard deviation 14.69, and variance 219.92. Meanwhile, the average cognitive post-test learning outcomes in small group trials were 71.33, mode 80, median 71.66, standard deviation 8.04, and variance 64.70. The average difference in small-group cognitive learning outcomes among students during the pre-test was 10, with a standard deviation of 4,408. While the average cognitive learning outcomes of students during the post-test were 21.10 with a standard deviation of 2,025. The results of the statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.001, asserting that it can be concluded that there are small group cognitive learning outcomes in students during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE learning model. The average difference in cognitive learning outcomes of large groups of students during the pre-test was 11.95, with a standard deviation of 1,207. Meanwhile, the average cognitive learning outcomes of students during the post-test were 24.61 with a standard deviation of 1,443. The results of the statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.001, asserting that there are cognitive learning outcomes in large groups of students during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE learning model.

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1 Faculty of Language and Art, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia rahmaiyen@unimed. ac. id https://orcid.org/0000-00Q2-5234-3254

2 Education technology, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia

[email protected]_ https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4358-1516

3 Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia

[email protected]_ https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3326-1309


This study aims to develop an educational dance learning model for basic education with a model called ICOSRIE. The method used was research and development. This research was conducted in small-scale and large-scale trials. In developing this model, the test was carried out twice, namely the pre-test and the post-test (before and after being given treatment). The stages carried out in the trial include: (1) conducting a pre-test to measure the initial ability of college students about educational dance courses for kindergarten and elementary school using instruments that have been tested, (2) providing treatment of the ICOSRIE learning model in Educational Dance Courses for Kindergarten and Elementary School, (3) holding a post-test to measure the ability of college students after being treated. Based on statistical calculations, the average cognitive pre-test learning outcomes in large group trials were 39.82, mode 12, median 40, standard deviation 4.02, and variance 16.18. While the average cognitive post-test learning outcomes in large group trials were 80.01, mode 24, median 81.66, standard deviation 4.81, and variance 23.14. Histograms of pre-test and post-test cognitive learning outcomes were obtained in large group trials. Based on statistical calculations, the average value of cognitive pre-test learning outcomes in small group trials was 33.66, mode 50, median 35, standard deviation 14.69, and variance 219.92. Meanwhile, the average cognitive post-test learning outcomes in small group trials were 71.33, mode 80, median 71.66, standard deviation 8.04, and variance 64.70. The average difference in small-group cognitive learning outcomes among students during the pre-test was 10, with a standard deviation of 4,408. While the average cognitive learning outcomes of students during the post-test were 21.10 with a standard deviation of 2,025. The results of the statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.001, asserting that it can be concluded that there are small group cognitive learning outcomes in students during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE learning model. The average difference in cognitive learning outcomes of large groups of students during the pre-test was 11.95, with a standard deviation of 1,207. Meanwhile, the average cognitive learning outcomes of students during the post-test were 24.61 with a standard deviation of 1,443. The results of the statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.001, asserting that there are cognitive learning outcomes in large groups of students during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE learning model.

Keyword: Learning Model, ICOSRIE, College Students' Cognitive Skills


Education is a conscious and planned effort to provide guidance or assistance in developing the physical and spiritual potential adults give to children to reach maturity and achieve the goal of carrying out their life tasks independently (Dewi & Verawati, 2021). Education is closely related to instruction and learning (Saragih et al., 2019). The words instruction and learning may be almost the same, but they are different. Both have influences that are not something separate or contradictory (Imran Akhmad, 2022). Education is a planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students can actively develop their potential (Endriani et al., 2022). This implies that an individual's success in achieving educational goals depends greatly on how learning can occur effectively (Supriadi et al., 2022). Learning is a process carried out by providing education and training to students to achieve learning outcomes (Ayu, 2009). Changes resulting from the learning


process can be proposed in various forms, such as knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behaviors, skills, abilities, reaction power, acceptability, and other aspects of individuals who learn (Herpratiwi, 2016). Art education is the most effective way to increase creativity, and besides that, art education is a means of effective education in the framework of accommodating children's emotions and expressions. There are two kinds of art education concepts. The first concept of art in education is an enculturation process (the process of cultivating carried out by passing on or instilling values from the older generation to the next generation). Thus, the art approach in education is an educator's effort to develop and preserve various art types for students. The second concept of education through art implies that art education is obliged to direct the achievement of educational goals in general that provide rational, emotional, and intellectual balance. The concept of education through art is applied in public schools such as elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and college. The approach to education through the arts considers significant in public schools' teaching and learning process. Indeed, with consideration, the learning carried out in schools must place art as a process of creation and recreation where the learning process prioritizes creativity. Both teachers and students entertainingly cultivate the learning process. This aligns with the concept of education through art; art education functions as a medium of play, which is useful in achieving a form of balance over the boredom faced by students with theoretical cognition learning routines.

This educational approach to art was initially proposed by essentialists, who argued that art as a material or scientific discipline needs and is important to be given to students. Drawing, painting, sculpting, dancing, music, and theatre skills must be instilled in children within the framework of developing and preserving existing art. Art that contains noble values needs to be recognized and studied so that it can be maintained, developed, and preserved. The educational approach in art aligns with the view of education as a process of inculturation (a cultural process) carried out to pass on or instill cultural values between generations. This approach, whether realized or not, has been applied in the family environment (craftsmen-artists) through custom, imitation, and internalization. The approach to education through art is significant and plays a role at the educational level. Implementing the educational approach through art emphasizes more on the aspect of a process than the results. The target of art education in public schools is not to make students good at painting, singing, dancing, or becoming artists but as a vehicle for expression and imagination, creation, recreation, and appreciation.

