Section 3. Journalism
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Musaeva Nodira Azizovna, basic doctoral student of the Uzbek university journalism and mass communication
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. News agencies are an important component of modern communications and broader socio-political and cultural processes. In the developed countries of the West, news agencies are the main means of covering news in the news.It is difficult to imagine a modern information society without a constant flow of information reflecting the processes and events that occur in our daily lives. In the modern world, information is a serious strategic resource and one of the leading factors in the development of the community. The relevance of this case also lies in the role of news agencies in this information society and in the fact that the news agency is a database. News agencies - a large corporate organization for the search, collection and dissemination of information.
The growing interest in the novelty of information is associated with the efficient and targeted use of accurate operational data to solve dynamic problems of the community, which, in turn, is a prerequisite for sustainable development in the third millennium [1, P. 127].
Keywords: International Cooperation, Information Society, development trends, news agencies, Xinhua news agency, Associated Pressnews agency, Reutersnews agency.
We suggested that the first decisive step toward in society. The rapid introduction of modern tech-
the information society was the emergence of news nology will turn information into a very useful busi-
agencies in the second half of the 19th century. This is ness product. We can also note that the emergence
due to the fact that the emergence of news agencies of new information technologies is one of the factors
has helped shape a new culture of data collection and undermining censorship in the media, as it prevents
dissemination. the media business from working in the new envi-
News agencies not only track the development ronment. of advanced technologies in their history, they also However, in these conditions it is important developed modern information technologies and to study the experience of financial and economic introduced innovative methods of disseminating activities of the Reuters news agency. This is an exinformation, from mail to satellite. ample of how an effective organization of economic
The concept of objectivity of news agencies is and journalistic activities can benefit a loss-making
aimed at the development of information pluralism enterprise as an information agency.
For example, Fedininclaims that "the influence of the media on the intensification of scientific and technological progress depends, first of all, on the fact that their activities are aimed at solving key economic problems." [2].
The uniqueness of Reuters is that it is the only high-income news agency.
Throughout its history, the agency has studied, first of all, in terms of making money. Thus, the activities of the agency, from the Julius Reuter office in Aachen to modern Reuters products, have always brought economic benefits. Currently, Reuters has abandoned the traditional sphere of activity of a news agency and has become a mixture of a news agency and a large dealer center, which not only provides economic information to customers, but also provides them with a wide range of financial transactions. Reuters, one of the 500 largest European companies, ranked 46th by market capitalization in 1994, United (335th), Daily Mail (339th) and Pearson (130th) [3].
Reuters, which began to earn a lot of money, has a direct impact not only on the news market, but also on the news market. An example of this is the acquisition of Wisnews video services and the participation of British commercial television ITN in the processing of an independent international broadcasting agency. The uniqueness of Reuters TV lies in the fact that most shopping centers can change the trading program, adapted to the news of Reuters TV. Reuters executives require 50% of all foreign exchange transactions in the world through the company's operating systems [4, P. 216].
It is important to note that Reuters operating systems are a vivid example of how news agencies work directly with clients, which ensures their independence in the information field. Reuters has maintained its basic tradition of working with the news and has received the status of a leading global agency thanks to its economic benefits.
The experience of Western news agencies, in particular Reuters, can help Uzbek journalists or-
ganizationally and creatively. When creating a new system of relations between information providers and information consumers in our country, it is important to take into account the shortcomings and shortcomings of other news agencies and take into account their positive experience.
The main thing is caution: Reuters reorganized the company at all stages of its activities, following the same principle. It is also commendable for the efforts of company executives, such as caring for the agency's best traditions.
An analysis of the contradictions in the development of the media in the West can help make sure that journalistic problems are connected with today's global problems and that they cannot solve these problems without a cultural approach.
Xinhua News Agency runs the State Department of Press, Broadcasting, Cinema, and Television of the People's Republic of China. The agency was established in 1931. The headquarters is in Beijing. It offers news in 7 languages: Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese. There are correspondent offices and more than one hundred branches in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. The agency's site is very active: today the agency's website is visited by more than 300 mobile users and more than 120 million visitors through computers.
