Научная статья на тему 'Immunogenetic features of the red-and-white cattle formation of Krasnoyarsk Krai'

Immunogenetic features of the red-and-white cattle formation of Krasnoyarsk Krai Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Eremina I. Yu., Gerasimova L. A., Kuklina A. I.

Introduction . Stable functioning of both natural and human-made populations is based primarily on the gene pool, and is supported by genetic diversity. Commercialization of individual breeds definitely reduces biodiversity, therefore monitoring of the state of heterogeneity is necessary. Purpose . The purpose of the research was to study the micro evolutionary processes on the example of the gene pool formation of dairy cattle to adjust the breeding process. The object of study was the population of red-and-white cattle of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Object, materials and methods . The initial material for the research was the results of testing animal blood samples. Immunogenetic characteristics of blood groups of animals of the original breeds and Holsteinized hybrids F1 and F2 were studied. The genetic structure of the population was investigated according to the frequencies of antigenic factors, the frequencies of phenogroups. The test results were subjected to genetic and mathematical analysis to assess the state of genetic systems in a population, breed or breeding group (line) of animals. Results, discussion . The conducted clustering clearly demonstrates the high degree of intra-breed similarity of the original Simmental breed both at the interlinear and interpopulation levels. In general, for the studied populations, no linear consolidation was detected. Linear differentiation exists only at the intraherd level. Methodical approaches to the construction of dendrograms are shown. Conclusion . The conducted research established the possibility of using a number of indicators for assessing the measure of interand intra-breed differentiation. This method is one of the methods of molecular taxonomy and is of interest from the point of view of improving animal breeding methods.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Immunogenetic features of the red-and-white cattle formation of Krasnoyarsk Krai»

УДК 575.174.015.3:636.082.22 DOI: 10.30914/2411-9687-2019-5-1-72-79

Immunogenetic features of the red-and-white cattle formation

of Krasnoyarsk Krai

1 2 2 I. Yu. Eremina , L. A. Gerasimova , A. I. Kuklina

1 Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, Krasnoyarsk, 2 Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technologies, Krasnoyarsk

Introduction. Stable functioning of both natural and human-made populations is based primarily on the gene pool, and is supported by genetic diversity. Commercialization of individual breeds definitely reduces biodiversity, therefore monitoring of the state of heterogeneity is necessary. Purpose. The purpose of the research was to study the micro evolutionary processes on the example of the gene pool formation of dairy cattle to adjust the breeding process. The object of study was the population of red-and-white cattle of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Object, materials and methods. The initial material for the research was the results of testing animal blood samples. Immunogenetic characteristics of blood groups of animals of the original breeds and Holsteinized hybrids F1 and F2 were studied. The genetic structure of the population was investigated according to the frequencies of antigenic factors, the frequencies of phenogroups. The test results were subjected to genetic and mathematical analysis to assess the state of genetic systems in a population, breed or breeding group (line) of animals. Results, discussion. The conducted clustering clearly demonstrates the high degree of intra-breed similarity of the original Simmental breed both at the interlinear and interpopulation levels. In general, for the studied populations, no linear consolidation was detected. Linear differentiation exists only at the intraherd level. Methodical approaches to the construction of dendrograms are shown. Conclusion. The conducted research established the possibility of using a number of indicators for assessing the measure of inter- and intra-breed differentiation. This method is one of the methods of molecular taxonomy and is of interest from the point of view of improving animal breeding methods.

Keywords: gene pool, immunogenetic monitoring, population, breeding, differentiation, dairy breeds of cattle.

Иммуногенетические особенности формирования

красно-пестрого скота Красноярского края

1 2 2 И. Ю. Еремина , Л. А. Герасимова , А. И. Куклина

1 Красноярский государственный аграрный университет, г. Красноярск 2 Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф Решетнева, г. Красноярск

Введение. Устойчивое функционирование как природных, так и антропогенных популяций базируется, прежде всего, на генофонде и поддерживается генетическим разнообразием. Коммерциализация отдельных пород определенно снижает биоразнообразие, поэтому необходим мониторинг состояния гетерогенности. Целью исследования было изучение микроэволюционных процессов на примере формирования генофонда молочного скота для корректировки селекционного процесса. Объектом изучения были популяции красно-пестрого крупного рогатого скота на территории Красноярского края. Объект, материалы и методы. Исходным материалом для проведения исследования были результаты тестирования образцов крови животных. Изучали иммуногенетические характеристики групп крови животных линий исходных пород и голштинизированных помесей F1 и F2. Генетическую структуру популяции исследовали по частотам антигенных факторов, частотам феногрупп. Результаты тестирования подвергались генетическому и математическому анализу для оценки состояния генетических систем в популяции, породе или селекционной группе животных (линии). Результаты исследования, обсуждения. Проведенная кластеризация наглядно демонстрирует высокую степень внутрипородного сходства исходной симментальской породы как на межлинейном, так и на межпопуляционном уровнях. В целом, по исследуемым популяциям, линейной консолидации не выявлено. Линейная дифференциация существует пока лишь на внутристад-ном уровне. Показаны методические подходы к построению дендрограмм. Заключение. Проведенное исследование установило возможность использования ряда показателей для оценки меры меж- и внутрипородной дифференциации. Этот метод является одним из методов молекулярной таксономии и представляет интерес с точки зрения совершенствования методов селекции животных.

Ключевые слова: генофонд, иммуногенетический мониторинг, популяция, селекция, дифференциация, молочные породы крупного рогатого скота.


General biological questions that previously belonged to the sphere of competence of academic science are increasingly emerging and strongly demanding solutions in the practice of modern livestock raising. It is becoming very important to timely assess and adjust the current level of diversity in populations since the basis of any gene pool is genetic diversity, formed from intra- and inter-population components. This applies not only to natural species, which is a complex multi-level population system, but also to cultural selection achievements, in particular, to breeds, breed types, lines and crosses [2; 6; 9; 10; 12-15].

Globalization and commercialization of individual breeds, with all its significant advantages, manifested, first of all, in raising the productivity of animals, definitely reduces biodiversity [3; 6; 12].

Modern breeding of dairy cattle is based on two opposite and complementary methods: breeding within purebred populations, as a means of genetic improvement, and interbreeding, as a means of increasing the production of livestock products, milk in particular. However, the question of the degree of heterosis use remains open; there is no sufficient information about the compatibility of breeds and lines and about unpredictable inbreeding. Besides, the advertised crossbreeding schemes are not optimized for the specific natural and technological conditions of cultivation and use of the obtained hybrids. This, in its turn, does not allow sufficient realization of the genetic potential of productivity [11; 13; 16].

Economic indicators (levers) can not provide sufficient breeding efficiency as well, since, as a rule,

they are based on quantitative characteristics determined by polygens. Therefore, an inadequate forecast based on inaccurate information, incorrect estimates and erroneous conclusions may lead to incorrect breeding decisions.

In gene pools of many breeds there is a tendency to the reduction of genetic diversity by blood groups [2]. The decisive factor influencing these processes is the sharp decrease in the number of stud bulls for artificial insemination. Consequently, most of the hereditary factors of cows in new generations are eliminated. In specific conditions of breeding work, animals of only certain genotypes acquire a selective advantage, which causes their better survival, and, therefore, increase in the concentration of these antigen-combinations [10; 11; 13].

Objects and methods

Breeding herds of the red-and-white root, bred in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Krai were the objects of the research.

A new type of Yenisei red-and-white cattle (fig. 1) is approved; a strategic program of work with the breed and the lines was developed and is being implemented [1; 8].

In total, the analysis used data on 13,000 animals from nine breeding populations of red-and-white cattle represented by the herds: the "Krasnyy mayak" breeding farm, the "Kanskii" breeding farm, the breeding farm named after Dzerzhinsky, the "Abansky" farmstead, the "Borodinsky" breeding farm, FGUP ZAO "Kras-noturansky breeding farm", ZAO "Tubinsk", ZAO "Solgonskoe" and ZAO "Nazarovskoye" [4; 5; 7].

