Научная статья на тему 'Хозяйство и общество: анализ рынка сквозь призму моральных категорий'

Хозяйство и общество: анализ рынка сквозь призму моральных категорий Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Хозяйство и общество: анализ рынка сквозь призму моральных категорий»


М. Фуркад

Хозяйство и общество: анализ рынка сквозь призму моральных категорий

Факультет социологии, Калифорнийский университет в Беркли (США)


(Fourcade, Marion) — доцент факультета социологии Калифорнийского университета в Беркли (США).

Email: [email protected]

Course Description1 and Objectives

This course is an introduction to economic sociology. Sociologists have always studied economic processes, though perhaps never as militantly and self-consciously as they do today. The last 20 years have indeed seen a rather extraordinary flourishing of sociological scholarship in this area, which seeks both to critique the analytical assumptions and research procedures commonly used in mainstream economics, and also to offer sociologically grounded accounts of economic phenomena. This movement culminates in the formulation of alternative claims regarding economic behavior and economic processes, and in the institutionalization of a specific subfield known as economic sociology.

This course will approach the field of economic sociology from the particular angle of the relationship between arguments about the economy and the construction of moral categories, using as a road map a survey of the field Kieran Healy and I recently published. We will start from the observation that moral judgments that justify or vilify the market on the basis of some final value are extremely common in the social sciences.

We will then move progressively toward more constructivist arguments that show, in many different ways, how markets, through their own operation, create the very moral categories we act upon. This structure allows us to engage with important foundational work in economics, sociology and political science, as well as with some of the most exciting and newest literature dealing with social classification through markets, the performative role of economic technologies, and subjectivity and control in a neo-liberal economy.

General information

The following three books have been ordered at the Cal Student Bookstore:

- Healy K. 2006. Last Best Gifts. Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs. University of Chicago Press;

- MacKenzie D., Muniesa F., Siu L. (eds.). 2007. Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics. Princeton University Press;

Economy and Society: Moral Views of Market Society.

- MacKenzie D. 2006. An Engine, not a Camera. How Financial Models Shape Markets. MIT Press.

There is a course web site for Sociology 280Q on bSpace. Most papers are available in PDF format from various sources. You can access the papers directly by clicking into the syllabus links from bSpace. (Important: bSpace is an open source system. It works best when using Mozilla Firefox.) I will also post additional readings (book chapters, etc) in PDF format, as well as any additional information concerning the course. As a back up, readings will also be available for copying in the Soc 280Q box in Barrows 410. (Please replace the copies after you are done.)

Course Requirements

- Active participation of all seminar members to class discussion.

- Two in class presentations. One presentation will cover the readings for one week. It should be supported by a written memo briefly summarizing the main arguments and raising a number of themes/questions for further discussion in class. The memo should be posted on the course web site or emailed to the class list no later than midnight, on the Saturday before class, so that people have at least one day to read it. The second presentation will take place at the end of the semester and will involve a discussion of the proposed research paper. (See below.)

- One three-to-five pages final paper proposal, due on October 22. (My mailbox or email is fine.) The proposal should outline the research question, the research strategy, and explain the sociological motivation behind the problem studied (a critical review of the scholarly literature is an acceptable motivation).

- One final research paper (20-25 double-spaced pages), due December 15. (No later than 5 pm in my mailbox please!) The only imperatives for this requirement are: (i) The paper must address an economic topic of your choice; (ii) It must use some of the readings in this class. The paper may be empirical or theoretical (in the latter case, I expect you to include a proposal for an empirical research design).

Week 1. Aug 27. Introduction to the Course

Hirschman A. O. 1982. Rival Interpretations of Market Society: Civilizing, Destructive of Feeble? Journal of Economic Literature. 20: 1463-1484.

Fourcade M., Healy K. 2007. Moral Views of Market Society. Annual Review of Sociology. 33: 285-311.


Fligstein N., Dauter L. 2007. The Sociology of Markets. Annual Review of Sociology. 33: 105-128.

Week 2. Sept 3. Labor Day. No class

Week 3. Sept 10. Understanding Economic Liberalism, Chicago Style

Hayek F. 1972 (1944). Preface to the 1956 edition and Chapter 6 (Planning and the Rule of Law). In: Hayek F. The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Friedman M. 1982 (1962) Chapters 1, 2, 10. In: Capitalism and Freedom. The University of Chicago Press.

Coase R. 1960. The Problem of Social Cost. Journal of Law and Economics. 3 (1): 1-44.

McCloskey D. 2006. A Brief for the Bourgeois Virtues. In: The Bourgeois Virtues. Ethics for an Age of Commerce. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 1-60.


Coase R. 1992. The Institutional Structure of Production. The American Economic Review. 82 (4): 713-719.

Cowen T. 2002. Creative Destruction. How Globalization Is Changing the World's Cultures. Princeton University Press.

Rajan R., Zingales L. 2002. Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists: the Power of Financial Markets to Create Wealth and Spread Opportunity. New York: Crown Publishing Group.

Scott J. 1998. Seeing Like a State. How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Week 4. Sept 17. Commodification, Coercion, Waste

Marx K. 1867. The Fetishism of Commodities and The Secret Thereof. In: Capital. Volume 1. Hamburg: O. Meissner; New-York: L. W. Schmidt. Use: Tucker R. (ed.) The Marx-Engels Reader (from your Sociological Theory class).

Hochschild A. R. 2003 (1983). Exploring the Managed Heart. In: The Managed Heart. Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press; 3-23.

Ackerman F., Heizerling L. 2005. Myths and Markets. In: Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing. New York: New Press; 13-40..

Block F., Somers M. 2005. Ideas, Markets, and Institutions over 200 Years of Welfare Debate. American Sociological Review. 70 (2): 260-287.

Thrift N. 2001. «It's the Romance, not the Finance, that Makes the Business Worth Pursuing»: Disclosing a New Market Culture. Economy and Society. 30 (4):412-432.


Bourdieu P. 2000. Making the Economic Habitus. Algerian Workers Revisited. Ethnography. 1 (1): 17-41.

Espeland W., Stevens M. 1998. Commensuration as a Social Process. Annual Review of Sociology. 24: 313343.

Hochschild A. 2003. The Commercialization of Intimate Life. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press.

Horkheimer M., Adorno T. 1972. The Culture Industry: Enlightenment and Mass Deception. In: Horkheimer M., Adorno T. Dialectic of Enlightenment. New York: Seabury Press; 94-136.

Lessig L. 2005. Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity. Penguin.

Polanyi K. 1971 (1944). The Great Transformation. Beacon Press.

Radin M. 2001. Contested Commodities. Harvard University Press.

Vaidhyanathan S. 2003. Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How it Threatens Creativity. New York: NYU Press.

Veblen T. 1899. The Theory of the Leisure Class. Penguin.

Week 5. Sept 24. Feeble Markets

I. From Realist and Voluntarist

Greif A. 1994. Cultural Beliefs and the Organization of Society: A Historical and Theoretical Reflection on Collectivist and Individualist Societies. Journal of Political Economy. 2 (5): 912-950. Note: An abridged version of this paper can be found in: Brinton M., Nee V. (eds.). 1994. The New Institutionalism in Sociology. Russel Sage Foundation.

Guseva A., Rona-Tas A. 2001. Uncertainty, Risk and Trust: Russian and American Credit Card Markets Compared. American Sociological Review. 66 (5): 623-646.

Acemoglu D., Robinson J., Johnson S. 2001. The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: an Empirical Investigation. American Economic Review. 91: 1369-401. .

La Porta R., Lopez de Silanes F., Shleifer A., Vishny R. W. 1998. Law and Finance. The Journal of Political Economy. 106 (6): 1113-1155.

Evans P., Rauch J. 1999. Bureaucracy and Growth: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effects of «Weberian» State Structures on Economic Growth. American Sociological Review. 64 (5).


Greif A. 2006. Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy. Cambridge University Press.

Greif A. 1998. Historical and Comparative Institutional Analysis. American Economic Review. 88 (2): 8084.

Chandler A. 1990. Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism. Belknap Press.

Evans P. 1995. Embedded Autonomy. States & Industrial Transformation. Princeton University Press.

Hamilton G., Biggart N. W. 1988. Market, Culture, and Authority: a Comparative Analysis of Management and Organization in the Far East. American Journal f Sociology. 94: 52-94.

North D. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press.

Weeks 6. Oct 1. Feeble Markets

II. To Varietist Views of Market Society

Pomeranz K. 2000. Introduction. In Pomeranz K. The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 3-27.