Xinhua News Agency is one of the most important media networks in China. The agency is switching to 100% digital technology. His site is used by more than 100 million readers per day.
Xinhua is one of the leading international news agencies not only in China, but also in the world. Now it has headquarters in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa, as well as offices in different countries of the world. There are reporters all over China.
To date, the agency has created a new media center to develop developments that will help the industry. One of these know-how is called the "media brain". A dedicated device monitors an agreement
or event and prepares a message or news about its details within ten seconds.
"Today, another innovation of our media center has become a huge noise around the world. This is a virtual TV presenter who works on artificial intelligence and can read texts independently", said Zhang Jie, a regional foreign affairs officer at Xinhua News Agency [5].
For a virtual television project created by Xinhua News Agency in collaboration with Sogou, agency employee Zhang Zhao has an external image and voice that reads texts in Chinese and English. A 24hour virtual launch is available for instant delivery over the Internet and mobile applications.
In general, Xinhua News Agency is conducting serious research on artificial intelligence. The so-called "media brain" has the ability to quickly sort and analyze information regardless of an event or event. With its speed and responsiveness, this can ease the burden ofjournalists. For example, if a journalist spends 14-15 minutes sorting certain information and producing informative material, one minute is enough for the device.
The Xinhua News Agency website, launched in 2000, has been refined over time. Initially, only text and photo materials were published on the site, but today the reader can simultaneously access information in text, photo, audio, video and infographic formats.
Efforts to improve the news agency site are paying off. Today, the Agency's website is visited by more than 300 million subscribers via mobile phones and more than 120 million visitors through computers.
What topics does the reader prefer? What form and form of information do you prefer? It is no exaggeration to say that these are problems of life and death for the world media. In the end, the media can retain their customers in the face of fierce competition, and the expansion of the audience depends on how well they answer these questions.
Xinhua News Agency also conducts regular surveys and social surveys to explore student interest. In this regard, modern technologies are effectively used.
The news agency has a laboratory equipped with special biosensors. The procedure is as follows: the biosensors will be connected to the clients participating in the study, and the head of government, for example, will present a screen. The biosensor will say which part of the public lecture is interesting to him and which is boring. It is worth noting that this is one of the most advanced ways to study customer reviews [6].
It is reported that the virtual launcher displays the hologram on its own. Experts say that anyone can become the prototype of a virtual launcher. To do this, just upload the video from the newcomer to a specific program, and the program will be able to accurately reproduce gestures, facial expressions and images of the presenter [7].
The social and political leaders of developing countries emphasize strengthening national press agencies to implement effective ideas for rationalizing the existing international information dissemination system.
In the mid-19th century, based on the demand of the American information system for "news reserves," the Associated Press not only won, but continued to do so. Today, in the information market of the third millennium, in the middle of the 19th century, a "third generation" mobile phone is significantly different from a mobile phone with a steam engine.
As of 2003, the Associated Press had 147 US posts and 95 (total 242) posts in 78 foreign countries. The agency has its own television service and the largest subsidiary network of radio stations in the United States [8].
The main products of the agency are: text, audio, video and multimedia data, photographs, graphics, satellite and terrestrial communication services. The agency transmits 20 million words of text per day, processes and distributes about 2.000 photographs.
Over 1.700 daily and weekly newspapers in the United States receive text and graphic information from the Associated Press. The Associated Press provides audio and video information to more than 5,000 radio and television stations in the United States.
8500 subscribers abroad receive text and photo data from the Associated Press, and another 330 customers receive video information. The Associated Press serves more than 15,000 newspapers and radio and television stations around the world. The total audience ofAP media subscribers is more than 1 billion people in 121 countries.
The Associated Press regularly covers events in 112 countries. The agency publishes information in five languages: English, German, Spanish, Dutch and French.
The Assoshieted Press employs 3.500 people, including creative (1.500), technical and administrative staff worldwide. The agency's annual budget is about $ 600 million. Throughout the history of the Associated Press, its employees have been awarded the prestigious American Pulitzer Prize 45 times in various categories [9].