Simmental breed (old type)/ Симментальская порода (Photo by V. A. Pleshakov)

Fig. 1. Appearance of the Siberian type of livestock /

Yenisei type of red-and-white breed1 / Енисейский тип красно-пестрой породы

Рис. 1. Внешний вид Сибирского типа крупного рогатого скота

1 URL: http://www.vniiplem.ru/krupniy-rogatiy-skot_l_16.html

The initial material for the research was the results of testing blood samples of animals. Immunogenetic characteristics of blood groups of animals of the original breeds and Holstined hybrids F1 and F2 were studied by individual herds and in general by the Yenisei type.

To study polymorphism, the data of the breeding records of the ARM "Selax Molochnyi", the OOO RC "PLINOR"1 and hemolytic tests obtained in the laboratory of the genetic control department of OAO "Krasnoyarskgromplem" and the laboratory of im-munogenetics at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University.

The frequencies of antigenic factors, the frequencies of the phenogroups reflect the genetic structure of the population. The index of genetic (antigenic) similarity of r±m is the generally accepted indicators for the comparison of the genetic structure of the population by blood groups. [16] Indices of immunogenetic distances were calculated in accordance with the recommendations of Zhivotovsky L. A. and Mashurov A. M. [11; 16].

Later, attempts were made to use different software products (PHYLIP, MEGA) to analyze available immunogenetic databases. However, these programs are primarily designed to work with nucleotide sequences of DNA or amino acids of proteins. In addition, the length of the preliminary preparation of the primary data and not always friendly interface of the program complicated the task. The algorithms of the "Statistica"2 program provide for clustering based on distances and the construction of dendrograms.

Research results

Indices of antigenic similarity between populations confirm the exclusivity of the breeding farm named after Dzerzhinsky, which has a low similarity

rate when compared with the "Abansky" farmstead, OAO "Krasnyy mayak breeding farm" and the "Boro-dinsky" breeding farm (table 1). The highest calculated index of antigenic similarity (r = 0,980) is between the populations of the breeding farm named after Dzer-zhinsky and the "Kanskii" breeding farm. It is noteworthy that these two farms gained the status of breeding farms later than others, and, therefore, the gene pool of these herds was formed somewhat apart, which was reflected in the process of ecogenesis and is been around for a long time at the gene level (table 1).

We compared the results obtained in the calculation of the antigenic similarity index between the groups of Simmental-Holstein hybrids in the populations under study and the patterns of the relationship of these groups are depicted on the dendrogram (fig. 2).

The dendrogram is represented as a set of large clusters consisting of successively connected branches. Grouping occurs, as a rule, according to the herd principle. Cluster analysis of the entire data set on the lines in the farms in question confirms the conclusion about the consolidation of animals within a single population.

Table 2 summarizes the degree of consolidation of the combined groups of red-and-white Holstein-ized cattle F1, F2. The cross-breeding coefficients of the genetic similarities are high and signal a significant genetic similarity. Thus, the combined group of Simmental breed is close to the combined group of red-and-white Holsteins F1, F2 (r = 0.954).

The livestock imported from Germany and the red-and-white crossbreeds of the "Kanskii" breeding farm have the lowest similarity with all groups (r from 0.709 to 0.853). All this indicates a low degree of differentiation of the initial selection material and a phase of transition polymorphism.

Table 1 / Таблица 1

Coefficients of genetic similarity (r ± mr) between cattle populations of breeding farms of Krasnoyarsk Krai / Коэффициенты генетического сходства (r ± mr) между популяциями крупного рогатого скота племенных хозяйств Красноярского края

Populations / Популяции "Kanskii" breeding farm / Канское племенное хозяйство Breeding farm named after Dzerzhinsky/ Племенное хозяйство имени Дзержинского "Abansky" farmstead / Абанская ферма OAO "Krasnyy mayak breeding farm" / ОАО «Племенное хозяйство «Красный маяк»

Breeding farm named after Dzerzhinsky 0,980±0,002

"Abansky" farmstead 0,896±0,009 0,823±0,018

OAO "Krasnyy mayak breeding farm" 0,948±0,004 0,862±0,012 0,931±0,007

"Borodinsky" breeding farm 0,957±0,003 0,890±0,009 0,913±0,008 0,962±0,003

1 URL: http://plinor.spb.ru.html

2 URL: https://www.statsoft.com.html

Bor simm Bor Hst F1 Bor Hst Import KrMHst F1 KrM simm Aban Hst F1 Kansk Dzer F1+simm DzerHst F1