Art education is a form to shape the attitude and personality of children who have mental functions, which include fantasy, sensitivity, creativity, and expression. A child can fantasize about his work, through the feeling of children pouring their ideas into the work makes children sensitive, has good creativity, and expresses works of art (Yuliasma et al., 2019). Through experience, children can express their ideas in works of art. In this case, art education obviously has aims and objectives such as (1) gaining art experience in the form of art appreciation experience and art expression experience, (2) acquiring art knowledge, e.g., theory, art history, criticism, and others (Keinanen et al., 2000).

Dance as an educational medium in Indonesia has been included in various educational institutions that developed in line with the development of science and technology. It demonstrates that dance also has an important and strategic role in building student personalities, more commonly known as character education. Dance education also instills the beneficial influence of creative dance activities on the formation of students' personalities, not to create performance dances (Martiningsih et al., 2019). It encourages several levels of education to improve the need for adequate facilities and infrastructure, including competent human resources and teachers in dance. An art education approach that carries student creativity in art, especially dance, where teachers must be able to create a learning process that aims to develop students' thinking creativity to increase (Elindra Yetti, 2017). The learning process is expected to improve the ability to construct new knowledge to increase mastery of the subject matter (Nurlita et al., 2017). The learning includes an appreciation of dance works and expressing themselves through dance works, which aim to develop sensory perception sensitivity through various artistic, creative experiences according to the character and stage of development of children's artistic abilities at each level of education (Wulandari et al., 2019). Stimulate the growth of imaginative ideas and the ability to find various


creative ideas for solving artistic or aesthetic problems through exploration, creation, presentation, and appreciation according to the interests and potentials of students at each level of education. Develop the ability to appreciate art in historical and cultural contexts to foster understanding, awareness, and the ability to appreciate local cultural diversity and form mutually tolerant and democratic attitudes in a pluralistic society.

Dance education is a dance learning model that emphasizes the freedom of expression of students' creative movements in dance learning activities in public schools (Rosala & Budiman, 2020). One of the dance learning models in art education that can accommodate and answer dance education problems is to emphasize creative activities that pay attention to the development of students' abilities to build intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence (Setiawati & Rahmadini, 2022). Several research journal articles on dance education have varied models and approaches to provide experience for students to grow and develop multiple intelligences. The Dance Education Study Program is one of the study programs under the auspices of the SENDRATASIK Department (Drama, Dance, and Music) at the Faculty of Language and Arts, Medan State University. This study program is the only study program in North Sumatra Province that produces prospective educators (teachers) in dance. To graduate college students, Dance Education Study Program (S1) students must complete 150 credits of study by taking theoretical and practical courses. As a study program that produces prospective educators in the field of dance, competencies formed through lectures are given to college students via courses that are prepared to equip college students as prospective educators in the field of dance. One of the courses given is dance education. This course is distinguished in the stages of Educational Dance for Kindergarten and Elementary School (5th semester) and Dance Education for Junior and Senior High School (6th semester), each weighing three credits. Dance education is one of the compulsory courses that college students must follow. The FBS UNIMED Dance Education Study Program provides insight into theoretical and practical knowledge for college students, preparing graduates to become dance educators or teachers in schools. This Dance Education course aims to provide experience to college students on how to educate through dance education at school. College students need to be equipped with a learning approach that can be understood as a starting point or point of view on the learning process. They will later directly into school to apply it, both to kindergarten and elementary school students who are carried out in Odd Semester (5) and to junior and senior high school students in the Even Semester (6). Dance education is a dance learning model that emphasizes the freedom of expression of students' creative movements in dance learning activities in public schools, especially in elementary schools (SD). Some research results related to dance education have been published in several journals; more research discusses how educational dance is implemented in elementary school students. For instance, Jazuli's research with an educational dance learning model given to elementary and MI students in Semarang with an exploration model has indicated an aesthetic experience in his students. With collaborative teaching methods, teachers do it through storytelling, playing, imitation, and demonstration. The model has fulfilled the achievement of the learning objectives of cultural arts and skills in elementary schools and MI, namely having the ability to display an attitude of appreciation for cultural arts and skills, displaying creativity towards cultural arts and skills, and displaying roles for cultural arts and skills (Singh & Devi, 2021). The educational dance learning model conducted by Heni Komalasari at SDN Nilem II Bandung showed an increase in student creativity from an average score of 6.15 to 8, with an integrated learning approach, namely an educational dance approach between art fields (either dance, music, fine arts, or theatre) or with other fields of study such as language, religion, geography, and others. Heni applies an integrated learning system adopted from the book "Creativity: A Cross Curriculum" (Millicent Poole) about the art education curriculum in Australia. Student creativity is measured and seen through indicators of the ability to reveal ideas, explore media expression, and actualize works (Komalasari et al., n.d.). The implementation of educational dance through active learning methods to improve kinesthetic intelligence in early childhood at Labschool Jakarta was also carried out by Erlinda Yetti. The dance learning model is implemented with active learning methods through exploration activities and the improvisation of movements by children according to their imagination and personal movements. The results revealed that the effectiveness of the learning model obtained an average pre-test score of 1.89, while the average post-test score was 2.38. There is a significant increase in kinesthetic


