Научная статья на тему 'Hygienic assessment of fungycides on human health influence risk after consumption of agricultural products growed in their application'

Hygienic assessment of fungycides on human health influence risk after consumption of agricultural products growed in their application Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биотехнологии в медицине»

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Ключевые слова
risk / consumption / allowable / possible / agricultural products / ризик / споживання / допустимий / сільськогосподарська продукція / можливий

Аннотация научной статьи по биотехнологиям в медицине, автор научной работы — Vavrinevych O. P., Antonenko A. M., Omelchuk S. T.

The main component of rational nutrition is an obligatory consumption of vegetables and fruits. It is known that the use of the plant protection chemical agents for the struggle with various diseases is an integral part of the intensive technology in fruit, vegetable crops and vineyards growing but the presence of their residual amounts in foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials may lead to disorders in consumers’ health. Objective. We performed a hygienic assessment of the risk of fungicides’ impact on human health at the consumption of the agricultural products grown with their application. Materials and methods. We calculated the half-life periods (τ50) of the substance in the plants with the help of the method of mathematical modeling. In order to evaluate the obtained indices, we proposed the algorithm for the complex assessment of possible negative impact of pesticides on human organism at the use of agricultural products grown with their application. Results and discussion. The results of calculations and comparison of the variables showed that the value of the possible daily intake of pesticide with the products was significantly smaller than allowable daily intake of pesticide with the products for all studied fruit and vegetable crops. Conclusions. The magnitude of the risk of the harmful impact of fungicides at the consumption of agricultural products, grown with their application, were 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than the allowable one and ranged from 1,2х10-2 tо 2,6х10-1.

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Основним компонентом раціонального харчування є обов’язкове споживання овочів та фруктів. Відомо, що застосування хімічних засобів захисту рослин для боротьби з різними захворюваннями є невід’ємною частиною інтенсивної технології вирощування плодових, овочевих культур та виноградників, проте наявність залишкових кількостей їх у харчових продуктах та сільськогосподарській сировині може призвести до порушень здоров’я споживачів. Метою роботи була гігієнічна оцінка ризику впливу фунгіцидів на здоров’я людини при споживанні сільськогосподарської продукції, вирощеної з застосуванням їх. Матеріали та методи. Розраховані періоди напівруйнування (τ 50) речовини у рослинах. Для цього був використаний метод математичного моделювання. Для оцінки отриманих показників ми запропонували алгоритм комплексної оцінки можливого негативного впливу на організм людини пестицидів під час використання сільськогосподарської продукції, вирощеної з застосуванням їх. Результати і обговорення. Результати розрахунків та порівняння отриманих величин показали, що значення можливого щоденного споживання пестицидів з продуктами були значно нижчими, ніж допустиме щоденне споживання пестицидів з продуктами для усіх досліджених овочевих культур. Висновки. Встановлено, що величина ризику шкідливого впливу фунгіцидів під час споживання сільськогосподарської продукції, вирощеної з застосуванням їх, на 1-2 порядки нижче за допустимий і коливається від 1,2х10-2 до 2,6х10-1.

Текст научной работы на тему «Hygienic assessment of fungycides on human health influence risk after consumption of agricultural products growed in their application»



Ваврiневич О.П., Антоненко А.М., Омельчук С.Т.




Hygiene and Ecology № 1 Department, Hygiene and Ecology Institute of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukrane

УДК 632.95.024.391

632.952 : 635.07

Keywords: risk, consumption, allowable, possible, agricultural products.

he main component of rational nutrition is the obligatory consumption of vegetables and fruits. According to WHO, for reliable protection of the human body from premature aging and the development of many diseases, it is necessary to have in daily ration at least 700-800 g of fruit and vegetables [1], since the connection between the type of nutrition and the prevalence of alimentary diseases and risk factors associated with them (obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.) is proved [2-4].

It is known that the use of chemical plant protection products to combat various diseases is an integral part of the intensive technology of fruit, vegetable crops and vineyards growing, but the presence of its residual amounts in food products and raw materials may lead to violations in the health of consumers [5, 6].