Dore R. 1983. Goodwill and the Spirit of Market Capitalism. The British Journal of Sociology. 34 (4): 459482.

Biernacki R. 2001. Labor as an Imagined Commodity? Politics and Society. 29 (2):173-206.

Dobbin F. 2001. Why the Economy Reflects the Polity. In: Granovetter M., Swedberg R. The Sociology of Economic Life. 2nd edn. Westview Press.

Amable B. 2003. A Comparative Analysis of Capitalism. In: The Diversity of Modern Capitalism. Oxford University Press; 74-114.


Geertz C. 1978. The Bazaar Economy: Information and Search in Peasant Marketing. American Economic Review. 68 (2): 28-32.

Hall P., Soskice B. 2001. Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Cambridge University Press.

Meyer J., Jepperson R. 1991. The Public Order and the Construction of Formal Organizations. In: Powell W., DiMaggio P. (eds.). The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. University of Chicago Press; 204-231.

Prasad M. 006. The Politics of Free Markets. University of Chicago Press.

Volkov V. 2002. Violent Entrepreneurs. The Use of Force in the Making of Russian Capitalism. Cornell University Press.

Week 7. Oct 8. Feeble Markets

III. Structural Views of Market Society

Granovetter M. 2005. The Impact of Social Structures on Economic Outcomes. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 19 (1): 33-50.

Bourdieu P. 2005. Principles of an Economic Anthropology. In: The Social Structures of the Economy. Polity Press; 193-222.

Fligstein N. 2001. Bringing Sociology Back In. In: The Architecture of Markets. Princeton University Press; 3-23.

White H. 1981. Where do Markets Come From? American Journal of Sociology. 87 (3): 517-547.

Fourcade M. 2007. Theories of Markets, Theories of Society. American Behavioral Scientist. 50 (8): 10151034.


Bestor T. C. 2004. Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World. University of California Press. Bourdieu P. 2005. The Social Structures of the Economy. Polity Press; [rest of the book].

Fligstein N. 2001. The Architecture of Markets. Princeton University Press; [rest of the book].

Leifer E. 1985. Markets as Mechanisms: Using a Role Structure. Social Forces. 64 (2): 442-472.

Louch H., DiMaggio P. 1988. Socially Embedded Consumer Transactions: For What Kinds of Purchases Do People Most Often Use Networks? American Sociological Review. 63 (5): 619-637.

White H. 2001. Markets from Networks. Socioeconomic Models of Production. Princeton University Press.

Week 8. Oct 15. Moral Projects

I. Making Categories [3 HOURS CLASS]

Zelizer V. 1978. Human Values and the Market. The Case of Life Insurance and Death in 19th Century America. American Journal of Sociology. 84 (3): 591-610.

Quinn S. 2007. The Transformation of Morals andMarkets. Death, Benefits, and the Exchange of Life Insurance Policies. Mimeo, UC Berkeley.

Espeland W., Sauder M. 2007. Rankings and Reactivity: How Public Measures Recreate Social Worlds. American Journal of Sociology. 113 (1): 1-40.

Zuckerman E. 1999. The Categorical Imperative: Securities Analysts and the Illegitimacy Discount. American Journal of Sociology. 104: 1398-1438.

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Steensland B. 2006. Cultural Categories of Worth and the American Welfare State: the Case of Guaranteed Income Policy. American Journal of Sociology. 111 (5): 1273-1326. .

Velthuis O. 2003. Symbolic Meanings of Prices: Constructing the Value of Contemporary Art in Amsterdam and New York Galleries. Theory and Society. 32 (2): 181-215.


Boltanski L., Thevenot L. 2006. On Justification: Economies of Worth. Princeton University Press.

DiMaggio P. 1997. Culture and Cognition. Annual Review of Sociology. 23: 263-287.

Dobbin F., Zorn D., Dierkes J., Kwok M.-Sh. 2005. Managing Investors: How the Financial Markets Reshaped the American Firm. In: Knorr-Cetina K., Preda A. (eds.). The Sociology of Financial Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mohr J. W. 1994. Soldiers, Mothers, Tramps and Others: Discourse Roles in the 1907 New York City Charity Directory. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media, and the Arts. 22: 327-357.

Velthuis O. 2006. Talking Prices. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Week 9. Oct 22. Book focus


Healy K. 2006. Last Best Gifts. Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs. University of Chicago Press.