intelligence, so the educational dance learning model effectively improves early childhood kinesthetic intelligence (Iwan Suryawan et al., 2022). Furthermore, training and application of making and using media in educational dance learning for kindergarten teachers in Koto Tangah Kodya Padang District were carried out by Neurosti because of the lack of teacher competence in applying dance learning, which has been done only with imitation methods. The teacher only gives the form of motion in front of the class, and then the students imitate the motion taught. Through training programs by providing educational dance learning workshops, using media to stimulate children to move, using property in educational dance learning, and structuring dance choreography as a learning solution in dance education (Lestariani et al., 2019). Some of the writings on the study's results indicate how important it is to apply the right model or method in carrying out educational dance learning with students to foster children's creativity. Indeed, human resources are needed; in this case, teachers are the role models to realize quality learning so that the goals of art education are achieved. Tips to motivate children to be able to move their bodies creatively will be achieved through educational dance learning. The right, good, and correct educational dance learning model can develop various kinds of intelligence in children. As Gardner is known for multiple intelligences, all children have advantages. Gardner considered a person's intelligence in a standardized score and test, defining intelligence as 1) A person's ability to solve problems in real life; 2) The ability to create new problems to solve; 3) The ability to produce something (product) or offer a service that results from its culture. Various bits of intelligence (Giguere, 2022), among others: 1) Linguistic intelligence, 2) Mathematical-logical intelligence, 3) Visual intelligence, 4) Musical intelligence, 5) Kinesthetic intelligence, 6) Interpersonal intelligence, 7) Intrapersonal intelligence, 8) Naturalist intelligence, 9) Spiritual intelligence. In implementing educational dance learning in schools, many strange problems are found, such as dance learning outcomes that are not appropriate as described in the objectives of art education. Dance learning is taught from an early age to the upper or upper high school levels. It is no secret that the current dance learning process emphasizes results rather than processes. Indeed, there are many situations and conditions behind it, e.g., meeting the needs of participating in competitions frequently, the insistence of parents or teachers who always want to include their children in various art performances and competitions, motivation to get a charter or certificate, and the stimulation of various dance performances on social media. Some matters mentioned affect the development of the dance education process in schools.

In dance education lectures in the Dance Education Study Program, college students directly jump into school, applying their knowledge after following theoretical explanations from lecturers. Dance education serves as an educational medium by emphasizing the creativity of process-oriented students but not on the final result of performances that contain high aesthetic values. Therefore, college students must be able to apply creative learning models as appropriate. However, a common problem is a problem and obstacle in practice in the field (schools where college students practice), namely that college students do not understand how the learning model must be carried out. This problem arises because of the lack of understanding of college students' dance education study programs in carrying out educational dance learning that can stimulate student creativity. Incomprehension of college students as prospective educators when carrying out educational dance learning practices in schools that teach existing forms of dance, both traditional types, creations, and modern dance. Lack of effort by college students to carry out the educational dance learning process with stages such as starting how to stimulate students by providing stimulation of ideas and imagination through themes to be expressed. Dance learning is still carried out conventionally with imitative methods, namely by providing examples of movements demonstrated by teachers and followed by students. The learning outcomes of educational dance practice courses that are carried out tend to be oriented towards dance products that are performed as dance by teachers (college students), but not the results of the process of ideas or imagination of students stimulated by the teacher. Dance learning in schools can still not be a vehicle to optimally develop children's cognitive, effective, and psychometrically abilities. It should be to develop student creativity. A dance teacher does not curb the freedom of thought of his students to express the results of the exploration of his movements; in this case, the teacher's task should be as a facilitator and motivator so that students are more confident to create ideas for creative movements. Creative


dance learning not only teaches movement but can also be employed to instill life values in students. Cultivating life values is possible because dance is full of symbols and philosophies. Every movement created or performed has its meaning.

Heretofore, this problem indicates that the success of college students in dance education courses in the field has been far from expected. The success of college student's learning can be seen in their level of understanding and increasing learning outcomes. The higher the college students' understanding of the stages of creative dance learning in dance education in the field, the higher the success rate achieved. The problem of the lack of understanding of college students in this educational dance practice course is not only a factor. However, it cannot be separated from the factors of lecturers as lecturers and college students in the field. In the delivery of learning materials provided by lecturers, which tend to be text-book-oriented; With the theory used, is limited to cognitive theory only, namely the theory of information processing, which describes the processing, storage, and acquisition of knowledge by the mind. From the initial survey, the model employed in dance education courses is a simple, expository model. The learning strategy only emphasizes the process of delivering material verbally or with lectures delivered by lecturers to college students, intending that college students can understand the stages of educational dance practice in the field optimally. Based on these problems, a learning model is needed that can encourage college students to practice educational dance learning based on learning procedures and principles as well as the theory. Likewise, it is expected that lecturers who teach educational dance courses can create a learning atmosphere that can encourage college students; thus, the implementation of educational dance practice can achieve their learning goals. Currently, various efforts to improve the quality of educational dance lectures in the Dance Education Study Program continue to be carried out, among others, by carrying out the development of the right lecture model and selecting learning resources in the form of media and teaching materials that follow the educational dance courses at the level taken by college students (dance education kindergarten and elementary school or dance education junior high and high school). The hope is that the development of this new model will motivate college students to be even better at learning dance education. The model to be developed is a model that has been carried out so far by improving and developing existing models and named ICOSRIE, namely: Introduction (cultural understanding or development of the flow of learning stages), Conceptualization (provoke students to bring up ideas to create the theme to be carried or explore the concept), Stimulus (development of movement skills by providing various stimuli), Response (creating, improvising, and stylizing), Implementation (demonstrating or showing choreography that students have made), Evaluation (exchanging ideas and evaluating the finished choreography).

Various innovations are carried out in education to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources, one of which is by using a learning model. The Learning Model is one of the results of educational innovation in the form of a framework of learning scenarios to achieve certain learning goals or outcomes. According to Destari Kumala Dewi & Indrawati (2021), "A learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure for organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives and serves as a guide for learning designers and teachers in planning and conducting learning activities".

