Научная статья на тему 'Holding student scientific practical conferences in foreign languages as a means to develop foreign language communicative potential'

Holding student scientific practical conferences in foreign languages as a means to develop foreign language communicative potential Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Savinova Yu.A., Zarutskaya Zh.N., Arakcheeva Z.V.

The paper deals with a problem of developing foreign language communicative potential of students during their university studies. This problem is especially relevant in a technical university, where due to the prevailing of the Sciences, professional communicative training becomes increasingly vital. However, both freshmen and graduate students of the technical university show a rather low level of foreign language communicative potential: the majority of students are not skillful enough to work with information in a foreign language, have an insufficient level of linguistic competence. All this calls for the personal development of a technical specialist, who combines high professionalism with an ability to communicate successfully using foreign languages. The authors of the paper suggest one of the possible ways of developing students' communicative potential holding student scientific practical conference in foreign languages. The materials presented in the paper lead to the conclusion that this kind of work substantially increases the level of students' foreign language communicative potential, and can be recommended for applying in the practice of extracurricular activities at any higher educational institution.

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В статье рассматривается проблема развития иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала студентов во время их обучения в университете. Данная проблема особенно актуальна в техническом вузе, где в связи с превалированием предметов технического цикла, вопрос о коммуникативной подготовке стоит особенно остро. Однако, как на момент поступления в технический университет, так и на момент его окончания уровень развития иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала является достаточно низким: большинство студентов не обладают навыками работы с иноязычной информацией и имеют недостаточный уровень языковой компетенции. Поэтому необходимо развитие личности специалиста технической сферы, в которой высокий профессионализм сочетается с умением вести продуктивную коммуникацию на иностранном языке. Авторы статьи предлагают один из возможных способов развития иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала проведение студенческих научно-практических конференций на иностранных языках. Материалы, представленные в статье, позволяют сделать вывод о том, что данный вид работы существенно влияет на развитие иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала студентов и может быть рекомендован в качестве дополнительного внеучебного мероприятия в любом вузе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Holding student scientific practical conferences in foreign languages as a means to develop foreign language communicative potential»

бы заставить его лучше и с большим желанием учиться, хорошо относиться к учителю и друг к другу, а собственный характер учителя далеко не безупречен, отличается двуличностью и неискренностью, то добиться успеха он не сможет. При отсутствии в характере глубинной целостности и нравственной силы реальная жизнь вытащит на поверхность истинные меркантильные мотивы, и кратковременный успех сменится разрушением человеческих отношений «учитель - ученик».

На этапе активного освоения познавательной деятельности, студенты совместно с преподавателем раскрывают обозначенные проблемы в его связях как с миром в целом, так и с конкретной педагогической деятельностью, интерпретируют факты и явления педагогической реальности в контексте современной культуры и развития общества. Методологическая составляющая описываемого нами компонента, может выстраиваться в аспекте герменевтической модели взаимодействия (А.Ф. Закирова, Ю.В. Сенько) [5; 6]. В основе данной модели лежит философская герменевтика - теория понимания и интерпретации гуманитарных явлений, построенная на основополагающих идеях Э. Гуссерля [8]. На данном этапе студент создает сочинения, эссе, составляет собственные дневники наблюдений, давая личност-

Библиографический список

ную интерпретацию наблюдаемых и рефлексируемых явлений образовательной практики. Презентуя созданные образовательные продукты, будущему педагогу необходимо воспроизвести процедуры получения собственных знаний, объяснить правила и принципы его получения, выделить латентные смыслы, оценить значимость каких-либо явлений.

Этап ментальной трансляции предполагает владение и демонстрацию надпредметных способов познавательной деятельности. Здесь студенты демонстрируют обогащеннное представление не только о сущности педагогической деятельности и функциях педагога в образовательном процессе, но и умеют спроектировать условия для самораскрытия индивидуальности, самоактуализации личности обучающегося. Обоснованное прогнозирование результатов собственной познавательной деятельности наглядно представляется в разработанных кейсах, проектах, моделях образовательных систем.

Таким образом, формирование у будущего педагога дея-тельностно-методологического компонента культуры трансляции является этапным и многоаспектным процессом, который помогает становлению профессионала, отвечающего современным требованиям.

1. Косогова А.С., Калинина Н.В. Методологические и практические аспекты проблемы формирования у будущих педагогов культуры трансляции способов познавательной деятельности. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2017; 2. Available at: https:// science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=26244

2. Косогова А.С., Дьякова М.Б. Развитие у педагогов культуры трансляции способов познавательной деятельности. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2007; 14: 129 - 137.

3. Громыко Ю.В. Мыследеятельностная педагогика (теоретико-методологическое руководство по освоению высших образцов педагогического искусства). Минск: Технопринт, 2000.

4. Ганиева Р.Х. Трансляция субъектности учителя в процессе педагогического взаимодействия. Диссертация ... кандидата психологических наук. Москва, 2004.

5. Закирова А.Ф. Педагогическая герменевтика. Москва: Издательский Дом Шалвы Амонашвили, 2006.

6. Сенько Ю.В., Шкунов В.Г. Герменевтика педагогического опыта. Педагогика. 2012; 2: 21 - 29.

7. Косогова А.С., Калинина Н.В. Педагогика: основы теории обучения и воспитания. Новосибирск: ООО «ЦСРНИ», 2016.

8. Гуссерль Э. Идеи к чистой феноменологии и феноменологической философии. Москва: Академический проект, 2009.


1. Kosogova A.S., Kalinina N.V. Metodologicheskie i prakticheskie aspekty problemy formirovaniya u buduschih pedagogov kul'tury translyacii sposobov poznavatel'noj deyatel'nosti. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2017; 2. Available at: https://science-education.ru/ru/ article/view?id=26244

2. Kosogova A.S., D'yakova M.B. Razvitie u pedagogov kul'tury translyacii sposobov poznavatel'noj deyatel'nosti. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2007; 14: 129 - 137.

3. Gromyko Yu.V. Mysledeyatel'nostnaya pedagogika (teoretiko-metodologicheskoe rukovodstvo po osvoeniyu vysshih obrazcov pedagogicheskogo iskusstva). Minsk: Tehnoprint, 2000.

4. Ganieva R.H. Translyaciya sub'ektnostiuchitelya vprocesse pedagogicheskogo vzaimodejstviya. Dissertaciya ... kandidata psihologicheskih nauk. Moskva, 2004.

5. Zakirova A.F. Pedagogicheskaya germenevtika. Moskva: Izdatel'skij Dom Shalvy Amonashvili, 2006.

6. Sen'ko Yu.V., Shkunov V.G. Germenevtika pedagogicheskogo opyta. Pedagogika. 2012; 2: 21 - 29.

7. Kosogova A.S., Kalinina N.V. Pedagogika: osnovy teoriiobucheniya i vospitaniya. Novosibirsk: OOO «CSRNI», 2016.

8. Gusserl' 'E. Idei k chistoj fenomenologii i fenomenologicheskoj filosofii. Moskva: Akademicheskij proekt, 2009.

Статья поступила в редакцию 27.03.18

УДК 378.0

Savinova Yu.A., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk,

Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Zarutskaya Zh.N, senior teacher, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Arakcheeva Z.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk,

Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

HOLDING STUDENT SCIENTIFIC PRACTICAL CONFERENCES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES AS A MEANS TO DEVELOP FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE POTENTIAL. The paper deals with a problem of developing foreign language communicative potential of students during their university studies. This problem is especially relevant in a technical university, where due to the prevailing of the Sciences, professional communicative training becomes increasingly vital. However, both freshmen and graduate students of the technical university show a rather low level of foreign language communicative potential: the majority of students are not skillful enough to work with information in a foreign language, have an insufficient level of linguistic competence. All this calls for the personal development of a technical specialist, who combines high professionalism with an ability to communicate successfully using foreign languages. The authors of the paper suggest one of the possible ways of developing students' communicative potential - holding student scientific practical conference in foreign languages. The materials presented in the paper lead to the conclusion that this kind of work substantially increases the level of students' foreign language communicative potential, and can be recommended for applying in the practice of extracurricular activities at any higher educational institution.

Key words: foreign language, foreign language communicative potential, student scientific practical conferences, technical university student.

Ю.А. Савинова, канд. пед. наук, доц. Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. Г.И. Носова, г. Магнитогорск, Е-mail: [email protected]

Ж.Н. Заруцкая, ст. преп. Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. Г.И. Носова, г. Магнитогорск, Е-mail: [email protected]

З.В. Аракчеева, канд. пед. наук, доц. Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. Г.И. Носова, г. Магнитогорск, Е-mail: [email protected]


В статье рассматривается проблема развития иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала студентов во время их обучения в университете. Данная проблема особенно актуальна в техническом вузе, где в связи с превалированием предметов технического цикла, вопрос о коммуникативной подготовке стоит особенно остро. Однако, как на момент поступления в технический университет, так и на момент его окончания уровень развития иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала является достаточно низким: большинство студентов не обладают навыками работы с иноязычной информацией и имеют недостаточный уровень языковой компетенции. Поэтому необходимо развитие личности специалиста технической сферы, в которой высокий профессионализм сочетается с умением вести продуктивную коммуникацию на иностранном языке. Авторы статьи предлагают один из возможных способов развития иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала - проведение студенческих научно-практических конференций на иностранных языках. Материалы, представленные в статье, позволяют сделать вывод о том, что данный вид работы существенно влияет на развитие иноязычного коммуникативного потенциала студентов и может быть рекомендован в качестве дополнительного внеучебного мероприятия в любом вузе.

Ключевые слова: иностранный язык, иноязычный коммуникативный потенциал, студенческие научно-практические конференции, студент технического университета.

Nowadays the importance of quality and effective training of technical university students has been worldwide recognized. The efficiency of dealing with this challenge depends not only on teaching future engineers industrial technologies and practical work with new equipment, but on developing their foreign language communicative potential as well. Social-economic conditions demand from engineers and managers at enterprises dealing with an abundant flow of foreign language information.

Therefore, the issue of developing foreign language communicative potential of technical university students is timely and relevant. Our teaching experience shows that both freshmen and graduate students show a rather low level of foreign language communicative potential. The majority of students are not skillful enough to work with information in a foreign language, have an insufficient level of linguistic competence, do not feel necessity for continuous self-education and self-improvement, are unable to overcome a language barrier in communication.

Although the issue of the communicative potential has been given much attention [1 - 8], the development of foreign language communicative potential of technical university students is not carefully studied. There exists contradiction between needs of society for specialists with a high level of foreign language communicative potential, on the basis of which they will be able to conduct successful business activities and reach the international market, and insufficient theoretical and practical elaboration of issues revealing its development during university studies.

This contradiction allowed us to define the research problem -what pedagogical conditions should be introduced in the educational process to provide an effective development of foreign language communicative potential? The search for resolving the aforementioned contradiction both in theoretical and practical aspects, the relevance of the problem under investigation, and its insufficient studies in pedagogy defined the choice of the research theme.

Taking into account both the experience of teaching the humanitarian disciplines at the university, and the analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, we formulated the object, the subject, the goal and subgoals of the research.

The object of the research - the process of future engineers' professional training. The subject of the research - development of foreign language communicative potential of technical university students during the process of studying foreign languages. The goal of the research - to investigate how holding student scientific conferences in foreign languages can influence the development of foreign language communicative potential of technical university students.

According to the aforementioned object, subject and goal of the research, the following sub-goals have been set: to clarify the communicative potential definition; to describe some techniques of preparing students for scientific practical conference in foreign languages; to elaborate the criteria for evaluation of the conference reports.

