Научная статья на тему 'Hygienic assessment of the current state and detailed planning of the item Bobrovka'

Hygienic assessment of the current state and detailed planning of the item Bobrovka Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
hygiene / population / planning of the territory / water supply / water disposal / гигиена / халық / аумақтың жоспарлауы / сумен қамту / кәріз

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — A. M. Bauyedimova, M. B. Dautova, S. O. Osikbayeva

In article questions of influence of social conditions on the population and development of the actions directed to preservation of health and creating favorable conditions for accommodation in the settlement are considered. And also consideration of the project of expansion and the reconstruction operating and constructions of new water supply systems, construction of objects of health care, general education and cultural and community objects.

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Мақалада әлеуметтік жағдайлардын тұрғындарға әсер ету және елді мекенде денсаулықты сақтауға және тұруға жағымды жағдайлар құруға бағытталған шараларды құру сұрақтары қарастырылады. Сонымен қатар, іске қосылған және жаңа су құбырларынын құрылысы, денсаулық сақтау, жалпы білім беру және мәдени – тұрмыстық нысандарын салу боынша кеңейту және реконструкциялау жобалары қарастырылады.

Текст научной работы на тему «Hygienic assessment of the current state and detailed planning of the item Bobrovka»


Вестник КазНМУ №2-2017


УДК 613:[911.373+351.778](574)

A.M. Bauyedimova, M.B. Dautova, S.O. Osikbayeva

Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university, Department of normal physiology with a valueology course


In article questions of influence of social conditions on the population and development of the actions directed to preservation of health and creating favorable conditions for accommodation in the settlement are considered. And also consideration of the project of expansion and the reconstruction operating and constructions of new water supply systems, construction of objects of health care, general education and cultural and community objects.

Keywords: hygiene, population, planning of the territory, wi Introduction.

History convincingly demonstrates that the main achievements of a civilization were bound to process of an urbanization [1]. Public administration by development of urban areas includes as development of the urban policy defining the choice of strategic and tactical targets of territorial development, and creation of organizational and legal conditions for achievement of these purposes, including development of normative bases, i.e. documents of territorial scheduling [2]. Territorial scheduling is necessary for formation of the urban environment which would be favorable for comfortable activity of the population, development of social and economic development of the city. Planning of the territory - one of kinds of town-planning activity which is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of the approved schemes of territorial scheduling of areas or master plans of settlements or city districts. Body height of the cities and the population odnovrekmenno generates also the mass of environmental, social, economic and other problems that assumes application of a complex podkhokd in a research of problems of an urbanization. Now the urban population grows quicker, than infrastructure develops. In Poslakniya Prezident of the Republic of Kazakhstan it is told to the people about need to provide dinakmichny development of infrastructure [3]. Level of the state of health of the people, in turn, defines a measure of social and economic, cultural and industrial development of the country. According to the State program of "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for 2011-2015, from the point of view of steady and stable body height of welfare of the population the branch of health care representing the uniform developed, socially oriented system designed to provide availability, timeliness, quality and continuity of delivery of health care is one of the main priorities in the Republic of Kazakhstan [4]. Logical continuation of this strategy is the State program of development of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk" 2016-2020 which is created for strengthening of health of the population on the basis of ensuring sanitary wellbeing, prophylaxis of risk factors, promotion of a healthy delivery and inducing of a healthy lifestyle [5]. In communication from above

>ly, water disposal.

studying and the analysis of the project of detailed planning on the example of the developing settlement of Bobrovka is specified by a research objective, to give the hygienic characteristic. Materials and methods.

In work analytical and laboratory types of a research research types were used descriptive. For carrying out a research the project of the settlement was considered. To the solution of carrying out reconstruction and new construction, the settlement had the status of the country massif. The analysis of the current state of the settlement on the basis of results of reports of RGU "Semeysky Municipal Government of Consumer Protection" is carried out. Reconstruction of the inhabited places, construction of the new cities and settlements are carried out according to master plans and projects of building.

Results and discussion.

City scheduling includes well thought over water handling and sewerages, and also systems of public transport and health care. The strategy of development for the city, i.e. statement is more whole taking into account conditions in this or that region. In a master plan this territory is considered as the area of individual building. The territory of the item Bobrovka is located in a northwest part of the city, on the left-hand river bank Irtysh. From the North the designed territory adjoin the country massif, from East side - the country massif and the settlement Western. From South side the western industrial hub is located. The considered territory is built up partially. The existing housing stock is presented by individual houses with personal plots. In the territory of the settlement there are free territories which can be used for construction. But on engineering-geological conditions the considered territory is adverse for construction. The existing pits on extraction of sand are offered to be recultivate, arranged well and used as a recreational zone. Quarters of new farmstead building are planning coordinated to the existing building and other districts of the city by network of turnpike and inhabited streets. So, on the center of the designed territory trace of the turnpike street which will connect this area with a right-bank zone of the city is provided.