To realize educational goals, an educator must certainly understand the strategies and methods how to make learning can be carried out properly. In this case, of course, the teaching method plays an essential role in the learning process in addition to other elements. It is expected to create effective and efficient educational interactions through appropriate learning methods. Indeed, the teaching method employed must be able to arouse the motivation, interest, and passion for learning of students in an independent way and can gain knowledge through personal efforts. As previously stated, many learning methods and models can be used as references that emphasize the development of students' creative abilities, especially in educational dance learning at school. Educational dance is all forms of physical activity and a sense of beauty, which is contained in activities of appreciation, exploration, and expression through movement. Dance education acts as a means for developing student creativity, not to nurture students to become artists but to educate students to be creative.


The researchers assume that the dance education learning model (ICOSRIE) can improve the cognitive skills of college students in conducting dance learning. Some research are related to dance learning models (Nurseto & Lestari, 2015). The research results from the formulation of the first problem of the dance learning process of Gambiranom dance material teachers are less able to maximize the PAIKEM learning process because, the first and second meetings in the learning stages of the meeting, active, innovative, creative, efficient and fun activities do not always appear. The results reveal that dance learning in elementary schools employs four aspects of active appreciation and passive appreciation, namely: (1) description stage, (2) understanding/analysis stage, (3) interpretation/appreciation stage, (4) assessment/evaluation stage (Destari Kumala Dewi & Indrawati, 2021). Hence, it is concluded that the aspects of dance learning carried out at Sanggar Dharmo Yuwono have run well, especially in terms of the use of learning methods; thus, students can follow the process well, easily take the material taught, and achieve learning objectives. The learning methods are commonly used in learning, namely lecture methods, demonstration methods, imitation methods, practice or drill methods, peer tutor methods, and outdoor study methods. Kusumastuti's (2014) result indicated that the integrated dance learning model was applied through three stages, namely (1) a disciplinary approach, (2) a multicultural approach that uses the flow of the appreciation process (immersion, understanding, appreciation, and evaluation), (3) a free expression approach which uses the creation method, namely pouring ideas and concepts, connecting them into a new motion product. Rohani's (2017) research results are: 1) Dance teachers or trainers always provide examples or role models so students are ready to learn dance in dance studios. Whereas learning settings are made enjoyable. The role of the teacher in character education in dance learning at the dance studio is to guide students before and after learning dance at school and pay attention to the enthusiasm of learning students (Oktaviani, 2019). The dance learning model employed is a complete learning model, where the teacher teaches movement by unit so that students memorize some of their movements at each meeting until they are memorized. Then, the movements are added until one dance has been memorized and mastered by the student dancer properly and correctly.


This research and development seek to develop feasible and effective products for use in learning. The products developed in this study were model books, textbooks, lecturer manuals, and college students' guidebooks. The development research model referred to in this development research consists of (Sugiyono, 2010) the following stages (Figure 1 ):

Figure 1. R & D Research Steps as specified by Borg and Gall


In developing this model, the test was carried out twice, namely the pre-test and the post-test (before and after being given treatment). The stages carried out in the trial include: (1) conducting a pre-test to measure the initial ability of college students about educational dance courses for kindergarten and elementary school using instruments that have been tested; (2) providing treatment of the ICOSRIE learning model in the Educational Dance Course for Kindergarten and Elementary School; and (3) holding a post-test to measure the ability of college students after being treated. The results of limited and expanded trials will be input to improve the learning model developed as stated in Figure 2 below:

Oi xo2

Figure 2. One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design Research Pattern


O! : Pre-test value X : Treatment O2 : Post-test value

The research population was college students of the FBS UNIMED Dance Education Study Program, which amounted to 48 people, while the sample was college students who were taking Dance Education courses for kindergarten and elementary school children in semester V, as many as two classes, which can be detailed as follows:

Table 1. Number of Classes and Research Samples

Group Semester School Year Number College Students

Class A V 2021/2022 24

Class B V 2021/2022 24

Total 48


In previous studies, researchers made general stages that can be generally understood for the practice of dance learning for college students and can even be adopted for other needs. The development of this educational dance learning model is also summarized through a learning process based on the learning objectives, namely developing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills through the approaches of wirama, wiraga, and wirasa. The ICOSRIE learning model is also carried out to prepare educators and college students who are competent in their fields. In addition, through this learning model, creativity, teaching skills, attitudes, and the ability to analyze and solve a problem can be formed.

The formulation of this learning model was centered on college students, where college students are required to be creative and active in carrying out the learning process when entering the field. Lecturers, as experts, motivators, and supervisors, direct and explain each stage of the learning model that will be applied by college students as prospective teachers when teaching kindergarten and elementary school students. In its implementation, college students no longer imitate the learning received from previous lecturers but are required to create new constructs or ideas that can spur students' imaginations by providing creative responses through good stimuli. It aims to free students' thinking to express the results of their motion exploration, and students are more confident to create their creative movements.

Based on the learning model used in dance education courses, it is still simple, namely (1) Introduction to Theoretical Knowledge, (2) Practice/ Drill, and (3) Performance; thus, it needs to be developed with a more systematic and more structured model. Hence, according to these results, researchers developed a learning model to improve the learning outcomes of college students and


students in educational dance learning. The results of the ICOSRIE learning model development have stages: introduction, conceptualization, stimulus-response, implementation, and evaluation. This learning model was developed to improve the learning outcomes of college students in carrying out the learning process in the field by considering the results of the process through the performance of students, i.e., kindergarten and elementary school students. In the dance learning process, kindergarten and elementary education also aim to develop college students' potential from cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.

