Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Nasiba Shuhratjon qizi Ibrohimjonova
Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University Email address:[email protected] Scientific adviser: Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova
The most necessary seven strategies that we need to teach new readers easily and effectively and students will have get the summit of degree in reading, also four types to advance reading capacity and it has benefit for learning new language.
Keywords: a bucket of vocabulary, reading comprehension, foundational skills, reading loudly and repeating fluently, earlier knowledge, predicting, imaginary , summing up, intensive and extensive, skimming and scanning, teachers and mentors.
Teaching a pupil or a student is the most vital commitment in order to begin recognizing letters and sounds or some books which they begin to read. Reading is an important skill in our beginning of lifetime and there is no one do not want to read and understand the topic or the meaning of the words and also everyone have desire to begin and improve reading skills, so we need a help of teachers and tutors in order to develop such kind of ability. At the beginning, teachers should know how to teach students and some foundational skills like: a bucket of vocabulary, reading fluency, the meaning of the words, reading comprehension and so on. To teach the students Teachers should know how to train these skills and they must access the ability of students in order to make easy for students.
There have been some researches about story grammars and reading instruction by researcher who was Jill Fitzgerald Whaley (in journal The Reading Teacher in 1981). Jill Fitzgerald Whaley Investigators have presented own enthusiasm on story schema which is, one person's rational representation of story components and the approach these are appropriate to each other. Especially, the most vital feature of this study is that enhancement of story grammars in order to illustrate narrative parts and their interrelationship. There have been two findings of story grammar research have essential results for practicing in classroom. Initially, a person's knowledge of story components comes into view to assist understanding and memory of stories. Secondly, this knowledge will be more advanced during the time. Because older children and adults have well provided with complicated point of view of what compose a story than younger generation. It is likely to be that, we have a way in order to improve
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
children's reading comprehension is to develop the growth of their knowledge of story components. ( publisher Wiley, International Reading Association, The Reading Teacher page 762-771).
Here some strategies and methods how to educate and support the students in only improving reading and understanding.
Reading loud texts to students
If teachers read some books or topic loudly to students in classrooms they can help to comprehend, add new words and also enhance also listening skills. In addition, parents ought to do side by side with teachers at home if they want children to be best readers.
Providing students with opportunities
Students must be given time to read and discuss with friends or parents and also rewrite the text in order to have a rich knowledge. So students can have an opportunity to tell their own opinion based on topic, they can learn to listen to their peers in discussion also writing ability can be improved by reading.
Repeat the text for fluency
If students repeat one text regularly, they will learn to read without stopping (only see punctuation marks) and recognize how to pronounce the words. There is also has a chance to advance their confidence for themselves and the can make speech among people.
Using earlier knowledge of students
Every student has their own prior knowledge and opinion in learning reading. This can consist of personal experience, social and religious experience and mindset knowledge. By these experiences, students have an opportunity to be aware of knowledge of others and obtain some useful information in order to develop understanding.
Before students read one text they have had prediction about how this text is going on. Each student have anticipation about actions and events and they predict before reading tis text will be about something, during the text continuity of actions, at the end they will comment based on their comprehension.
It is kind of imaginary that children can describe scenes on their mind, while they are reading story. Also teachers and parents are able to help to picture and show by how gestures or handshaking as well as it can help to readers in order to comprehend the actions of what going on. So they can feel with their emotions.
Sum up
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
After reading the book or the whole story in conclusion we need rethink the series of events and absolutely we can have some questions on our mind and we ought to answer these questions as we ensure the understanding of this book and text. It gives us to define our prospects about what we read.
Researchers are still trying to investigate the ways through two kinds of knowledge communicate together while the process of reading. Jeanne S Chall, a spokeswoman of the phonics method, is well- known for her going on struggle with a war between " those advocating phonics instruction ( bottom-up processing) and those supporting whole language (top-down processing), that hinge in sections on instruction utilizing sight words." (Abraham, 2002, p,1 ) Chall have an argument on "systematic direct teaching of decoding ought to be part of initial instruction" ( Orasanu,1986,p.114). Other bottom-up theorists included Gough (1972), LaBerge and Samuels(1974). Carrell and Eisterhold (1983) state that accessing appropriate content schemata rely initially on "the graphic display" which "must be somehow recreated by the reader as meaningful language" (p. 562). Therefore, readers can improve reading comprehension by enlarging their vocabulary lists and obtaining greater control over complicated syntactic structures. Contemporary insights believe that grammar facilitates learning and its proposals to learners should be through "con-textualization of linguistic forms in situations of natural use" (Hedge, 2003, p.159)
Until we get the maturity we need to know our national language and how to read the words, sentences, texts in order to study other subjects and to be an aware of the world. We cannot imagine our life without reading writing like this kind of skills. Not only ours, but we also should know other languages and reading of their books information, thus we need learn. To improve reading of foreign language learners we have two effective and efficient types to learn and both of these approaches are beneficial for students. They are called intensive and extensive reading methods: first method is reading deeply and learning the root of text or story in order to understand detailed information. Also it pays attention to grammar structure, coherence and cohesion, how used the vocabulary and it especially includes origin and essence of the piece of some text. On the other side, extensive reading is we can just reed for fun. By this way we are able to learn new vocabularies slangs and a bit grammar that we have noticed. Students should need the meaning of each word or structure of grammar, we can be familiar with the text and have an opinion to talk about briefly as well readers have enjoyment and pleasure by reading book and they can learn something with easy way.
There are also two types to enhancing reading skills they are: skimming and scanning. Skimming play an important role to improve reading ability it is kind of
April 23-24, 2024
Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics
Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik
Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari
looking through the text and paying attention the main meaning of the text. Then students do not need to know or pronounce every word, but they just gaze and obtain the essential meaning. Second way of learning is scanning what can help to get some piece necessary information by reading quickly. Especially, it is useful in some kind of exams and control works because we may have some questions after we have read the entire text or story weather we can check the information is correct or incorrect based on the text.
Reading is the most vital ability that we need from our born to the death. Each individual has mentor to learn reading and also writing they are our teachers and parents who help us it is a quite an important from our childhood and while growing up for years and indeed the knowledge of ours increase with the same our age. Initially, we launch owns language and its reading then languages of countries and its reading. It may be challenging but we need no to stop on the same stage, so teachers, tutors and parents give helping hand to us. Therefore we should not afraid of encountering some difficulties and problems as well as the most practical strategies and types of reading skills above are there in order to support our knowledge of learning reading.
Reading is imperative for learning, so implanting a love of reading at an early age is the key that opens the door to lifelong learning. Reading loudly shows books as sources of enjoyment, entertaining, and exhilarating formative experiences for children to recall. Teenagers who value books are more motivated to read on their own and it is possible to continue to hold that ethics for the rest of their lives. Instilling a love of reading early gives a child a head start on expanding their vocabulary and building independence and self-confidence. It helps children learn to make sense not only of the world around them but also people, building social-emotional skills and of course, imagination.
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3. Jalolov, J. J., Makhkamova, G. T., & Ashurov Sh, S. (2015). English language teaching methodology. Tashkent: Fan va texnologiya.
4. Raimovna, N. K. (2022). Language teachers' preferences of pronunciation teaching techniques in ESL classes. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING & MANAGEMENT REVIEW ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(06), 72-77.
April 23-24, 2024