Section 6. Theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science
Tran Viet Quang, Tran Cao Nguyen, Vinh University, Vietnam Nguyen Ho Thanh, Researcher at Vinh University, Vietnam An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Abstract. Ho Chi Minh was a great educator of the Vietnamese people. During his revolutionary activities, Ho Chi Minh always attached great importance to education. According to Ho Chi Minh, education is the decisive factor to directly improve the educational level, scientific level, helping everyone to have a capital of history and culture. Over the years, Ho Chi Minh's perspective on teaching staff building has been a guideline for Vietnam's educational career. This is a system of comprehensive views on roles and duties of teachers; views on political and ethical qualities; professional views, teaching methods, and key measures to build a teaching staff.
Keywords: Ho Chi Minh, education, teaching staff, Vietnam.
1. Introduction great role in directing the whole process of building
Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) was born into a fam- and developing the Vietnamese revolutionary edu-ily of grapes, of peasant background, in Hoang Tru cation. In his works, lectures, and articles, Ho Chi village, Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe Minh has highlighted the point of view on building An province, Vietnam. He was the genius leader of a fairly complete faculty of roles, duties, ethical quali-the Vietnamese revolution, a national liberation ties, expertise, and teaching methods. teach. In the hero, a world cultural celebrity, and a great educator. current period, we study Ho Chi Minh's thought on Ho Chi Minh is the embodiment of a revolutionary building a team oflecturers to have correct awareness teacher, lifelong for the people, for the country, for and apply to this team-building with great theoretical the education of the country, the pure and simple and practical significance.
personal life, speaking with work, and a shining ex- 2. The content of Ho Chi Minh's point of view ample of spirit self-learning. He used to stand on on building teaching staff
the podium as a teacher, designing the curriculum 2.1. Ho Chi Minh's opinion on the role of the by himself, organizing the classroom, communicat- teaching staff
ing with modern teaching methods. Ho Chi Minh's Firstly, lecturers have the role of training classes educational ideology is a system of comprehensive ofpeople who will succeed the Party's revolutionary and consistent scientific arguments that plays a very cause, of the nation.
Ho Chi Minh believes that training classes of people who will succeed the revolutionary cause, who are both virtuous and talented, "both rosy", "both specialized" in building a rich, strong and civilized country is the cause of the whole society. In which the key role is the school, the person who directly performs the implementation is the team of lecturers. Ho Chi Minh affirmed: "What is more glorious than training later generations to actively contribute to building socialism and communism. A good teacher — a teacher who deserves to be a teacher, is the most glorious person. Although their names are not published in newspapers or received medals, good teachers are unknown heroes" [6, 329-330].
In order to fulfill their role, teachers must bring their own knowledge, abilities and qualities to learners, guide and guide the young generation to occupy knowledge, making learners promote inherent capacity, develop moral, educational, physical training and aesthetic aspects to become true workers, masterful citizens, actively contribute to the cause of building and defending the country.
Secondly, the teaching staff is the decisive factor for the operation of the education system as well as the quality of education. According to Ho Chi Minh, how the educational process takes place depends on the teaching staff. He affirmed, without a teacher, there would be no education and no education, without staff, it would not say anything about the economy and culture. It is the teaching staff through the system of their educational methods, teaching along with the means of textbooks and other supporting tools to convey educational content that has been built in a most structured way target education is the learner, according to common goals.
Ho Chi Minh pointed out that "It is necessary to train staff for all branches of activity, so there is a need for teachers" [4, 72]. This shows that only when the process is only when the educational process is operated will other branches and fields in society have human resources to operate, that is to have a basis for existence and development.
2.2. Ho Chi Minh's perspective on the required qualities of teaching staff
In addition to the requirements of professional knowledge and teaching skills, the teaching staff also needs specific qualities and competencies to meet the increasingly rigorous and diverse, and rich requirements of practice the teaching process in the context of the country integrating more and more deeply. Teachers' ethics or teaching profession, according to Ho Chi Minh's point of view, can be understood as the rules and standards governing attitudes and behaviors of teachers in life and ethics that teachers have directly affects the quality of education and training. He said: "Teachers as well as students, officials and employees must honestly love their jobs". Regarding the selection of trainers, Ho Chi Minh believes that not everyone can train, especially the trainers of the Union, which requires in-depth knowledge. According to Ho Chi Minh, the teacher must have high qualifications, love the profession, love children, must "model in all aspects: ideology, morality, working style" [3, 46].
Ho Chi Minh emphasized that talent must go hand in hand with virtue. For teachers, the moral qualities of love for students and career love have a close relationship, supporting each other. Loving your students will lead to love your j ob and vice versa, love you how much you love your j ob. According to him, the teacher must care and take care of the students with deep feelings like flesh, but the expression must be appropriate for each age group and school level. "To give students virtue, teachers must have virtue," he said. Good or bad students are due to good or bad teachers and teachers " [7, 269]. A teacher who is aware of his exemplary role is to perfect himself. The teacher teaches students about serving the country, serving the people, and loving each other; internal solidarity; need, economic, integrity, righteousness, indifferent mind. To be exemplary in that field means that the teacher is on the way to building his own morality.
In addition, revolutionary morality is one of the standards that require teaching staff to constantly im-
prove to improve themselves. Therefore, building a contingent of teaching staff in universities requires the direction of forming a team that ensures quantity, meeting professional qualifications. In particular, special attention should be paid to fostering revolutionary political and ethical qualities for this team.
2.3. Ho ChiMinh's opinion on the expertise and teaching methods of the teaching staff
Stemming from the educational objectives and contents, Ho Chi Minh said that the contingent of teachers must be proficient in their expertise and proficient in teaching methods. Regarding professional knowledge, Ho Chi Minh emphasized, being a teacher "must be more than a student's head". Therefore, the teacher must be trained and fostered in terms of revolutionary ethics, theory, views, educational lines of the Party, professional expertise, teaching methods. According to Ho Chi Minh, a good teacher does not require mastery in all fields, fully understanding human knowledge, but due to the requirements of the profession, the teacher must constantly improve his knowledge, especially be proficient in his field of expertise better respond to education and training career. They are completely dissatisfied with their existing knowledge, regularly accumulate knowledge, self-study, self-foster, improve their professional qualifications, pedagogical methods to be a good example for students to follow. Ho Chi Minh once told: "The ladies and gentlemen who are teachers and educators must always try to learn more, learn politics, study expertise. If you do not progress forever, you will not keep up with the general momentum, you will become obsolet" [5, 126-127]. In the spirit of grasping the viewpoint "educators themselves also need to be educated", Ho Chi Minh emphasized: "A coach must learn more forever to be able to do his or her coaching job ... Trainer practicing whoever thinks that he knows enough, he or she is ignorant" [3, 46].
Ho Chi Minh said that, due to its functions, a characteristic and quality of a lecturer is to constantly study, teachers must have passion, humility to study, and no stigma. Learn more forever, know how to
combine and enrich your intelligence. Any teacher who claims to have known enough is the most ignorant and cannot do the teaching. The teacher has to perform learning without getting bored, teaching without fatigue. If you stop learning, that theoretical knowledge will become old, hardened, it does not reflect the vivid reality that makes teaching and learning ineffective.
2.4. Some major measures build the teaching staff from Ho Chi Minh's point of view
With the policy makers' vision, Ho Chi Minh has instructed several measures to build a contingent of "qualified and qualified" teachers in our country. Include:
Firstly, to organize the training and fostering of trainers, and at the same time uphold the spirit of self-training and self-training for each person. With any form of work, the employee must have a basic understanding of his profession as well as develop the necessary practical skills and certain professional ethical qualities. Ho Chi Minh pointed out that in building good and deserving teaching staff, the first and foremost thing is to train a contingent of teaching staff. The qualifications of teaching staff must be constantly fostered and improved. Along with participating in training classes organized by the unit, each lecturer must actively update and foster knowledge and improve the level of all aspects. This is the inevitable requirement, the way to improve the self of teachers is a must-do routine throughout the life of teachers and teachers.
Secondly, create a democratic and solidarity environment in schools. Ho Chi Minh stated clearly: "What job is there, the school department discusses with the brothers, makes everyone's thoughts clear, encourages everyone to work together, not the department in charge of planning and then arresting everyone workers" [7, 436]. In fact, democracy must be promoted to bring into play the creative capacity and enthusiasm of the teaching staff; otherwise, the teacher will become discouraged, frustrated and become "talking machine",
"plow worker" according to the assignment norms assigned by superiors.
Thirdly, set an example for good people, good deeds, and replicate advanced examples. Talking about the role of setting good examples and good deeds in building the teaching staff, Ho Chi Minh pointed out: "Each person must know many people. Furthermore, it is important to enrich spiritual food, it is not advisable to force one person to eat only one dish. As well as entering a flower garden, it is necessary for everyone to see many kinds of beautiful flowers... Good examples in all shapes and sizes are precious objects for you to build people" [8, 665].
Fourthly, always take care of the material and spiritual life of the teaching staff. In Ho Chi Minh's mindset, promoting the role of the teaching staff goes hand in hand with raising the awareness and responsibility of the whole society towards this team. He pointed out that, from understanding teachers, to respect teachers, to cherish in the highest is to help teachers, "must take care of the school in all aspects" [8, 508]. This responsibility belongs to the whole society, directly branches, party committees, and local
governments. Not only do teachers have better morality, better knowledge, better teaching methods, a sense of their careers and their hearts, but also make their teachers' life more and more enhanced physically and mentally.
3. Conclusion
Both a professional political activist and an educator, Ho Chi Minh systematically raised his view ofthe teaching staff building. Applying Ho Chi Minh's perspective on building the current university the teaching staff is the inheritance and development of that perspective in the new time. The task ofhigher education is to train high-quality human resources to build a rich country, a strong country, a democratic, fair, and civilized country. The teaching staffis the decisive factor in the quality of education, the product of teaching is the future of the nation. Therefore, university the teaching staffmust be the typical ethics and intellectuals of the period of integration and development. The moral standards of teachers are the moral standards of society. The intellectual capacity of lecturers must approach advanced scientific knowledge of the times and solve practical problems of the country.
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