The development model designed has relationships with one another so that learning is no longer centered on lecturers but on college students. Each process in the model that has been designed can motivate college students to think critically and provide new colors to learning in the field. In addition, the ICOSRIE learning model is expected to create an engaging learning environment through its unique and systematic stages. The model design figures developed are as follows:

Product feasibility test (validation) was carried out by the author (as well as the researcher) through the "Delphi Technique". Dona et al. (2009) state that the Delphi technique is an intuitive forecasting procedure for obtaining, exchanging, and developing an opinion about future events. With the "Delphi Technique" in validating ICOSRIE model products, all experts, validators, and professionals (practitioners) are given the same opportunity (procedures, methods, etc.) to assess and measure products and all supporting devices of the ICOSRIE model. The assessment or measurement of the feasibility (validation) of products used to collect data on the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of ICOSRIE model products was carried out directly by the authors/ researchers in the form of questionnaires given to all experts, validators, and professionals (practitioners). Assessment and measurement of the feasibility (validation) of products were employed to collect data on the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness of ICOSRIE model products. The results of the assessment and measurement of feasibility (validation) of products used in the research and development of kindergarten and elementary school dance learning models to collect data on the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness of ICOSRIE model products as a whole were in the category of feasible criteria by six experts or validators and professionals (practitioners) because they are still in the range of 0 to 1. The results of the product feasibility assessment and measurement (validation) also provide suggestions or comments from experts or validators and professionals (practitioners) to improve (revise) the product validation sheets (questionnaires) used in the research and development of educational dance learning models to collect data on the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness of ICOSRIE model products in terms of use or application (application or implementation) of standard Indonesian (EYD or Enhanced Spelling). Thus, based on the summary of the results of the assessment and measurement of the feasibility (validation) of products used in the research and development of educational dance learning models to collect validity data and the effectiveness of ICOSRIE model products in the form of product validation sheets (questionnaires), the product validation sheets (questionnaires) have been improved and

Figure 3. ICOSRIE Dance Education Learning Model


refined so that they are suitable for use to collect validity, feasibility, and effectiveness data on products and all devices proponents of the ICOSRIE model. To review the results of the assessment or measurement of the feasibility (validation) of the product in the form of a sheet (questionnaire) of product validation that has been assessed or measured by six experts.

To determine the level of reliability of product validity sheets (questionnaires) used in the research and development of educational dance learning models to collect data on the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness of ICOSRIE model products, the percentage of agreements (PA) formula with PA value categories or criteria > 0.60 can be said to be reliable. Hence, all product validity sheets (questionnaires) used in the research and development of ICOSRIE learning models to collect validity, feasibility, and effectiveness data on ICOSRIE model products are categorized as reliable. Moreover, it can be concluded that all product validity sheets (questionnaires) used in the research and development of learning models can be used or applied in collecting data on the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness of products and all supporting tools for the ICOSRIE model.

All products designed in this study have been validated by experts in each part. The validation aims to obtain valid contributions and information to develop an educational dance learning model, ICOSRIE. All validators were highly competent lecturers in their respective fields of expertise. The experts in this study include material experts, design experts, and media experts, who have provided suggestions and input that can be seen in Table 2 as follows:

Table 2. Advice and Feedback from Experts


Expert/ Resource Person



1 Material Expert

1. The textbook cover design is still a bit stiff and still does not explain the local ethnicity;

2. The textbook construct is good, but there are some initial sentences in the paragraph that need to be corrected.

• The revision was done by revising and adjusting the textbook cover;

• The revision was done by correcting and adjusting sentences according to the use of good and correct Indonesian.

2 Design Expert

1. The lecturer manual is suitable for use only when the research should use a case study;

2. The syntax of the learning model is feasible to use, and conduct trials for college students by paying attention to stage III stimulus-response to aspects of creative dance.

• The revision was done by adjusting the case study;

• The revision was done by paying attention to and emphasizing stage III stimulus-response to aspects of creative dance.

3 Media Expert

1. Teaching materials should attract attention, so it is necessary to vary the color of the writing, the arrangement of chapters, sub-chapters, types of writing, table coloring, and, if necessary, put them into colored columns;

2. Overall, chapter formatting and tables in the text-style module book still seem monotonous. It is necessary to consider the type

• The revision was done by making variations on the appearance of the chapter arrangement and writing;

• Improvements were made by making the appearance more attractive of the module book;

• The revision was done by making writing consistent and paying attention to writing


of writing, emphasis/highlight on chapter/subchapter titles, and neatness of the table;

3. In the teaching material book, systematics, spelling, spacing, writing ethics, table, writing consistency;

4. Use writing standards or consistency.


• Using good and correct writing standards.

Criticism and suggestions from experts given in the validation process become input for researchers in improving each product produced in this study. Researchers have revised every suggestion given by validators to improve existing products. It aims to improve the research product so that trials can be carried out on research subjects.

Analysis of the effectiveness of research products was carried out twice trials, namely limited and expanded trials. Limited trials were conducted in small classes. The research subjects were taken from college students of the Dance Education Study Program, as many as ten small and 38 large groups. The duration of the meeting was six times. Effectiveness analysis includes cognitive learning outcomes. Before analyzing the college student's learning outcome score data, normality and homogeneity requirements were tested. The normality and homogeneity tests were calculated using SPSS. A summary of normality test results for college student's learning outcomes data can be seen in Table 3:

Table 3. Test Results of Normality of Learning Outcomes Data Trials in Small Groups

No Group Sig. Description

1 Pre-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.200 Abnormal

2 Post-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.008 Normal

Based on Table 3, the value of sig. obtained was greater than 0.05; thus, it is concluded that the group of cognitive pre-tests learning outcomes to be tested was not normally distributed. In contrast, the group of cognitive post-test learning outcomes to be tested was normally distributed. The results of homogeneity between groups of learning outcomes to be tested can be seen in Table 4 below:

Table 4. Test Results of Homogeneity of Learning Outcomes Data Trials in Small Groups

No Group Sig. Description

1 Pre-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.293 Homogenous

2 Post-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.150 Homogenous

Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the value of sig. obtained is greater than 0.05; hence, it can be concluded that all groups of learning outcomes to be tested are homogeneous.

Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Small Group Trials

College students' cognitive learning outcomes score a mix of routine assignments, product assignments, and post-test scores. Cognitive assessments were conducted based on developed learning manuals. Cognitive learning outcomes in small group trials can be shown in Table 5 of the following frequency distributions:

Table 5. Frequency Distribution of Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Small Group Trials

No Pre-Test Post-Test

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Interval Class n % Interval Class N %

1 0 - 9 1 10.0 60.00 - 63.33 3 30.0

2 10 - 18 0 0.0 63.34 - 66.66 0 0.0

3 19 - 27 1 10.0 66.67 - 69.99 0 0.0


4 28 - 36 3 30.0 70.00 - 73.33 3 30.0

5 37 - 45 3 30.0 73.34 - 76.66 0 0.0

6 46 - 54 2 20.0 76.67 - 80.00 4 40.0







Based on statistical calculations, the average value of cognitive pre-test learning outcomes in small group trials was 33.66, mode 50, median 35, standard deviation 14.69, and variance 219.92, while the average cognitive post-test learning outcomes in small group trials were 71.33, mode 80, median 71.66, standard deviation 8.04, and variance 64.70. Histograms of pre-test and post-test cognitive learning outcomes in small group trials are shown in Figures 4 and 5 below:

Histogram of Cognitive Pre-test Learning Outcomes


0-9 10-18 19-27 28-36 37-4? 46-54

Interval Class (Interv al)

Figure 4. Histogram of Cognitive Pre-test Learning Outcomes in Small Group Trials

Figure 5. Histogram of Cognitive Post-test Learning Outcomes in Small Group Trials

Analysis of the effectiveness of research products was carried out twice trials, namely limited and expanded trials. Limited trials were conducted in large classes. The research subjects were taken from college students of the Dance Education Study Program, as many as ten small and 38 large groups. The duration of the meeting was six times. Effectiveness analysis included cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning outcomes. Before analyzing the college student learning


outcome score data, normality and homogeneity requirements were tested. The normality and homogeneity tests were calculated using SPSS. A summary of normality test results for college student learning outcomes data can be seen in Table 6 below:

Table 6. Test Results of Normality of Learning Outcomes Data Trials in Large Groups

No Group Sig. Description

1 Pre-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.004 Normal

2 Post-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.000 Normal

Based on Table 7, it can be seen that the value of sig. obtained was smaller than 0.05; thus, it is concluded that the group of pre-test and post-test cognitive learning outcomes to be tested is normally distributed. The results of homogeneity between groups of learning outcomes to be tested can be seen in this Table 7 below:

Table 7. Test Results of Homogeneity of Learning Outcomes Data Trials in Large Groups

No Group Sig. Description

1 Pre-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.683 Homogenous

2 Post-Cognitive Test Learning Outcomes 0.015 Inhomogenous

Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Large Group Trials

College students' cognitive learning outcomes score a mix of routine assignments, product assignments, and Post-test scores. Cognitive assessments were conducted based on developed learning manuals. Cognitive learning outcomes in large group trials can be shown in Table 8 of the following frequency distribution:

Table 8. Frequency Distribution of Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Large Group Trials

Kin - Pre-Test Post-Test

Interval Class n % Interval Class N %

1 33.33 - 35.53 4 10.5 73.33 - 76.66 2 5.3

2 35.54 - 37.73 11 28.9 76.67 - 79.99 7 18.4

3 37.74 - 39.93 0 0.0 80.00 - 83.33 19 50.0

4 39.94 - 42.13 11 28.9 83.33 - 86.66 0 0.0

5 42.14 - 44.33 7 18.4 86.67 - 89.99 6 15.8

6 44.34 - 46.67 5 13.2 90.00 - 93.33 4 10.5

Total 38 100 Total 38 100

Based on statistical calculations, the average value of cognitive pre-test learning outcomes in large group trials was 39.82, mode 12, median 40, standard deviation 4.02, and variance 16.18. Meanwhile, the average cognitive post-test learning outcomes in large group trials were 80.01, mode 24, median 81.66, standard deviation 4.81, and variance 23.14. Histograms of pre-test and post-test cognitive learning outcomes in large group trials are shown in Figures 6 and 7 below:


Figure 6. Histogram of Cognitive Pre-test Learning Outcomes in Large Group Trials

Histogram of Cognitive Post-test Learning Outcomes

20 19 18 17 16

15 -14

S 13

« 11 S to

0 9

1 5 6 5 4



73.33 - 76 66 76 67 - 79 99 SOOO-83 33 83 33 - 86 66 86 67 - 89 99 90 00 - 93.33

Interval Class (Interval)

Figure 7. Histogram of Post-test Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Large Group Trials

Differences in Small Group Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes during Pre-test and Post-test after Being Given the ICOSRIE Learning Model

Differences in small-group students' cognitive learning outcomes during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE Learning Model can be seen in Table 9 below:

Table 9. Average Distribution of Differences in Small Group Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Pre-test and Post-test after Being Given the ICOSRIE Learning Model

Small Group Cognitive Learning Outcomes N Mean SD SE P-value

Pre_Test Post_Test 10 10.10 21.10 4.408 2.025 1.394 0.640 0.001


Based on Table 9, the average cognitive learning outcomes of small groups of students during the pre-test was 10.10, with a standard deviation of 4.408. While the average cognitive learning outcomes of students during the post-test were 21.10 with a standard deviation of 2.025. The results of the statistical test obtained a p-value = 0.001; it implies that there are small group cognitive learning outcomes in students during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE learning model.

