© 2014
A.A. Ishchenko, assistant of the chair «Economic Theory and Competition Policy»
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Annotation: This article describes tools of the monitoring and estimating of the financial stability of the bank. Proposed an approach to assessing the quality of bank's management as a part of the estimating system of its financial stability, through calculating the intermediate and compose indicators of the quality of individual components of management.
Keywords: assessment tools for the financial stability of the bank, management's assessment, algorithm for quality estimating, quality properties of managers of the bank.
УДК: 339.923(4)+339.924(477)
© 2014
О.М. Кириченко, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры менеджмента внешнеэкономической деятельности
Национальный университет пищевых технологий, Киев (Украина)
Аннотация. В статье обобщаются последствия вступления стран ЦВЕ в ЕС, рассматриваются проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в Украине и перспективы, которые перед ней открываются, в условиях интеграции в европейское пространство.
Ключевые слова: регулирование, экономическая интеграция, Европейский Союз, страны-члены ЕС, внешнеэкономические отношения.
Problem Definition. In due time termination of the extended and complicated process of the accession of ten countries of the Central, Eastern Europe countries and Baltic States to the EU was the most notable event in the EU economic and external economic development. The extension was preceded by deep reforms of mutual adaptation implemented by the both parties. At that, among five basic priorities of the European Commission activity for the next five years, three of them have the direct relationship to the economic development, namely:
- creating conditions for economic growth and the working places quantity input with purpose of the defined goals achievement;
- successful solution to the problems as a result of the EU extension; the life quality improvement purposed to development of the modern model of European society made on the dynamic economic development;
- observance of social justice principles.
In the context of cease of the processes of European integration and presumptive possibility of the associated membership of Ukraine in November 2013, we consider necessary to analyze the economic and social impacts of the accession of the Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEE) to the EU.
Purpose of this article consists in summarizing the impact of the CEE countries integration way and using their positive experience in the external economic strategy of Ukraine.
Literature Sources Review. At the up-to-day stage the economic science gives attention to the study of integration processes of economic relations forming strategic interests of the different countries and their associations. Such scientists as P.Yu.Buriak, B.V.Hubskyi, O.H.Hupalo, H.N.Klymko, D.H.Lukianenko, T.V.Novykova, O.O.Ponomarenko, Ye.V.Saveliev, V.R.Sydenko et al. dedicated their works to the countries' integration progress study. This study singularity consists in summarizing to our country the experience of the CEE countries on their way to the consolidated Europe.
Basic Material Exposition. At the end of 90s of the XX century the European Community admitted official candidates to the accession and opened the negotiation process concerning joining to it with 14 states of the Central and Eastern Europe and Mediterranean space (hereinafter - "CEE countries"), namely Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Hungary and Czech Republic), and later with two more
(Bulgaria and Romania). The named countries declared their wish to integrate into the EU, and the preparative was done with their affiliation.
Having analyzed the antecedent results of the social and economic development by the example of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Czechia after their accessioning to the EU, one can emphasize both positive and negative results.
Today the Republic of Poland is the example of the country where the efficient economic and socio-political reforms resulted in the strong economic advance and political stability, and its authority and political heft is evergrowing the worldwide. Within the last 20 years it managed to perform multiple reforms, and is characterized as one of the most stable and long-term country of Europe.
By the social studies results, in spite of the economic problems survived by the EU during the course of the world financial and economic decline, the prevailing part of the Polish population continue to consider this step the pivotal point in process of the return of Poland to Europe. The Poles liked the impetuous development of the Polish economy resulted from the EU substantial financial aid (the credits, and the investments), and the country integration to the single European market. The population accepted joining of Poland to the Shengen Convention enabling the Polish citizens to move freely, to study and to work in the EU countries. And this, naturally, showed a great improvement of the situation at the Polish job market, and generally influenced the increasing role of the Polish state on the international scene.
