Научная статья на тему 'Human geographical aspects of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine'

Human geographical aspects of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Myrosh Mariya Vasylyvna

The essence of the concept of political protest was solved. And the general characteristics of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine was posted. The detailed analysis of the most popular of ideological protests at over the period “language” protests and Leninopad was made.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Human geographical aspects of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine»

Section 9. Regional studies and socio-economic geography

Section 9. Regional studies and socio-economic geography

Myrosh Mariya Vasylyvna, Lviv Ivan Franko National University, postgraduate student, the Faculty of Geography E-mail: [email protected]

Human geographical aspects of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine

Abstract: The essence of the concept of political protest was solved. And the general characteristics of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine was posted. The detailed analysis of the most popular of ideological protests at over the period — "language" protests and Leninopad was made.

Keywords: political protest, ideological protests, "language" protests, Leninopad,

Political and geographical study of the manifestations of protest activity taking place in real time in our country, is relevant and is of particular importance. Political protest arises not only where there are inefficiencies of the state, but where there is the human factor capable of spontaneous or conscious actions that oppose the government. So, protest activity acts as an indicator of social media activity.

There are many definitions of political protest. In the explanatory dictionary by T. F. Yephramova under political protest refers to "a massive, collective denial of the existing political relations that usually reflected in active operations" [1]. According to the "Oxford concise dictionary of political science" protest is a "backlash individuals, political parties, public organizations, ethnic groups, nations and masses on the decisions of public authorities". There are many definitions of copyright protest [2]. The most appropriate, in our view, the following understanding of political protest — a kind of performance of an individual, group of people, social communities (layer, class, nation, etc.), to formed a mass society political situation or specific government actions that affect the interests of these citizens and groups. Political protest addressed to the authorities, and his goal — to change the political situation, often up to a complete change of policy and regime.

In the political and geographical science, there are many classifications of political protest, topics, shape, nature of the action, scope, duration, composition ofparticipants, the level of awareness, intensity result.

By topic political protests can be divided on ideological, political, socio-economic and protection of civil rights and freedoms.

Ideological protests — bright view protests, violate historical and ideological issues, mostly related to the regional division in Ukraine. Theme of ideological protests can distinguish two groups of actions: protests left and right direction. To protest the Right refer protests that adheres to the principles of radical nationalism, protecting and defending the rights of Ukrainian citizens in their state (action to protect public status of the Ukrainian language, protests against the bill on regional languages against the dominance of the Russian language print or total broadcast TV, radio organizations, upholding the right to their own history — a demonstration commemorating heroes of the UPA, the victims of Holodomor). Such shares geographically gravitate to the western regions of Ukraine, especially to the city Lviv, and central. The protests left orientations proclaims cultural and political reintegration of post-socialist Soviet

countries, argue or defend the Soviet version of history of Ukraine. In essence embodies the imperialist ambitions of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Ukrainian state, and tend to Eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

By ideological protests we refer promotions and events devoted to Ukrainian nationalism "speech" issue, anti-communism, Russian nationalism, attitude to the Soviet Union, UPA, problems relating to the Second World War, the placement of Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, conflicts around the split Ukrainian Orthodox Church, protest actions dedicated to Holodomor, Independence Day, etc.

It should be noted that the subject of ideological protest is constantly changing. Whereas in 2010 the issue of placing the Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine were addressed 37 protests in 2011. these shares were only 2. However, when in 2010 and 2011 related to the language issue only about 2% of protest events, in 2012 the figure jumped to almost 60%. That is, each tenth of a protest that took place in Ukraine and every two action that took place in ZRU in 2012, concerned the language issue.

One feature of the protest politics of recent years was the attention to historical issues. On average 30% ofprotest events in the Western region (or more than 175 shares from 01.01.2010 to 31.12.2014) challenged some interpretations of the past or defending it.

Most large-scale campaigns and confrontation around historical issues shares memory of the victims were students at the Battle of Kruty in 1918, which in January 2010 were recorded in eight regional centers of Ukraine ZRU; numerous protests for and against the title of Hero of Ukraine Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera, the confrontation between the extreme right in "Freedom" and the Left parties and veterans of the Great Patriotic War on May 9, 2010 in Lviv.

In analyzing the dynamics of historical monthly protests seen significant spikes, because they are concentrated around key dates. Thus, the peak of the protest in January created numerous events in honor of the birthday of Stepan Bandera (January 1) and the anniversary of the Battle of Kruty (29 January), and the peak in May accounted for confrontation in the Victory Day.