Also read:

Almeling R. 2007. Selling Genes, Selling Gender: Egg Agencies, Sperm Banks, and the Medical Market in Genetic Material. American Sociological Review. 72 (3): 319-340.

Week 10. Oct 29. Moral Projects

II. Performativity [3 HOURS CLASS]

Callon M. 1998. The Embeddedness of Economic Markets in Economics. In: Callon M. (ed.). The Laws of the Markets. Blackwell.

MacKenzie D., Muniesa F., Siu L. (eds.). 2007. Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics. Princeton University Press:

- Garcia-Papet M.-F. The Social Construction of a Perfect Market: The Strawberry Auction at Fontaines en Sologne; 20-53;

- Muniesa F., Callon M. Economic Experiments and the Construction of Markets; 163-189;

- Mirowski Ph., Nik-Kah E. Markets Made Flesh: Performativity, and a Problem in Science Studies, Augmented with Consideration of the FCC Auctions; 190-224;

- Mitchell T. The Properties of Markets; 244-275.

Sinclair T. 2005. The New Masters of Capital. Bond-Rating Agencies and the Politics of Creditworthiness. Ithaca: Cornell University Press; 22-71.


Davis G. Forthcoming. Portfolio Society. The Social Implications of the New Financial Capitalism. Oxford University Press.

MacKenzie D., Muniesa F., Siu L. (eds.). 2007.Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics. Princeton University Press [rest of the book].

Miller P. 2001. Governing by Numbers: Why Calculative Practices Matter. Social Research. 68 (2): 379396.

Mitchell T. 2005. The Work of Economics: How a Discipline Makes its World. European Journal of Sociology. 47 (2): 297-320.

Bockman J., Eyal G. 2002. Eastern Europe as a Laboratory of Economic Knowledge: The Transnational Roots of Neoliberalism. American Journal of Sociology. 108 (2):310-352.

Week 11. Nov 5. Book Focus

MacKenzie D. 2006. An Engine, not a Camera. How Financial Models Shape Markets. MIT Press.

Week 12. Nov 12. No class. Veterans' Day

Week 13. Nov 19. Moral Projects

III. Governmentality

Foucault M. 1979. On Governmentality. Ideology & Consciousness. 6: 5-21.

Rose N., Miller P. 1992. Political Power beyond the State: Problematics of Government. The British Journal of Sociology. 43 (2): 173-205.

Mitchell T. 1999. State, Economy and the State Effect. In: State/Culture: State Formation After the Cultural Turn. Cornell University Press; 76-97.

Ferguson J. 1994. The Anti-Politics Machine. Development, Depoliticization and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; 1-73.

Best J. 2005. The Moral Politics of IMF Reforms: Universal Economics, Particular Ethics. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. 4 (3-4): 357-378.

Rankin K. N. 2001. Governing Development: Neoliberalism, Microcredit, and Rational Economic Woman. Economy and Society. 30 (1): 18-37.


Bartley T. 2007. Institutional Emergence in an Era of Globalization: The Rise of Transnational Private Regulation of Labor and Environmental Conditions. American Journal of Sociology. 113 (2): 297-351.

Best J. 2005. The Limits of Transparency: Ambiguity and the History of International Finance. Cornell University Press.

Elyachar J. 2002. Empowerment Money. The World Bank, Non-Governmental Organizations, and the Value of Culture in Egypt. Public Culture. 14 (3): 493-513.

Ferguson J. 2006. Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order. Stanford University Press.

Goldman M. 2005. Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age Of Globalization. Yale University Press.

Mitchell T. 2002. The Rule of Experts. University of California Press.

Rose N., Miller P. 1990. Governing Economic Life. Economy and Society. 19 (1): 1-31.

Salzinger L. 2003. Genders in Production. Making Workers in Mexico's Global Factories. University of California Press.

Somers M. 2005. Beware Trojan Horses Bearing Social Capital: How Privatization Turned Solidarity into a Bowling Team. In: Steinmetz G. (ed.). The Politics of Methods in the Human Sciences. Positivism and Its Epistemological Others. Duke University Press; 233-274.

Watts M. Development and Governmentality. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 24 (1): 6-34.

Week 14. Nov 26. Presentation of Students' Research projects

Week 15. Dec 3. Presentation of Students' Research projects Week 16. Dec 10. NO CLASS FINAL PAPER DUE DEC 15

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