Научная статья на тему 'Historical background of the need for the formation of mobile buildings'

Historical background of the need for the formation of mobile buildings Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Nogaibayeva Anara, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

The appearance of mobile buildings dates back to ancient times and is due to the need for the movement of people of that time along with their housing. At the present stage of housing construction, the problems of the formation of mobile buildings considered from a completely different perspective. The concepts of the level of housing comfort and opinions on the problems of creating an optimal environment under conditions of mobility are changing. This article discusses the historical background of the need for the formation of mobile buildings.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Historical background of the need for the formation of mobile buildings»



1 2 Nogaibayeva А. , Samoilov K.I.

1Nogaibayeva Anara - Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, Undergraduate Student;

2Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich - Doctor of Science in Architecture, Professor, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT, SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract: the appearance of mobile buildings dates back to ancient times and is due to the need for the movement of people of that time along with their housing. At the present stage of housing construction, the problems of the formation of mobile buildings considered from a completely different perspective. The concepts of the level of housing comfort and opinions on the problems of creating an optimal environment under conditions of mobility are changing. This article discusses the historical background of the need for the formation of mobile buildings. Keywords: mobile housing, yurt, wigwam, container buildings.

Buildings of modern architecture are increasingly moving away from the tectonic quality of their image, which has given those centuries of stability. In an attempt to achieve constantly changing realities and in a constant rush and search, architecture incorporates more and more qualities of mobility: it becomes transformable, dynamic, adaptable, interactive and moving [1]. Because the need of the population to arrive outside urban conditions and as far away from civilization and the availability of comfortable living conditions does not lose its relevance, as it did many centuries ago, there is a need for a deeper study of the history of the formation of mobile buildings. People of our time feel the need for sleep and food, protection from cold, heat and danger, as well as our ancestors. In ancient times, nomadic tribes moved from place to place due to the change of seasons, wars between settlements, hunting season and other political factors. In our case, people go to nature in the role of tourists and researchers, as well as in military emergencies or due to natural disasters, when nature itself destroys civilization [2].

Architects and engineers of each time and each new generation, at one of the stages of the achievements of the new scientific and technical revolution gave their conceptual proposals of human habitation with a possible future or alternative present. Nowadays, of all the ideas laid down in the concepts of mobility of these theorists, only a small part of them used in practice [3]. Stages of development of mobile structures, as well as any such processes, have their prerequisites associated with sociological and historical roots. Mobile buildings appeared in ancient times, and used as the best option in severe or unfavorable climate or with any specific features of the population. For example, at the beginning of our era, the Romans used mobile building for military purposes. The same type of buildings were during the reign of Genghis Khan and the conquests of his successors. In this case, more relevant precedents of mobile settlements are the dwellings of Mongolian and Turkic groups [5].

Different environmental conditions were often the reason for the change of place, in this regard, mobile structures on wheels, collapsible and transformable had value in the conditions of ordinary life. The surrounding flora and fauna, as well as the relief and landscape of the surrounding area influenced the type of economy of the tribes, and formed a sedentary or nomadic type of life. The tribes living in the steppe hunted wild animals for food. For this reason, they later began to engage in animal husbandry, and move from place to place during periods of depletion of pasture resources. Thus, the nomadic way of life was formed [2]. In addition, the prototype of mobile modular buildings can be considered small houses made of wood, which were in demand in England and Scotland of the XII century. They were made as separate elements that are going to with little effort. If the territory was unsuitable for domicile, it is easy to dismantle and transferred to a more favorable territory [6]. The history of the development of residential buildings, the evolution of their formation in the environment can be associated with the definition of their two main types - mobile buildings (on land and water) and capital buildings (real estate). Mobile types of housing were typical for all nomadic tribes inhabiting the

vast steppe territory from the Carpathians to East Asia (Cimmerian, Sarmatian, Huns, Turks, Tatars, Mongols, etc.). The peoples adhering to a semi-sedentary lifestyle used portable houses in parallel with the construction of permanent dwellings (Persians, Hittites, Scythians, Bulgarians, Magyars, Khazars, Pechenegs, etc.) [7]. The peculiarities of their culture and way of life have left their mark on the types of dwellings and their forms. For their homes nomadic tribes used readily available at the time materials. Existing at that time building materials influenced the type of structural systems of buildings. For example, as the basis of the construction of the hut used tree branches or animal bones; for the roof-the skin of killed wild animals or leaves of plants, etc.And the first geometric shape used for the formation of buildings was a cone. Nomadic settlements were characterized by a flexible planning system and compositional structure. As an example, it is possible to give the kurenny way of the organization of mobile settlements existing till the XIII century [8]. For a long time people lived in these buildings and formed a permanent type of housing: Hera and yurts (collapsible, on wheels) and temporary-a type of housing that was used in certain periods and at different times of the year (tents) [9].

The tents of the Mongols were simple in design, stable and easy to assemble and disassemble. Depending on the shape, they were divided as four -, six - and eight-sided. Special attention should be paid to motor homes. This type of mobile buildings was formed in connection with frequent wars and attacks on settlements. Such houses with yurts installed on them were very maneuverable, and were used during the nomadic life [10]. There are many examples of mobile buildings from the history of other nomadic peoples, such as the Chukchi, Yakuts, Tatars, Kazakhs, etc. one of the most complex nomadic dwellings is the Central Asian Yurt. The peculiarity of such a dwelling consists in the presence of lattice walls, poles composing the dome, holes on top of the dome for daylight, ventilation and felt coating. However, different peoples yurts have their own differences in the design and form of organization of space.

At the same time, the indigenous peoples of North America, Northern and North-Eastern Europe and Siberia used different types of mobile housing: yaranga among the Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks and Yukagirs, etc.; chum among the Sami, Nenets, Evenks, Mansi, etc.; and tipi (among the Indians of the Great Plains), consisting of poles covered with deer skins, birch bark, mats or bark [7]. The main types of mobile buildings that existed at that time: Yurt, yaranga, chum, tipi are frame structures, round in plan with a hearth placed in the center, differing in size and coating [7]. As history shows, in the process of its development, mobile buildings were the most optimal solution in the harsh, unfavorable external living conditions and were associated with the peculiarities of life and housekeeping. [11]. As time passed, the living conditions of people began to change. Gradually began the transition to a settled way of life, and changed the type of housing: yurts were replaced by wattled huts, dugouts, log cabins, etc. depending on the conditions of the area. That is, basically, this type of housing disappeared, but the problems of creating mobile buildings periodically appeared in other aspects [4].

There was a significant pause in the development of mobile buildings. It received a new round only after the first scientific and technical revolution. These processes are directly related to the formation of new zones of attraction of resources of the population and the appeared technical means of their movement. The analysis shows further development of the mobile buildings and their position in the overall structure of the settlement generated by the time dependence of the place of residence-means of transportation-mobile homes persists, and leads to the fact that the area of mobile buildings grew steadily in the direction of enhance extreme external environment. The range of factors (natural and climatic, technical, economic, environmental) determining the use of mobile buildings in relation to the conditions and the complex of tasks solved with their help is also expanding [11]. At the same time, the range of potential consumers increases, which is formally divided into the following groups: public, social, private and special. It can also be noted that each period of development of mobile buildings has the quality of prevalence of one group of factors of influence and potential residents over others, which takes place against the background of their growing differentiation. But the basic principle determining the use of mobile buildings remains the "principle of limited resources" - that is characterized by limited territory space for life, time, resources, etc., and the "principle of variability of conditions," the mutability of space, external and internal conditions. Together with the above principles in the concept of mobile buildings begin to identify the foundations of future development, that is, its qualities of adaptation-adaptation of


buildings to the external, primarily natural and climatic factor, the stock of structural materials in the area, as well as to the goals and objectives set by the consumer in front of the building. [12].

With the beginning of development of the Metalworking industry there was an opportunity to replace wooden constructive details with metal. Since mobile modular structures in the beginning were unusual for ordinary people, the first buildings were used for commercial and warehouse purposes. Prefabricated housing was developed much later. Only after technical difficulties and availability of technologies were overcome, it became possible to take into account many consumer needs in the production process [13]. High demand for modular buildings appeared in the late 1940s and early 1950s, after the end of world war II. At that time, conditions were created that contributed to the development of technologies for the construction of mobile buildings. The post-war period and the unstable real estate market gave people the opportunity to overcome the psychological barrier and dispel doubts about prefabricated structures. Modular residential buildings were predominantly better in terms of Assembly times and the ability to move to new locations without much difficulty. On the territory of Europe, for people who lost their homes as a result of the war built housing estates, places of trade, camping and other facilities of the present.

In this case, the following advantages of mobile buildings in the role of housing and office space are highly appreciated: practicality in use; affordable cost; a large selection of projects; efficiency of construction of houses, which is important at the stage of development of the real estate market; a large variation of finishing; the ability to quickly dismantle and transport to a new site [14].

Block containers were especially actively used for temporary seasonal use, in addition, they completely solved all household problems at oil and gas facilities, geological and construction sites. These modular houses allowed to reduce the amount of expenses. The main advantage of these prefabricated buildings was in the operational account of the needs of users when necessary infrastructure in these areas and the possibility of rapid portability of these homes to other areas[6]. In our country, the very concept of mobile homes appeared when in 1950-60. when developing remote areas, providing other construction projects, laying railway tracks, there was a need for infrastructure facilities. Without the construction of temporary dwellings, the development and development of remote regions and lands would be impossible. Prefabricated housing, or rather, the production technology developed in two directions: wooden houses of full readiness, used for temporary housing, which were based on metal; houses for other technical premises and cabins in the form of block containers [15].