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Interpopulational distance

Fig. 2. Dendrogram of microphilogenesis of the red-and-white Holsteinized dairy cattle of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Bor - the Borodinsky simmentals, Bor Hst F1 - the Borodinsky Fl Holsteinizeds, Bor Hst Import - the Import Borodinsky Holsteins, KrM Hst - the Krasnyy mayak Holsteinizeds, KrM simm - the Krasnyy mayak simmentals, Aban Hst Fl - the Abansky Fl Holsteinizeds, Dzer F 1+simm - the Dzerzhinsky F1 Holsteinizeds and simmentals, Kansk - the Kanskii cattle, Dzer Hst F1 - the Dzeizhinsky F1 Holsteinizeds /

Рис. 2. Дендрограмма микофилогении красно-пестрого голштинского молочного скота Красноярского края. Bor - симменталлы Бородинский , Bor Hst Fl - t голштины Fl Бородинский, Bor Hst Import - импортированные голштины Бородинский, KrM Hst - голштины Красный Мая^, KrM simm - симменталлы Красный Маяк, Aban Hst Fl - голштины Fl Абанский, Dzer Fl+simm - голштины Fta симменталлы Дзержинский, Kansk - молочный скот Канский,

Dzer Hst Fl - голштины Fl Дзержинский

Table 2 / Таблица 2

Coefficients of genetic similarity (r ± mr) between the subpopulations and the combined groups of the large horned cattle of Krasnoyarsk Krai / Коэффициенты генетического сходства (r ± mr) между субпопуляциями и объединенными группами

крупного рогатого скота Красноярского края

Subpopulations / Субпопуляция Red-and-white Holsteins German / Красно-пестрые Голштинские Немецкие Red-and-white Holsteins Kansk / Красно-пестрые Голштинские Канские Red-and-white Holsteins F1, F2 / Красно-пестрые Голштинские F1, F2 Simmental / Симментальские

Red-and-white Holsteins Kansk 0,709±0,002

Red-and-white Holsteins Fl, F2 0,853±0,002 0,798±0,005

Simmental 0,862±0,001 0,784±0,002 0,954±0,007

Simmental bulls 0,742±0,004 0,728±0,004 0,822±0,005 0,806±0,005

The results are shown in figure 3. Comparing the results obtained, it should be noted that these dendrograms adequately reflect the processes described in the analysis of indicators of genetic similarity.

In general, for the studied populations, no linear consolidation was detected. Linear differentiation exists at the intraherd level.

As far as the process of formation of a new type (fig. 4) is concerned, the changes in the gene pools of the corresponding populations should be noted. As the dendrogram shows, the same populations are grouped into different clusters over different periods of time: if in 2008 there is a similarity between the populations of Nazarovsky and

Solgonsky, then in two years this similarity per- (2008) in terms of the gene pool, i. e. it looks as if sists, but Solgonsky becomes closer to Tubinsky Solgonsky follows Tubinsky.

VBA Solg VBA Naz RefSov Naz PGNaz MChifSolg VBA TuB VBA Krtur RefSov Krtur VBA KrM RefSovKrM PGKrM M^if KrM STR KrM PG TuB RefSov Solg Roz.Sit.KrM Roz.Sit.TuB PGKrtur MOhif Naz

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Interpopulational distance

Fig. 3. Dendrogram reflecting the Euclidean distance of the Yenisei type lines of red-and-white dairy cattle. VBA Solg - the Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 line of Solgonsky population; VBA Naz - the Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 line of Nazarovsky population; RefSov Naz - the Reflection Sovereing 198998 line of Nazarovsky population; PG Naz - the Pabst Governer 88293 line of Nazarovsky population; MChif Solg - the Montvik Chiftain 95679 line of Solgonsky population; VBA Tub - the Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 line of Tubinsky population; VBA Krtur - the Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 line of Krasnoturansky population; RefSov Krtur -

the Reflection Sovereing 198998 line ofKrasnoturansky population; VBA KrM - the Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 line of Krasnyy mayak population; RefSov KrM - the Reflection Sovereing 198998 line of Krasnyy mayak population; PG KrM - the Pabst Governer 88293 line of Krasnyy mayak population; MChif KrM - the Montvik Chiftain 95679 line of Krasnyy mayak population; STR KrM -, the Sealing Trygen Rocket 252803 line of Krasnyy mayak population; PG Tub - the Pabst Governer 88293 line of Tubinsky population; RefSov Solg - the Reflection Sovereing 198998 line of Solgonsky population; RozSit KrM - the Rosafe Citation 267150 line

of Krasnyy mayak population; RozSit Tub - the Rosafe Citation 267150 line of Tubinsky population; PG KrM - the Pabst Governer 88293 line of Krasnyy mayak population; MChif Naz - the Montvik Chiftain 95679 line of Nazarovsky population / Рис. 3. Дендрограмма, отражающая Эвклидову дистанци линий красно-пестрого молочного скота Енисейского типа. VBA Solg - линия Вик Бэк Айдиал 1013415 стадо Солгон; VBA Naz - линия Вик Бэк Айдиал 1013415 стадо Назарово ; RefSov Naz - линя Рефлекшн Соверинг 198998 стадо Назарово; PG Naz - линия Пабст Говернер 88293 стадо Назарово; MChif Solg - линия Монтвик Чифтейн 95679 стадо Солгон; VBA Tub -линия Вик Бэк Айдиал 1013415 стадо Тубинск; VBA Krtur - линия Вик Бэк Айдиал 1013415 стадо Краснотуранский; RefSov Krtur - линия Рефлекшн Соверинг 198998 стадо Краснотуранский; VBA KrM - линия Вик Бэк Айдиал 1013415 стадо Красный Маяк; RefSov KrM - линия Рефлекшн

Соверинг 198998 стадо Красный Маяк; PG KrM - линия Пабст Говернер 88293 стадо Красный Маяк; MChif KrM - линия Монтвик Чифтейн 95679 стадо Красный Маяк; STR KrM - линия Силинг Трайджун Рокит 252803 стадо Красный Маяк; PG Tub - линия Пабст Говернер 88293 стадо Тубинск; RefSov Solg - линия Рефлекшн Соверинг 198998 стадо Солгон; RozSit KrM - линия Розейф Ситейшн 267150 стадо Красный Маяк; RozSit Tub - линия Розейф Ситейшн 267150 стадо Тубинск; PG KrM - линия Пабст Говернер 88293 стадо Красный Маяк;

MChif Naz - линия Монтвик Чифтейн 95679 стадо Назарово

Peculiarities of phylogeny of the studied populations are reflected in dendrograms (fig. 4). The combined cluster analysis of all studied groups indicates a transitional stage of their genetic divergence. The lower branch, which united the representatives of the Simmental breed of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, the im-

ported Holstein cattle of Borodino, the red-and-white cows of Kansk and the bulls of the Simmental breed of the breeding enterprise is the gene pool at the beginning of Holsteinization. It is certainly not homogeneous, but it differs significantly from descendants born later (from 2003 to 2013).

KrM KrM03-08 Tub08 Solg 09-10 Krtur Naz2010 KrM13 KrM09-12 Tub09-10 Solg08 Naz06-08 Import Bor Red sp.F1 Simm Simm PO Kansk

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Interpopulational distance

Fig. 4. Phylogeny of the breeding stock of individual herds by years. KrM l3 - the Krasnyy mayak population of 20l3; Tub 09-l0 - the Tubinsky population of 2009-20l0; Krtur 09-l0 - the Krasno-turansky population of 2009-20l0; KrM 09-l2 - the Krasnyy mayak population of 2009-20l2; Krtur 20ll - the Krasnoturansky population of 20ll; Tub 08 - the Tubinsky population of 2008; Solg 09-l0 - the Solgonsky population of 2009-20l0; Krtur 03-05 -the Krasnoturansky population of2003-2005; Krtur 06-08 - the Krasnoturansky population of2006-2008; Naz 20l0 - the Nazarovsky population of 20l0; KrM 03-08 - the Krasnyy mayak population of 2003-2008; Solg 2008 - the Solgonsky population of 2008; Naz 06-08 - the Nazarovsky population of2006-2008; Imp. Bor - the imported Holstein cattle of Borodino; Simm - the Simmental breed of the Krasnoyarskii Krai; Simm PO - the bulls of the Simmental breed of the breeding enterprise; RedKansk - the red-and-white cows of Kansk /