In order to correctly assess the current state and prospects of the Associated Press, it is necessary to analyze several important aspects. The first is the state and trends of the global media market. The second is the need to assess the characteristics of large media corporations, which are constituted by the main consumers of news agency products. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the development of the US information market, which is the main market for the Associated Press and a strong customer base. Finally, it is necessary to assess the characteristics and development trends of other global news agencies playing with APs in the same "on the ground" or "related areas". These four factors reflect the forecast of the economic, political, and financial conditions under which the Associated Press should begin.
At the same time, the Agency's development strategy and key focus in its activities allow us to distinguish significant differences from the main competitors in the accountability and response of the Agency.
The Agency not only adheres to the status of a cooperative non-profit organization, which is often con-
sidered incompatible with the requirements of the era, but also significantly benefits from new conditions.
The key stages in the development of the agency correspond to the development and expansion of the American economy (including the international one), the evolution of the US role in international relations and the expansion of its political and economic interests. All these processes, every step and every serious decision require high-quality and timely information, for which the Agency is responsible.
In the 19th century, the American media system already needed an organization that formed industry standards. The agency was well suited to solve this problem as a cooperative, "paid" structure, which combined the commercial and informational interests of the media in all formal and informal ways.
Since its founding, AP has also been a unique "generator of innovation" in the American media market. This explains the almost constant leadership of AP in the field of technological innovation and the design and implementation of services in the process of obtaining, processing and transmitting information. In addition, the agency will always make full use of all available innovations to maximize financial returns, but only because it is limited to building relationships with customers and providing them with distinctive advantages. As a rule, AP creates a new model of some equipment or develops new technologies ("electronic development", digital camera, etc.) and delivers them to its customers and subscribers. The next generation of this technique or technology is produced by serially specialized companies. Excludes AP affiliate AP Broadcast Technologies, AP News Center Products, and E-News Production Systems.
In 1990, American newspapers accounted for 45 percent of revenue, while television and radio stations accounted for about 20 percent, and by 2001 this number had dropped to 32 and 15 percent, respectively. Thus, the agency now receives 53% of its annual income from new "services" and "non-traditional" services or foreign trade. In developing its external network, AP switched from a
hierarchical method of structural design to a "matrix" method in the early 1980 s, instead of bureau in the most developed media markets of foreign countries with the status of an independent legal entity. In fact, these are mini-agencies operating in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Great Britain and some other countries. They are financially self-sufficient and their data network is optimized for a particular national market and is usually issued in two languages - English and the host country. Relations with these companies are usually based on the principle of "information exchange", and the management of these branches is appointed by the "senior" AP board of directors.
Despite the emerging opportunities and even a change in the legal form of its activities, becoming a joint-stock company, AP remains firmly cooperative and non-profit. This to some extent restricts the freedom of management, but also forces them
to study all attempts to ensure success and control operating costs.
Time has shown that the joint form of the news agency is probably the most viable, and that news agencies have long been the industry standard, despite the fact that it is a very expensive and time-consuming business.
The main trends that have appeared in news agencies over the past 20 years have predetermined the current configuration of the information market, which has undergone further concentration. In fact, the AP, together with Reuters, manages all major global flows, including the Internet. Only the previous five "global" agencies were able to fully respond to the emergence of new types of information demand, effectively mastering new segments of the information market. They also successfully rejected the thesis that the development ofthe Internet raises doubts about the existence of news agencies in general.
1. Panarin N. I. Information wars, PR and world politics / N. I. Panarin - M., 2006.- 127 p.
2. Maslovsky E. M. English-Russian dictionary of a personal computer user. 13. "NezavisimayaGazeta" 11.1996 04.2000 13. Printing // Under. ed. K. Pobedonostseva - M., 1993.
3. Gibson R. Radio and Television Reporting.- New-York, 1991.
4. Jones R. A Life in Reuters. - London, Hodde and Stoughton, 1951.- 216 p.
5. URL: 15.11.2018
6. URL:
7. URL:
8. Voitsekhovich, Konstantin Alexandrovich. "Associated Press News Agency in the conditions of the modern information market".- M., 2005.
9. URL: