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Ключевые слова
информационная среда / психологические риски / «Homo informaticus» / трансформация социальных отношений / взаимодействие человека и информационной среды / субъект-средовое взаимодействие. / digital (information) environment / psychological risks / «Homo informaticus» / transformation of social relation / human- digital (information) environment-interaction / subject (agency)-environment interaction

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Патраков Э. В., Батурина Л. И., Регина Селия Перейра Де Мораес, Роза Лидиси Де Мораес Валим

Информационная среда фундаментально изменила субъекта, среду его жизнедеятельности. Основываясь на концепции субъект-средового взаимодействия (Панов В.И.), авторы раскрывают пять ключевых тенденций трансформации субъекта под влиянием информационной среды и их потенциальную рискогенность для субъекта.

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The information environment has fundamentally changed the subject, the environment of his life-activity. Based on the concept of subject (agent)-environment interaction (Panov V.I.), the authors present five key trends of transformation of the subject under the influence of the digital environment and their potential risk for the subject (agent).


4. Ковалёв А.К., Кузнецова Ю.М., Минин А.Н., Пенкина М.Ю., Смирнов И.В., Станкевич М.А., Чудова Н.В. Методы выявления по тексту психологических характеристик автора (на примере агрессивности) // Вопросы кибербезопасности. 2019. №4. С. 72-80.

5. Никитина Е.Н., Онипенко Н.К. Когнитивно-лингвистическая интерпретация результатов автоматического анализа текстов психически больных // Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений. 2019. №3. С.60-69.

6. Осипов Г.С., Смирнов И.В., Тихомиров И. Реляционно-ситуационный метод поиска и анализа текстов и его приложения // Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений. 2008. № 2. С.3-10

7. Осипов Г.С. Построение моделей предметных областей. 4.I. Неоднородные семантические сети // Известия АН СССР. Техническая кибернетика. 1990. №5. С.32-45.

8. Осипов Г. С. Приобретение знаний интеллектуальными системами. // М.: Наука. Физматлит, 1997.




Патраков Э.В.

ФГОУ ВО «Уральский федеральный университет», Екатеринбург, Россия

E-mail: [email protected] Батурина Л.И.

Университет Uninassau, Ресифи, Бразилия E-mail: Baturina [email protected] Регина Селия Перейра де Мораес Уиверситетский центр Unicarioca, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия E-mail: [email protected] Роза Лидиси де Мораес Валим Университетский центр Unicarioca, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия E-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Информационная среда фундаментально изменила субъекта, среду его жизнедеятельности. Основываясь на концепции субъект-средового взаимодействия (Панов В.И.), авторы раскрывают пять ключевых тенденций трансформации субъекта под влиянием информационной среды и их потенциальную рискогенность для субъекта.

Ключевые слова: информационная среда, психологические риски, «Homo informaticus», трансформация социальных отношений, взаимодействие человека и информационной среды, субъект-средовое взаимодействие.


Patrakov E.V.

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Batourina L.I. University Uninassau, Recife, Brazil E-mail: [email protected] Regina Celia Pereira de Moraes University center Unicarioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil E-mail: [email protected]

59 Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-29-14067 мк.

Rosa Lidice de Moraes Valim

University center Unicarioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The information environment has fundamentally changed the subject, the environment of his life-activity. Based on the concept of subject (agent)-environment interaction (Panov V.I.), the authors present five key trends of transformation of the subject under the influence of the digital environment and their potential risk for the subject (agent).

Keywords: digital (information) environment, psychological risks, «Homo informaticus», transformation of social relation, human- digital (information) environment-interaction; subject (agency)-environment interaction.

Today, an increasing number of different life activities (purchases, training, business, and even building personal relationships) are happening online. Scientists have shown long ago that the Internet is not only, and not so much a means of exchanging information, but the habitat and the place of formation of life habits [1, 2].

Digital society, the virtual environment are so dynamically changing a person, that a special term appeared in the research literature, «Homo informaticus», characterizing the nature of this person as ambivalent: on the one hand, it is a product of the information development of the society; on the other hand, he acts as the creator of a new type of social-informational relations [3,4,5]. There are substantial reasons for this. Information technologies have touched almost all spheres of life, and so much, that new activities and meanings have emerged.

For example, purchases on the Internet done at night, as a way to distract from insomnia, received the fixed term "vampire shopping". Marketers have calculated a huge profit from such buyers and actively encourage purchases at night, knowing the psychological characteristics of human behavior at this time.

Starting the topic of "Homo informaticus", we, of course, must mention the studies of the information society in the school of O.K. Tikhomirov (Kornilova T.V., Vois^unsky A.E., Soldatova G.U.).

In general, as noted by I.E. Garber, the information society itself transforms the system of psychological knowledge (Garber I.E., 2012). Naturally that today we have a whole scientific direction in psychology - cyber psychology (Vois^unsky A.E.).

Let's briefly consider what the digital environment has changed:

First, the information environment is characterized by extremely large and practically uncontrollable volumes of information, much of this is unreliable. Using online means of obtaining information, people believe that they know a lot, they learn a lot, but turning off access to search engines almost instantly turns knowledge into opinions about knowledge, but not the knowledge itself. The lack of systemic work with primary sources limits the possibilities of systemic and critical thinking, weakens social immunity, and forms the stereotype of social consciousness.

The basic strategy of behavior on the Internet is the so-called surfing, that is fast movement with the help of hyperlinks to the opening windows. The reader often forms the meaning out of a text scanned instead of a text read, depending on the time.

Therefore, with hyperlinks, digital environments became a cauldron of superficial wisdom coming from several sources and emanating polyphonic and platonic experiences, not always forming solid bases. Guy Debord, respected French philosopher who used to write about society once said that the control center had become hidden and it would never be occupied again by any clear ideology [6]. Richard Sennet [7] states since earlier seventies, to the fall of the public man, merged to the private man, self-centered, digitally connected. Internet thus becomes the symbol of his digital narrative.

Secondly, the mass production of communications (the communications industry) is at the same time the mass production of simulacra - the pictures of reality, which, in fact, do not exist ("simulacrum"). Modern reality produces masses of simulacra, self-sufficient, independent of the

prototypes, and forms with them the modern living environment called the "information society". The information society as a society of communications is to a certain extent a simulation of reality or simulative reality. Communication as an meaningful informational interaction is obliged to ensure not only the transfer of information, but also the translation of meaning, which is exclusively an individual property and, in principle, cannot be identically copied. Virtual reality, instead of a meaning, transmits a simulacrum (J. Baudrillard), or rather, a simulacrum of meaning, which generates a new individual meaning for communicators. Thus, the very essence of communication is transformed.

The Internet began as an exchange of knowledge or information. Therefore, this side of communication has been studied in sufficient detail. But also an important communication function is to satisfy the need for self-identification, i.e. feelings of belonging (self-identification) to a certain, group of people. In other words: I communicate, therefore I do not feel lonely, and therefore, I am not alone. A result, a special language (slang) of such communication, which is understandable only to members of this group (network community) was developed and used.

This suggests that the effectiveness of communication will depend on: the degree of virtual-ization of the communication message; the degree of activity of the subject of communication; psycho-ethical qualities of the communicator; degree of certainty (concretization) of the communication process; the degree of similarity of communication to personal communication privacy; viability generated by communication simulacra. That is, a person is as if "captured" by a stream of virtual communications. The most striking example here may be the phenomenon of youth chat, the content of its many hours communication is often almost negligible. Similar role but in less distribution was played by endless telephone conversations in pre-internet epoch. Researchers note that with the advent of such communication technologies, "users" feel completely different, more confident, and assert themselves in this cultural environment. It indicates the formation of a qualitatively new culture and a qualitatively new awareness of subjectivity.

The Internet is a socio-cultural phenomenon - it joints children, youth, adults and elderly. This connections phenomenon has sociological and anthropological implications. The sociological implications propitiate the technological development; build new mental paradigms based on information and communication technologies; and form society fed by mixture of false and true information. The anthropological implications, by the other hand, symbolize the deep bonds, choices, problems or reasons that unite human beings in life. And, from the core of its essence a type of self-consciousness arises, not critical, but with its self-determination. This exactly phenomenon makes manipulation possible, denoting that identity is based on extremely vague values or principles, or as Debord (2003) would say in thoughts of a non-thoughts, in explicit forgetfulness of historical practices. Debord refers to the society of the spectacle and proves that that manipulation is quite possible in virtual environment.

Thirdly, the growth of mass amateur creativity, which has already captured a significant territory, claimed by the mass culture. An example is the blogosphere, which is already very close to the professional level of artistic writing and journalism, and often surpassing them. It blurs the boundaries of professionalism, and often replaces the real assessment of artistry and quality with "likes." Metaphorically speaking the blogosphere could be presented as a city of strangers, according to Richard Sennet (1999).This lack of attachments to past calls for the attention of psychologists.

Fourthly, the transformation of the cultural identity code. When you type a search query in Yandex, Google or any other search engines they display hints for the continuation of the phrase. These hints are listen according to their frequency, placing most often queries at the top. So, if you start typing the question "How to become ...", google will give the following list:

(Enlgish) How to become: Flight attendant, hacker, rich, data scientist, astronaut, millionaire, billionaire;

(Russian) Как стать: русалкой, вампиром, красивой, феей, принцессой, богатым, депутатом, миллионером, успешной. (mermaid, vampire, beautiful, fairy, princess, rich, deputy, millionaire, successful);

(Portuguese) Como se tornar: tradutor juramentado, diplomatа, hacker, vegano, bombeiro, perito criminal, budista, mei, trader (official translator, diplomat, hacker, vegan, firefighter, criminal expert, Buddhist, individual worker, trader;

(German) Wie wird man: professor, reich, notar (notary), beamter, DJ, schwanger, jude (professor, rich, notary, official, DJ, pregnant, jew);

(French) Comment devenir: riche intelligent, agent immmobilier enterpreneur, mannequin psychologue, advocat, vierge (rich, intelligent, real estate agent, entrepreneur, model, psychologist, lawyer, virgin);

(Spanish) Como convertirse: vampiro, vegano, millonario, judo mason, influencer, hacker, hombre lobo (vampire, vegan, millionaire, judo mason, influencer, hacker, werewolf).

These reflections are not enough to express the complex mechanisms that connect data with their results, much less with the conditions in which these mechanisms operate, but scratch the surface of a complex of life-policy choices [8]. Moreover, further research may reveal interesting national peculiarities.

Fifth, the transformation of morality in a virtual environment. So, morality has a regulatory function and covers the sphere of relations that is not regulated by law, it complements law, one might say, it is "higher than a law". In this context, morality is not algorithmic, and sooner or later, it will come into conflict with one of the important directions of the development of the information society - algorithms. Regulatory function of morality is a continuous process of bringing the real behavior of individuals, service teams, state and public institutions in line with the moral standards of a society. For these purposes, such "instruments" of regulation of moral relations as: moral and ethical principles, public opinion, moral authority, traditions, customs, commandments, habits are used. Virtual environment is forming its own "instruments", questioning authority, customs, traditions to their core.

Human-computer-interaction including social networking and gaming modifies the way of human thinking and changes human motivation and personality. Experimental (Trimmel M., 2017) and theoretical evidence suggest that Homo informaticus can be described as characterized by (1) altered perception, (2) altered thinking, (3) reduced sense of reality, (4) preference of hierarchy, (5) low conscientiousness, (6) a motivational shape by shifted moral values towards power and egoism, (7) altered social interaction, and (8) humans acting as an information technology (computer) subsystem.

Considering the above, we can say that, to a certain extent, the algorithms of the information society blur the value of moral judgments. Such, according to the authors, are the main trends in the formation of the "Homo informaticus".

To be objective, there are many positive characteristics of a "Homo informaticus" and digital society as a whole. But this is the topic for another article.


1. Prenksy M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9, 5, 1-6.

2. Tapscott D. (2008) Grown up digital: How the next generation is changing your world. NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780071508636.

3. Panov V.I. From Environmental Psychology to Subject-Environment Interactions. Proceedings of the 2017 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2017). Part of the series ASSEHR. Moscow, Russia. V.124. P.1135-1139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2991/iccessh-17.2017.265.

4. Курбатов В.И., Папа О.М. «Homo informaticus» - человек информационной эпохи: характерологические черты // Гуманитарные, социально-экономические и общественные науки. Всероссийский научный журнал, 2017. № 1. С. 46-52.

5. Патраков Э.В. Подростки и Интернет: реакции родителей. Сибирский психологический журнал, 2019. № 72. С. 129-144. https://doi.org/10.17223/17267080/72/7

6. Debord G. (1997) A sociedade do espetaculo. Sao Paulo: Coletivo Periferia. ISBN: 97885-85910-17-4 [In Portugues].

7. Sennett R. (2001) O Declínio do Homem Público: as tiranias da intimidade. Tradujo: LygiaAraújo Watanabe. Sao Paulo: Companhia das Letras.ISBN: 85-85095-82-2. [In Portugués].

8. Bauman Z. (2001). Modernidade Líquida, Tradu9ao Plínio Dentzien. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, ISBN: 978-85-7110-598-0 [In Portugués].



ФГОУ ВО «Уральский федеральный университет», Екатеринбург, Россия

E-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Актуальность исследования вызвана интенсивным развитием информационных и коммуникационных технологий, которое способствовало ускорению глобальных изменений и затронуло почти все аспекты личной и общественной жизни. Ряд исследований показывают что сегодня подростки и молодежь подвергаются большому количеству рисков, а профессиональные сообщества (педагоги, психологи, даже медиаторы) не всегда готовы оказать квалифицированную помощь. Исследование проводилось с опорой на общие модели риска и рискованного поведения, теорию социальных представлений, эко-психологический подход. Показаны общие и отличительные особенности в представлениях родителей, старшеклассников и педагогов о рисках интернета для подростков.

Ключевые слова: интернет, риски, подростки, педагоги, родители, социальные представления, эко-психологический подход


Patrakov E.V.

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The relevance of the project is caused by the intensive development of information and communication technologies, which contributed to the acceleration of global changes and affected almost all aspects of personal and public life. Results from various studies ones reveal that adolescents and youth are at a great number of risks nowadays but professional associations (teachers, physiologists and even mediators) are not always ready to provide qualified assistance. The research was based on the General models of risks and risky behavior, theory of social representations, eco-psychological approach. Shows the general and distinctive features in the representations of parents, high schoolchildrens and teachers about the risks of the Internet for adolescents.

Keywords: Internet, risks, adolescents, teachers, parents, social representations, eco-psychological approach

Актуальность исследования вызвана достаточно противоречивым восприятием различными субъектами образовательного процесса цифровой трансформации общества и их различными представлениями о рисках Интернета [1]. Интернет и связанные с ним виды жизнедеятельности исследуются с конца 80-х годов прошлого столетия, первые исследования опубликованы еще в начале 70-х годов (школа Тихомирова О.К.), но и по сей день нарастает количество исследований в области цифровизации различных сред, исследований рисков и ресурсов этого процесса, особенно, для молодежи. Сегодня культура взаимодействия с информационной средой находится в континууме между выраженной технофобией и

60 Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-2914067 мк.

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