After various crops spraying with pesticides, their containment is carried out on the plant surface using electrostatic and absorption forces [7].

Contamination of food products and agricultural raw materials with pesticides is determined by a number of factors, which are conventionally divided by Anto-novich E.A., Sedokur L.K. into four main groups:

□ the properties of a pesticide - the structure, physical and chemical properties;

□ features of the cultivated culture (morphological, physiological and biochemical);

□ conditions of pesticides application; 4) soil and climatic conditions [7].

The abovementioned requires special control over the content of active substances of chemical plant protection products in vegetables, fruits, grapes and juices made from them, as well as risk assessment of such products usage.

Taking into account the above listed purpose the work was hygienic assessment of the risk of fungicides adverse effects on human health when consuming agricultural products grown in their application.

ППеНЧНА ОЦ1НКА РИЗИКУ НЕСПРИЯТЛИВОГО ВПЛИВУ ФУНГ1ЦИД1В НА ЗДОРОВ'ЯЛЮДИНИ ПРИ СПОЖИВАНН1 аЛЬСЬКОГОСПОДАРСЬКОГ ПРОДУКЦП, ВИРОЩЕНО)З ÏX ЗАСТОСУВАННЯМ Ваврневич О.П., Антоненко А.М., Омельчук С.Т. Нститут ппени та екологи Нашонального медичного унверситету iM. О.О. Богомольця, м. Ки/в. Укоаша

Основним компонентом рацонального харчу-вання е обов'язкове споживання овоч'в та фрук-т'1в. Вдомо, що застосування х'м'чних засоб<в захисту рослин для боротьби з рiзними захво-рюваннями е нев'д'емною частиною iнтенсивно'ï технолог^ вирощування плодових, овочевих культур та виноградник'в, проте наявнсть залишкових клькостей )х у харчових продуктах та сльськогосподарськй сировинi може призве-сти до порушень здоров'я споживач'в. Метою роботи була гiгiенiчна ошнка ризику впливу фунпцид'в на здоров'ялюдини при спо-живанн с'льськогосподарсько)' продукци, виро-щеноï з застосуванням )х. Матерали та методи. Розрахованi пероди

нап'1вруйнування (т 50) речовини у рослинах. Для цього був використаний метод математичного моделювання. Для о^нки отриманих показник'в ми запропонували алгоритм комплексноI о^нки можливого негативного впливу на органiзм людини пестицид'в пд час використання с'льськогосподарськоI продукци, вирощеноI з застосуванням IX.

Результати / обговорення. Результати розра-хунюв та порiвняння отриманих величин показали, що значення можливого щоденного спожи-вання пестици^в з продуктами були значно нижчими, нж допустиме щоденне споживання пестици^в з продуктами для ус\х досл'1джених овочевих культур.

Висновки. Встановлено, що величина ризику шюдливого впливу фунпци^в пд час споживання с 'льськогосподарсько)' продукци, вирощеноI з застосуванням ¡х, на 1-2 порядки нижче за допу-стимий \ коливаеться в д 1,2х10-2 до 2,6х10-1.

Ключов! слова: ризик, споживання, допустимий, сльськогосподарська продукц!я, можливий.

© Ваврневич О.П., Антоненко А.М., Омельчук С.Т. СТАТТЯ, 2018.

№ 1 2018 Environment & Health 58

Materials and methods. We

have studied the most promising representatives of fungicides chemical classes, which are widely used in Ukrainian and world agriculture [8-12]: tria-zoles (difenoconazole, pencona-zole, tebukonazole); strobil-urines (pyraclostrobin, azoxys-trobin, trifloxystrobin); cyanopyr-role (fludioxonil); ethylene-bis-dithyocarbamates (methyram, mancozeb); anilides (benelaxyl-M, boscalid), aniline pyrimidines (cyprodinyl, pyrimethanil, valife-nale); pyrazolecarboxamides (fluxaproxade, isopyrazam).