Table 1 - Research of exemplars of the soil

Name of indexes unit of measure Norm on ND Result of a research

1 2 3 4

Point No. 1

QMAFAM CFU/g - Are not found

BGC g Not less than 1,0 Are not found

Cl, perfringes g Not less than 1,0 Are not found

Thermophiles CFU/g Not less than 0,01-0,001 Are not found

Pathogenic including salmonellas g In 50 g it is not allowed Are not found

Point No. 2

QMAFAM CFU/g - Are not found

BGC g Not less than 1,0 Are not found

Cl, perfringes g Not less than 1,0 Are not found

Thermophiles CFU/g Not less than 0,01-0,001 Are not found

Pathogenic including salmonellas g In 50 g it is not allowed Are not found

Point No. 3

QMAFAM CFU/g - Are not found

BGC g Not less than 1,0 Are not found

Cl, perfringes g Not less than 1,0 Are not found

Thermophiles CFU/g Not less than 0,01-0,001 Are not found

Pathogenic including salmonellas g In 50 g it is not allowed Are not found

From subjects to service there are a school and shops located in northeast sides of the area. According to analyses of reports Republican Public Institution "Semeysky municipal government of consumer

protection" security with health care facilities and educations in the settlement of Bobrovka for 2015, data are presented in the chart 1.

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0



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Chart 1- Security with objects of education and health care of the item of Bobrovka for 2015

From the chart 1 it is possible to draw a conclusion that at the moment the population of the settlement needs health care facilities (policlinic, hospitals of all types, stations of emergency medical service, a drugstore) and objects of education (preschool institutions, comprehensive schools). In the territory of the settlement there is a school, but the number of places not sufficient for tutoring of children. As earlier the settlement had the status of the

country massif construction of schools was not calculated on perspective body height of the population. For the organization of a full-fledged cultural and community upkeep of the population construction of the following objects is provided: 3 kindergartens on 163 places, 2 comprehensive schools on 1200 places, 1 hospital of all types on 29 beds, 1 policlinic of-74 visits per shift, a drugstore-1 object that corresponds to the

health regulations shown to health care facilities and


Chart 2 - Population of the item of Bobrovka for 2015 and the planned population for 2020

The population of the settlement at the moment makes 1905 people, perspective body height of the population will make 3247 people. For definition in the designed territory of normative number of places the age structure of the population is given in institutions of preschool

education and general education institutions and capacity of other objects of services industry in the chart 2. As a source of water supply of the designed territory underground waters are used. Island "Freedom", Island "Big" and Island of "Bow".

Chart 3 - Average annual levels of underground waters 2014 and 2015 of Semey

Connection of the projected zone to the existing city networks is provided. At this stage in the territory of the settlement the central water handling and water disposal is not provided, the population uses water from wells.

In the considered area the central sewerage is absent, in each yard outdoor toilets without waterproof cesspools are equipped. The project provides the all-floatable centralized system of the sewerage from residential and public buildings.

Вестник КазНМУ №2-2017


Chart 4 - Microbiological research of water of 2015 of the item of Bobrovka


When carrying out researches it is established that the current state of the settlement of Bobrovka corresponds to the status of the country massif. Tells lack of infrastructure, health care facilities and education about it. Lack of the centralized water handling and water disposal that in turn, constitutes danger to the state of health of the population and threat of epidemiological safety.

For creation of the modern, convenient, ecologically safe area the project of detailed planning is offered to be carried out in the following directions including a number of planning, technological and organizational actions: - uses in the modern architectural and planning and volume and space solutions of building of the traditional forms providing culturological continuity and identity of building;

- providing population with a complex of social facilities, including child care preschool, educational and medical institutions;

- formations of complete system of a street road network with a punched hole of new highways and inhabited streets;

- recultivation of the existing pit on extraction of sand and the organization of a recreational zone;

- holding actions for protection and improvement of a surrounding medium;

Construction of facilities of health care and subjects to household appointment, the organization of venues of leisure, including construction of sports constructions, will promote improvement of quality of life and health of the population.


1 R.S. Paul Share of urban population in the total number of the population // The United Nations Department of Economic and Sosial Affairs. - 2011. - P. 11-14.

2 Anikeev V. V. Town-planning scheduling of development of territories - whether to be to it in Russia? // Urgent socially -economic problems of development of the cities of Russia. Collection of scientific articles // PAACH. - 2004. - P. 62-69.

3 The concept on inclusion of Kazakhstan into number of 30 most developed states of the world. It is approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - 2014. - 732 c.

4 The state program of development of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk" for 2016-2020

5 The state program of development of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for 2011 - 2015

А.М. Бауедимова, М.Б. Даутова, С.О. Осикбаева

С.Ж. Асфендияров атындагы К,азац ¥лттыц медицина университету Валеология курсымен цалыпты физиология кафедрасы



Тушн:Мак;алада элеуметтж жагдайлардын тургындарга эсер ету жэне елдi мекенде денсаулы;ты са;тауга жэне туруга жагымды жагдайлар куруга багытталган шараларды куру сура;тары карастырылады. Сонымен к;атар, юке к;осылган жэне жан,а су кубырларынын курылысы, денсаулык; са;тау, жалпы бшм беру жэне мэдени - турмыстык; нысандарын салу боынша кен,ейту жэне реконструкциялау жобалары карастырылады. ТYЙiндi сездер: гигиена, халы;,аумак;тын, жоспарлауы, сумен ;амту, кэрiз


Вестник КазНМУ №2-2017

А.М. Бауедимова, М.Б. Даутова, С.О. Осикбаева

Казахский Национальный медицинский университет имени С.Д. Асфендиярова, Кафедра нормальной физиологии с курсом валеологии


Резюме: В статье рассматриваются вопросы влияния социальных условий на население и разработка мероприятий, направленных на сохранение здоровья и создание благоприятных условий для проживания в населенном пункте. А также рассмотрение проекта расширения и реконструкции действующих и строительства новых водопроводов, постройка объектов здравооохранения, общеобразовательных и культурно-бытовых объектов. Ключевые слова : гигиена, население, планировка территории, водоснабжение, водоотведение.

УДК 612.42.612.15

A.E. Yerlan, S.O. Ossikbayeva, A.S. Meiirman

Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university, Department of normal physiology with valeology course

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Laser dopplerography represents the registration of doppler blood flow signals in the form of analog velocity curves (which allows qualitative and quantitative analysis of blood flow velocity in the vessels under study. The review provides information on the principles and possibilities of a new technology for ultrasound vessels. The history of its development is touched upon. The main attention is paid to the characteristics of doppler ultrasound regimes. Keywords: dopplerography, ischemia, blood flow

Introduction.History dopplerography begins in 1842, when the Austrian scientist, professor of mathematics Christian Doppler was first discovered, analyzed and described the principle of changing the wavelength reflected from a moving object. In cardiology, the essence of the Doppler effect is that when the ultrasound signal is reflected from moving objects, its frequency changes and the frequency of the ultrasound signal shifts. The tissue Doppler analyzes the low-frequency signal that passed the filter, which cuts off the high-frequency spectrum. TMD doppler is essentially a modification of the Doppler method, it selectively analyzes the signals emanating from the tissues (<10 cm / s and low frequency), which then undergo autocorrelation and highspeed converters. Settings of frequency filters (0-50 Hz) are used, allowing to distinguish movement of the myocardium. In Japan, in the mid-1980, color Doppler visualization of the dynamics of the movement of a rigid atherosclerotic plaque was performed for the first time. Since this moment, despite technical limitations, the method of color Doppler flow has been recognized as an unusually significant technology in the field of echocardiography and cardiology.

In 1989, Karl Isaaz first attempted to quantify the function of the left ventricle in the motion of the myocardial wall, using the method of pulsed research. In 1992, a group of scientists (G. Sutherland, W. McDicken and others) developed the first software. This work was continued by another group of scientists, headed by A. Fleming.

Transcranial Doppler (TKD) is a safe and clinically useful method for evaluating cerebral hemodynamics. Observation on the TCD was first performed in 1982 on intracranial arteries[1].

In general, the advantages of dopplerography lies in its repeatability, mobility, non-invasiveness and its timely calculation. TCD can detect intracranial hemodynamic disorders, such as arterial stenosis, arterial occlusion,

microembolism. A laser dopplerometer is sensitive for the measurement of peripheral blood flow, to assess the development of functional collateral vessels. [2] TKD arteries of the lower extremities is a valuable noninvasive method of diagnosis in the pathology of vascular diseases and an important step in diagnosis and for obtaining subsequent hemodynamic and morphological characteristics. The method consists of analyzing images and analyzing Doppler information in real time. Doppler information based on the Doppler effect can determine the pulse waves ie. Form of flow velocity (hemodynamic characteristics). Spectral analysis is the most important element of Doppler study of peripheral arteries of the lower limb. Based on spectral analysis, examination of the iliac arteries is performed at a frequency of 3.5 MHz, other peripheral arteries of the lower limbs are examined with a 7, 5 or 5 MHz sensor. [3] The revealed magnitude of hyperemia depends on the duration of arterial occlusion and the measurement of time after the release of the occluder. After the ligation of the common iliac artery, while the blood flow was restored, there was a persistent deficit in the reserve of blood capacity, which persisted for at least 14 days. Thus, the use of a non-invasive vascular occluder and images of laser dopplerometry is a sensitive and consistent technique for measuring peripheral blood flow for evaluation functions. These findings will enhance the ability to effectively investigate pharmacological therapy aimed at promoting growth and development. [4] In studies of local cerebral blood flow in the occlusion of carotid arteries in rats by a laser method on each side, a 0.1-mm Doppler sensor was moved along the surface of the brain. Local cerebral blood flow was expressed in units of LD. The scanned data was used to calculate the histogram frequency with a class 5 flow width and LD range from 0 to 150 LD. Frequency observation was calculated mathematically.

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