Рис. 4. Филогения отдельных стад разводимого скота по годам. KrM l3 - Красный Маяк популяция 20l3 г.; Tub 09-l0 - Тубинский популяция 2009-20l0 гг.; Krtur 09-l0 - Краснотуранский популяция 2009-20l0 гг.; KrM 09-l2 - Красный Маяк популяция 2009-20l2 гг.; Krtur 20ll - Краснотуранский популяция 20l l г.; Tub 08 - Тубинский популяция 2008 г.; Solg 09-l0 - Солгонский популяция 2009-20l0 гг.; Krtur 03-05 - Краснотуранский популяция 2003-2005 гг.; Krtur 06-08 - Краснотуранский популяция

2006-2008 гг.; Naz 20l0 - Назаровсий популяция 20l0 гг.; KrM 03-08 - Красный Маяк популяций 2003-2008 гг.; Solg 2008 - Солгонский популяция 2008 г.; Naz 06-08 - Назаровсий популяция 2006-2008 гг.; Imp.Bor - имортируемый голштинский скот Бородино; Simm - Симментальская порода Красноярского края; Simm PO - быки симментальской породы; RedKansk - красно-пестрые коровы популяция Канск


Differentiation according to linear affiliation, both at the intrabreeding and interpopulation level, is conditional and does not reflect the existing genetic relationships.

At the initial stage of Holsteinization F1 crossbreeds revealed specific features of Holstein lines, however, their manifestation is not stable and not balanced.

Crossbreeds F2 and F3 demonstrate increased consolidation of the gene pool of the red-and-white Holstein breed, 0.823 < r < 0.962.

The original Simmental breed, which was well adapted to the conditions of Krasnoyarskii Krai,

possessed genetic markers that were steadily transferred from generation to generation. Genetic similarity in the Simmental breed is rather high, the index of interlinear similarity is within 0.930 < r < 0.990.

The analysis of the results obtained in this paper demonstrates the feasibility of comprehensive detailed genetic control when improving dairy cattle, created on the basis of crossing different ecogenesis breeds in specific environmental conditions of Krasnoyarskii Krai.

In breeding programs for creating new breeds and improving existing ones it is advisable to take into account genetic distances.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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6. Garrick D., Ruvinsky A. Immunogenetic markers of disease resistance in Canadian dairy cattle. The Genetics of Cattle, 2nd Edition CABI, 28.11.2014. 641 p.

7. Герасимова В. Е., Герасимова Л. А., Еремина И. Ю. Некоторые подходы к статистической обработке полиморфных иммуногенетических характеристик групп крови крупного рогатого скота // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. № 10 (76). 2018. Часть 1. Октябрь. Екатеринбург. 2018. C. 66-69.

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Submitted 17.01.2019; revised 18.02.2019.

Статья поступила в редакцию 17.01.2019 г.; принята к публикации 18.02.2019 г.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Все авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

Citation for an article :

Eremina I. Yu., Gerasimova L. A., Kuklina A. I. Immunogenetic features of the red-and-white cattle formation of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Vestnik of the Mari State University. Chapter "Agriculture. Economics". 2019. vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 72-79. DOI: 10.30914/2411-9687-2019-5-1-72-79

About the authors Irina Yu. Eremina

Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, Krasnoyarsk, ORCID 0000-0002-0091-0720, [email protected]

Lyudmila A. Gerasimova

Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, ORCID 0000-0001-8037-6080, eLibrary SPIN-Kog: 2073-8348, [email protected]

Anna I. Kuklina

Senior Teacher, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, ORCID 0000-0001-7135-0727, eLibrary SPIN-Kog: 1090-8801,

[email protected]

Для цитирования:

Еремина И. Ю., Герасимова Л. А., Куклина А. И. Иммуногенетические особенности формирования красно-пестрого скота Красноярского края // Вестник Марийского государственного университета. Серия «Сельскохозяйственные науки. Экономические науки». 2019. Т. 5. № 1. С. 72-79. DOI: 10.30914/2411-9687-2019-5-1-72-79

Об авторах Еремина Ирина Юрьевна

кандидат биологических наук, доцент, Красноярский государственный аграрный университет, г. Красноярск, ORCID 0000-0002-0091-0720, еЬШгагу 8РПЧ-код: 7832-6390, irin-eremina@yandex. гы

Герасимова Людмила Анатольевна

кандидат биологических наук, доцент, Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий им. акад. М. Ф. Решетнева, г. Красноярск, ORCID 0000-0001-8037-6080, еЬШгагу 8РПЧ-код: 2073-8348, lyы-geгasimova@yandex. гы

Куклина Анна Ивановна

старший преподаватель, Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий им. акад. М. Ф. Решетнева, институт социального инжиниринга, г. Красноярск, ORCГО 0000-0001-7135-0727, eLibrary SPIN-код: 1090-8801, [email protected]

Экономические науки Е conomics

УДК 338.45 DOI: 10.30914/2411 -9687-2019-5-1 -80-88

Анализ электроэнергетического потенциала Евразийского экономического союза

А. А. Гибадуллин

Государственный университет управления; Московский открытый институт;

Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ», г. Москва

Введение. В последние годы Российская Федерация участвует в различных наднациональных проектах и вступает в мировые альянсы, в которых занимает лидирующие позиции. Наиболее привлекательным и перспективным интеграционным объединением для Российской Федерации является Евразийский экономический союз, в рамках которого были объединены Республика Армения, Республика Беларусь, Республика Казахстан, Республика Кыргызстан и Российская Федерация. Цель. Провести анализ электроэнергетического потенциала Евразийского экономического союза и предложить направления по объединению национальных электроэнергетических комплексов государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза в единый наднациональный механизм. Материалы и методы. В основе проведенного исследования были использованы методы статистического, факторного, исторического, сравнительного, логического, экономико-математического и системного анализа, метод экспертных оценок, которые позволили провести анализ электроэнергетического потенциала Евразийского экономического союза. Результаты исследования, обсуждение. В рамках проведенного исследования были проанализированы национальные электроэнергетические комплексы государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза, в результате которого был выявлен существующий потенциал, а именно наличие большого объема производственных мощностей и межсистемных линий электропередач. Кроме этого, исследование позволило определить препятствия объединения электроэнергетических комплексов в единый механизм, среди которых можно выделить различие отраслевых систем по объему рынка и производственным мощностям, количество электроэнергетических компаний в отрасли, принципы формирования тарифов на электроэнергию и уровню технико-технологического развития. В исследовании были предложены механизмы дальнейшей конвергенции электроэнергетических комплексов государств-членов Союза, которые заключаются в необходимости создания наднационального электроэнергетического органа, гармонизации национального законодательства и разработке совместных программ развития. Заключение. В заключении представлены основные выводы по результатам проведенного исследования.

Ключевые слова: электроэнергетический комплекс, Общий рынок электрической энергии Евразийского экономического союза, структура выработки, тарифы на электрическую энергию, технико-технологические показатели, ввод генерирующих мощностей, наднациональный управленческий орган, программы развития.

Analysis of electric power potential of the Eurasian Economic Union

A. A. Gibadullin

State University of Management; Moscow Technological Institute; National Research University "MPEI", Moscow

Introduction. In recent years, the Russian Federation participates in various supranational projects and enters into global alliances, in which it occupies a leading position. The most attractive and promising integration association for the Russian Federation is the Eurasian Economic Union, within which the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation were united. Purpose. To analyze the electric power potential of the Eurasian Economic Union and propose directions for uniting the national electric power complexes of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union into a single supranational mechanism. Materials and methods. The conducted research was based on the methods of statistical, factor, historical,

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