During the last 10 years at the Hygiene and Ecology Institute of Bogomolets National Medical University parameters of above-mentioned fungicides stability in various crops were studied. In the course of field experiments in different soil-climatic regions of Ukraine: Polissya (Kyiv region), Forest-steppe (Vinnitsa, Kyiv, Poltava, Cherkasy regions) and Step (Odesa, Kherson regions), we determined the actual content of compounds in fruits of vegetables, pome and stone fruits, grapes and green mass of plants. For the study, samples of fruits and leaves were taken from the day of the last treatment and, after certain periods, 3-6 times during the growing season until the harvest. For comparison, before the beginning of crop processing, control samples of fruits and green mass of plants were taken. In control samples, active substances of different classes fungicides were not detected.

Determination of the content of active ingredients (a.i.) in fruits of vegetable, pome and stone fruits, grapes and green mass of plants was carried out using high-performance liquid (HPLC) and gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) methods.

In order to assess the behavior of the studied pesticides in the agrocenosis objects, the half-life periods (t50) of the substance in plants were calculated. For this purpose, a method of mathematical modeling that involves the estimated reproduction of the pesticides destruction processes on the basis of actual data was used, which allowed to predict their persistence.

In the classification of substances for stability in plants, the Ukrainian classification of pesticides according to the degree of Hazard State Standarts8.8.1.002-

98 was used [13]. This classification foresees the division of substances according to stability in plants into 4 classes: 1 - highly stable (t50 is more than 30 days), 2 - stable (15-30 days), 3 - moderately stable (5-14 days), 4 - not stable (less than 5 days).

To determine the potential risk to human health when using agricultural products containing residual amounts of fungicides, the maximum allowable level of content (MAL) and maximum residue level (MRL) of the substance in the cultures were used. These levels were justified during the state registration tests of formulations based on studied a.i.

In order to evaluate the obtained indices, we proposed the algorithm for a comprehensive assessment of the possible negative impact on human organism of pesticides in the use of agricultural products grown in their application. The algorithm takes into account the current in Ukraine approach of the actual dose of pesticide entering into the human body definition [14]. The algorithm is based on the establishment of a possible daily intake of pesticide with products (PDIPP) and a subsequent comparison with the allowable daily intake of pesticide with products (ADIPP), and consists of three steps (fig. 1).

On the first, using the results of field experiments concentration (C) of the studied fungicides in agricultural raw materials determination and the average daily consumption of the product (DCP), taking into account its physiological needs (K), the possible daily intake of pesticide with product (PDIPP) was calculated by the equation:

PDIPP = C х K + С2 х K2 + ... + Cn x Kn (mg/day), where C12, ... n - content of pesticide in fruits of agricultural crops, mg/kg; K^, ... n - daily consumption of the product tak-

nneHAnPA^ —

ing into account physiological needs, kg/day.

At the next stage, the allowable daily consumption of a pesticide (ADC) was established by the equation:

ADC = ADD x M (mg/kg), where ADD - allowable daily dose of pesticide, mg/kg; M -average body weight of an adult (60 kg).

As well as the allowable daily intake of pesticide with products (ADIPP) by the equation:

ADIPP = ADC x 0,7 (mg/day),

where ADC - allowable daily consumption, mg/day; 0,7 -coefficient, taking into account the maximum permissible consumption of a pesticide with food products (70%), % of the total, taking into account other ways of intake (20% with water and 10% with atmospheric air). where M — body weight of an adult, 60 kg; ADD- allowable daily dose; 1,2,... n — consumed food products; 0,7 - coefficient, taking^ into account the maximum permissible consumption of a pesticide with food products (70%),% of the total, taking into account other ways of intake (20% with water and 10 with atmospheric air).

After that, in the third stage, the values of PDIPP and ADIPP were correlated.

The risk was considered as acceptable if the resulting value (R) was <1.

Results and discussion. Therefore, at the first stage, we conducted a full-scale field researches on the studied fungicides content dynamics in various crops.

Study of the dynamics of tria-zole fungicides a. i. content in the fruits of crops and the green mass of plants in the field experiment showed that in the initial terms of the study their amount depended on the formulation application rate and the type of cultivated culture.

59 Environment & Health №1 2018

Comparison of several methods of vegetable crops processing in various agroclimatic zones showed that the content of stro-bilurines residual amounts in vegetables varies in the initial periods of observation, and it depends on the morphological properties of the culture (the formation of plants, the degree of leaves and buds growth) [6].