Differences in Large Group Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes during Pre-test and Post-test after Being Given the ICOSRIE Learning Model

Differences in large-group students' cognitive learning outcomes during the pre-test and post-test after being given the ICOSRIE learning model can be seen in Table 10 below:

Table 10. Average Distribution of Differences in Large Group Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes

in Pre-test and Post-test after Being Given the ICOSRIE Learning Model

Large Group Cognitive Learning Outcomes n Mean SD SE P-value

Pre_Test Post_Test 38 11.95 24.61 1.207 1.443 0.196 0.234 0.001

Research Discussion

In the section, a discussion of research results was presented, namely 1) validity test results, 2) product feasibility, and 3) product effectiveness. The research results were reasonable if they considered the characteristics of the ICOSRIE learning model. Theoretically, the development of dance learning models for kindergarten and elementary school education was carried out for learning outcomes that must be mastered by college students, namely knowledge, attitudes, and skills and the application of good dance learning in kindergarten and elementary education. Thus, the process and learning outcomes of college students will be better. The following will explain the relationship between the research results obtained, the relationship with learning theory, and relevant research results.

As stated, the learning development product is valid if the assessment of the six validators against all instruments is in the valid category. The development product is feasible and effective if it meets the indicators; hence, based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the resulting products in the form of model books, lecturer manuals, college students' manuals, and textbooks are feasible and effective to be used in dance learning for kindergarten and elementary education.

The ICOSRIE learning model was tested in small group trials with six face-to-face meetings. Based on the description of the needs analysis of the problems of learning models and processes and the characteristics of college students, the needs in kindergarten and elementary education dance courses require learning models that can improve understanding, skills, and attitudes, from three aspects of learning achievement competencies, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. In the cognitive aspect, namely 1) the ability to describe the objectives of each learning, 2) being able to identify the function of dance learning in kindergarten and elementary education, and 3) the ability to minimize errors and revision of actions taken. In the affective aspect, it is expected to be 1) punctuality, 2) active work in groups or teams, 3) working together, 4) problem-solving skills, and 5) communication skills. In the psychomotor aspect, it is expected that 1) the ability to carry out the stages of dance learning in kindergarten and elementary school education correctly, 2) be able to show the results of the creative process carried out by kindergarten and elementary school students, and 3) the ability to practice independently.

The next activity was to design a learning model based on the results of the analysis stage that has been carried out. Model design began with several activities: 1) literature study of theories and concepts that are suitable for kindergarten and elementary dance education learning; 2) curriculum analysis of kindergarten and elementary school dance education courses to obtain learning outcomes and learning objectives, which were summarized in the form of educational dance learning


competence maps; 3) observation of the relevance of teaching materials for educational dance materials; 4) design test items and task questions for cognitive assessment. As stated by Yuli setyowati (2023a), there is a gap between the understanding of the individual himself and the understanding assisted by experts (lecturers), so the learning curve of college students can be accelerated with the help and support of others. The development of the kindergarten and elementary education dance learning model also involves college students active during the learning process to produce a product; thus, there is interaction and the process of seeking high information/ knowledge.

Another view that underlies the dance education learning model is that the active involvement of college students in learning will change their initial knowledge with new knowledge. It creates long-term memory. To measure the extent of college students' involvement with people other than themselves through assignments, which is also in line with the research stated by Mukharomah et al. (2021), 'finding design-based research models can improve learning outcomes more effectively'. Setiawan et al. (2019) state that learners' approach to the task (their intention) determines the extent of their involvement with learning, affecting the quality of outcomes. Learners can achieve it through a high level of cognitive processing throughout the learning process.

Based on these activities, the ICOSRIE learning model consisted of six syntaxes. The ICOSRIE learning model design was further validated. Validation was carried out by six experts. The expected validation achievement was an assessment from experts on developing the ICOSRIE learning model, which was designed so that suggestions and criticisms from experts refer to revising the product to make it more suitable for use. In addition, experts also validate the assessment instruments used during the research process. The objective is to examine each question item on the instrument linguistically and analytically against measured things (Yulisetyowati, 2023b). Furthermore, declared valid instruments can be used to produce data that lead to realistic statistical analysis, and no deviation of research results occurs. The instrument's validity based on Aiken's V calculation has been obtained, and the assessment instrument is appropriate (valid) as a measuring instrument used during the ICOSRIE learning model development research.

Furthermore, at the development stage, several revisions were made to the ICOSRIE learning model, model books, textbooks, lecturer manuals, and college student manuals based on the validation results. The development of the ICOSRIE learning model was measured in validity using several instruments. The validation sheet instrument against the syntax construct was used to measure the construct quality of the ICOSRIE learning model syntax in the Dance education kindergarten and elementary school courses. Based on the validation results, the syntax of the ICOSRIE learning model was revised to produce five short steps, namely: 1) Introduction, 2) Conceptualization, 3) Stimulus-Response, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation.

Aiken's V formula was employed to analyze content validation coefficients and internal consistency constructability to existing items. The ICOSRIE learning model uses Aiken's V formula to declare research products valid. Aiken's V index indicates that a product's content is valid if it is within 0.88 < V < 1. Thus, Table 4.39 are known that research products, in the form of ICOSRIE learning model books, ICOSRIE learning textbooks, lecturer manuals, and college students' manuals, were valid. The average of the content validity and construct test results were calculated to see the eligibility category.

The average value of model book validation was 0.82 with a percentage of 82% results so that the research products developed meet the criteria of valid and very feasible categories.

1. The average value of textbook validation was 0.84 with a percentage of 84% results so that the research product developed meets the criteria of valid and very feasible categories.

2. The average score of lecturer guidebook validation was 0.82 with a percentage of 82% results so that the research products developed meet valid criteria and are categorized as very feasible.

3. The average result of the validation of the college student's guidebook was 0.83, with a percentage of results of 83%. Hence, the research product developed meets the valid and very feasible criteria.