Ideological protests tend to Galician territorial areas. Problems of interpretation of the past of the Ukrainian state, honoring the heroes of Ukraine and Ukrainian celebrations/festivals especially powerful pro-Soviet finds an echo in the political consciousness of the population of these regions.

Human geographical aspects of ideological protests in Western region of Ukraine

Popular are attacks on Soviet monuments to the winter in 2014 had more symbolic logic, causing stains yellow and blue colors or inscriptions like "Cat Ukraine" on the monuments to Lenin. For half of attacks on Soviet monuments forward is unknown, but for those events, which may still have to identify the subject — these were the vast majority of right-wing groups and activists in "Freedom". The attacks were accompanied by mobilization and confrontation with the requirements of the protection or demolition of monuments.

The sharp increase in the number ideological protests had two waves. First called consideration and adoption of the law "On principles of state language policy" on July 3, 2012 [2]. Consideration and adoption of the bill accompanied by many thousands of mass action — about 179 protest events [3]. That is 80% of all protest events on this question, which were fixed for all time monitoring (2010 to 2014) occurred in 2012. 94% of these statements can be classified as speeches in defense of the Ukrainian language, or speaking out against proposed government legislation and adopted law on languages, which expanded the formal scope of the possible use of Russian and, according to Ukrainian nationalists, de facto gave it the status of the second state. Often for "language" Citizens came to protest in Lviv (57 p., The maximum rate in the Western region and in Ukraine in general), Ivano-Frankivsk (28), Volyn (16), Ternopil (14) areas [3].

Analysis of protesters around the "language issue" clearly and unambiguously indicates the high interest rates on the part of political parties. They took part in 68% (63 events) "language" protests. But despite the high participation of political parties, the total number of participants "language" of protest was not high. In 44% of these protests was attended by less than a hundred people, while in 34% of the number of events was not notified at all. Typical high mobilization of political parties and the low number of protesters around the language law indicate the interest of politicians to create

the "language" hype. Political activity note the upsurge in the media and on TV [2]. An interesting aspect of the common features of speech protests in 2012 are also multi prevalence shares in the protest campaign. If the overall proportion of multi protests in 2012 was 5%, in the framework of multi-language protest event held twice more — in 10% of cases. Among them — 6 multi-hungry strikes, rallies and 7 multi, 18 multi-camping.

The second wave of ideological protests related to the events euromaidan. Vector choosing foreign policy became the ideological foundation and base Dignity Revolution, and resulted in a huge ideological movement Ukrainian nationalism and at the same time decommunisation. After 23-year history of independence Ukraine has begun the process of firing massive squares and squares of settlements from Soviet symbols, monuments totalitarian regime, street names and other (70 shares). From winter 2014 all- protests was "Leninopad" — spontaneous wave damage dismantle and monuments of Lenin and other communist leaders in Ukraine that began during Euromaidan. The first event, which gained wide publicity, was the overthrow Lenin monument in Kiev, December 8, 2013. The most active phase Leninopad occurred in the days following the confrontations 18-20 February 2014. At the Western Region was demolished more than 80 monuments.

At the end of 2014 we can state resulting change topics ideological protest. For the first time in the history of independence, among protests difficult to detect events left ideological orientation. In Top 3 topics protests are Ukrainian OR "For a United Ukraine" (58 p.), "Ukrainian nationalism" (28p.) "Against Russian intervention" (18p.).

Socio-political life of Ukrainians at Western region accompanied by various kinds of protests. Therefore, the nature of their flow, geospatial location and possible consequences ofprotest activity in Ukraine require further human geographical searching and research.


1. Yefremova T. F. New Dictionary of Ruska language. Sensibly-derivation. - M.: Russian Language, 2000 [Electron resource]. - Mode of access: http://www.efremova.info

2. Short Oxford Political Dictionary/Compiled by I. McLean, A. Macmillan. - K.: Basis, 2006. - 789 p.

3. Protests, victory and repression in Ukraine: results of monitoring of 2011/Edited by V. Ishchenko. - K.: Research Center Society, 2012. - P. 19.

4. Glossary of foreign words/Compilers: S. Morozov, L. M. Shkaraputa. - K.: Science. Dumka, 2000. - 680 p. - Dictionaries Ukraine.

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