Growth of the gross national product per one inhabitant of the country is the factor of the Polish economy development positive dynamics: as compared to the mean European index of the EU countries, from 43 % in 2003 to 51 % in 2011. The labor efficiency index increased by 23 % this very period. Accession of Poland to the EU considerably increased the cost effectiveness of agricultural products and the agrarians' financial position: in 2011 the average profit of the country agricultural laborers increased by 90 % by contrast to 2000. For account of the EU budget means Poland realized and continue to realize considerable quantity of the investment projects in the highways, local roads and railroads construction and repair.
It is to note that the EU membership guarantees the energy preparedness of Poland. First of all, it is related to the energy carriers stocks accumulation in Poland (according to the EU requirements), gaining the offing of access to the European assistance in provision of the Polish energetic needs, and to
integration of the country vapor-transport and electric power nets to the EU electric systems. The considerable part of the Poland energetic policy is assigned to realization of new technologies of shale gas extraction which shall result in reduction of its dependence upon the gas import, and, first of all, from Russia. All the foregoing enables Warsaw to effective avoiding the failure in energy sources supply to the Polish market.
The negative impacts of the Poland membership in the EU consists only in quota arrangement of some types of Polish goods admissibility to the European market caused imbroglio between Warsaw and Brussels. At the same time, the European Commission forced the government of Poland to acknowledge the industrial failure (because of the non-competitiveness) and to sell two Polish dockyards in Gdynia and Szszecin.
Certainly, negative impacts of the global financial and economic crisis concerned Poland too, and it had some economic problems, but it managed to keep the positive dynamics of economic development (at the level of 1.5 % in 2011), which goes beyond the corresponding indexes in majority of the EU countries.
In relation to accession of Czech (ChR) to the EU, in 2004 growth of the gross national product was noted. In 20052006 the ChR reached the gross national product average annual increase by 6.1 %. By this index the ChR came to the 5th place among the member states of the EU. The Czech specialists consider the high increase factor consisting not in the external economic sphere, but in expansion of the domestic demand, and, first of all, increase of the population consumption level. The years following the ChR accession the national measure indexes were better, and especially positive was the achievement of the external trade positive balance, and keeping of the low-level inflation.
The CzR commerce is oriented to the external market. After accessioning to the EU the customs fees of the goods import on the territory of the country were eliminated. Due to the market openness and to the import of new equipment in frame of the industry re-equipment, Czech is characterized by the trade balance deficit. But the negative balance is compensated by means of the income of foreign citizens visiting the country.
Predominantly positive are the impacts of Slovakia accession to the Eu. In this country the growth of the gross national product stays stable from year to year (at the level of 4-5 %) as a result of the export extension and domestic demand activation.
Generally, the countries, new members of the EU, succeeded to keep the level of competitive power of their states economies in frame of the Single European Market, and actually the industries and agriculture of the CEE countries steadily meet competition to the West European manufacturers.
Except the above listed positive factors of the Central and East European countries economies development we can add the following:
- increase of the products volume export both to the EU countries (for example, Polish export of agricultural products to the markets of the EU member states increased by 40 %) and to the other markets;
- increase of foreign investments. At that, the part of reinvestments was about EUR1.8 billion. The increase of the flow of investments to the CEE countries became possible as a result of increase of foreign investors confidence to the named countries as to the EU full members;
- growth of domestic demand. In all the countries, the EU new members, were observed the increase of the private consumption volume, and not so high rate - the social consumption that, in total, resulted in domestic demand extension.
We believe that among the most considerable economic problems of the EU new member countries shall be determined as follows:
- the central government budget deficit. Czechia was the most successful in reduction of the central government budget deficit; at that the ChR (one in this region) did not abate the tax rates but, inversely, raised them. The central government budget deficit narrowing was possible as a result of increase of the tax proceeds and reduction of the budgetary expenses, and most efficient operations of the extra-budgetary funds and institutions, increase of the nontax revenues, namely, the dividends of the state enterprises and shares, held in the state ownership, the funds got from the sale of telecommunication licenses;
- the considerable problem of the EU new members is the tendency to these states external debts increase. The problem of the state debt volume increase growth is characteristic to all the Central Europe countries. In the countries - the EU new members, the negative tendency of the total state debt is observed since 2000. In the ratio to the GNP, the state debt of Czechia, Poland and Slovakia overcomes 40 %, and in Hungary this index was about 60 %.
Taking all the foregoing into account, when preparing efforts of the accession of Ukraine into the EU, it shall be necessary to take into consideration the complex of socioeconomic problems of the EU new members with purpose to their maximum solving for Ukraine.
It will be observed that the integration of the economy of Ukraine into the global economic relations over the transition period was unmethodical in whole. The grounded long term programs of improvement of the national competitiveness, production remodeling, reduction of expenses and prices, improvement of the quality of production and the economy structure optimization were not processed.
Signature of association agreement with the EU in November 2013 shall create the possibilities which Ukraine can utilize for introduction of the national manufacturers' goods into the extended and promising European market.
In terms of the extension policy the EU gives to Ukraine the possibility to look to its role strengthening in process of forming the Common European and global security space and intensification of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU.
It should be noted that the EU new Common Market countries' Governments are supporting the efforts of Ukraine on the way of integration to the European community. In particular, the Government of Poland expressly supported the purpose declared by Ukraine to become member of the EU and noted that this intention merits to be supported by Brussels.
It must be emphasized that in economic aspect Ukraine counts on increase of commodity exchange with the European Union countries; intensification of bilateral trade related to acceleration of the rate of the named countries economies growth as a result of accession to the EU; application of new technologies to the national economy; improvement of the Ukrainian exporters access to the EU new members markets; increase of investments in Ukraine related to decrease of the domestic market security level against import of goods from the EU countries, tax advantages liquidation, etc.
Besides, to our opinion, one should resolve positively the problems of facilitation of the Ukrainian exporters and importers commercial activity, cost saving at fulfillment of the foreign trade agreements in relation to application of the European Law system in the EU new countries and creation of more developed institutes of market regulations; reduction of volume of traffic operations, illegal migration and other types of underground operations; transformation of Ukrainian state border to border with the EU which shall contribute to creation of possibility for more complete draft on funds of the European aid programs for the Ukrainian border infrastructure development and reduction of the illegal border trade level.
One can list the following positive impacts of associate membership:
- improvement of Ukrainian goods and services access
to the European Common Market (according to agreements the EU middle rate for Ukrainian goods shall be reduced from 7.6 % to 0.5 % from the moment of the Agreement entry into force);
- growth of the export of the goods and services to the EU (2-3 %) and of the import from the EU (0.8-1.5 %);
- re-equipment and modernization of the national enterprises which is essential to the national production. Creation of technical basis for high technologies forming in all the national economy branches needs taking effective measures of the state structural and scientific-technical policy which shall result in development of the domestic production of microelectronic components and electronic products characterized by the value added high content and was the source of economic growth of various countries;
- the economic advance facilitation: real growth of gross domestic product related to the basic level in limits of 0.7-0.9 % during 3 years;
- activation of capital inflow as a result of the business climate improvement thanks to institutional changes, and first of all from the EU member states (growth of annual investments to the economy of our country by 10-30 %, that makes from USD400 millions to USD1.2 billion of additional contributions);
- increase of the currency receipt for account of activation of the external economic activity;
- increase of receipts to the national budget from the VAT payment at the import customs clearance;
Ukraine has an important agricultural sector which potential, as opposed to traditional participants of the world agrarian products markets (USA, Eu, and Canada), is not used up. By the specialists' estimates, only one third of the nature and society productive power is used in Ukraine. The agricultural products of Ukraine are competitive on the world markets and signature of association with the EU shall not make problems in this sector.
In addition, there is a range of eventual risks which shall be taken into consideration:
- reformatting of commercial relations with the Customs Union, and, primarily, with the RF. In case of decrease in exports only to the RF by 30 % the falldown of the gross national product of Ukraine shall make by 2.1 % of the GNP, and in case of the falldown by 50 % - by 3.5 % of the GNP;
- the social risk of application by the RF for the Ukrainian citizens of more hard rules of entry and sojourn which can be transformed to the economic risk, and corresponding electoral risks (according to various estimates, about 2 millions of Ukrainian labor migrants are employed in the RF);
- the increase of European goods imports to Ukraine (the average rate for European goods in Ukraine shall be reduced from 4.95 % to 2.42 % during 10 years);
- the necessity of re-equipment and change of production methods, which shall require the supplementary costs;
- the aggravation of the export structure as a result of the national exporters reorientation from the finished goods export to the raw materials and semi-finished goods outflow;
- in case of application by the Customs Union of selective protection mechanisms (primarily, tariff raising for sensitive goods), it shall close the real export of food products group, metallurgical and piped goods, some types of machine building goods from Ukraine;
- the reduction of budgetary receipts from the duty on entry payment at the first year can make about UAH2 billions, at the second year - up to UAH2.5 billions. The budgetary disbenefit can be partially set off at the cost of the external trade turnover recovery;
- the risk of loss of some branches of industry of Ukraine, and first of all, the chemical and petrochemical industry, and the machine building industry because of their competitiveness low level;
- growth of the structural unemployment level and increase of the labor power migration to the other countries.
Conclusions. When effecting arrangements of the accession of Ukraine to the EU it is necessary to take into consideration, in the near- and intermediate prospects, both the positive factors availability, and the set of socio-economic problems which shall complicate the further development of the country. But, in the long-term prospect (the attraction of financial resources of the EU including) the national competitive recovery and the population rising of living standards will took place.
The graduality of successful efforts in development of the trade and economic relations of Ukraine with the EU member countries, conformity of the economy of Ukraine to the market economy criteria, and its competitiveness in the EU market environment shall approximate Ukraine to the European Union membership criteria. To the effect to reach the economic conditions necessary to the accession of Ukraine to the EU, it shall be necessary:
- to provide the GNP annual rate of growth in Ukraine not less than 6-7 % (half-twice as large than in the EU countries in general);
- to master the innovative model of structural adjustment and growth which realization shall provide considerable competitive recovery of Ukrainian economy and further establishment of Ukraine as the high-technological state;
- to provide consistent background for narrowing of the existing gap between the level and quality of life standards with the EU countries.
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© 2014
O.N. Kirichenko, PhD, Associate Professor Management of foreign economic activity
National University of Food Technologies, Kiev (Ukraine)
Annotation: The article summarizes the impact of accession of the CEE countries to the EU, addresses the problems that may arise in Ukraine and prospects that are opened in front of it, in terms of integration to the European space. Keywords: regulation, economic integration, European Union, member country EU, external economic relations.
УДК 338.24
© 2014
Е.Б. Козак, кандидат экономических наук, доцент Одесская национальная академия пищевых технологий, Одесса (Украина))
Аннотация: Статья посвящена исследованию структуре и составляющих экономической безопасности. Проанализировано понятие экономической безопасности как одного из аспектов национальной безопасности.
Ключевые слова: безопасность, национальная безопасность, продовольственная безопасность, социальная безопасность, экономическая безопасность, социальная стабильность, продовольственное обеспечение.
Постановка проблемы в общем виде и ее связь с важными научными и практическими задачами. Продовольственная безопасность является основой благосостояния, научно-технического развития и независимости каждого государства остается одной из вечных мировых проблем, не потеряла актуальности и в XXI веке. Специфика данной проблемы заключается в том, что ее решение определяется различными аспектами мирового развития - от экономических и политических до социокультурных и этносоциальных.
Анализ последних исследований и публикаций, в которых рассматривались аспекты этой проблемы и на которых обосновывается автор; выделение неразрешенных раньше частей общей проблемы. Исследование понятия экономической безопасности государства, классификации экономических угроз и интересов государства, подходов к оценке уровня экономической безопасности государства, принципов формирования системы обеспечения экономической безопасности государства освещены в работах таких отечественных и зарубежных ученых, как: Л. Абалкин, В. Билоус, О. Бандурка, О. Барановський, И. Бинько, В. Геец, С. Глазьев, Б. Гриер, В. Духов, М. Ермошенко, Я. Жалило, Б. Кваснюк, Т. Ковальчук, В. Манилов, Г. Маховский, С. Мердок,
B. Мунтиян, Н. Нижник, Г. Пастернак-Таранушенко,
C. Пирожков, К. Петрова, В. Сенчагов, Г. Сытник, А. Сухоруков, Я. Тимберген, И. Червяков, В. Шлемко, Д. Фишер, В. Ярочкин и др.
Формирование целей статьи (постановка задания). Основной целью статьи есть исследование структуры и составляющих экономической безопасности государства. Понятие экономической безопасности как одного из аспектов национальной безопасности.
Изложение основного материала исследования с полным обоснованием полученных научных результатов. Проблема управления безопасностью носит многоаспектный и междисциплинарный характер. В последние десятилетия вопросам формирования безопасности на разных уровнях и в разных аспектах уделялось особое внимание со стороны ученых и практиков в сфере социологических, политических, экономических, исторических, социально-экологических, социально-информационных и других исследований, и они достаточно широко освещены в специальной литературе.
В научной литературе представлены различные подходы к понятию «экономическая безопасность». В рамках системного подхода находятся структурные элементы экономической безопасности, позволяющие выработать принципы, адекватные устойчивым условиям экономического развития [1].
Детерминистский (факторный) подход к анализу экономической безопасности предполагает выявление условий, а также причин, масштаба и проявления экономической опасности, что способствует формированию соответствующих методов отражения угроз [2].
В рамках функционального подхода исследуются правоохранительные функции по защите внутри - и внешнеэкономических интересов страны [3], тогда как геоэкономический подход способствует выявлению элементов данного процесса, способных позитивно и негативно влиять на комплексную безопасность украинского социума [4].
Таким образом, в современной научной литературе существуют системный, факторный, функциональный и геополитический подходы к понятию «экономическая безопасность», которые выступают концептуальной основой для выяснения его значимости в системе комплексной безопасности социума.
Несмотря на то, что продовольственной безопасности и изучению различных аспектов благосостояния населения уделено достаточно много внимания в экономической науке, отдельные аспекты этой проблемы нуждаются в данный момент дополнительного обоснования с целью дальнейшего совершенствования национальной экономики. Недостаточно разработан целый ряд вопросов обоснования концепции продовольственной безопасности и оценки ее влияния на повышение уровня и качества жизни, определения места продовольственной безопасности в системе национальной безопасности, формирование эффективного механизма обеспечения продовольственной безопасности.
Современное геополитическое и международное положение, кризис отечественной экономики, обострение общественных отношений и социальная поляризация общества создают прямую угрозу безопасности украинским гражданам.
Категория «безопасность» и связанные с ней понятия является, как и ранее, одними из наиболее противоречивых в экономике, социологии, философии, политической теории и теории международных отношений. В зависимости от концептуальных а также политико-идеологических предпочтений того или иного ученого, подходы к трактовке этого понятия существенно различаются.
Под безопасностью в научной литературе понимают совокупность актуальных факторов, обеспечивающих благоприятные условия для развития страны, жизнеспособности государства и достижения национальной цели, социального идеала - благополучия всех граждан и семей. Целесообразность развития и сохранения фундаментальных ценностей и традиций народа Украины;