In the course of field studies, it was found that in all cases the initial amount of investigated compounds in the leaves and peduncles was higher than in the fruits of the studied cultures. A low concentration of compounds in fruits can be explained by their size at the time of formulations application.

The main amount of anilinopy-rimidines active substances was found in the leaves on the day of treatment, followed by a decrease of 50% 5-6 days after exposure. The obtained results can be explained by the fact that the total surface area of leaves is much higher than that of fruits

[7]. In subsequent study periods (after 20-25 days), the studied compounds content gradually decreased and in the green mass of plants their content was below the limit of quantitative determination of the method when harvesting.

It was also established that residual amounts of studied classes of fungicides in fruits and green mass of plants also depended on the type of processing.

It was established that in late terms of research after processing the contents of all studied a.i. in vegetables and fruits gradually decreased. When harvesting agricultural crops studied sub-stanceswere not found. Study of all studied class of fungicides a.i. content in tomato, apple, grape, peach, pear, cherry, cherry juice from fruit after harvest was carried out. In juices the compounds studied were not detected.

In the next step, for all investigated compounds, the total amounts of each studied fungi-

Figure 1

Steps of risk assessment of pesticides adverse effects on human health when consuming agricultural products grown in

their application

I step

Content of pesticide in fruits of agricultural plants (С), mg/kg


Daily consumption of the product, taking into account its physiological needs (K), kg

Possible daily intake of pesticide with product (PDIPP)

PDIPP = С xK + С2 x К2 + ... + Cn x Kn (mg/day)

II step

Allowable daily consumption of pesticide (ADC)

ADC = ADD x M (mg/day)

Allowable daily intake of pesticide with products (ADIPP)

ADIPP = ADC x 0,7 (mg/day)

III step

Assessment of pesticides adverse effect risk PDIPP

R ^


Risk is acceptable < 1

Risk is not acceptable > 1

where M — body weight of an adult, 60 kg; ADD- allowable daily dose; 1,2, ... n — consumed food products; 0,7 - coefficient, taking into account the maximum permissible consumption of a pesticide with food products (70%),% of the total, taking into account other ways of intake (20% with water and 10 with atmospheric air).

cide with all the food products, on which the formulation based on it could be used, were calculated (table 1).

Based on the principle of complex hygienic standardization, the values of ADC and ADIPPP were calculated (table 2).

Allowable daily consumptions of the studied substances were calculated (table 2). The obtained values ranged from 0,12 mg/day to 2,4 mg/day, taking into account the allowable daily dose (ADD), approved in Ukraine [14].

Proceeding from the principles of complex hygienic standardization, adopted in Ukraine, with food products in the human body can enter 70% of pesticide ADC. Thus, the calculated ADIPP (table 2) ranged from 0,084 Mg/day to 1,68 Mg/day.

Possible daily intake of pesticide with products was calculated based on the residual amounts of fungicides in the fruits of the studied crops, in the absence of their residues the limit of quantification of analytical methods usedwas used in calculations. PDIPP values were in the range from 0,008 Mg/day to 0,077 Mg day.

The results of calculations and comparison of variables showed that the values of PDIPPs were significantly lower than ADIPPs for all studied fruit and vegetable crops.


1. It has been shown that the maximum possible concentrations of the studied fungicides in food products are very low, and much lower than the allowable ones, which is related, first of all, to low application rates and indicates the relative safety for a person when using agricultural products, which could be contaminated with studied compounds in their application in the agro-industrial complex against diseases of agricultural crops.

2. It was established that the magnitude of the risk of harmful effects of fungicides in the consumption of agricultural products grown during their application were 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than the allowable ones and ranged from 1,2 x10-2to 2,6 х 10-1.


1. Глобальная стратегия ВОЗ в области рациона питания, физической активности и здоровья (Утверждена Всемирной Ассамблеей Здоровья. Резолюция 57.17 от 22.05.2004 г). URL : www.gnicpm.ru/UserFiles/Globa l_strategy_voz_diet.pdf

№ 1 2018 Environment & Health 60

2. Цимбалiста Н.В., Давиден-ко Н.В. Стан фактичного хар-чування населення та алiмен-тарно обумовлена захворюва-нiсть. Проблеми харчування. 2008. № 1-2 (18). С. 32-35.

3. Rimm E.B., Ascherio A., Giovannucci E. et al. Vegetable, fruit, and cereal fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease

among men . JAMA. 1996. Vol. 275, № 6. Р. 447-451.

4. Давиденко Н.В., Смирнова 1.П., Горбась 1.М.,

Кваша О.О. Харчування i арте-рiальна гiпертензiя. Укр. кар-дюл. журн. 2004. № 5. С. 2-6.

5. Черных А.М. Угроза здоровью человека при использовании пестицидов. Гигиена и

санитария. 2003. № 5. С. 25-29.

6. Safe use of pesticides. WHO Technical report series. Geneva : WHO, 1991. Vol. 813. 179 р.

7. Антонович Е.А., Седо-кур Л.К. Качество продуктов питания в условиях химизации сельского хозяйства. Справочник. К. : Урожай, 1990. 240 с.

Table 1

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

The estimated possible daily average intake of fungicides of the studied classes with food

products into the human body

Product Daily norm of the product consumption, g Residual amounts in daily norm, mg

triazoles strobilurines ethylene-bis-dithyocarbamates

tebuko-nazole penco-nazole difeno-conazole pyraclo-strobin trifloxy-strobin azoxy-strobin methy-ram manco-zeb

apple 125 0,00625 0,0025 0,00625 - 0,0025 - 0,00625 -

grape vine 200 (seasonal) 0,002 - - 0,01 0,004 - 0,0100 0,0100

peach 70 - 0,0035 - 0,0105 - - - -

plum 60 - - - - - - - -

pear 80 - - 0,0040 - - - - -

cherry 70 - - 0,0028 0,007 - - - -

merry 70 - - 0,0028 0,007 - - - -

apricot 60 - - - 0,009 - - - -

cucumbers 50 - 0,0020 - - - 0,0005 - -

potato 470 0,0235 - 0,0470 - 0,0094 0,047 0,0235 0,0235

tomatoes 120 0,0024 - 0,0120 0,012 0,0024 0,0012 0,006 0,006

carrot 50 0,0025 - - - 0,00125 - - -

cabbage 100 0,0200 - - - 0,002 0,01 - -

onion 50 - - - - - 0,0025 0,0025 -

pea 50 - - - - - 0,01 - -

Total - 0,0567 0,008 0,0749 0,0555 0,02155 0,0712 0,04825 0,0395

Product Daily norm of the product consumption, g Residual amounts in daily norm, mg

cyanopyrrole anilides aniline pyrimidines pyrazolecarboxamides

fludioxonil benelaxyl -M boscalid cyprodi-nyl valife-nale pyrime-thanil fluxapro-xad isopyra-zam

apple 125 0,00625 - - 0,0063 - 0,0125 0,044 0,006

grape vine 200 (seasonal) - 0,020 - - 0,02 0,02

peach 70 0,007 - 0,0210 0,0035 - -

plum 60 0,006 - - 0,0035 - -

pear 80 0,004 - - 0,004 - - - 0,004

cherry 70 - - 0,0175 0,007 -

merry 70 0,007 - 0,0175 0,0035 - - 0,007 -

apricot 60 0,006 - 0,0210 0,0035 - -

cucumbers 50 0,002 - - 0,005 - -

potato 470 - 0,0235 - - 0,0235 -

tomatoes 120 0,0048 0,012 - 0,012 0,012 0,006

carrot 50 - - -

cabbage 100 - - -

onion 50 - - -

pea 50 - - -

Total - 0,04305 0,0555 0,0770 0,0413 0,0555 0,0385 0,051 0,01

Note:--preparations based on a.i. not used in this culture.

61 Environment & Health №1 2018


The main component of rational nutrition is an obligatory consumption of vegetables and fruits. It is known that the use of the plant protection chemical agents for the struggle with various diseases is an integral part of the intensive technology in fruit, vegetable crops and vineyards growing but the presence of their residual amounts in foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials may lead to disorders in consumers' health. Objective. We performed a hygienic assessment of the risk of fungicides' impact on human health at the consumption of the agricultural products grown with their application.

Materials and methods. We calculated the half-life periods (t50) of the substance in the plants with the help of the method of mathematical modeling. In order to evaluate the obtained indices, we proposed the algorithm for the complex assessment of possible negative impact of pesticides on human organism at the use of agricultural products grown with their application. Results and discussion. The results of calculations and comparison of the variables showed that the value of the possible daily intake of pesticide with the products was significantly smaller than allowable daily intake of pesticide with the products for all studied fruit and vegetable crops.

Conclusions. The magnitude of the risk of the harmful impact of fungicides at the consumption of agricultural products, grown with their application, were 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than the allowable one and ranged from 1,2x10-2 to 2,6x10-1. Keywords: Risk, consumption, allowable, possible, agricultural products.

8. EU - Pesticides database : Maximum Residue Levels. URL : http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/ pesticides/max_residue_levels/i ndex_en.htm.

9. Positive List System for Agricultural Chemical Residues in Foods : Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). List of Agricultural Chemicals in Foods. URL: http://www.m5.ws001.squaresta rt.ne.jp/foundation/search.html.

10. Health Canada : Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides. URL : http://pr-rp.hc-sc.gc.ca/ mrl-lrm/index-eng.php.

11. Codex Alimentarius : Codex Pesticides Residues in Food Online Database. URL : http://www.fao.org/fao-who-

codexalimentarius/standards/pe stres/pesticides/en/.

12. Перепк пестицидов i arpoxiMÎKaTÎB, дозволених до використання вУкраТш. Офщшне видання. Кшв : Юывест Медia, 2016. 1026 с.

13. Пестициди. Кпасифка^я за ступенем небезпечност : ДСан^Н Збрник важливих офiцiйних матерiалiв з сантарних i протиепiдемiч-них питань. Кшв, 2000. Т. 9.

Ч. 1. С. 249-266.

14. Методические указания по гигиенической оценке новых пестицидов :

МУ № 4263-87. К. : М-во здравоохранения СССР, 1988. 210 с.


1. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (Resolution WHA 57.17 -22.05.2004). URL : http://www.gnicpm.ru/UserFiles/ Global_strategy_voz_diet.pdf http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pd f_files/WHA57/A57_R17-en.pdf.

2. Tsymbalista N.V. and Davydenko N.V. Problemy kharchuvannia. 2008 ; № 1-2 (18) : 32-35 (in Ukrainian).

3. Rimm E.B., Ascherio A., Giovannucci E., Spiegelman D., Stampfer M.J. and Willett W.C. JAMA. 1996 ; 275 (6) : 447-451.

4. Davydenko N.V., Smyrno-va I.P., Gorbas I.M. and Kva-sha O.O. Ukrainian Cardiology

Table 2

Assessment of the risk of adverse effects of pesticides on human health when consuming agricultural products grown in their application

Fungicide class Active ingredient ADD, mg/kg ADC, mg/day ADIPP, vg|day PDIPP, mg/day R

tebukonazole 0,030 1,8 1,260 0,0567 4,5х10-2

Triazoles penconazole 0,007 0,42 0,294 0,0080 2,7х10-2

difenoconazole 0,002 0,12 0,084 0,0749 8,9х10-1

pyraclostrobin 0,030 1,8 1,260 0,0555 4,4х10-2

Strobilurines trifloxystrobin 0,020 1,2 0,840 0,0216 2,6х10-2

azoxystrobin 0,030 1,8 1,260 0,0712 5,7х10--2

Ethylene-bis- methyram 0,020 1,2 0,840 0,0483 5,8х10-2

dithyocarbamates mancozeb 0,005 0,3 0,210 0,0395 1,9х10-1

cyanopy-rrole fludioxonil 0,015 0,9 0,630 0,0431 6,8х10-2

anilides benelaxyl-M 0,005 0,3 0,210 0,0555 2,6х10-1

boscalid 0,040 2,4 1,680 0,0770 4,6х10-2

cyprodinyl 0,030 1,8 1,260 0,0413 3,3х10-2

aniline pyrimidines valifenale 0,005 0,3 0,210 0,0555 2,6х10-1

pyrimethanil 0,020 1,2 0,840 0,0385 4,6х10-2

pyrazolecarbox- isopyrazam 0,010 0,6 0,420 0,0510 1,2х10-1

amides fluxaproxad 0,020 1,2 0,840 0,0100 1,2х10-2

Notes: ADC - allowable daily consumption; PDIPP - possible daily intake of pesticide with products; ADIPP - allowable daily intake of pesticide with products; R - risk value.

№ 1 2018 Environment & Health 62

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(in Russian).

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9. Positive List System for Agricultural Chemical Residues in Foods : Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). List of Agricultural Chemicals in Foods. URL : http://www.m5.ws001. squarestart.ne.jp/foundation/se arch.html.

10. Health Canada : Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides. URL : http://pr-rp.hc-sc.gc.ca/ mrl-lrm/index-eng.php.

11. Codex Alimentarius : Codex Pesticides Residues in Food Online Database. URL : http://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/standards/pe stres/pesticides/en/.

12. Perelik pestytsydiv I ahrokhemikativ, dozvolenykh do vykorystannia v Ukraini. Ofitsiine vydannia [List of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Allowed for Application in Ukraine. Official Edition]. Kyiv : Yunivest Media; 2016 : 1026 p. (in Ukrainian).

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(in Russian).

Hagiiïwna go pegaK^'i 16.07.2017


ПАТ «УЗ» ф1пи «ЦОЗ» Кшвська ктшчна лкарня на залiзничному транспорт № 2

УДК 612.176 : 629.4.072

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Ключовi слова: локомотивш бригади, умови пращ, серцево-судинна система, ультразвукове дослщження серця.

63 Environment & Health №1 2018


Tkachyshyna N.Yu.


езпека перевезень на за^знич-ному транспорт е першочерго-вим завданням медицини транспортноТ галузк Тому вив-чення стану здоров'я, поперед-ження, рання дiагностика i своечасне ^кування загально-соматичних захворювань у пра-щвниюв локомотивних бригад (ПЛБ) завжди залишаеться актуальним завданням транспортноТ медицини [1]. Визна-чення патолопчних процесiв у ПЛБ на раных етапах призведе до запоб^ання виникненню нозопогiй, що несумiснi з вико-нанням профеайних обов'язкiв означеноТ категорiТ. Особливого значення набувають серце-во-судиннi захворювання


ПАО «УЗ» филиала «ЦЗО» Киевская клиническая больница на железнодорожном транспорте № 2, г. Киев, Украина Проведено ультразвуковое исследование сердца 398работникам локомотивных бригад (РЛБ) и 116 инженерно-техническим работникам УЗ. Результаты исследования показали, что у РЛБ имеют место такие изменения: дилатация аорты, ранняя диастолическая дисфункция миокарда, специфическая динамика геометрических изменений левого желудочка с приобретением им формы шара, что является особенностью его моделирования с уменьшением ударного объема на фоне увеличения частоты сердечних сокращений. Подобные изменения прогрессируют у рЛб с увеличением стажа и способствуют ускоренному темпу старения при наличии вредных условий работы.

Ключевые слова: локомотивные бригады, стаж работы, сердечнососудистая система, ультразвуковое исследование сердца.


Kyiv Clinical Hospital at Railway Transport № 2, "HC" Branch, PC"UR" We performed the ultrasound examination of the heart in 398 workers of locomotive crews (WLC) and 116 engineers and technicians of UR. The results of the study showed that there were the following changes in the WLC: aorta dilatation, early diastolic dysfunction of myocardium, specific dynamics of geometric changes in the left ventricle with the acquisition of a ball shape that was a feature of its modelling with a decrease of the stroke volume in an increase of the heart rate. Similar changes progress in the WLC at the increase of the seniority and contribute to the accelerated rate of aging under harmful working conditions.

Keywords: locomotive crews, seniority, cardiovascular system, ultrasound examination of the heart.

© Ткачишина Н.Ю. СТАТТЯ, 2018.

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