A problem of developing foreign language communicative potential is especially actual in a technical university, where due to the prevailing of the Sciences, the professional communicative training has become increasingly vital. Production of a technogenic type of culture can result in spiritual impoverishment of a personality and dehumanization of education, when engineers acquire only professional skills and abilities. All this calls for the personal development of a technical specialist, who combines high professionalism with an ability to communicate successfully using foreign languages. Thus, these are the Humanities in general, and foreign language studies in particular that serve to reveal personal abilities of technical university students, foster their creativity, develop their communicative and leadership potential.

Communicative potential is defined as willingness to take part in interpersonal relationship [3]. It seems appropriate to include the notion "willingness" into the definition of foreign language communicative potential, as willingness to act is a state when all the psychophysiological systems of a personality mobilize, thus providing efficient performance of speech actions. Undoubtedly, a communication-oriented student will develop his/her communicative potential quicker.

We support the idea of Kondyurina, I.M, who believes that communicative potential is a complex notion, which obliges a personality to "demonstrate the effective binding 'a thought - an action', intellectual inversion, providing 'detonation of reasoning'; the personality should have a strong character for continuous self-development and readiness for interaction" [5, p. 9].

The developed communicative potential is an essential feature of a personality, which contributes to vital needs and effective work. Its main components include communicative activity, emotional reactivity, communicative confidence, communicative volume and needs [1]. It stands to reason that speaking about the role of the communicative potential in the personal socialization, we point out that it is an important prerequisite for effective adaptation in the closest community.

Some researchers define communicative potential as a system. Thus, Ryzhov, V.V. considers communicative potential as a system of features, abilities and capabilities contributing to effective mutual cooperation and dialogue of people [2]. We support his idea that only a personality who is capable of self-examination, comprehension of partner's activity and personality, has a communicative motivation and is ready for communicative interaction, can really develop his/her communicative potential.

Some researches consider that communicative potential of a personality is based on the arsenal of means of communication, behavior, social experience; the base of the communicative potential includes personal (physiological, psychological and social) and public (means of communication, models of perception and behaviour). This definition clarifies that a complex of means of communication represents the fundamentals of the communicative potential, which stands to reason.

We agree with Ivkina, Yu.A., who consideres communicative potential as "an integral combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and needs of a personality to retrieve, process, store and transfer information" [6, p.29]. Following this definition, we consider foreign language communicative potential as an integral complex of expertise, knowledge, skills and individual needs to retrieve, process, store and transfer information in a foreign language. We strongly believe that student's potential abilities will be transformed into the actual ones quicker in case the student works thoroughly at his/her self-development. During the process of communicative potential developing, all communicative abilities of students, their communicative literacy, culture, and competence undergo qualitative changes.

Undoubtedly, preparing students for participation in scientific practical conferences in foreign languages is a complex solution of educational, formative and developmental objectives. First, the following formative objectives can be distinguished: successful professional development, socialization and moral development of the individual.

Second, the educational objectives of student conferences in foreign languages include active involvement of students in scientific activities related to their future profession, teaching them foreign languages for specific purposes, text compression for oral public speech, preparation and carrying out multimedia presentation, mastering the art of public speaking, etc.

Third, the following developmental objectives of student conferences can be distinguished: development of general learning and special skills, self-control and independent work skills; forming and developing educational and intellectual expertise, knowledge and skills, enhancement of memory and attention.

The Chair of Foreign Languages in Engineering at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University was an empirical field of our research. It holds annual scientific practical conferences "Foreign Languages in the Sphere of Professional Communication" for the first- and second-year students of such institutes as: Power Engineering, Metallurgy, Mining and Transport, Construction, Architecture and Arts, Mechanical Engineering, Economics and Law, etc. These conferences provide students with a unique chance to master foreign language vocabulary in their field of studies, and consequently, to develop their foreign language communicative potential.

Before holding student scientific conferences, a very scrupulous work consisting of the following stages was carried out: 1) pre-prepa-ratory stage (search for a theme, collection of information about the theme of the research, literary survey); 2) preparatory stage (literary survey analysis, compression of materials); 3) final stage (correction of the oral speech, preparation of the multimedia presentation). However, it is hard and labor-intensive work for a student to be done alone, therefore a scientific advisor was very helpful in this field.

Preparation for the conference is assumed to take 2-2,5 months, and involves mutual collaboration of teachers and students, i.e. choice of the themes, making and discussing reports, solving problems arisen in the process of mutual work, correcting drawbacks after the scientific advisor's critical remarks.

To finally define the desired direction of the oral presentation at the conference, the following criteria can be suggested: relevance of the problem in question; global character of the problem; practical orientation and/or enhancement of theoretical knowledge in the student's professional area; availability and accessibility of information about the investigated problem in various foreign languages in the internet; personal interests of a student (his/her professional interests, experience reflection, practical contribution in the field of the research); interest of the audience in the theme of the report.

We are convinced that the role of a supervisor in coordinating and monitoring students' activity at all stages of preparation for the practical scientific conference cannot be overemphasized, and in fact, is a major contributing factor to the success of the conference. Being a fully-fledged participant of the conference, a scientific advisor of a student becomes his/her great motivator and coordinator of the whole preparatory process.

From our point of view, it is crucially important for supervisors to support students, make them feel relaxed, give recommendations how to behave in front of the audience when they give their speech. Due to the fact that for the majority of students this public presentation is the first official one, at least the one made at such high scientific level, it is vital for supervisors to reduce the students' stress, make a comfortable atmosphere, motivate and praise them so that later in life they become highly-competent specialists able to use the foreign language at a level sufficient for communication.

It should be noted that the presentation speech differs from

the monological one in specific elements of a convincing argument, therefore the main challenge at this stage of preparation was to teach students specific linguistic presentation means. The goals of the presentation speech are to entertain, inform, inspire, and to get the audience to take action. Therefore, students were recommended to follow a pattern of successful presentation speech: to show passion and connect with the audience, be enthusiastic, focus on the audience's needs, make a presentation easy for the audience to understand and respond, concentrate on the core message (or several key points) of the presentation, keep the core message focused and brief, smile and make eye contact with the audience.

What is more crucial is the beginning of the presentation, as a presenter needs to grab his/her audience's attention and hold it from the very start. The 10-20-30 rule for slideshows should not be underestimated as well. The rule implies that the presentation should contain no more than 10 slides, last no more than 20 minutes, and a font size should not be less than 30 point. Following this rule usually prevents the presenter from putting too much information on one slide.

Foreign language teachers involved students into using their voice effectively: vary the speed at which they talk, use emphasizing changes in pitch and tone, which will help to make voice sound more interesting and hold the audience's attention. In addition to the strategies mentioned above, non-verbal communication contributes a lot to the success of the presentation. In view of this, a body language is crucial to getting the message across. Students were taught to use their body language effectively: to avoid crossed arms, hands held behind back or in pockets, and pacing the stage. Conversely, they were encouraged to make their gestures open and confident, and move naturally around the place of presentation.

Due to the fact that students studying at the Chair of Foreign Languages in Engineering have different majors, their conference reports differ as well. We find it appropriate to enumerate some of the reports presented at the student scientific practical conference in 2017, e.g. IT- engineers had the following reports: "Human Intellect Versus Artificial One. Who will win?", "Cloud Technologies"; developing engineers: "Smart House Technologies", "3-D Printers for Developing"; mechanical engineers: "Innovation Technology in Car Battery Charging", "Rise of Roboethics"; power engineers: " New Alternative Sources of Energy", "Nuclear Energy Issues"; "Search for Energy Savings in Glass Producing Regenerative Furnaces"; economists: "Competitiveness in the XXI Century: How One Can Manage Business Effectively", "Improving Personnel Management Efficiency Using Pareto Method"; metallurgy engineers: "Analysis of Control Methods of the Blast Furnace Lining Wear", "Nanotechnology: Pros and Cons, Prospective Applications "; mining engineers: "Future Prospects of Logistics", "Simulation Technologies"; to name a few.

For objective evaluation of the reports, 4-5 university teachers from the Chair of Foreign Languages in Engineering were appointed to be the members of the jury board. A special evaluation table was distributed to them to be completed for every participant (Table 1).

Table 1

Criteria of evaluation of scientific reports in foreign language

Scientific aspect (10 points)

2 points Novelty (level of student's work independence)

2 points Relevance

2 points Composition, logical structure and convincing conclusions

2 points Availability (correct use of conceptual framework)

2 points Interdisciplinary approach

Linguistic aspect (20 points)

Prepared speech (10 points)

2 points Literacy

2 points Logic and consistency of ideas expression

2 points Speech expressiveness

2 points Vocabulary

2 points Use of terminology

Unprepared speech (response to questions)- 10 points

2 points Literacy

2 points Logic and consistency of ideas expression

2 points Speech expressiveness

2 points Vocabulary

2 points Use of terminology

Technical aspect (10 points)

2 points Structure of e-presentation (availability of the cover page, plan, references, etc.)

2 points Presentation composition (availability of video and musical fragments, animation, etc.)

2 points Style of presentation (combination of colours, fonts, background, etc.)

2 points Consistency of presentation and report

2 points Quality of illustrative material

Total sum (40 points)

Every presentation at the student scientific conference had to meet the set requirements for time and content: one speech had to last no more than 15 minutes; the report had to contain the introduction with relevance of the problem, the body of the presentation, and

conclusions with the student's own point of view to the presented material. After each presentation, members of the jury board evaluated it filling in Table 1. As a result, the total sum of every speaker was calculated (max. 40 points), and the winners announced. Afterwards, they were awarded with certificates and valuable prizes; all participants received published materials of the conference.

At the end of pedagogical observation, it has been noted by all scientific advisors that the level of their students' communicative potential has largely increased: they came to know the ways to deal with foreign language information, new terms in the area of their professional technical studies, practised oral language skills. The students themselves admitted that conferences in foreign language enlarged their communicative abilities, made them feel more self-confident and ready to communicate about the area of their future major.

It is suggested to apply the methodology of holding student scientific conferences in foreign languages into the practice of extracurricular activities at any university, as the results showed its positive influence on developing foreign language communicative potential of students.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Максимова РА. Коммуникативный потенциал человека и его влияние на разные стороны жизнедеятельности. Диссертация ... кандидата психологических наук. Ленинград, 1981.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 27.03.18

УДК 37.012.1

Kenispaev ZhM., Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Markin V.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philosophy), Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Serova N.S., Cand. of Sciences (Philosophy), Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION AND PROBLEMS OF METAPERIODIC. The article analyzes the place and role of philosophy in the structure of pedagogical science. The authors draw attention to the methodological foundations of pedagogy, which are formulated in a special section of philosophy - philosophy of education. On the basis of the analysis of the existing traditions in the national philosophy of education, the authors come to the conclusion about the important role of education in the formation of human consciousness, its ability to rational thinking. The article reveals the content of the concept of "metapedagogics", under which the authors understand a set of theoretical problems that go beyond the subject area of pedagogy and are related to the issues of philosophy, methodology and worldview. This approach allows us to consider the problems of pedagogy in a broader social context. According to the authors of the article, independent and critical thinking, like other human abilities, is the result of purposeful education, and the main social institution of personality formation is the education system.

Key words: philosophy, pedagogy, metapedagogy, education, philosophy of education, man, consciousness.

Ж.К. Кениспаев, д-р филос. наук, проф. каф. философии и культурологии, Алтайский государственный педагогический университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]

В.В. Маркин, канд. филос. наук, доц. каф. философии и культурологии, Алтайский государственный педагогический университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]

Н.С. Серова, канд. филос. наук, доц. каф. философии и культурологии, Алтайский государственный педагогический университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]

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