Nowadays, the organization, and with it the problems in the organization of mobile homes are considered in a completely different aspect. Due to the fact that scientific and technological progress is gaining high rates, the very concept of comfort of housing, the view on the problems of human habitation in mobile conditions has changed [9].

At the moment, we can safely say that civilization has given stability to architectural structures, making them capital, but despite this, the need for mobile architecture has not disappeared. And there are reasons for this.

First, as it turned out, we still have hard-to-reach and underdeveloped areas on the planet, where there is a need for the construction of housing, especially mobile. Secondly, people still have a great craving and need to travel and move. In connection with the increase in the level of motorization around the world, the mobility of the population has increased accordingly. The number of cars in our time every year becomes more, for example, 1 thousand people in Russia-294, in Monaco-908, in the United States - 802 cars. Life in megacities and large cities pushes people to strive more and more for travel and nature. In this regard, mobile homes began to gain popularity, namely in travel and in the country vacation.

Thirdly, due to the increased frequency of emergency situations (emergencies): various natural disasters and social upheavals (wars, military conflicts) - every year the number of victims and refugees increases. Because of this situation, prefabricated housing is required, most often temporary, which can include mobile housing[16].

The basic principles of the transition to the use of mobile housing at the same time remain unchanged: "the principle of limited resources" - the limitation of the proposed territory, living space, resources, labor, time, etc.and also "the principle of variability of conditions" - a variety of places,


different internal and external conditions. The first of these principles corresponds to the choice of various types of mobile housing (type, types, applications). The second of these principles relates to the characteristics of the mobile home, determining its adaptability, interactivity and transportability[11].

In the market of mobile housing construction and application of these types of mobile housing in different regions have significant differences. Among those countries-the main producers of mobile housing, in addition, they are among those countries that most use all the advantages of these houses in the form of cottages, country houses, tourist campsites, hotels are the United States, Britain, Germany, Spain, etc.and also gaining momentum adaptation of vehicles for housing: to equip the house in buses, in cargo containers and in the bodies of trucks [17].

In recent years, the use of prefabricated mobile homes (especially container and frame, panel) for temporary use, alternative accommodation and suburban and suburban recreation (in smaller numbers for use in tourism) has increased dramatically. In addition, the development of a completely new direction in the structuring of mobile homes is gaining popularity, providing a completely different environment for a person — a mobile home of atmospheric basing. At the moment, the houses created in this direction serve recreational purposes, have a military and scientific purpose[17].

At the moment mobile housing includes the following development trends:

1. to direct all efforts to improve the mobile home with a variety of additional features, which are primarily aimed at raising the level of comfort of this home;

2. introduce and expand the use of mobile housing for the organization of temporary population or expand opportunities for modern urban areas (for example, " Guest city»);

3. introduce new trends in the field of computer systems in mobile housing and complement them with elements of intelligent management;

4. to make the maximum efforts for transformation of volume of dwellings and its internal arrangement;

5. to develop such a modular system of housing (its equipment, technical characteristics, various structural elements, while trying to preserve the freedom of making various changes in the design);

6. implement the development of mobile homes aimed at the arrival of these homes in different natural environments, such as environments with increased extremes (ocean, air, space);

7. to develop an individual, easily portable Autonomous housing that could meet all the needs of life support of people in extreme conditions[11].

In the long-term plans of the mobile home, the creation of an improved version of the home with an increase in the direction of cybernatization, housing management systems and transformational characteristics.

At the moment, the country is gaining momentum mass production of various elements necessary for housing, as well as for industrial and mass construction. However, as experience shows, progress in construction can not fully meet the needs of different sectors of the economy. One of them in the mining industry, namely oil and gas (in teams of drilling and operating in the villages of various parts), the industry non-ferrous metals (towns, mining), forestry (in villages which are in the province, in the databases of various teams), etc. In the industry associated with construction-linear structures of different types of pipelines, roads ), in the construction of large buildings and hydroelectric power plants (special teams for training in the construction of reservoirs, etc.). As well as in agriculture, in homes inhabited by seasonal birds: various field (far fields which are populated only in the tense days of agricultural work), different types of annuals and winter breeders (usually located on large areas, also including various types of grassland), the camps for fishing and hunting (deer database teams, etc.). And the last in science-including in themselves motley species scientific-research expeditions: geological (settlements brigades, settlements expeditions and exploration parties), archaeological and meteorological and others. in this group also can be include scientific expeditions, associated with space and underwater world[ 18].

In Russia and the former Soviet Union, especially in the Northern parts of the country, mobile homes were densely populated. At first glance, it seemed the right decision, but as in any system there were flaws. They were related to the fact that the industry was directly dependent on the industry, which were engaged in the construction of housing for temporary stay. This situation had a disappointing result, which arose due to the one-sidedness of the research, due to the fact that industrial production


had power over the social aspect. In turn, mobile homes were used as one of the options for construction

and also in the tourism industry, which were popular in the United States and in Western Europe and

gradually developed in our country.


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