Then, it is implemented in lectures. Activities carried out at the implementation stage were measuring the feasibility and effectiveness of research products by applying research products in learning. Feasibility tests were carried out by analyzing data from the feasibility assessment


questionnaire of each product. This test was carried out to determine the feasibility level of research products using the TCR formula. Research products are applied in the learning process in small and large-group trials.

Based on the large TCR criteria obtained in the feasibility test included in the very feasible category, the research product was declared feasible to be applied to dance learning in kindergarten and elementary education. Responses to products used by lecturers and college students fall into the very feasible category because there is relevance between the syntax of the learning model and ICOSRIE and the learning scenarios described in textbooks, lecturer manuals, and college student manuals. The compiled textbooks are helpful for college students in collecting initial data and analyzing investigational data. The handbook contains clear and authentic aspects of assessment so that college students can prepare for good assessments. Another response is that the ICOSRIE learning model makes college students learn actively. Based on respondents' responses to the products developed in the outline, it can be said that research products can solve problems in the needs of dance courses and kindergarten and elementary school education.

The feasibility of the product developed has an impact on the effectiveness of learning. The effectiveness test was conducted to see the improvement in college students' learning outcomes after going through a learning process using the ICOSRIE learning model. The limited trial was carried out on college students of the Dance Education Study Program at the Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan, with a sample of 10 college students. In field trials carried out on college students of the Dance Education Study Program at the Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan, with many samples, there were 38 college students. Before the treatment was carried out, these two groups of classes were tested for their initial ability using pre-test questions to show that both groups of study subjects were populations that had the same initial skills. Effectiveness analysis included college students' learning outcomes obtained from the total cognitive score (NK) against the product (routine tasks, product tasks, and post-test), psychomotor score (NP), and affective value (NAF)—data analysis using SPSS with statistical requirements of normality and homogeneity tests. The normality and homogeneity test results between the control and experimental classes in each aspect of the assessment showed a significant value of > 0.05. A summary of the results of the effectiveness analysis of the percentage difference in learning outcomes between the control and experimental classes is shown in Table 11 below:

Table 11. Summary of Percentage Difference in Values

Outcome Average Value of Trials Percentage Difference

Small Group Large Group (%)

Cognitive Aspects 73.33 82.02 8.69

The percentage difference between small and large groups was significant. However, to test the correctness of a significant difference, the next test used an independent sample t-test with SPSS. The results of the t-test were useful for knowing the difference in the data analyzed, so the conclusions obtained are that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the results of the t-test, the following results are obtained, as shown in Table 12:

Table 12. Summary of Research Product Effectiveness Test Results

Assessment Sig. Description

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Aspect Small Group Trials Large Group


Cognitive 0.01 0.00 H0 rejected, and Ha

accepted (effective)

Based on the results of the research product effectiveness test summarized in Table 12, obtaining a sig. value on the t-test < 0.05 indicates that the research product was effective. There were differences in learning outcomes between the application of the ICOSRIE learning model and the previously used learning model with significant differences. The results of the t-test reinforce that college students' scores on cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects were higher than those of previous college students.


The results show the effectiveness of the ICOSRIE learning model, with several explanations related to the stages of the ICOSRIE model that affect the effectiveness of dance learning in kindergarten and elementary education. At the introduction stage, the delivery of knowledge in the form of interrelated statements or ideas becomes the basis or guidance in learning so that college students can more easily recognize the problems they face. Then, the material was presented in a logical and procedural sequence at the conceptualization stage. In understanding dance material, kindergarten, and elementary school education were required to understand the material in sequence because it requires high understanding and patience in teaching. The next stage was stimulus-response, where knowledge was conveyed by providing stimuli that can spur a response or a response in the form of creativity. This activity encouraged college students to think critically, understand problem-solving, and apply learning materials to the products to be produced. Then, implementation, which boils down to the activity of action, whether concrete action or a planned system mechanism. At this stage, practice was carried out on the material that had been studied. Then, in the last stage, the evaluation of students whom college students have taught performs kindergarten and elementary school education dance, and lecturers evaluate the results of the application of the ICOSRIE model carried out by college students through the performance of kindergarten and elementary school education dance displayed. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that ICOSRIE learning is effectively used in dance learning for kindergarten and elementary school education.


The conclusion of this study is to answer the research objectives. Research on the development of the ICOSRIE learning model resulted in the following statements:

1. This research produces ICOSRIE learning model products for kindergarten and elementary school education, which produce ICOSRIE learning model books, textbooks, lecturer manuals, and college student guidebooks.

2. The ICOSRIE learning model integrates four active learning models: problem-based, inquiry-based, and cooperative. The active learning model centers more on college students in the learning process and lecturers as supervisors or facilitators. The syntax of the ICOSRIE learning model has five steps: 1) introduction, 2) conceptualization, 3) stimulus-response, 4) implementation, and 6) evaluation. The expected achievement of implementing the ICOSRIE learning model is to improve learning outcomes through a real and productive learning process.

3. The feasibility test results of the four research products reveal that the ICOSRIE learning model research products developed are very feasible to be used in the dance learning process of kindergarten and elementary school education and are valid.

4. The results of the effectiveness test of the ICOSRIE learning model were developed to demonstrate effective criteria for use.

5. The lecturer's response to this model is a sense of optimism about achieving learning objectives. An analysis of the lecturer's response was obtained from the trial of the model draft to the validation of the model. The lecturers involved gave a positive response to the use of the model.


Based on the research results, it is expected to be developed further to add scientific sources that have many innovations in choosing learning models using the ICOSRIE learning model, which aims to improve the cognitive aspects of students in learning dance education.


Research gratitude is given to all parties involved in taking research data compiled based on the results of the researcher's analysis.


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